Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.
The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ
30th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
One more response from the Department of Social Care dared the 16 Dec so postal strike affected. I’ll wait now until next week just in case a few more turn up. 👍
Howard Lamb
28th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why was there such a big gap between 1770’s and when slavery was abolished in the colonies? Good question. Best guess would be Parliament lost the USA because they did not want to comply and they didn’t want it to spread to other parts.
I’m sure it will all be in parliamentary records showing what roll the capitalists played in the 40 to 50 year delay.
Wow. What next, stress relief in the commons? 🥂😇 Politico article – Rishi Sunak raises alarm over ‘concerning’ behaviour of British MPs abroad
Howard Lamb
27th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Just sorting out my New Year’s resolutions.
The main one is to stop reacting to being called a racist, just because I’m white. If I was American, I could see the value but as an English man I can’t.
Let’s look at the facts. King Alfred stopped slavery in the, prob 6/7th century when the union was formed. Magna Carter confirmed we were all free men, in the 1770’s a court case freed all slaves in our islands. Parliament bought the few who were here and released them.
Capitalists continued the trade in our colonies but that stopped in the early 1800’s and we policed the oceans to stop the worldwide trade and lost over 2000 Sailors in the process.
So, we have no reliant history.
The Windrush generation were accused by union members of stealing British jobs, ironically the same thing happened to slaves in America when the rednecks lost their jobs to them.
This theory that we automatically are racist because we used slaves does not hold water.
We put our own children down mines, up chimneys, drummer and cabin boys, transportation for criminals and work houses for the poor. Press gangs for the navy, long list of parliamentary abuse of their own people, but we were free. Prob why we invented the industrial revolution through labour shortage as could not have slaves. Poor minimum wage and dreadful conditions. Prob why so many emigrated.
America broke away from the union and kept slavery until the end of the civil war. Even during WW2 there was black and white segregation. Kids were bused to school into the 1960’s and longer in some states. A capitalist Mecca, whose only rule is profit.
I feel better for getting that off my chest. 👍
Exactly if we are a racist country why are 20 % or more of British people not ethnically white. Derrr.
Always the odd ahole but all creeds and colours have them. 👍🇬🇧
Why did we need the Windrush generation? Because we had lost hundreds of thousands saving the world from tyranny during two world wars, I expect.
Capitalism has always been at the bottom of slavery, Egypt, Rome, the Americas, via Spain and Portugal as well as USAx3. Slaves escaped to Canada to be free men. 🤔🤔🤔
I noticed the 4th Reich put their hands up over there roll in Africa this week. ✅ Yet it was our Brits who stopped the global trade. Not how Hollywood shows it. 😂😂😂🇬🇧
No what I am saying is the average Brit on the street has no blame, capitalists and Parliament is a different matter that persists to this day.
Every average Brit tightening their belt yet Parliament and the 1% are still creaming it. Bloody Normans again. ✅
Well you can’t say you want to keep slavery so make up some rubbish about tea tax. The American revolution was after the 1770’s court case to show all men are free, but not in America. ✅
Howard Lamb
23rd December, 2022
Dear Patient,
I wish you happiness and joy for the Christmas season with my good will to all of humanity. Well not the dinosaurs in Whitehall Cabinet Office of course.
By now, hopefully, they are aware of their sins in Christmas past, present and are clueless as to what to do in the future.
If I had my way, they would be toasting in the fires of hell for eternity for what they have done to sensitive kids who do not conform to their norm. Nothing for you young people as we grassed you up to Santa for being naughty.
Having diagnosed and worked with these children I cannot describe the anger and hostility I have for the ruling class from what I have seen them do to vulnerable children and then blame the mothers and try and make their lives as difficult as they can, sitting as judge and jury, abusing them and power, with no ability to make complaint heard.
Me, I’m having a couple of days off then back to the clinic to sort out all those who fell apart running around sorting the festive season for their families. Then do as much damage as I can.
Justice should rule, the scales should always balance, and they haven’t for the kids for ever.
We have made huge inroads into the ignorance surrounding those on the spectrum but much work still to be done.
I hate writing letters because each can take me days, where 5 mins on the phone to someone would be enough but when you have been ostracised, there is no chance of that. Hayho.
I’ll get over it I’m sure. 😂😂😂😂🇬🇧
Merry Christmas from all at the clinic 👍💋
Text to a friend:
Full on day Christmas Eve. I don’t expect to be out of clinic before 2. Then some elderly out patients so should finish about 6.
Home bath and bed for me. Out for Christmas lunch at a carvery and a steak house Boxing Day so no shopping needed. Job done. Hope you have a good un.
PS still working on my woke, apparently by changing arsehole to inappropriate is the way to go. People will not get the same message, but you will not offend the offending A hole. 🤔😇
I’m still working on how to pin point the right person in a mixed ethnic society but where there’s a will there’s a way.
Dear person of specific colour your being inappropriate. Apparently, that’s inappropriate. You can’t win.
20% increase in billionaires in the pandemic years. Then it’s loan sharks to fund Christmas for countless others. article – One in three UK billionaires bankroll Johnson’s Tories as tax breaks for big corporations and the super-rich nudge £100bn
No, I am slowly taking to woke. We’re famed for being polite back in the day, so just starting another cycle.
Howard Lamb
21st December, 2022
Dear Patient,
12 of the 15 did not show, that’s re emails to top people, some who were in a position to look at what happened in Parliament to allow this to happen. Still waiting on research for my ICC letter which now carries the names of the no shows and contact details for the Met. Feeling a bit flat that I could not get it all out before Christmas but better late than never.
Text to a friend:
Of course the cover up is ongoing. Three responses in a day to push me back to education when it’s the SS that’s the problem. ✅
We did something. Yet the kids will not get any benefits. i.e. diagnosed through questionnaire and no education for teachers to know how to deal with them. 👍
Why do they want you to go to education? Well once in their system they can listen to themselves via their paid staff and experts, then blow me out. All tickity boo after all. 👍🇬🇧✅
What about care commission? In theory they should be on the mother and child’s side. In reality they will not bite the hand that feeds them, so to speak. So will fudge and deflect to leave fog in the channels.
If it fails and is exposed, they are all in the mire, for woke of a better word. For not noticing it’s all going on their shift, covered up by predecessors. Prob why nobody has answered me or my complaints. ✅
What about the Met? In theory they should investigate and not just me. Only time will tell. 🤔
Is that so. Ok. Care is back in the equation and time will tell if they truly have teeth. 💋
Springer Link article – A 26-Year Study of Restraint Fatalities Among Children and Adolescents in the United States: A Failure of Organizational Structures and Processes article – Alarming number of children being restrained in UK schools
About time. article – Restraint and use of force
Howard Lamb
19th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Clock ticking, nothing to report except I am still waiting on research. If it doesn’t arrive by Wednesday, my open letter to the investigation department of the ICC and others will have to go between Christmas and New Year.
I’m still hopeful. I expect everyone will be on holiday till the first week of Jan so no rush.
Where do we stand? As the accuser the boys and girls in blue will have asked some very awkward questions with limits on time for answers.
This is not how the gov normally works.
I expect the PM will be blaming his predecessors to cover his arse. The others will be blaming the Cabinet Office for miss informing them. The Cabinet Office will be blaming the civil service for wrongly ticking boxes. And on and on. What a mess.
They are so used to covering everything up it must all be a bit of a shock to them, having to tell the truth. 👍😂
None of it matters as it’s all in the parliamentary records.
Which gov did what, how budget was formed etc? Who was responsible, committees Lords etc. rubber stamping. Yet the kids still suffer.
Exactly that. Covered up until either statute of limitations clicks in or redacted paperwork in the national interest has to be released. Look at the bloods, illegal war, Liverpool fans, I’m sure you can add to the long list. Child abuse at homes all over the country, teen girls or any rape victim. How many pages of them do you want?
A disgrace, simples. ✅
Historic child abuse has no limitation. 🤔🥂😇
Let’s face it, who can remember a gov not using red herrings and lying to cover up. That’s a large part of what they do. Defo time for a change.
Howard Lamb
17th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Ready just waiting on some research for email address to Court of Human Rights, World Health Organisation etc. to be cc’d with my opening shots to the ICC. Far too many c’s. 🤔
Let’s face it, if they covered up Saville anything is possible. 👍😂😂
If I had to sum it up. Autism. A spectrum of colours, not just the one. Getting lighter and brighter if helped in the right direction and darker to a dark place in the other direction if handled incorrectly.
Often not the child’s choice.
Ignorance and assumption rules.
Change is on the way. 🇬🇧
Will that do? Ignorance, to what they are doing or have done, on the assumption it’s somehow ok.
That’s the woke limited edition. 😇
Howard Lamb
16th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Just finished meeting with mother. Went well and we have agreed what needs to be done.
We also talked about what’s to be done with the council who constantly white wash complaint and do not comply with the ombudsman. Luckily she has pdf’d everything and can be forwarded at will to show what happens when you have embarrassed the council. Press, tribunal, MP, ombudsman’s won. Threats of judicial review by judge at tribunal and to get her son housing after non diagnosis and subsequent abuse. Mental and physical.
Prob not going to be a happy new year for them. 👍😂😂
With the Mets involvement how is the regulator, Gen Chiro Council and BCA going to respond under questioning.
Good question, hard to explain their actions, noncompliance of complaints procedures, removing me from register wrongly, then re-registered under the exact same CPD. Cover up and finally x communicated from the profession.
I would love to be a fly on the wall for those interviews. 👍😂😂
Yep, if you have covered up, you have perverted justice and children suffered because of their actions.
I expect the blame game is in full swing by now.
People will DOB each other in to save their bacon.
It will end up at a few doors who will have to come up with justifications for their actions.
Can’t wait as have all bases covered. 👍🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
15th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I’ve set up a meeting with the mother for tomorrow so we can go through the responses.
So far it looks like the three who have, are in a minority on a 5 to 1 ratio. Yet they should have all responded.
So not free flowing and being controlled. 🤔
Does not give me much confidence that anyone is going to do the right thing.
I hoped it could all be done through professional channels rather than go to the crimes commission.
When reputation, career and pension is on the line you can’t expect justice at their personal cost.
I’ll let you know how my meeting with her goes. ✅
Yes of course the police could turn it back on me as some twisted individual just trying to do damage and follow the party line and I get nowhere and end in a blind cul de sac.
So still on course for an email to ICC, cc’d to the Met.
Good idea, I’ll get the no shows named on the internet at the same time. 👍💋
Howard Lamb
13th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
I received three emails today. Responses from the Sec of State for Education, Chair of Care Quality Commission and the Commissioner of Police who has referred to the Met.
Three down and 12 to go.
I will read them over the next couple of days, waiting for more responses.
Hopefully a step in the right direction for Justice for Autism. ✅
Howard Lamb
12th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
On face value, everyone will have ticked their box, and everything looks correct. Then you look at the mother’s paperwork with the correct diagnosis and they have avoided most of their protocols and procedures to make it work.
Those at the top know what they have done so have made sure it does not get anywhere by covering it up and covering their tracks.
If you have covered it up, you are perverting justice, and the ramifications are very serious to those individuals.
Once you start to lie you have no other course but to continue or be found out.
So that’s roughly we’re we are. Guilty as charged but have the power to avoid responsibility. Which is what they are doing now. What a world we live in.
In May of 2012 my diagnosis was autism (now clarified as high functioning) ADHD, mild learning difficulties (dyslexia) and post-traumatic stress. Confirmed by the NHS after he was 18 when the council had no responsibility for his education and well-being. More restraints in that time have caused more damage.
But who cares just another scummy naughty boy who deserves nothing. 😡
The whole system is at fault. It’s not just happened to one child.
If you don’t diagnose them, you don’t have to spend money on providing the correct facilities.
So taken out of often good households they are disrupting and isolated with a minder.
What they put these kids through is unprintable.
What’s worse is the gov knows and are protecting themselves rather than stand up for justice.
That’s a very interesting thought. All goes back to Blair, the cuts, blame culture, illegal war and Maastricht.
Once in Europe we had to tick their boxes for alignment. So, if our gov has done it to our kids it should be the norm across the EU.
I will try and point that out to them.
The highest diagnosis rate in Europe was Switzerland, a Non-EU member. 🤔
Done get me going global as far too depressing.
Howard Lamb
11th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
A couple of days of reflection to work out where we stand and what should be happening behind the scenes.
My complaints have not been dealt with over a number of years both professionally or through the Cabinet Office, Prime Minister and Attorney Generals.
Yet two MPs have had the whip removed over complaint. Must be worse than shipman for my complaints not to be heard. 😇
Based on a council, found out at tribunal, for misleading the courts and badly affecting a child with special needs, who they had neglected and abused, physically and mentally causing post-traumatic stress which was intensified with each restraint.
15 of the top people in Britain have received a letter of complaint, on the record, and are over halfway through the correct timing of these matters.
A copy of their names and positions will be forwarded to the ICC in time for Christmas with my opening broadside.
The PM has not responded to my letter and after being chancellor already knew about the negligent neglect of special needs. 👍
The site following is growing and the knowledge I have gained is out there as a gift, well it is Christmas after all.
Them, getting ready for a Christmas party and time off. Knowing full well they cannot be held responsible.
Howard Lamb
9th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news as yet. The PM is past his dates to respond yet complaints have to be dealt with. As seen by the press clip I’ve put up, what should happen with complaint.
I know they haven’t complied because the attorney generals contacted, and prime ministers still have the Tory whip. Oh yes and no change in the Cabinet Office or Privy Council and Garters (Blair etc).
How do these kids get justice and stop being abused if those who are responsible have the power to cover it up and pervert the course of their lives?
Looks like I will have a busy run into Christmas, I don’t usually celebrate as there seems to be a lack of good will to mankind.
That’s what happens when life is viewed by bigots who break laws, cover up and protect reputation. 👍🇬🇧
Text to a friend:
Don’t you have to complain to the police before anything happens? One of the emails with 37 attachments was to the police over two weeks ago.
Defo no cover up then. Just like the parties at no 10. If you don’t send out the questionnaires you can’t get anyone into trouble. 😂😂😂😂
Well, the ICC will see all the paperwork and the mothers and mine will fill in the deleted gaps. ✅🇬🇧
The ICC may take years, how will that help the kids being abused now?
More than one way to skin a cat. Defo will not be flogging a dead horse.
They need to be ship shape and Bristol fashioned and going with the wind and tide. Or will end up, tits up in the rocks due to fog in the channels. 😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
7th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please see the letter below and attachments sent to my case.
Dear …………….
I am writing to inform you that four successive Prime Ministers, one Cabinet Secretary, the General Chiropractic Council, and the Regulator have not complied with the rules and regulations over alleged abuse of vulnerable children who are put at risk.
This clear cover-up and abuse of power cannot continue otherwise we are in a dictatorial state and not in a Parliamentary democracy.
I have only asked for compliance as all other professional do by standard procedures, but this has not happened in this case.
In the 12 years of my case study of Child X, diagnosing and treatment, I have learned much about how the system has been twisted and is biased; yet nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions. Please read the attachments with letters from 2017 to our current Winter of discontent under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
Any help that you can give so these children and adults finally get justice for the abuse they have received will be gratefully appreciated.
It is too big to fail so when it does it is covered up and spun.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention to this urgent matter.
Yours sincerely,
Howard Lamb
Dear Prime Minister 1: Dear Prime Minister 2: Dear Prime Minister 3: Dear Prime Minister 4: Dear Prime Minister 5: Dear Prime Minister 6: Dear Prime Minister 7: Dear Prime Minister 8: Dear Prime Minister 9: Dear Prime Minister 10: Dear Prime Minister 11: Dear Prime Minister 12: Dear Prime Minister 13: Dear Prime Minister 14: Dear Prime Minister 15: Dear Prime Minister 16: Dear Prime Minister 17: Dear Prime Minister 18: Dear Prime Minister 19: Dear Prime Minister 20: Dear Prime Minister 21: Dear Prime Minister 22: Dear Prime Minister 23: Dear Prime Minister 24: Dear Prime Minister 25: Dear Prime Minister 26: Dear Prime Minister 27: Dear Prime Minister 28: Dear Prime Minister 29: Dear Prime Minister 30: Dear Prime Minister 31: Dear Prime Minister 32: Dear Prime Minister 33: Dear Prime Minister 34: Dear Prime Minister 35: Dear Prime Minister 36: Dear Prime Minister 37: Dear Prime Minister 38:
We have received confirmation from the others that they have received it.
Let’s see what happens now.
A Labour one as well. 👍✅🇬🇧 Guardian article – Conservatives remove whip from MP Julian Knight after complaint to Met
Howard Lamb
5th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news, what a mess. If they had listened and not just blocked, under PM May, how much closer to justice would we be?
Instead, they blocked and covered up for years to save themselves. Causing damage to thousands more children then manipulate the situation to their advantage and do nothing without responsibility for these actions.
This morning I nearly chocked on my cornflakes after reading Sir K’s new plan to get rid of the House of Lords. Gordon who gave away our gold, then set the city up to cash has come up with a stunning plan. The Lords and Crown are there to stop Parliament running amuck. Take them away and we are closer to a totalitarian state. Much cheaper to have a dictator. ✅
I notice nothing said about social cares under funding and the plight of those on the spectrum.
Normal politics. Red herring and lead them down the garden path whilst they grab more power.
Text to a friend:
Last time Labour was in we went to war illegally and gave all parliaments power to the EU without a vote. Then all our MPs had to do was tick boxes and showboat. This has become very clear since Brexit. They also dumped poor people and went for the centre votes.
Always in the history do we see the truth.
So may is to blame? Not that simple. Prob never got to her as a serious issue. However, someone in the Cabinet Office blocked it and set the tone for what was to come. This was before Case who is just following the party line to pervert justice. Hope that gives you more clarity.
Clear influence from Privy Council to be able to do so and cover up across the board.
Well Penning and Cameron set the tone back in 2012 if being pedantic. One step at a time. 👍
Howard Lamb
4th December, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What do I hope the emails to important people will achieve? Off the back of the independent inquiry about not reporting abuse, they should forward it on to the CPs, the correct committee, police think tank etc.
Why did I send it to Case? All people where cc into his email. I expect he will try and lever all to his mindset.
Well, if he has covered up till now, he will not want to be exposed.
Due to the importance of their actions, I’m giving them 10 working days instead of 5 the norm, for first contact, for professionals.
Then I’ll put cases letter and attachments up, and the cc’d who did not respond. 👍
My opening letter to the ICC should be on their desks before Christmas or after 20 working days for full response.
Don’t get me on the subject of Case. I believe the offensive n words was coined for those of the same colour (USAx3) who oversaw the master’s command.
If the title fits wear it. 😂
Could be seen as racist my arse. Politically incorrect maybe but politicians do set a very poor example. 😂😂😂👍🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
2nd December, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news still.
Nothing from the PM or his office or first contact with all those I have emailed. How can they possibly say there is no cover up.
Let’s see what happens by Monday. Then we will move forwards again.
They clearly think that they can get away with it by trying to ignore the facts. 🤔🤔
After the abuse of these children for over 20 years and perverting justice, what else can they do.
Text to a friend:
So much for democracy and the free press.
How is this possible, what went so wrong? Unless there is an independent investigation we will never know. 👍
Howard Lamb
29th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Just talked to my friend up in Scotland. Apparently, Scotland has the longest waiting lists for AS diagnosis, according to a tv program aired this week.
Even though her child has been diagnosed in his teens, the schools staff have no training in dealing with spectrum kids. What a mess.
The ones who go off the rails end up in special schools at 4 to 5k a week and are still not educated just suppressed and restrained. More lives ruined.
Diagnose early and have properly trained staff and parents. It’s not that hard. Diagnose not label. 👍
Well, gov in a difficult position. They know what they have done and are still doing and have covered it up. Defo perverting justice. So cannot put their hands up without a visit to the clink. Tends to explain much.
Yep, as happened to Child X. We have the full paperwork. Not an isolated case but the blue print for most of them.
Too big to fail so let’s just blame the kids and move on. ✅
Yep, prob why they have never asked for our paperwork. 👍
Howard Lamb
27th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Well you explain why they don’t diagnose under the age of 6. They might grow out of it, and don’t want to label them. Then blame them for being naughty then blame the family.
Doesn’t make sense. Unless you have a small budget. 🤔
We did the best we could but not our fault, it’s those scummy scrounges trying to milk our system. Prob why they don’t want an investigation.
It’s a bit like the old style Christmas lights. One bulb blows and you have to check all one hundred to find the one at fault.
If you don’t transit from learning to play by yourself. You don’t learn how to interact with others. Then they can’t grow out of it.
Howad Lamb
26th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Good question. If many autistic children can be DNA gene tested at birth, why is it taking years for a clinical psychiatrist to get around to diagnose, especially as a simple questionnaire can give a basic diagnosis? Incompetence or much, much worse. You work it out. ✅
Why would a gene conformation help so much? Parents know what they have and accept that the norm for autism is different to those who are not autistic. Education on how to communicate and educate child in early development. They can catch up on what they have missed as often very bright but need the basic building blocks to learn how to learn.
Each age of development is important. Terrible two’s learning how to play, age 3 start to learn how to play with others etc.
If you don’t learn to play with others at three you are stuck on one, playing by yourself. Sound familiar? 🤔
Exactly, they learn by being shown how not just expected. 👍
Howard Lamb
25th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No response from PM or emails as yet.
I have not put a sample up on the net. Same letter to each just the name changed.
One was to Case and his will go up, the others who have a choice, to ignore and help pervert justice, or chip in for change and justice.
I’ve spent some time with the family today. Mother exhausted, long running battle with council, won two ombudsmans and still has no heat in her house for another winter. Long, long story. Luckily, it’s all well documented and will go to Europe to show how the council deals with complaint and breaks the law at will. Remember if you are naughty and complain you get nothing.
Justice for autism and their families. ✅
Do I expect a positive response from the gov? Behave, they are politicians.
Saying you have been responsible for child abuse and covered it up will not win you votes.
I expect they are strong arming those who got the emails to hold the party line and ignore.
Perfect for me, my opening broadside at the ICC will show I have exhausted all avenues etc. ✅
Howard Lamb
24th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
It’s been a busy week. About 15 emails have gone to important people with 37 letter attached.
Clear evidence that they have been told of the illegality of restraint and the mental damage done to autistic children to save money.
It will go up in time, I’m finishing another letter over the weekend that will go to Europe.
Justice for autism. ✅
Howard Lamb
20th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Well they are hardly going to put their hands up, they is politicians after all.
What should happen? Start again. All those who have been tarnished should not stand at the next election. The next election should be late spring. To give the parties a chance to pick some winners for a change.
Those who have been tarnished can then face their crimes without parliamentary privilege and joining the real world. That way a good affective gov should be in place before the justice is served.
Clearly my time and the families neglect should be compensated for, and lessons actually learnt and acted upon. 👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Tarnished or just not much good as an MP. Or in the jungle or working in a tax haven part time. (withers) 😂✅ So prob be six hundred new members.
What’s the option? More of the same and kids traumatised for life.
PS Sir K wants to abolish the Lords and have them voted in. Unknown invisible people doing a tough job now canvassing for votes. Twat.
Investigate all members of Upper House and chuck out the ringers. Job done.
Educated, experienced. Old highly experienced people doing the work for the greater good, just like it should be and not how it was or is.
Howard Lamb
19th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Exactly, the kids are caught in the crossfire.
Whilst the gov is covering up to protect their arse. Nothing can change for the children because someone would have to admit to getting it seriously wrong, otherwise sudden sweeping changes, that would be necessary, would draw attention and need explanation. 🤔
That could go horribly wrong. So, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Tough it out and we will be ok.
Well, what about the innocent, ruined lives to save reputation and a good stretch.
Rick the comic had it right but pleural B’stard.
Yes PM was 40+ years ago when the Ten Commandments and the 7 golden rules still applied.
B’stard was a good reflection 25 years ago.
Due to woke you could not get the modern version on the box at all. 😂😂
Really! Prob why they will not communicate with me in a professional manner.
I had not thought of that. Derrrr. 👍🇬🇧✅
Howard Lamb
18th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Oops. JS Miller Solicitors article – Perverting the Course of Justice
Prob why they have avoided an independent investigation. What do you think? 🤔
How many people involved? We will never know for sure until it’s properly investigated.
Prob hundreds in Parliament and thousands in the civil service over the decades. That’s why it’s too big to fail. Mark you they have just built a new posh prison, perfect timing.
The ripple out effect of covering it up is huge.
Why have the media been so slow to act? ✅
Where were all the watch dogs? Prob having a kip.
Long list.
You work it out. Baby P findings and changes made? If that had happened the Regulator should have stood up for a chiropractic patient. 🤔😡
Kip, what you do after a subsidies al a carte lunch with a bottle of wine or two and then go back and whip a few minions, then nod off. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
PS Why austerity again, not our fault? ✅
Cancelling HS2 would cover the Tory black hole, or heart, a key rebuild the country plan. South already covered. Connect up the north would help to rebalance with the south. Half cost at least and fill the black hole with the rest. Simples. ✅
17th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news. This perverting the course of justice is having a major effect on countless children with special needs who are and have been damaged by the system to control budgets.
I expect that when they look at the balance sheets, they don’t take into account human suffering.
They clearly have no interest in justice or fair play.
Well, where there’s a will there is always a way. ✅
A crop of emails with 37 letters sent will go out soon and I will start to spread the net to see if there is any decency left in government and its mandarins.
Text to a friend:
Justice for autism. They have been told and still no justice, hence perverting justice.
Simples. 👍
Howard Lamb
15th November, 2022
Dear Patient and friends (text to friends),
My journey really started in 1982 when I found a genetic/brain stem malfunction linked to autism.
This tied up with my HIO training and made sense. By rebalancing the atlas and axis causing a mechanical rebalance of the who structure through antalgia. Could it help to reboot the brainstem and restore functioning autism. 40 years later the answer is yes and no. Most the children I have treated have improved but never normalised and the improvement varied from child to child.
Dealing with any stuck birthing reflexes helped also in the ones who went down that route. Educating parents on how to deal with their child, pretty much like the information I put up about 10 rules to help the education process for autism. Just because you are autistic doesn’t mean you can’t move forwards, but society will cause multiple blocks which mentally restrain the child. They end up trying very hard not to do something rather than the correct way round.
The mother has looked at everything that could and does help improve her autistic son, from NLP and clinical hypnotherapy through to vortex healing and much in between. Which now makes her highly qualified.
The key is not to traumatise them in the first place and understand why they behave the way they do and gradually encourage them out of their shell. Restraint does precisely the opposite and causes them more damage. The child will only feel safe if one on one. Stuck in a class of 30 will not go well for the majority. Once out of their protective shell and with positive input they can excel. Restraint puts them in a dark place which with their obsessive behaviour will keep them there until they are able to move forwards. Defo not what our national curriculum is all about.
Diagnose early, genetically at birth would be a start. Educate the parents as AS kids cannot be handled like their other children.
Let’s cross reference that with what happened to this Child X. Could not verbalise/dyslexia and put into a mainstream school without any specialist help or one on one. All in the mother’s paperwork.
Apparently putting children at risk and blaming the mother for his bad behaviour is standard procedure for many councils. Each new school and placement tried to normalise him, but he was already normal for AS. Them, you don’t get anything for naughtiness. Child I just want to escape and did regularly as the police records will show. Never the council’s fault, just another damaged child from some scummy family. He was blocked from diagnosis until 18. He did not suddenly become AS. Move on as we have more sensitive children to damage. Another square peg rammed into a round hole or brick in the wall.
Howard Lamb
PS Mother not qualified through understanding professionals in each profession but has the highest qualification to practice.
Clearly not a bad mother. The Asperger father has much to answer for.
12th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I expect the PM is too busy to deal with naughty kids.
After all it’s easy to COP out.
Still no news. 😡
Howard Lamb
11th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
The patient who very kindly has run the justice site is off on a trip of a lifetime and is away for a month. He will update from time to time so there will be gaps.
The research that I have been waiting for will be available next week and a plethora of emails with my 37 letter will go to people at the top.
If told about child abuse and do not act etc.
The list of names and a copy of the one letter fits all and letters will go up in time.
This week I have covered how a naughty boy, taught one on one can be a valued team member and work in a unit.
The website shows how easy it should be to pick up these children in need and how the council will avoid diagnosis as has not got the facilities.
PM, there are none so blind as those who will not see.
Text to a friend:
The little music to pictures clip of our trip, well beyond my capabilities.
Last evening sitting with Edd and child having an end of trip beer. Child played with his phone for five mins and the clip appeared. Both of us were stunned. I didn’t even realise it was possible. 😂😂😂
Old git just pushing buttons, me. 😂😂😂
Why so many photo’s
Proof is in the pudding! Sent real-time on phones Defo not photo shopped. 👍
Lucky I can use dear patient. Could you imagine, To ladies and gentleman, those of nonspecific gender or sexuality, all creeds and colour, spectrum and Uncle Tom cobble and all.😂😂
An autocrats. Dream or eurocrats for that matter. 😂😂😂🇬🇧
Why has the civil service expanded so much. Well size matters.
More people under you the more power you get.
All you have to do is change the emphasis to those who achieve most for the least with client satisfaction i.e. us. With independent overview. 👍
Then Bobs your uncle in a non-abusive way,
Howard Lamb
10th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I’ve just got off the phone to my friend up in Scotland who waited years for her son’s diagnosis. NHS had failed to diagnose but a private company did. This information was not shared with the NHS or school. Nothing changes, he is still taught by people who do not understand his condition or have the facilities to do so. She did get some leaflets to help her and suggested the diagnosis would help with airports etc.
I see that teachers and NHS staff will receive some training re autism. But at a level that will not make the difference these kids need. Gov has done something now move on.
That’s a big no, as it’s a total disgrace and harmed thousands effecting the rest of their lives negatively and been covered up for decades. Avoiding responsibility for the damage they have done.
What should the PM do? Good question! He can’t say he did not know, as Chancellor he had to know, as a cabinet member, he had to know.
So, it will be hard for him to change course without dropping himself in it up to his neck.
Too big to fail and has so just cover it up and move on!
Big need for change.
First the child needs a diagnosis. NHS article – Advice about school, choosing a school for your child
Helpful tips for teachers but not possible due to non-diagnosis and no real teacher training. Teachers Tool Kit article – How can we support learners with autism?
If you have no clue how to deal with an autistic child and force them to comply with the norm, you create a Child X.
That’s ok though because you can blame the mother and walk away from your responsibilities. ✅
Howard Lamb
PS Due to severe shortages of trained staff and facilities kids are not diagnosed.
Then it’s a vicious cycle. If you don’t have autistic kids. You don’t need staff or facilities. ✅
9th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Not how they are taught in schools. Very Well Health article – Visual Thinking and Autism, How Visual Tools Can Help People With Autism Learn and Thrive
Check out autism news. They seem to have worked out why families with no history produce autistic kids. ✅
I’m a visual learner and was failed by education and ended up teaching myself how to learn, hence my doctorates.
Howard Lamb
7th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Education, education, education.
If those from the top to the bottom do not understand autism and how to for fill special needs, what chance have these kids got?
Blame and restrain by unqualified careers is not the answer.
It’s the blind leading the blind and then ticking a box.
Education must start at the top, which is why I’ve written to 4 PM’s and a Cabinet Secretary. 👍
Why have they not responded? It would show guilt. So, cover up is their only answer.
Just wrong.
Howard Lamb
5th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Rods in, nice dinner. Early night and then fly home tomorrow.
A tough week for numbers but cats to 100 kg and carp to 40+ is an exceptional week by most standards.
Always another trip. 👍😂😂
Howard Lamb
4th November, 2022
Dear Patient,
Just updating you, cat was 101kg or in British 222lb.
Water temp dropped 6 degrees overnight and cats prob will not feed actively till next week. Not helpful, so switched to a fifty pound carp for the second half of week. Bit short so far but caught two nice thirties from the boat. 👍
Howard Lamb
31st October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the PM, The Right Hon Rishi Sunak.
Howard Lamb
29th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Now away for a week, off catching monsters.
If anything crops up or contact is made with the office, I will let you know. 👍
Gone fishing.
Howard Lamb
26th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What a day. Letter to the PM done and will go up once it’s arrived. Next week whilst I’m away with Child X, a series of people will be getting the same letter with all my letters to the PMs and Case.
Once I’ve talked to my Euro buddies and get home refreshed and raring to go, if no contact from the PM I will move things along further.
Since Maastricht the EU ran our country. Our politicians only had to showboat for the telly. No need for talent but sheep who do what they are told to do and rubber stamp.
Brexit changed all that but the low grade of politician we had voted in did not cope well. No Brexit conclusion, pandemic where public health England and Handcock failed (34 billion in waste yet a couple of billion would stop them from abusing children, blame everyone, muddy the water and avoid all responsibility being there way forwards).
It’s defo a time for change. 👍🇬🇧
Have you noticed how Sir K has not come up with any solutions to the countries and world problem. Him and his pit bull Rayner (is it) need to explain how they would deal with all of our social and national problems long before the gen election that the Tories want to limp to, and hope things are getting better.
The history of the Spanish flu was it came back in wave after wave and we are still taking jabs to control it, followed by the Great Depression and Wall Street crash leading to the Second World War. So, unless there is change history will, as it always does, repeat itself.
Luckily, I’m never depressed and deal with problems. I bet half the gov on legal anti-depressants let alone what else.
MPs are used as common fodder and replaced by those who can follow the party line or follow due to the whip.
The question has to be if the civil service or gov are not in control, which unelected people are? 🤔
Who are the other letters going too? Loose lips sink ships. I’m a scientist through training. What happens if we do that, then see what happens? Prob get back that they do not deal with individual cases so sod off. Or no response at all. Added to the case study record. ✅
Howard Lamb
25th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
New PM in under a week. Makes you wonder why it took months to vote in Truss, whilst the country fell apart.
I’ll put a welcoming letter into the PM and others either just before I have my break or as soon as the office can whilst I’m away.
I don’t hold out much hope for justice as Rishi was Chancellor who underfunded social care and had to know what damage it did.
Text to a friend:
What do I think the new PM will do about non and wrong diagnosis which is leading to kids having their human rights revoked and abused by a system where there is no complaint? Good question. It depends on how deeply involved he was in the cover up I expect.
We will soon see, no response would say volumes.
Howard Lamb
23rd October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a Friend:
Why Penny? Well Boris and Rishi were involved in costing how much social care budgets were and knew what they should have been. Then did nothing and covered up.
They will try again if Rishi gets in.
Howard Lamb
22nd October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No the Truss letter was a hand grenade lobbed in at a wrong time for them. I told her to do the right thing and she did. She’s gone but the hand grenade is still live.
The independent report on abuse just finished the week with a twist of the knife, buried deep into the beast, so to speak. If you read it, 183 million to come to similar conclusions though mine was more comprehensive and I didn’t charge the country anything. 😂
They don’t want to admit child abuse and ruin their finances.
Who going to pay 100k to listen to anyone involved with child abuse. ignore it and it might go away.
Let the kids suffer through their whole life, as the damage done, lack of treatment and understanding, they will carry the trauma received to the grave, usually sooner than most, often by a long way.😡
It’s just so wrong.
Some of these people need to be incarcerated otherwise they will never learn it’s not about self but the greater good.
Britannia’s Trident. Royalists and church on one side, the barons on the other with Parliament in the middle.
King and church are sharpening their prong. I believe the Lords are doing the same, leaves Parliament.
Fish in a small pond, Boris again?
If you do the same thing in the same way, you get the same result.
Boris could be drum up business minister and Richie at no 11. Penny has no black marks against her name, not a liar, no complaints. A charming person.
Tories need to heal not fight each other.
Penny for me. 👍🇬🇧
Not a tribute to Poseidon, for God sake why didn’t she have a canon under each arm which is why we ruled the waves.
Let’s give her a Greek gods tool, being Christian and only one god. 🤔🤔😂
Howard Lamb
21st October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Obviously no news yet.
Strange isnt it, all the PM’s I’ve written to have had to leave there posts but the plight of the children goes on.
I’m having some research done then I’ll push on again once I have the results. Busy week ahead then Child X and I are away in Europe for a week’s break.
Text to a friend:
Ok, Mr Case is still there and has lots of questions to answer as it’s his department who has blocked this case for square one. Muppets leave but the machine grinds on. 😡
Not just me then. BBC article – Child sex abuse: Failing to report it should be made illegal – major inquiry
Nobody can say I did not report it. You have to ask, why nothing was done? 😡🇬🇧
Is reputation so important that child abuse can be covered up if done by the system?
Text to a friend:
Well, if the gov doesn’t put its hands up and resolves the problem at the top end, nothing will change. Agreed.👍
Exactly, stop seeing them as scummy scrounges would help. They are only humans who need help. ✅
There is something very dark at the heart of all this. If you hold all the power and have no repercussions/responsibility for your actions. Power corrupts. That’s clearly happened here.
How do we expose and change it? Well, we are at a tipping point. Rome burnt and the Christian’s were blamed. Not this time. ✅😂
You trying to tell me they did not know what was happening? Of course they had to, to be able to cover up, time and time again. Derrr.
Text to a friend:
How would I change Parliament? Everyone’s vote should count. Proportional representation. The King should make the rules that opposition should be limited to opposition where needed and wholehearted involvement in running the nations for all the people otherwise.
Absolute transparency unless a national security issue but a proper one and red herrings off the menus.
Small change and attitude shift would get us back on track in no time.
The civil service needs a rest. They have been ducking and diving trying to stay up with our political elite. Must be exhausted.
Stability pays Trumps, not hot air or X president. 😂😂😂
With proportional voting we will finally have democracy.
If an MP is naughty, he goes ✅and the second place person takes over. Save a fortune in time and effort.
How it works in Parliament depends on the quality of person we vote in. Should not be based on a party of sheep.
We need to find special people who believe in the greater good and make sure they are not tempted by the deadly sins.
Well, the Greens and Libs would get a large amount of seats.
1 million green votes would mean 40 MPs rather than the one we have. A much bigger voice as we head into a hostile planet cycle of our own creation.
Howard Lamb
19th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How would turn over tax work? Back in the day commerce worked to a formula. Cost of production with a markup. Wholesale price with markup, retail price with built in markup. Used to be about 30%. So, each industry should have a formula so profit before the accountants minimal offering as tax.
Those who pay their fair share are being undercut by those who keep more than their share. So, sort out a formula and those who avoid tax can pay more until they pay the right amount and level the playing field. ✅
Take club logo shirts which cost a pound or less to manufacture and retail at £60 plus. Formula out the window as the public being ripped off.
So over charging should be addressed to bring down inflation.
What about loopholes and offshore? If stuck to formula and paid correct tax. The legal profit less capital gains may be used to offset further tax on it. 👍💋🇬🇧
Should Truss stay or go? Bless her, not in her wildest nightmare could she have seen what was coming. Well, some of us did? 😂
She is here now and the Tories should be pulling behind her for the sake of the nation.
She’s a puppet. As one comic put it, all smoke and mirrors. Never what you think it is but defo not right.
Do the few in control, control the country and do what they like without democracy or do the people have a voice? She is not one of the few so a side show in reality. 👍
Very good. Mr thatcher was never near that area with Mrs T. Old Truss has a whole hand there working the strings. 😂😂👍🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
18th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Done a bit on the green economy, what would I do as chancellor? Lift tax threshold to 25k. Increase benefits to protect those who cannot protect themselves. To pay for it I would bring in a turnover tax. All those who use cleaver accounting and offshore havens and paying a pittance in tax would have to pay 10 of turnover.
Take google, 10% of turnover is a lot.
The Japanese have a good system of banks etc. protecting national interests and allow the Bank of England to profiteer in the markets.
By putting money into the roots of society rather in rich people’s bank accounts will help the Treasury with money being spent and not stored in the markets as is now.
Scale down gov which would help cover the extra cost and save on pensions.
Armed forces. Full review of its capability and understand where their budget goes and stop the leakage of vast sums of money.
NHS. Strip out huge amounts of managers and civil servants.
Review drug companies’ profits and negotiate cost.
Doctors putting together work practices.
One condition at a time with the doctors. Treat the patient not one small part.
Long list.
Howard Lamb
17th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What would I do if in gov? The ramblings of a naughty therapist only as based mainly on theory interwoven with facts.
Green side. Water companies need to enter the power grid business.
The King experimented with a screw turbine on Windsor Weir. Would fuel 600 + homes. Prob 6k weirs that would support a screw turbine, estuaries, around the coast, multi billion pound industry which would finance a zero tolerance to discharge into our rivers.
The water should be cleaner on the way out than in.
Gulf Stream could be harnessed in the same way.
As long as the screw well geared it would revolve slow enough not to kill anything.
Short term fossil fuel with a filtration system and algae factories on site to again put back clean oxygenated air.
Mines could extract the air through filters and algae plan and recycled.
Long list.
Add clean air tech for homes and cities to extract viruses and pollutants.
Will save the NHS mega bucks long term and millions of days off and thousands of deaths. Another billion-pound market in the making.
If you put joined up thinking together rather than argue the toss over minor political points. You see a larger part of our global position rather than a torch up their own arse. 😂
I’m not woke or pc. How long would I last?
Howard Lamb
16th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No I did not mention Christ, Mohamed or the Indian religions.
Christian, Jewish and Muslims all had teachers and were anchored to the Ten Commandments. As for the main Indian religions.
People flying around in spaceships and using weapons of mass destruction. Very Orwellian but to close to today’s reality.
Bloody religion, look what the Roman Catholics did for my mates the Irish with the Norman barons. Left hate and division to some of the nicest people in the world.
Blame the English, everyone else has.
Yet it’s American, Japan, Germany who hold the records for genocide. America keeps doing it. Native Americans, Vietnamese, Arabian.
Land of the free who screws the planet to feed its greed. 👍🥲
I like the theory that God is female and created man to populate the planet and learn from his mistakes. 🤔😂😂🇬🇧
What about Russia? Putin played ball for years. A form of democracy yet sanctions were in place.
Same with China. Because they do not conform to the American norm, and like Russia an economic rival. Politics takes place and then you end up like we are now.
Yes, China and Russia are also responsible for mass genocide but at least it was within their own borders not like the others.
Our Parliament is not blameless, but not in the same league as the big five. Even the Romans pale. ✅
Yes I saw that, 70%decrease in wildlife over a relatively short period of time.
What do you expect. All rivers carrying sewage, hormones and pollutants. Air contaminated with toxic discharge. And gm crops, pesticides and nitrates contaminating the food chain and water table.
If we can’t sustain health populations of wildlife. It can’t be good for the health of the human race or mankind, womankind and those on the rainbow kind. 🤔
Is Mankind learning from his mistakes? Maybe in an alternate universe. Always in the history if you want to see what happens next, if you did not learn from mistakes.
I’ll give you a hint. Why did most of the global empires fail? Just two. Many more over the millennia.
The red revolutions ending the days of monarchs and emperors and bringing in power of the people.
Bloody French started all that, as celebrated on Bastille day. Viva la France!
Text to a friend:
Scroungers. If you look at estimated fraud from benefits to the estimated cost of legal and illegal tax loss. Hugely one-sided contest, the poor lose again. 🤔
Just blame them and keep them poor then they have no voice and no chance of change. ✅
Howard Lamb
15th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Poor PM. Spent months seducing the capitalist side of the Conservative membership, came in, put her plan in place and nearly bankrupted the country, in the middle of a huge financial crisis. U turn and sacked the Chancellor and then put Hunt in, who was in charge of the National Health during then not bothering to diagnose autism. What a mess!
Please read my letter to her which should have arrived today. If it hasn’t, not my fault that the post office is on strike. Prob not been listened to, I know that feeling. 👍
Text to a friend:
Rt wing, left wing. The edges of the spectrum. Neither work.
Rt wing or capitalist only interested in profit and hanging on to it. As little tax as possible if any at all.
Lt wing. Everyone is equal and profit is not in the vocabulary!
So, stay poor. Neither work for the people.
Rt wing use cheap peasants and no tax. Left wing no profit except for those at the top where power corrupts as it has always done.
Whilst greed and corruption is the norm, controlled by the edges of the spectrum. The middle ground does not exist, until it does, our planet is in jeopardy, and will not support life as we have known it.
Change is simple. But human attitude has to change first.
Just stick to the Ten Commandments, or the teachings of the Buddha or yellow emperor, as much off the world already does, and you can’t go wrong. Add truth and justice, and change would be automatic.
No not a religious zealot. Got band from Sunday school. I felt unjustly so. So got the God message and the lessons taught in the bible.
That Moses was a bit harsh. Disappeared up a mountain chiselled out the commandments. When he got back to Blighty, God had been forgotten and they were raving and orgying whilst on illicit substance. Praying to an idle of gold. Not much different to-day really.
I don’t believe he sits on a cloud but the message clear. The rules are there for good reason and capitalism is the false god.
I believe Moses happy for people to party and have fun. Jewish people I know have senses of humour as well. 👍
Just don’t worship false gods or it will end in tears.
The woke version of killing one of the tribes by pouring Molten Gold down their throats.
Apparently back in the 50’s God wanted you to sit still for long periods of time. That was never going to happen. 😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
14th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why did the autistic man act suspiciously and spent hrs looking at his hands? He does that when he is lost and confused which made the police’s actions so much worse.
His 80+ year old mother will try and appeal the SS’s decision to put him at risk.
The 13th has come and gone.
As expected, the council made contact the night before. A man spent 2hrs at the house and agreed with everything. It would cost the council over 60 to fix.
So, mother, received an email the next day saying they had no responsibility.
Ombudsman meant to have phoned the mother at 10 today, no show. 🤔
It’s as if the gov tried to deflect me to education and got the council to block the mother so there was no case to answer.
What times we live in. 🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
12th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read the letter that I received from the Department for Education
I have not responded to Dept for Ed.
Liz truss has a letter on the way. With the postal strike it will be delayed getting there so prob up at weekend or the latest Monday.
Howard Lamb
11th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
I have just received a letter from the Department of Education saying I should complain to SEN. Much the same as Boris did and May before him. Classic defect and defer. We have done something. ✅
I’m about to go into clinic so I will dissect it later and post it tomorrow.
Too big to fail so cover up on face value.
Text to a friend:
Just heard from a patient about her son. Diagnosed late, mother got him into assisted living, and everything has gone well for thirty years.
Due to cuts in budget, they are moving him without the help to live, which he is not capable of. His lone servicing parent in her 80’s is in shock and does not know what to do. Just wrong!
Text to a friend:
Why does the autistic man have to move? Had a social service person round who has clearly decided that he can look after himself with minimum help, he can’t.
So an unqualified social worker is making life changing changes to a mature autistic man without any technical qualification to help make her decisions.
It’s disgraceful in so many different ways.
He was in a residential area recently. He had spent an hour standing by a tree looking at his fingernails and hands. Not unusual for him. A resident phoned the police as someone was acting suspiciously. Police turned up and an officer decided to cuff him. Luckily a resident who knew him explained to the old bill about his autism and he was released. The mother who had been looking for him turned up and gave them a flea in their ears and rightly so.
But a basic social worker who saw him at his home where he feels safe, had overridden all medical information because in her opinion he was capable.
Prob only there for 20 mins. 😡
Howard Lamb
PS Our commercial gas bill has just gone from 4p a unit to 24 pence a unit. A rise of x 6.
That’s going to bankrupt lots of businesses.
What a mess.
10th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Who is blocking justice?
Huge numbers of people have read the justice for autism site.
I’m sure many people are and have written complaints on similar topics.
So, they can’t say an underling didn’t bother to show my letters to anyone and do not know anything about abuse.
Simon Case in charge of that side which is why I wrote to him.
Not even, your complaint is in a queue, we will get to you as soon as possible.
So Case is blocking. 3 Prime Ministers. Two who were told of child abuse and did nothing, which is a crime in itself. Then you have the relevant members of the Privy Council which over saw the system whilst child abuse was covered up and Truss who has 3 days to comply with her complaints procedure.
Prob explains why nothing has been done. 👍✅🇬🇧
Text to a friend:
What happened to the Templars once they had a safe base in Portugal? Spain gave a Maltese falcon of gold every year to support the Templars in Malta to keep the Muslims in the east and not let them attack Spain. By 1798 the French had removed the Templars from Malta. Spain was involved in the peninsular wars with France. The Templar fortune had been shipped to Switzerland and protected by the Templars back in 1307.
Their fleet from world trade needed secure bases and America was the perfect place. Already suppling slaves and other goods in return.
Masons bonded likeminded people etc. etc.
Through centuries of evolution, how great is their power now?
Likeminded people. America full of people escaping poverty, persecution and tyranny. Why else would you go? Wanted to make a better world.
Bit like Boris being an honourable gentleman. 😂
What happened years ago is not how it has ended up. ✅
Howard Lamb
9th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Kept quiet for 25 years.
How many more? Scottish Legal News article – Thorntons achieves landmark settlement in historic child abuse case
Howard Lamb
7th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news,
I expect truss is a bit busy at the moment. But she still has time. 20 days up mid-week. ✅
Eternal optimist in me hopes I don’t have push it further. The realist in me says they will drag it out for as long as possible. Then it will be another gov’s responsibility. 😡
Why not send another letter to Truss?
Check out Cabinet Office re complaint. Clear protocols and procedures.
No show means I just add her to the list of those in power who think it’s ok to abuse children, for the ICC.
Fri 13th Oct 1307 was the day the Templars were rounded up and tortured. So the 13th of Oct symbolically works. Templars to masons, masons to governments. Sort of poetic justice. 😂😂😂👍😇
Templar symbolism all over America from the Founding Fathers.
Can’t kill nice white Christian’s but everyone else is fair game. Slaves where heathen so fair game. Converted them to Christianity but they were not freed.
French/Norman king strapped for cash fighting the English. Templars loaded and not paying tax as under Pope.
Templar fortune had been moved offshore and safe.
Templars went underground and took over Portugal who ended up as a large trader in slaves.
It’s all out there, just needs putting together.
Text to a friend:
Where do we stand? Well, when you look at all the press coverage on abuse in care over the last 12 years and the increased deaths due to austerity, it paints a fairly grotesque picture
Did the gov know? Unless unbelievably incompetent and even then there would be huge doubt. Their ideology is at the bottom of it, don’t reward naughtiness and blame others to cover up. Hundreds would have been abused today, prob thousands. Restrained, bullied, mentally scared. The same tomorrow, and the days after.
It’s wrong because their human rights have been removed to allow it to happen, so they or their families have no voice, and the juggernaut moves on.
Will I write to Truss again? After 20+ letters to 3 Prime Ministers, I really can’t see the point. Mother has asked me to wait till the 13th Oct before I ramp it up a gear. So she has had the councils response to the Ombudsman.
What will I do then? Behave, loose lips sink ships. 👍😂
Why is the Ombudsman so important to the case? It will show one way or the other how they avoid breach of multiple complaints and gone back on their word.
The worst thing is they know what they have done and are doing still, having covered it up to save themselves at a huge cost to children/adults with special needs.
How do I know that the system has been normalised, so the kids are treated the same in all facilities run for care? Seen it first hand, horror stories from people who have been through it and communication from people all over the country.
Writing letters this weekend, ready for the off.
If Truss contacts me, it will be last min, court room steps type situation only act when you have no other options.
Howard Lamb
6th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
It’s all about rules, they break them time and time again. Boris twisted the system so he could bend the rules to his advantage. Truss is just following suit.
If they avoid complains over child abuse what else have they been up to?
Text to a friend:
I think the Con party needs to speed up its election process.
Mordant v Spiv (Sunak) email vote for party. Start your new job next week. ✅
We can’t do 3 more months of no gov so a party can vote in a new PM without an electoral mandate.
Agreed someone is taking the piss or worse. Don’t worry about the peasants they will do what we tell them to do. Wrong. 😂😂
Why Mordant? She was Tory party choice till the MPs changed the Tory party choice. Sunak as chancellor and PM mordant who will bring a calming influence and a physical presence for media. City prob be happy having someone who knows the ropes back in charge, he was right, and Truss and Chancellor where told repeatedly she was wrong. Did not listen and look what happened. She will do it again, political animal leaving her mark, but not actually understand the ramifications.
In Celt time she would have been killed by the clan and a new chief voted in.
More advanced civilisation in many ways. Actions speak loader than words and look before you leap, failure not an option on peril of death. Now it’s cover up old chap your one of us now, the untouchables.
Howard Lamb
5th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
In the press today was an article about 335k extra deaths due to austerity, between 2010 and 2019.
Add the extra deaths due to covid and our huge waiting lists at the NHS, that’s a lot of people.
Many more than Brits killed in both world wars and without a shot fired.
If the conservatives are happy with that, abusing kids is child’s play in comparison.
We take absolutely no responsibility but get a knighthood.
There is something very wrong at the heart of all this. 😡
Read it yourself – Guardian article – Over 330,000 excess deaths in Great Britain linked to austerity, finds study
Text to a friend:
What would I do about benefits? Double them for those with needs and prosecute all those who make illegal claims. You know them, wife off long term with stress. 😂👍Husband in the cash economy. House full of relatives, all claiming and working for the family business.
Luckily these are not the majority. It was much harder to fiddle when you had to sign on weekly, was it?
Same with car theft, fraud and burglary. If there is no chance of being caught how you going to stop it?
Label them all as scroungers and doc everyone’s benefit to lower budget, when the cost of government has spiralled out of control. That’s conservatism for you.
Think tank results. You are doing a great job in the face of all those naughty people ripping Britain off. So do not reward, in fact make their lives much worse because they are just scum, not nice people like us. ✅🤮
The law-and-order party. More crime now than ever, fewer prosecutions than ever. We had riots which showed Cameron we needed more police, we have less. Only laws seem to be, don’t fight in the streets, kill people or glue yourself to a bit of tarmac. Otherwise, we will turn a blind eye. 👍👍
Trusted with economy.
An ethnic Nigerian at the chancery. (no. 11) Let’s give money to rich people and claw back from the poor and get away with austerity for another decade whilst we can afford the best.
I mean Boris spent over 100k on legal advice to avoid the fact he is a lying little toe rag. Paid for by us.
What do we need thousands in the Cabinet Office if you are telling the truth and everything works like clockwork. Let’s face it they can’t even do a complaints procedure, so what do they really do?
Besides getting pissed.
Strange, upset someone on Facebook and within hrs a PC Plod will turn up on you doorstep by magic. Didn’t turn up when burgled and robbed but speak your mind and you are in trouble, so much for free speech. State run controlled media to suppress the people, not exactly what democracy is but prob what a parliamentary one turns out to be. when you erode all the controls and make complaint virtually impossible, you’re on a very slippery slope to totalitarianism.
Four legs ok but two much better. Just another brick in the wall.
Howard Lamb
4th October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Got home a bit early. So did a bit more on the net. Panorama is head and shoulders above the rest with multiple exposure of abuse over a long number of years.
Why has it not changed? Nobody cares. Just damaged people, what can you do, so don’t bother wasting taxpayers’ money.
They don’t diagnose, put children at risk, handle them as naughty, make them worse, confine to homes or prison, don’t supply support and do not bother to train staff who are there to make them comply.
Several other media outlets have chipped in over the years with excellent reporting, time and time again, one home gets closed down but the care formulae that they adhere to continues in all the other facilities. All normalised by gov regulation.
They are happy to abuse those who can’t fight back and prob don’t vote.
When pulled, to then cover up what they know to be true. Criminal.
Well, I did tell the Major General with my first letter to the GCC. If you do the same thing in the same way, you will get the same result.
I did also mention he had underestimated our potential. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
3rd October, 2022
Dear Patient,
How many more cases are there? Hundreds, naughty people get nothing except abuse. Community Care article – Police open investigation into abuse at mental health hospital revealed by BBC
Text to a friend:
Just done a quick search on net and found dozens more going back years.
Defo a crime against humanity. Maybe Truss will do another u turn and expose the truth.
I bet pigs will fly first.
Oops terribly sorry but we have been abusing kids to save money.
See what I mean. ✅
What is the gov going to do about it? The minimum to cover arse. Well, we can’t change what has happened. We will lose some money from budget by making a small change and discuss what next to do after the election. Move on.
Truss has already avoided responsibility for the mini budget. Blame someone else.
We are talking about the criminal abuse of people of all ages with special needs, not just autism. People need to be charged or the system will keep grinding them down.
If you are in care and the abuse is from carers, you have no safe place. What sort of mental health issues will that cause? Traumatic stress for one. I’ve seen the damage done first hand. 😡
Why do carers abuse? Pay peanuts, get monkeys, I expect. Two days training at a very low level but hot on restraint, might have something to do with it. Absolutely no understanding of the child or person but you must comply. Then falsely report blaming the child or person. An absolute disgrace to our nation.
Exactly, they know what they have done. Covered up child abuse on a mammoth scale and then covered it up again and again. How can that not be a criminal act?
You have to ask what their doctors were doing? Counsellors, psych care. Complaints procedure. Long list. All expensive professionals. So let’s do it on the cheap and make them comply to the system rather than keep them safe and understand their needs.
Blame the children and save a buck.
Will not win an election so let’s try and spin it and come out ok. Heroes even.
Well, you are dealing with politicians, many needing a scruple transplant. ✅
Text to a friend:
Proteins broken down to amino acids and are not stored by the body. Milk proteins elevate AA levels for four to five hours. Everything in the body is built from protein in different AA structures. Regular protein. Digestion should be regular and cover all essential AA’s. Nervous system cannot develop properly without essential fatty acids.
When the body is short it robs Peter to pay Paul by stripping what it needs from good structure to fill the gaps.
Basic science. AS children often will only eat certain foods which will not allow for normal health due to the limited availability of essential building blocks.
Vicious cycle after vicious cycle.
Blame anyone but the professionals who weren’t there for them.
What the body does not absorb is then stored as fat to be burnt as energy. The body has no storage system for proteins, excess triglycerides or oils again are stored as fat and can replicate vit d from them, but the rest is burnt as fat or stored for burning.
No, it doesn’t mean you have to eat protein every 4 hrs. Once the protein is absorbed by the body and the length of digestion time is taken into account. Most protein digested and absorbed through the evening at rest and then the body is loaded and ready to go during sleep where the majority of damage relate takes place. Carb and some AA breakfast and lunch with vits and minerals.
Regular fluid intake and you will live to a ripe old age. As long as all essential nutrients are involved most days .
Howard Lamb
2nd October, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Once the child had been diagnosed by the system (NHS) i.e., high functioning AS with ADHD and mild learning difficulties, add mine of post and continuing traumatic stress. Even a social worker could work out that he had been handled wrongly i.e., a rigid structure where you get nothing for naughtiness and one on one with a minder, to restrain if the child is naughty, breaking their spirit so they conform to the norm. Rather than engage and help over early difficulties until pathways connect better and the child thrives.
How could they get it so wrong? Ask Teflon. ✅
When a ton of paperwork only tells you he is a naughty boy with bad mother. And it’s a wrong diagnosis you have to wonder why it has gone so wrong. Where were all his safeguards, who cared for him? Yea, mother of course as the system was hellbent on diagnosing him wrongly so he would toe the line. It only made him and his situation worse. What they put his family through is unforgivable, chronicled and my side up on site. ✅
The child has missed all the early development and interactions where kids learn to play then interact etc. from the terrible twos till puberty. Basic skill sets, limited reading and writing skills. Then dumped into a world he is not prepared for.
Hasn’t gone well but the council who are responsible and deliberately put him at risk, get away scot free.
Something needs to change as the same thing is happening again and again as the new cannon fodder, enter pre-education, and the cycle goes on.
I tried to work out how many children this has affected since Blair. At fifty thousand a year that’s over a million now, tends to explain why we have a million on unemployment benefits who can’t hold down a job. Let’s just ignore them and have those nice refugees from Albania fill the gaps. 😡
If the country is employing all capable people and have to rely on immigrants, how can we be in recession and huge increasing debt? Something very fishy going on there then.
Follow the money back to the good old, our best mates. USA x 3 if you are looking for answers.
1770’s English court case said all men are free. Changed the law in Britain. Then the American revolution who kept slavery and then ignored the blacks who got dumped out of their unpaid jobs later on.
By 1810 we made it illegal around the empire. Why did it take 40 years? Because Parliament was scared of losing further colonies so upped transportation to cover the short fall in Labour. At least 55 years before USAx3 did but had to go to war with the plantation owners in the south. Then it was all the UK’s fault.
Biden’s red neck Irish we’re free men when they left for the States. 🤔
Back in the day Parliament bought the few slaves in Britain and gave them their freedom. Imagine what that would have cost worldwide. Income tax was very low. ✅
The black x slaves could work but for next to nothing. No real change there until the unions made headway after ww1, prob not affected the black community until the 60’s militant black power movements and the end of segregation like South Africa.
All about money, power and control to keep it, game of thrones but the real time global version.
I do believe at times our parliamentary structure did work for the greater good but could have done much better. Blair was about his own good, full stop. ✅
The irony of Biden’s hate or Kennedy senior, is that the Irish invited the Norman’s into their country to stop a dispute. Then the Normans took control and got rid of the Irish elite and run the Irish as peasants. Just like they did to us after 1066. All my fault of course as a English peasant. Derrr.
Don’t give a sucker an even break.
Pay the black slaves little, do not educate, segregate. You have a low educated work force who breads in captivity, so you have more cheap labour. Add harsh control and the KKK and you wonder why they have the hump. ✅😂😇
A big grey area for me is how the Irish flourished as a Catholic country when Catholics were burnt as witches during Tudor and Stuart rule, worse after parliamentary control in the 1650’s. By the Puritans, bless them.
How many less children would have been abused without the catholic faith? Which was used to keep people poor and saintly so they would not rise up against their masters.
Did the Irish suffer more than the other home nations, or France, Spain etc? They were harsh times run by harsh people who were often deluded. 😂😂😂😇
Poor and saintly. If they weren’t kept that way, who would go to church like you see today in the richer countries? The church needed the peasants and belief to exist. Mmmm.
2000 years after Christ they are still at it in poor places around the world where they tend to their flocks of sheep, that think prayer will change your life.
On a personal note, I believe it can, but you have to do the donkey work to get brownie points for heaven. You are either a good or bad person, going to church or not. Fight the demons of temptation or don’t. It’s all personal choice. I would just like to see justice for actions on earth before the fires of damnation. 😂😂
All you have to see is that capitalism is the world’s new religion where anything goes to make a buck. Or save reputation. 👍
Capitalism biggest Ponzi scheme there ever was.
Nothing would have changed without the Magna Carter. Freemen as they were not pc for another 900 years. 😂😂😂😂
Biden’s Celtic roots go back I expect to cotton and tobacco picking which is why so many Irish and western Scots went to America in the first place. Only to have their paid work and keep replaced by slaves. No wonder they have the hump. I believe they have interbred to become hill billies and red necks. No expert but makes sense.
And what did USAx3 do for the native Americans/Mexicans and why did slaves have to escape USAx3 to Canada. 🇬🇧
Land of the free. Bollocks. Only after genocide and enslaving the world to capitalism.
Slavery in India still goes on, exploited by big business and traditional going back centuries. Not my fault. We gave you the game of thrones but under the rules of what’s good cricket, old boy, don’t you know. 🇬🇧😇🤔😂
Nobody is perfect, perfection is strived for.
Commerce and capitalism two different things so not a communist, if democratically voted for what’s the difference between communism or capitalism when only one is in control and red buttoned up? Russia, China and America. Mmmmm, let me think that one through.
Dangerous as minimum catastrophic about mid-way down the scale. All on different agenda whilst the planet becomes uninhabitable within a generation. Whilst we watch on.
The planet needs a plan. Then who would implement it? A plan without politics but for the greater god.
Have we evolved enough to do it right yet, or will climate change reset us back at the beginning of the cycle and we have to start all over again? That’s what history has taught us.
What’s the answer? You can’t find that until it’s talked about. Only then can action be taken.
We can manage the planet. We already have the science.
Where’s the short-term profit? Capitalism needs to change ethos and direction, then it will work. On paper. 😂👍
I expect capitalism means that one company gets small fine for polluting then another makes a fortune trying to clean a bit up. Who is going to rock their boat? Golden Goose Syndrome. 👍
PS should have been interbred, not inbred. But they did marry cousins, just saying, 🤔😂😂
Howard Lamb
30th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I have been trying to work out how many weeks Parliament and gov has actually functioned this year. What with no Prime Minister, funerals, conferences, Tory Party elections, whilst the country went to the dogs.
All about them and their power over us, defo not the greater good. 🤔
Truss has an impossible task. For a new gov, it will take months for new ministers to understand the complexity of their position, let alone be able to full function, as their educations will severely limit their abilities.
Biden being a white surprises Irish. Has an axe to grind as you can see by the Pound, advancing USAx3 and reminiscing our ability. A Jimmy Saville special relationship, not one of friendship.
Putin about to change borders and then defend them as part of Russia and will use tactical nukes to save the motherland.
China wants to polite the planet. Long list.
Popped down the road earlier and lots of 11 and 12 year olds were waving banners and chanting save our planet. Impressed or what. That sort of thing not normal for Hertfordshire.
I expect the SS reported delinquent children not supervised by bad mothers. 😂😂👍🤔 The mothers were chatting over a cappuccino in the cafe. Whist keeping an eye on them. ✅
Re woman definition, listen to some prat on the tv which explained the whole problem. He believed this that and the other. As a normal person who expects normality I can see where he was coming from.
Point is that it’s what the individual believes, and his ranting was just wrong opinion because most of us do not fitful his criteria for normal. After all, normal is the full spectrum not just the average for the statistical norm. ✅
Why was the GCC avoidance of protocols and procedures so important? I drew all paperwork back and cross referencing with what should have been done in comparison to what the paperwork said had been done.
Did they put the child at risk? ✅ If you ignore the play book and just blame, that’s a big yes.
Everywhere I went, rules say this is what you should do. Paperwork could not back up they did anything.
Once you start lying, you can’t stop, or you will be found out comes to mind. Clear cover up of the truth and damaged the child. ✅
Remember I was sued for not taking an X ray after an alternate understanding of the rules or protocols and procedures.
I showed I defo had been in the framework and as patient had been referred back to doc in a reasonable state of repair, which would not have happened with multiple myeloma. 👍
But if I had not won the case it would have had serious ramification. Yet Herts can ignore the lot and nothing happens. Defo two sets of rules or the same but spun for the elite.
Howard Lamb
28th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Oops. BBC article – Keir Starmer speech: Labour leader to quote Tony Blair in pitch for power
Text to a friend:
How does the gov get out of this mess? Good question. 🤔 If new Labour did the damage and it was rubber stamped by each successive gov till Truss. Truss must draw a line under it or she will end up in the same quagmire that the others dropped themselves into.
It is important that this concludes as children are still not being diagnosed, teachers are not trained to teach them. SS blame them for being naughty and the children are illiterate and traumatically stressed because of the way they are handled. No chance of any normality in life just more trauma because they have never been able to cope.
I’ll send a clip from the Beeb where Sir K is trying to follow in Blair’s footsteps ✅
Truss can always blame the GCC for miss informing and Blair for starting it, to get off the hook.
We will see, she is into day 11 of her 20 working days to respond.
Well, you can imagine what the GCC have said to cover up not complying to the change of protocols and procedures after Baby P.
Why did they not comply? I believe the answer will be within the Privy Council. It’s the only thing that makes sense 🤔
Text to a friend:
I can’t believe how much time has been spent on what is a woman.
Here goes. 👍 A woman is a human who believes she is a woman. Same for men i.e., a man is someone who believes they are a man. The confusion comes when the belief and the body does not match up. Men with vaginas women with penises. Then you have men who only are attracted to men and the same for women. Just like autism, you have the norm, and the rest are on the spectrum.
Bottom line if you believe you are a woman you are a woman for all intense of purpose. Whether the collars and cuffs match or not. Just because others have different beliefs should not matter because you are who you are and can’t comply with the norm.
With autism it’s the same. Brain washed to be normal when you are not then blamed. Like racism just another form of bullying. Let’s just accept who we are and move on. 👍😇🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
The norm would be a large chunk of the average. Those who do not comply to the norm are still human but have different truths and belief. Same applies to autism, racism etc., the minorities are not catered for as the system run to its own norms.
Simples, a stoned Lennon. All you need is love.
Howard Lamb
27th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news yet.
I’m filling in my retention for the GCC re CPD which has to be in soon. It’s based on communication with patients.
I’m good at that but it’s seems that my message has not got through to those in power yet.
Persistence pays with patients. Let’s hope the same thing happens to the powers that be in.
Howard Lamb
26th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why is Tony so important? Well, if you are going to corrupt the system you need people in place to cover up in the Privy Council. Prob why the Cons did not see it.
By the time they worked out I was right they were too far down the road to change.
It’s all educated guesses working off solid facts. Only they know what’s been done and why.
Prob why they never wanted to give me any paperwork and right me off as a crank.
Howard Lamb
25th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Do I think the mini millionaire budget will push us down the path to bankruptcy? Good question. When I visualised it, we had a gov that had got the institutions out of owning debt. The banks and city working for the greater good and protecting the nation.
That’s not what’s happening. The clueless are leading the clueless down a blind alley to great harm for the nation so the rich can keep the power. Nero on the fiddle whilst Rome burns then blaming the Christian’s and crucifying them, comes to mind. i.e., if you don’t earn top money, you are worthless to the nation and need to be replaced by those nice immigrants who want to work. ✅
Entering the country illegally is a criminal offence. Fits in with the gov who happily abuse children to save a capitalist buck.
As with short sharp sock. You don’t reward naughtiness. Again, two sets of rules. Those naughty bankers caused 10 years of austerity. But are being rewarded. 😡
We’ve gone back to Windrush. Happy West Indians taking jobs from the indigenous white folk. Labour and the union’s membership were not happy with that. I am sure Sir K will explain it all at the conference. 😂😂😂😂😂🇬🇧
What will happen if an early election is called? For me the perfect result would be Welsh, Scottish and Irish assemblies working with Labour and the Libs. The Conservatives annihilated at the polls. 👍🇬🇧🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 Happy as all my ducks would be in alignment. ✅
All those new faces in Parliament would not affect its running, and let’s face it they are only following a plan then the wheels turn automatically. And they have nothing to beat except for col blimps and the ego of narcissists.
Exactly. The plan has to be spot on. The rules must be kept and full responsibility for their actions. Transparently without a shoal of red herrings to miss lead.
If you don’t use the correct software your computer can not do the job that it’s meant to do. Thank you for modernising me. 😂
What would my plan be? You are having a laugh. Who is ever going to take a naughty therapist seriously. 😇
Time and time it goes back to Teflon Tony. Immigration, over 20% ethnic population prob excluding illegals not on census and other aliens. Distancing the party from those who really needed his protection and severely underestimated budgets is what they got. Labour did not want to be associated with naughty people as is middle class now. Illegal war. Fanning city and selling our gold at market low. And I’m not a historian. 😂😂
Politicians have always used red herrings, but Tony took it to new depths. The blame culture where nothing gets done and no responsibility. On spin.
No vote Maastricht. Rubber stamp and showboat for the EU. No change in system as long as you tick your box. (At any cost? Prob sometimes)
No!!! You have to have a new plan that rectified the cock ups, puts things into perspective and has feedback to self-correct if needs be. Ours is held together with sticky backed plasters and recycled plastic bottles. Each workings to protect itself and make sure the box is ticked or the door slammed shut on complaint. 🤔
How does that work? Clearly doesn’t. They think it’s still legal for the system to abuse children and then cover it up for generations. Defo something very dark at the bottom of all this.
Time for a nice cup of tea. Well, that’s what we Brits do. Ok chaps stop firing it’s time for a brew. ✅
The Queen became obsolete after Maastricht without our vote. That’s politics for you. ✅
Well, once Cameron filled the Lords with Tories and capitalists, two of the tridents’ prongs were now obsolete or controlled. More and more security but allows crime and fraud to flourish to keep us distracted. Tied up on phones and taking days off to wait for people who couldn’t get to you.
Modern day life has become overly stressful with crap that can be sorted. But if you cannot admit to wrongdoing and cover up how can it change? Ground hog day for us AS ethnics. 😇
Howard Lamb
23rd September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Has the mini budget helped those with special needs? Prob made it worse. Gov reckons you should work more hours to cover inflationary forces.
When you have a Duracell bunny who is in and out of school, how is that possible?
I’ve seen the mother start to make headway in life only to be scuppered by her child’s mental health issues.
Others are full time carers for elderly parents. They are already on the bread line and 10% rise in costs means more debt and less heat, food, clothes etc.
One of the top richest countries in the world with prob millions in poverty. What a mess but it’s ok because they are just bad mothers and scroungers.
How did we get in such a mess? All in the history. Controls taken off the city. Banks took the piss and crashed, cons took over and bailed the banks out which caused austerity. Public health England screwed up the pandemic and our politicians had parties whilst the rest stuck to the rules in general.
War in Ukraine could have been averted but we needed a distraction so we could not see the mess we were in, and the war made it much worse.
Obviously more to it than that but as a rough guideline I’m happy. 👍
Exactly. More millionaire bankers equals more dropping below the poverty line. So, let’s let the banks earn more. Coining it from interest hicks and restrictions off pay. Conservative voters happy but not good for the greater good, if you get my drift. 😂
Text to a friend:
Mate in Scotland final got a diagnosis of AS for her teenage child, 4 weeks after she, child and school filled in their questionnaires.
Not that it will help because the teaching staff are qualified on teaching the norm. I assume that it’s just part of the diagnosis process. Is he high functioning or Asperger’s, or a bit of each. With or without ADHD.
Long list but each need to be handled differently.
Watch this space and I’ll let you know in real time what is happening. Prob take till 18 when then an adult and left to get on with it. 👍
Oh yes, didn’t I say. Mini budget not to balance out society but to consolidate the conservative voters to have a chance of re-election. Shameful really. 😡
Total scam. You have a million pound mortgage and earn over a million. Interest rates going up so tax rates for top earner get lowered. Interest hikes covered and a holiday in the Maldives.
Everyone else is running up debt and being evicted.
Capitalist conservatism don’t give a sucker an even break. ✅Truss doing what they did in 1930’s. It caused growth and wealth after the depression and Wall Street crash.
To make it work they got rid of a-huge amount of government and layers of red tape.
Can’t see that happening today, can you! 👍😂
Retrain half the civil service to finally become careers. 🤔
Howard Lamb
21st September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No news as yet. Another Prime Minister who thinks it’s ok to break their own rules and regulations. Covering up wholesale abuse of disabled children. The worse thing is whilst in denial it continues.
How do you get them to take responsibility and make the changes needed to stop this from happening again?
Money will be at the bottom of it. If we admit wrongdoing, it could open the flood gates to litigation. Shame on them as these kids deserve better.
Why so worried about the cost of litigation? Gov not covered by insurance, so money would come out of budget, so less money to do their jobs.
What’s the answer? Simples, criminal prosecution of those who created the system then covered it up. As individuals, criminal action
The system not responsible and then the new money can be spent on sorting the mess out.
The mothers just want justice and change. 👍
Tends to explain why they don’t want to talk to me. 😂😂😂
How do I know about monies coming out of budget, that’s what happened to education and the SS after the tribunal, but the SS did not pay up the full amount and continued treating Child X as a naughty boy, so he did not get any help for his autism, ADHD and post post-traumatic stress as told to by the judge. ✅
Exactly. If they do that after a judgement, what are they doing to those who cannot fight their cases?
My research shows it doesn’t go well. 😡
What do I hope Truss will do? Impossible job, an independent investigation into the setup of a corrupt system affecting all PMs left living. Or tough it out.
We will see in due course. ✅
Howard Lamb
20th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Well, it’s been 5 working days, ten days with weekends and bank holiday, since Prime Minister Truss has received my letter of complaint. Her first response should be at the practice when I get there for clinic this afternoon.
What’s the chances of that? With previous experience, just about zero. Another one who cannot stick to their own rules and regulations.
And the kids still suffer.
I’ll let you know later if anything turned up. 👍
Howard Lamb
PS if we could run the state as well as a state funeral, we would be world beaters.
18th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
How was I so sure of my diagnosis on MM? Many hrs of research x3 to understand the nature of the disease, new research, old research statistics etc. etc . Then happy. 👍
Well, you would when your reputation was on the line, wouldn’t you? 🤔
Howard Lamb
17th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Had a tiff with a patient this morning who only see’s the royal family as upper-class knobs who are milking it. Don’t need new king as should be abolished.
I explained the Crown was there to stop Parliament voting itself a dictatorship and the Lords are there to see fare play.
A three-pronged system to work for the greater good of the people. The Crown and Lords did their bit within their confines. It was Parliament that let the side down.
Egypt just the one in charge, Rome the same. America, China, Russia and North Korea also.
At least we don’t have a potential dictator with no complaint possible. Came close with Boris. 👍🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
16th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Paperwork malpractice.
The patient had an accident at work where he overstrained neck, shoulders to upper mid back trying to stop a heavy object from falling and popped his clavicle.
No signs of ill health. Doc signed him off.
In pain and waiting for physio so came to me.
Improved well, was re-examined by the same doctor and sent back to work on light duties.
Current X ray and no need for MRI as healing well and out of pain.
I have a large box of paperwork weighing over 40 lb and large lever-arched files. All because I did not take an unnecessary X ray. How is that possible? It’s enough for a book showing how to make money and hang your client out to dry. ✅
Multiple myeloma tends to fall into 2 categories, slow burn, often over many years often diagnosed while checking for health problems as it developed.
Or, as in this case, out of the blue, fast onset and highly aggressively decimating that area of the body. The patient had heavy fall on the ice, feet went and he landed hard on his bottom. I saw many such injuries from old paratroopers who burst discs in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine. This area is where the disease first showed.
We concluded at the time, as the X rays were normal, the impact had deeply bruised the bone and stimulated something dormant into life. Three weeks later he collapsed and the same areas, cleared on X ray, had been decimated, a classic out of the blue with no chance of diagnosis till the symptoms show.
He was on the list for emergency MRI but collapsed a few days early.
Howard Lamb
14th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What happened to the malpractice case? It was dropped.
All the evidence showed it was the fast collapse form of multiple myeloma not the slow burn form that the case had been set up for by the opposition who forgot to mention the first GP had signed him off work and then back again symptom free and healing slowly as expected with a wrench strong enough to pop the patient’s clavicle.
He had a heavy fall early the following year and his X rays came back clear. I expect the lower thoracic spine had been severely compressed, enough to bruise the bone. 3 weeks later the whole lower back had been decimated. Not what slow burners do.
However, if your legal team have no medical knowledge they can easily be lead astray. As happened.
Large amounts of stress for the injustice and 2 plus years to get it thrown out. Unfortunately, the patient passed and out of respect I will say no more. His legal team tried to get him a settlement. It was up to mine to protect me.
Lots of letters dissecting the case for them and all they got was
How many other cases did they lose wrongly? 🤔
How many more will happen if not exposed?
How did they get it so wrong? Ah good question. Well, when my association expert witness can’t understand the notes as HIO and not diversified. No training in HIO so he slaughtered me. Our expert read the other sides stuff and the BCA experts. Being a neurosurgeon not oncologist decided it was all my fault because he did not understand my notes and had been fuelled by the BCA expert. All wrapped up in a chronology slanted to get a result.
Strangely enough it all started a few months after we won the tribunal for Child X.
It slowed me up, not the fighting of it but with malpractice hanging over me, I would be viewed poorly, and detrimental to the case. Once sorted and the child been further traumatised, I started back at the GCC, only to have complaints procedure and requests for paperwork refused. The start of the pattern. They thought they had won by removing me wrongly from the register.
Unfortunately, they did not understand their own paperwork and had to re-register me on the same CPD. You work it out.
All on the site in dribs and drabs. So, nothing new. ✅
I did ask for an independent opinion from the suitable royal college to determine if fast or slow. They don’t like courts which can often be a loaded mine field, and the solicitor got no help. So it was based on two experts, one who had an axe to grind and one whose expertise was not used at any stage of the patients health crisis. What could possibly go wrong?
Even the guy in the ambulance got in chiropractic didn’t work, in the chronology. Sometime later a chap was done for passing details to ambulance chasers and add a bit in the notes to help. Prob just a coincidence. 😂😂😇
Why did the BCA expert do what he did? Only he will know that but if I have been done for malpractice, they did not have to stand for my right to diagnose. Let’s face it, they were nearly bankrupted, except for a large cash injection by European chiro union, after the Singh case. The GCC was then nearly bankrupted by the mass complaints from non-patients against our charter. Standing for my right to diagnose and lose again could have deregulated the profession as bungling idiots. We will never know for sure.
The child suffered and they kept their jobs and moved up the ladder.
The BCA, ECU and world got all the paperwork, the GCC got much not up on site. BCA defo said they would stand for diagnosis, but never did.
To be fair, once you get a shock, like the practice did. I had done a full complaints procedure and talked to the solicitor from the other side who assured me we would not be involved. So, when the first official contact was made, we could not believe it, as there was no case to answer. Stu, Jamie and I became instant experts on myeloma, we researched everywhere to understand, through our doctors training, everything you needed to know, then the anger hit in because of the injustice.
How did the scam work? I told them in my first letter that there was no sign of health issues or neurological symptoms and the patient had improved under our care. The patient remembered it slightly differently. He had not improved. I said in notes, 2nd visit mild progress. Low back imp, neck imp but soft tissues were in a mess, the day after the first treatment he went to GP’s physio. She laid him down and moved stuff about, a muscular group spasmed trapping his t 4 synapse. In her notes she explained how sore everything was when he left, not how he was when he walked in.
He said I used a machine on him that really hurt. Three quick jabs with the activator gun in low setting to release the spasm. Over in 2 seconds but hyper sore for the patient. Like dentist touch a nerve three times, not nice.
Chronology full of selective memory.
I would be here for an hr to take it all. Luckily, I wrote it all down at the time and sent it to my solicitors, and in the large bundle I got back via my solicitor who drew all the paperwork back from them begrudgingly, mark you that was only months, it took much longer to get the GCC paperwork back. ✅
That’s why his GP’s notes signing him off work and then back on after examination was not in the chronology or shown to either expert I expect.
How do I know about the physio? Patient decide to pay for me when skint rather than the free physio.
I examined him siting with no pain. 😂
Text to a friend:
If I had no credibility from GCC and BCA (malpractice, look at the experts report and had to chuck him out for CPD) when minions from the Cabinet Office were sniffing around. The chances are I was put on hold for ever as just trying to damage all their nice mates.
That’s one theory but the truth will often shock. So until more comes to light it’s on the back burner.
Yep, the minions would have done the rounds. All boxes ticked so just a troublemaker.
At H.Q. nothing to worry about just a troublemaker so carry on as normal. ✅
Howard Lamb
12th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Just off phone to Scottish mate. She spent 1.5 hrs on phone to school helping them with the questionnaire they received from the company assessing AS for the mother and child. The Head Teacher had never seen such a complex questionnaire, a lot different to the norm from normal channels.
The Head said they should be taught how to spot these children as they are not taught how.
The main worry with that statement is that if not trained to spot them they would clearly not been taught to teach them.
What a mess.
What do I think my letter to the PM has done? To be honest a really don’t care. She has 5 working days to respond and 20 working days to give answers as defo a letter of complaint.
If no show, we will see that there is corruption all the way to the top and my path will become clear. ✅
Well, if may put it on the back burner and did nothing, then Boris did the same a third must be clear evidence that they have and are covering up their mistakes and avoiding responsibility, surely.
Not being harsh.
In 80+ years of practice we have had one written formal complaint which was dealt with initially through our complaint’s procedure to the timed letter. I expect the same from other professionals.
Even a supply teacher has rules and regulations let alone a Prime Minister.
The Cabinet Office deals with complaint about MP’s, she is in overall charge and must abide by the same rules, particularly as an MP as well as PM.
If you can’t get the people to adhere to them at the top, what’s the point of having them, rules and MP’s that is?
Just control the masses with them and do what we want. Two sets of rules. Justice must be seen to have been done. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Could you imagine:
Dear Major General, we have had a complaint but did nothing about it, oops sorry, guilty as charged. Next. ✅ That’s the GCC for you. 😂
Absolutely, if you have not ticked all your boxes, you’re in deep poo.
Exactly, everyone so tied up ticking boxes and not getting anywhere and can’t see the big picture. When you do it’s truly shocking.
Gov policy would normally be to spin red herrings through the troubled waters and cover up after damage limitations. Afterall who will vote back people who have truly f’d up? 🤔
That was the Flynn case. Apparently because I didn’t take an X ray it was all my fault. He had an excellent X ray at the hospital when he injured himself, a month before I started with him. I then have 6 weeks to decide if another is needed, protocols!
On the 6th week he went back to the doctors for another week off to allow his overextended collar bone injury, due to a powerful wrench, to heal further before he went back to work on light duties and some physio rehab as and when he overdid it as a janitor would.
Later they changed it to scan. A. He was a non-insured patient and B. As his condition had improved by prob 75% and only needed time to heal without relapsing. Not for-filling NHS criteria for a scan i.e., getting much better. Once the pain has gone short term memory goes as well. We forget and do silly things. 🤔
He had regular bloods for previous skin cancer and had none of the normal symptoms for multiple myeloma. As seen in all the medical and hospital bundle for the court case against malpractice or scam as was shown clearly but swept under the carpet.
Well, the insurers and their legal team and experts turned out to be clueless. If that got out that indemnity insurance could not defend as mainly incompetent.
All in the paperwork I drew back, surprisingly no one wants to read it. 👍 I wonder why? 🤔
Dear Major General, I was very busy and was on my list to do. Appeal over, you didn’t for-fill the criteria to tick a box. Goodbye.
Howard Lamb
11th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
You can just see the next scam on its way. Breaking news – The drugs companies have isolated the pollutant causing some cancers.
A pill a day to keep the Doc away, then do not need to prosecute the polluters that killed us, defo no compensation. Or in 40 years when dead, as will be the planet. 🤔✅
Why ADHD a blessing? Can’t contain it because it has to flow, in its nature. Don’t dam it just go with the flow for the journey of your lifetime, or Duracell bunny.
Whichever fits.
No, I don’t get how Boris still an MP. If he lied to Queen, he must have lied to Parliament. Slam dunk or what. 👍
How does damming their natural flow affect ADHD. Then end up fighting everything that stops their natural flow, water always finds its way through, so to speak.
Howard Lamb
10th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
The Queen is dead, long live the King. I was born one year into her reign, and she was ever present through my life. She worked tirelessly for her people and the greater good.
That’s more than can be said for the government. Please read my letter to PM Truss. I’ve tried to explain in a few words what I have learnt and know to be true. Let’s see what she does!
Text to a friend:
Agreed Queen held on to get rid of Boris and hand the baton to Liz.That will teach you for lying to me, sure she had a grin at some stage.
Howard Lamb
9th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Wow what a shock. My mother admired the Queen as a woman who made her mark.
Boudica, Liz one and two, Victoria. Add Thatcher who saved the nation but left division and that’s a full house in anyone’s language. What have the men to offer? Alfred burning cakes, Harold got one in the eye, Henry the tyrant who spread disease, Charles who lost his head and the madness of King George.
Let’s hope it’s third time lucky for Charles as no 2 to gain the thrown had to give power to Parliament. 🤔
PS I can’t think of any nation globally who could put 5 women from history that helped to define their nation.
She will be missed
Prob why Britannia is a woman.
Bet the gov labelled her a bad mother. 😂😂😂😂
What’s the betting, Parliament put up taxes which ended in a tea party and revolution, spun to blame the King.
Well, who will bother to find the truth, move on.
Had to laugh. Boris doesn’t miss a trick. If the queen had been influential, how did he turn into the only PM who got pulled for lying to the Queen and Parliament?
Defo not the royal way.
Going back to my original diagnosis. The mother and I filled in the questionnaires and the results were strong on AS, as was at age of five, by his specialist. Slam dunk!
ADHD was a gift after that, and the depth of his post-traumatic stress are ongoing 12 years later.
Howard Lamb
7th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
So, forced to go to school, then restrained, would you want to go back? Over 100k teaching from home. I wonder why? 🤔 Government information – School attendance and absence
Text to a friend:
Letter done, a bit wordy but have to start again from scratch.
Not sure when it will be sent as short staffed through covid and staff hols.
Howard Lamb
6th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Letter nearly done. This just can’t keep going on. Generation after generation not diagnosed or when diagnosed no fasciitis’s to help them. All brushed under the carpet and then blamed for not complying to the norm that they are not able too.
I did hope that there would be contact from the Cabinet Office/PM over these first few days before the new PM goes down the path of her predecessors, making me expose those who knew and have done nothing. That’s politics for you. Tough it out and in time it will go away.
It hasn’t over the past decade so why would it now? Just think how many more kids could have not been traumatised if they had done something at the start.
Letter prob goes Friday or Monday. Clock is ticking.
If Truss did contact, even through a minion, I would be helpful and even in my approach as so far she has no blame.
Just one of many I found on the net when I asked how many kids get restrained in the UK. Mind article – National inquiry into the use of restraint in schools
One site had detailed the damage done to seven hundred families including head injuries and broken bones. All restraint does is damage the child further. The mother and I have never had to restrain Child X, because we talk him down and walk him around till the red mist clears, we then get to the bottom of the problem because we have engaged. At least with the cane it was over within a short time. Restraint can be routine and last for a long time. National abuse of their human rights. It’s even worse in the care system.
Look at it this way, if the child is in fright and flight mode and is cornered, natural instinct will be to strike out. Corner an animal and see what happens.
Well, if not comfortable and feeling safe in their environment. Restraint can only make their mental state worse. 😡
All about breaking their spirit so they comply for Ofsted. All it does is traumatise them further. First you put the child at risk through non or wrong diagnosis then physically abuse and mentally abuse until they comply. How can that not be a crime against humanity when done to countless thousands? They don’t even have to log it or tell the family, so when their behaviour at home gets worse, they don’t know why. Just wrong.
If parents restrain and harm their child at home they could end up in jail, but if a teacher or carer does it it’s ok and what the child deserves. Defo two sets of rules. As no records are available to how may children are abused in this way and no complaint possible, the figures are bound to be huge. I’ve heard stories from restrained children who say they were laughed at at the same time. A scar that does not heal easily.
And every time you put a foot wrong, I’ll restrain you again. How is that not bullying a child with special needs? i.e., abuse physical and mental. ✅
Text to a friend:
So you finally see how it works. Kids put at risk because of no correct diagnosis when young. Wrongly diagnosed as naughty, can’t deal with hectic normal schools so react and freak out and then restrained, which leaves them hating everyone as not understood. Relationships break down at home so the SS can blame the family because their mates, the teachers had every right to traumatise the child, again and again.
All in the original bundle to the tribunal in 2012. Clearly not just Child X from what’s on the internet.
Needs to be a big shift in mind set to change that one.
Too big to fail, no chance of responsibility so let’s just grind the next generation through.
Howard Lamb
5th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Liz Truss it is.
She will be flat out for some time, putting in place the Cabinet and grilled by Sir K (if only). So, I’m in no rush, the letter has to be right.
Off to see Child X who has just had a melt down and possibly broken his hand. That’s the rest of today gone. Busy in clinic till Friday.
Will let you know when done. 👍💋
PS Simon Case was at the cake party, did he get fined? 🤔
Howard Lamb
4th September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Dear Liz PM
System is screwed, kids being abused, Cabinet Office has all my letters to May and Boris with most resent to case, who did not for fill his complaints procedure.
Please explain how this has happened in a democracy so I can send your response with the mother’s bundle to the ICC.
H Lamb DC
PS good luck with the new job. 👍
Might have to pad it out a bit, what do you think? 🤔
Well, why would they vote for the spiv? He printed money because the gov froze and caused inflation and is still needing to borrow.
Not bad for a multimillionaire but as it happens, shit for everyone else. ✅😂🇬🇧
Text to a friend:
It’s all there for carbon neutral or better.
Emissions capture e.g., hot polluted air from coal power turned to steam to run turbines, once condensed air filtered and passed through algae farms to produce 02 and animal feeds. Half arable land produces animal feeds, sea is raped for animal feeds.
Air and fumes capture and cleaned at mines. Long list of possibilities but not just no action but no understanding of potentials.
Howard Lamb
3rd September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Supply teacher or spiv? Not much of a choice but it doesn’t matter because they will follow the party line. I will be writing to our new PM, either or.
I don’t think it will make a jot of difference. They have covered it up for years and the price of truth is much higher than they are willing to pay. They can abuse power at will and as long as they are sober, sexually correct and don’t get caught taking bungs or fiddling expenses, they can’t be touched. When examined it’s by other MPs, so halfway there before they start to explain themselves, after 100k on barristers out of the public purse. Being held responsible is out the window since Boris broke and changed the rules. Since Brexit where we broke away from the EU’s grip on our lives, we have replaced it with a gov that is grabbing more powers and restricting our rights.
There is rumour of a late autumn to spring for a general election. That gives us time to seriously look at the system and whether our PM is up to mustard and dump if not.
If you don’t diagnose kids with special needs, who need one on one and new facilities you save billions. If you suppress complaint and legal team up your cost’s comparative will be low. So there is no incentive to change. Particularly if you can’t be held responsible.
I bet our political elite are not looking forwards to going back to work. They printed money so inflation is now high, pushed the Russians past the brink and to war. A political solution was possible. No housing with more people. Clean fuels polluting the air we breathe and sewage floating past the House of Commons every time it rains. Mental health, care, NHS in bits etc.
Unions up in arms and Sir K invisible.
Howard Lamb
2nd September, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What do I think the gov is going to do? What they always do? Put someone in charge who is a safe pair of hands and knows nothing about the situation because they already know that they will not find anything wrong in the gov’s actions so move on.✅
That’s why I will have to move things away from our gov’s control. Without taking responsibility nothing will change and the kids will suffer.
Yep, brushed under the carpet and hope the winter of discontent covers their tracks, so they can get away with it!
Unfortunately for them, as they push more under the carpet more stuff will get pushed back out as the under-carpet space is full. 👍😂
No totally corrupt. When I started, I thought the civil service had an ethical core but over the years it’s shown itself to be rotten.
Too big to fail, jobs, reputation pensions and future earnings at risk, you work it out. ✅
How many children with special needs will be put at risk when they enter school this September.
Far too many because with all the time they have had to sort this, they have toughed it out to save reputation and done nothing of consequence. An abuse of power and a national disgrace.
Yea you can bet your bottom dollar. We have put someone in charge, we expect them to have completed by 2025. After the general election then it’s someone else’s problem. ✅
Remember I had several years going through this with the GCC. People leave and cover their arse so the next one can distance themselves, each time the emphasise is turned until the complainer is actually the bad guy so they can sweep it under the carpet, job done. All on site at the times it happened.
In a nutshell, without diagnosis or the wrong diagnosis children with special needs are being put at risk and traumatised, time and time again, just like Child X. Knowing it is happening and trying to sweep it under the carpet has to be abusing the children, hence child abused.
What do I think will happen? Well, all those blamed will in time move mountains, as injustice leaves deep scars. The system will correct itself and those responsible will be named and shamed. You try and get a 200k after dinner speech with child abuser on your CV. 😂😂
The change could be today or years, I can only do so much myself, so any help would be kindly accepted.
How will the system sort itself out? My hope that the Crown and judiciary have taken control back from the EU and are house cleaning as we speak. What happens if that isn’t happening, well more people get dragged into our group funded EU trip to Haag and Strasberg. More time but we might as well see how far this corruption goes. 😂👍.
You know me, always look on the bright side of life. Especially when people have tried to crucify you. 😂😂😂
How do I know more kids will be traumatised? Because there is a 3 to 4 year to never waiting list after the age of 6.
A friend up in Scotland has been waiting at least 4 years, her son is now starting his teens. The family had a 3hr conference call with a nurse from a private company who filled in a long questionnaire.
A big ask for an autistic child who was not engaged with first. Apparently, she will get a diagnosis after people have looked at the new paperwork and response in 6 weeks. If it’s always been that simple, why the long to never waiting lists? Nothing to do with budgets there then. 😡
I sussed it the other day. On news 100’s of k jobs to be filled. Gov looking to budget for them.
So to do spin we have run everything on bare bones to achieve budget and could not employ any more people than we have, even though the strategic plan says we should employ more to do a correct job, which is not what we have now because they did not employ the correct numbers in the first place.
Negligence and covering up abuse, is much cheaper. ✅
Re questionnaire, depending on the questions and how they are phrased, you can make it say whatever you want, he is high functioning with other spectrum traits not ADHD.
Can’t wait to see what the questionnaire comes up with. ✅
That explains a lot, always in the history. Who runs Britain blog – Last preserve of the ‘establishment’? Who are the Privy Council?
MP et hon Spencer, ex tory whip in control of House of Commons and privy council. Don’t see much for the greater good there then.
Elitist old boys network, with two sets of rules. Meant to work for greater good, In reality it’s to cover up and make things move on without having responsibility for their actions.
Everything from air pollution and fowl water through police and armed force level of employment, short staffed in NHS/care, scandal after scandal taking decades to come out. Oops that was someone else’s fault, will you just move on.
No. 😂😂 Think about it, Thatcher solved national debt. Since then, Britain has boomed and has more jobs than people, so we have done our bit. 👍
Yet they borrow more and more, printing money to cover the shortfall and we owe trillions without the pensions shortfall.
Where has all that money gone?
Miss Marple remember, always follow the money.
Household debt high, interests rates rising and the banks get yet another wind fall. Never mind, the drugs company will sell you a pill so you can continue working to generate more profit and tax.
So where has it all gone because we have nothing to show for it as everything is falling apart.
Howard Lamb
1st September, 2022
Dear Patient,
As you know, I have written to Simon Case the Cabinet Secretary whose office handles complaints re MPs etc. Each of the letters were registered so defo will have got to no 10. He had 20 workdays to respond and hasn’t. I could understand if it were over something trivial but when over the cover up of child abuse by the system it’s self explanatory.
What does a child have to do to get justice when they have been abused by the state?
By ignoring the fact, it has happened and still is to many more children with special needs, most who are not capable of standing up for themselves, it must be aiding and abetting that abuse.
What a mess.
What is to be done to get justice for this clear underclass who have been damaged, often beyond repair?
I have little faith that a new Prime Minister will alter the party line but to be fair to them I will let them know with another letter next week when we know who it is.
Text to a friend:
Of course they know what they have done but too big to fail.
What that means is that it has failed, and nobody wants to take responsibility, so do nothing and try and make it go away.
Anyone who has read the justice site and my letters to the GCC, Prime Ministers and Cabinet Sec, will see I have a strong case backed up by the mother’s paperwork but when there are two sets of rules, this is what happens.
The worst part is the next generation is about to enter school without protection and placed at risk due to non and wrong diagnosis. 😡
That’s why I’ve asked for an independent investigation otherwise corruption of the system will persist.
Howard Lamb
30th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Put at risk after the child was crashed, the mother moved to a different council area. The child was assessed, and his special needs were catered for, and he improved well. Started to talk and his behaviour improved. The mother then came back to Herts, due to work needs, where he was put into a mainstream school without any assistance and crashed. He was bullied to the point where the press and MP were brought in. He was crashed time and time again after being forced back to school after school including restraint which did not help him or his fright and flight mode.
This is where I came in, diagnosed and put a treatment plan in.
The council did not listen and just blamed the family. Hence the tribunal and his placement. The SS influenced the placement, and he was treated as a naughty boy and not his correct diagnosis, confirmed at 18, once on the streets, by the NHS.
So, he was not put at risk once but on a multitude of occasions.
Mostly in the tribunal bundle, which he won but the council did not comply, and he was restrained further.
Defo put at risk. ✅
I never have had to restrain him but if I had the council would have prosecuted me for abuse. Yet it’s OK when they do it. How does that work?
If you constantly put a child at risk, how can that not be seen as child abuse? As it’s common place throughout the country, how is that not a crime against humanity?
Well, the cover up started at the first school when the new Head, after a failed Ofsted, decided to give him a short sharp shock which really did not help. So covered arse and blamed the mother.
Your spectrum at birth not 18 when the council have no responsibility. But when the criminals run justice, there can never be any, as I have seen over the past 12 years and chronicled it. Prob why they don’t want to talk to me. 😂
When the mother returned to Herts. All notes would have come back from Northants. So why was a system that was working changed and the child traumatised? Exactly, if the council lied at the start, everything that has been passed up the chain of command is also a lie. Explains a lot.
No. I do blame the gov for putting the system in place so the council can get away with it and suppress complaint. They know what they have done and do not want to face the responsibility. ✅ Or cover up in lay man’s terms.
Herts Live article – Hertfordshire Police officer who downloaded 500 child abuse images jailed
Had to be in Herts. ✅
Howard Lamb
28th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What next. Barristers going broke and on strike.
Poor people not getting legal aid to fight the system to try and get justice. Add D notices and removal of duty of care, councils were there a few years ago.
Suppress complaint,
Without complaint there is nothing wrong so tick box and move on, no change needed. ✅
You can’t just twist one part of the system to for fill your strategic plan. You have to twist every part of it, so you can. ✅
Re diagnosis. Same thing, if you do not diagnose, you have no spectrum kids, just enough diagnosed not to overload the limited facilities allowed from budget. Suppressed complaints and blame the mother and child, the SS pre-programmed to follow the party line and their notes always blame the family because their naughty children will not comply.
Look my Lordship at pages and pages from the SS saying he is horrible and so are the family, off to jail you go. Self-harm and suicide are their only way out. I could cry.
Remember every time they lose a case, the system asks itself questions and any monies come straight out of budget.
Child X after legal fees and office management time, tribunal time. A placement at 220k a year and looked after until 25.
What happened, treated him as naughty boy not autistic and only paid for that. Child traumatised further, placements failed and living in streets by 17.
Not the justice I expected considering the council put him at risk when very young and refused multiple chances to diagnose as seen in the transcripts of the tribunal he won. How is that not child abuse?
I know, people make mistakes. I thought that 12 years ago, when I started treatment and mentoring Child X. Over that period, I realised it was the norm not the exception.
That’s diagnosed a traumatised spectrum child with learning difficulties (dyslexia) and locked into fright and flight mode, making him extremely complex, treated by advanced chiropractic and mentored by someone on a similar part of the spectrum.
Not a naughty therapist. My title is a DC or Doctor of Chiropractic. I could not call myself that it if it were not true, consultant status. And due to the vast amount of patients treated from birth till the grim end a worlds expert on multiple complex injuries across the board. Even the GCC accepted without question I diagnose and treat autism. 🤔
On CPD. I think that was the year before the threw me out. ✅
That’s why the site is so important. Filed immediately timed and dated so on the record for all to see, proper transparency.
Anything I say now has already been covered and cross referenced on site as it happened. Hence, I call them the archives. ✅
Mother has pdf everything, two headings. Child X case and second all paperwork on council who have made her life impossible through spite. Bad mother who conned council out of money to get rid of her naughty child. And the justice site fitted in on right time and date.
A covering letter and all of that should do the trick at the ICC.
It’s clear that you have to take away a child’s human rights to restrain them as per lost case by gov on human rights.
This seems to spread out to falsely accused bad mother as well. No reward for naughtiness, remember. 👍
Of course, the GCC could not stand for diagnosis given the circumstances. Defo block from Privy Council because they are the only ones capable of twisting the system behind closed doors.
Just criminal
Very polite version of a Tourette’s moment.
When a chap with the right credentials makes a diagnosis, he has the right to defend it and not be downgraded and ignored, as happened here.
Am I a troublemaker? I have 40 years clean record as a doctor who specialises in muscular skeletal/spinal/CNS and sympathetic neurology and their dysfunction.
Only one claim against us which was an ambulance chasing legal fraud. Covered up and prob still affecting others.
Case dropped well before court.
At risk? He was a late developer in speech and communicated by noise, his dyslexia was undiagnosed, his paediatrician had him high on the spectrum chart and he was put into a normal school without assistance.
Crashed and bullied. All in the tribunal bundle.
Howard Lamb
26th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I bet that letter put the cat among the pigeons. 😂
Those who were doing stuff behind the scenes to try and correct the system then nobody really notices what they were doing, so nobody needs to be blamed, have been caught in the spotlight because nothing has really changed in the last decade, except for the mothers understanding and how they were blame for the sake of ministry finance.
Boris thinks he has changed to rules enough to leave without consequence for his in action. 🤔
Those who have lied to cover up, will not be happy.
MSM have known and done the minimum.
I will love to see how they intend to spin and minimalise charges of crimes against humanity and keep it out of the world press.
I don’t know if true, but Australia is looking at having a minister for autism. So, somethings happened. 👍😂😂
PM Truss. A supply teacher who can control the 4th years. Heaven help us. She will prob go for another election to get the people’s mandate. Happy days. 👍
If she doesn’t, after the winter to come, for the cons. Sir K 12 points lead, why isn’t he 20 or 30 points ahead? Steady man, barrister, lots of work for one tiny point of law.
Can’t see any dynamic figure anywhere. 🤔
Defo in the s—.
Howard Lamb
24th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to Simon Case
Text to a friend:
Top up to case out this afternoon and up on Friday. Once he is past his 5 and 20 day response times next week, it will be clear there is a cover up. Well, if all complaints are dealt with by the Cabinet Office and they break their own protocols and procedures what else can you think? 👍
I agree, there is no way he has the power to cover up by himself, prob explains why they have refused to supply any of the paperwork generated. It’s the gov so of course there must be paperwork, even if it says we have not responded to Mr Lamb because we don’t like what he says and filed him under troublemaker, do not reply.
They will have seen all the mother’s paperwork based on wrong diagnosis and the opinion of teachers and social workers who are not qualified to give one. Remember the SS and education were threatened by the judge at the won tribunal with a judicial review. All clearly in the paperwork.
I’m not a trouble maker but a professional trying to get to the bottom of this tragic story which is and has unfolded for several generations of our most vulnerable who are not able to defend themselves. ✅
It’s like when I was removed from the register and the replaced on the same CPD. The regulator did not like the pressure I was putting him under so tried to discredit me rather than take responsibility for his lack of action, if he had ready the Baby P stuff, he would know he had to do something but never did. 😡
Why didn’t he? Good question. I can only have an educated guess as nothing was in the paperwork, I finally got back from the GCC. You work it out. He reports to the privy council. 🤔
How could they support chiropractors diagnosis, even though you can have a malpractice if you don’t diagnose correctly? Because they wanted to downgrade the profession from qualified doctors to overqualified therapists, you don’t have to be Einstein to work it out.
Text to a friend:
If you want to stop immigration, help out the war torn, draught ridden and suppressed areas of the planet and people will stay home.
Western world not having enough children to service the economy and ageing. So, no incentive to solve the problem. Round and round we go. EU in a worse state than us.
I have already predicted during the pandemic the UK should go bankrupt and take the rest of the world with it. Write off all debt to maybe 5 cents on the dollar and start again in a less capitalist and more conservation or conservative way. Where we all start with the same chances and save the planet.
Health is a gift and people have stopped looking after themselves and rely on prescriptions and the hope medical science will advance and keep them going. 40 percent of hospital beds are full of patients who have nowhere to go. In the NHS plan to become more efficient without understanding medical conditions, many patients don’t have the ability to look after themselves when released. We used to have convalescence homes to help rehab a patient back to fitness. Now it’s we need the bed and patients are made to feel guilty for being ill.
We can’t have sick people just lying about all day with expensive nurses, physios etc. can we? They can go home, and their families can look after them. Wrong, they have their own lives and are often miles away. I’ve got a patient travelling down from Manchester to help her mother in a care home after release from hospital and no convalescence. Everywhere you look. Clean fuel that polluted our cities. Water companies all about profit and as little expenditure as possible. Power companies, all have and are taking the p… .
Why you have to ask? Because those who rule are not capable of doing so and the corrupted system means no responsibility.
Pollute our environment for a profit. Then don’t pay tax or get charged and heavily fined for polluting our waterways and seas/oceans.
No incentive just profits all the way. GREAD breads GREAD after all.
Sorry long day. Up to date on all paperwork and halfway through a very long week.
Howard Lamb
22nd August, 2022
Dear Patient,
The beaches are the least of our worries, every time it rains sewage is released from virtually every sewage works on every river from headwaters to sea. Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Absolute disgrace. BBC article – Water firms face growing criticism over beach sewage
All bosses of the water companies should be asked to drink a glass of water from a river, below a sewage plant. An Indian politician did that from the main river and had to go straight to intensive care. 😂
EU solution, do not dredge rivers because it’s too expensive to get rid of the toxic waste. The food easier now, which is not helpful with climate change, insects leaving the river or lake are eaten by birds etc. so the toxins spread further. Fish numbers down, river wildlife reduced, leaching into the water table and will affect drinking water, if it hasn’t already. Long list.
PS As seen with tsunami in Japan. I hope our new one to be on the coast has a 50ft wall, meters thick and huge pumps. Just in case.
With sewage it’s not just bleach and faeces. It’s the hormones from the pill and washing powders etc. which concern me. We already have stretches of river with only one sex, fish that is, not helpful for breading so numbers plummet. All the birds who rely on small fish starve. Etc.
Howard Lamb
21st August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Big week ahead, Stu away on a well deserved break, so doing a 6 day week and overbooked in clinic.
Mr Case should make his first response by mid-week. Well I will not be holding my breath for that, history shows over the years they do not want to talk about how they have abused kids. So another letter this time to the correct authority which promises to get the paperwork back within 20 days. Seeing is believing.
A top up to Case, and a list of reports and records to go out as practice manager been out with her first dose of covid.
I’ll do as much as possible but patients come first.
Sounds good on paper, let’s see the reality. Government Complaints Procedure
All those who have emailed or written to their MPs and got nowhere. Write to the Complaints department/Ombudsman and see if the system works. Don’t hold your breath though. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
19th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What do I think of inflation? Bank of England has a remit of 2%.
No resignations I notice. If they bang up interest rates to slow the meltdown, mortgages will become hugely expensive, and the house market will go backwards. We saw this in the early nineties. Businesses will go bankrupt due to debt and a shrinking market as billions go to the banks in interest and help out there shareholders. Nice big bonuses I expect. Supply problems lead to profiteering as we have seen. Now out of the EU, so need to take control back of the utilities to stabilise supply and cost.
Force supermarkets to fare trade and not to max profit.
Long list,
Don’t get me on to waist and national debt.
In the old days you got 3 months for shop lifting. Now you can blow billions and you get a peerage, what a country it has become. 🤔
Howard Lamb
18th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I know I Said in the last case letter, that prob affected millions through non and wrong diagnosis. A child off the scale will affects his or her siblings, parents and family who are trying to do the best with no help, you don’t reward naughty kids, you work it out. The ripple out affect is large. That’s without traumatised teachers. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
17th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my 3rd letter to Simon Case
Text to a friend:
The question has to be why are they covering all this up? If you go back in history, they have been handling these kids wrong for decades. Do not reward naughtiness and make them comply. Exactly the opposite to how the kids should be managed. They are doing what they have always done and ignore any evidence that does not suit their case and use the weight of the government to suppress any dissent. This cover up is leaving vulnerable kids at risk and as such is child abuse. Knowing about a crime and aiding and abetting it at government level is not acceptable but how do you stop them from doing it and make them face the consequences of their actions.
After all, if they have nothing to hide, why are they trying so hard to ignore the evidence and cover it up? 🤔
Too big to fail, well it already has. Saving their bacon seems to be their plan b.
Maybe people at the hustings should be asking uncomfortable questions about our forgotten and traumatised generations and see what Liz and Richie have to say. Prob will not be able to ask any questions unless ok’d by the gov.
I see Liz in trouble for calling British work force lazy. Out of the G7 we are about halfway i.e., 3 above and 3 below. America has huge amounts of cheap migrant Labour which is why they are on top. If you take into account holiday allocation, pregnancy leave etc., there is not a lot to pick and choose. Those who treat their workforce well will have lower productivity as don’t work the hours others have to, i.e., hours worked, our laws prohibit lorry drivers from being on the road over certain hrs etc.
Defo not work-shy shirkers.
It makes you wonder who feeds them the garbage they portray as true.
What she is saying is we should all work harder for less so her rich mates get richer and the rest stay in the poverty trap. She prob sees pensioners and the disabled as scroungers and letting the side down.
That’s another good question for Liz. If we have the 4th most productive workers and a fully employed workforce i.e., a million unemployed and a million jobs to be filled.
So the country is working to full capacity, why are millions skint, in debt and unable to pay their fuel or food bills?
It’s ok though the rich are getting richer.
Howard Lamb
16th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What affect do I think the letters to case will have? I expect he will be fully lawyered up and will not do anything. Then it’s my problem to get a result in the courts. This will take years and the children will still suffer and the next generation get sucked in.
Clearly the system has been corrupted to protect those in power and not the people who they are meant to protect. That’s why I have asked for an independent inquiry.
They have already lost cases where they have removed human rights, yet 2,000 plus are still banged up.
If I’m going to waste my time in court, it will be at the ICC and Court of Human Rights not our High Courts who seem to have been compromised. i.e. Gov has acted illegally, but never mind keep doing it. Mr Case still has a week to respond, before I move things forwards again.
This is what they do to avoid responsibility for their actions and as seen by scandal after scandal nothing ever happens.
What’s the point of protocols and procedures when they just ignore them with impunity.
It’s just so wrong. ✅
How can they get away with it? Once the solicitors are involved, you’re on a 3 to 4 year beating to nothing unless you have the time, finance and a lot of technical expertise to counter act the negative input from the solicitors on both sides.
The MP’s code and golden rules of civil service are not what they once were, they are there for mainly show not compliance. Regulator/Ombudsman are not incorruptible to follow the party line and really have no remit to investigate child abuse by the system and then covered up. So keep quiet and they always go away in time. Standard procedure. Defo time for a change
Hence independent inquiry, full investigation and charges. Prob why they have avoided it so far. 😂
Yes, then the lawyers should start. ✅ Otherwise you have the full weight of gov and limitless resources avoiding responsibility at the expense of their victims. Defo not much justice there.
Howard Lamb
15th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my first follow up letter to Simon Case
Howard Lamb
14th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Third letter to case in the office and will go on Monday. He will still have a week left out of his two for first contact over complaint.
Due to the cover up I’m not holding my breath waiting for a reply.
Look, we have made some changes move on seems to be the attitude. They know what they have done and just don’t want to face the responsibility. Yet countless young lives have been trashed and thousands are under lock and key without charge still. A total disgrace. ✅
Howard Lamb
13th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
You could not write it. Hundreds of traumatised women, safety gone, oops. Guardian article – Vulnerable women put at risk as courts in England and Wales reveal refuge locations
Howard Lamb
11th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
The second case letter will be on its way later and up tomorrow. Quite a strong letter but the third will be worse.
I have seen first-hand the corruption of the system and how it affects those with special needs who have no voice and are systematically abused.
The same people who thought that was ok, now stand in the way of justice.
That just can’t be right. 🤔
Howard Lamb
8th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Let’s just make sure we can do what we want and get away with it. Defo not democratic. Guardian article – Leaked report suggests Dominic Raab trying to curb judges’ powers
I expect the Tories Brexit plan was to take over the democracy and manipulate the situation, so they always had control and no responsibility.
Happy days, full your pockets. Sod everyone else.
If everyone told the truth in the first place. None of this would be necessary, drrr.
Howard Lamb
8th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Letter to Simon case should have arrived and is up on site. The first of a trilogy going out over the next 10 days.
Well, I don’t want him to miss the point. 👍
Please read my letter to Simon Case
Howard Lamb
7th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I had the misfortune to stay up and watch Everton v Chelsea last night. Hundreds of millions on the pitch. Halfway through the highlights I realised I had enjoyed the woman’s football more.
The enthusiasm of our female athletes over the past few weeks has impressed me very much. Humble and mainly joyous.
Bit like I Bannister back in the day.
Turned up in my PE kit, broke world record then straight down the pub for a celebratory half of mild. 😂👍
Howard Lamb
6th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Letter on way.
Stu typed it and two of my girls spell checked it, wrote the envelope by hand, one shot down the post office and registered it.
I can relax now. 👍
In one letter to the Major General at the GCC., I talked of the type of letter you don’t want in your in tray. This is it on steroids. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
5th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Case letter on hold has practice manager down with covid so will not go till next week.
Even though my clean air protocols have worked in the clinic, people are exposed outside of my safe environment.
It’s a shame the gov didn’t listen because it could have rippled out nationwide by now.
You could not write it. Boris and chancellor on hols. Country in the hands of second rate ministers who only got the job because everyone else resigned to get rid of Boris.
You would have thought the caretaker PM could have waited until September to have a break. All about themselves, position and power, sod all to do with the greater good.
After full membership of the EU. We rubber stamped and then complied to Europe’s laws. The only thing Parliament had to do was a Punch and Judy show to prove their relevance. After Brexit it became clear that the quality of politician had dipped into the bargain basement. All spin and no real content.
Poor old Britannica must be spinning in her grave, excuse the pun.
Hopefully letter to go Sat or Monday. 👍
I expect they have borrowed a copy from the office computer so know what’s coming. 😂
I’ve just been on the BBC’s website. Pushed the magnifying glass and pumped in autism news.
I was very impressed.
You go back 12 years to the start of the Child X case. There was very little of genuine use about. Even 5 years ago there were only bits and pieces. Now it’s everywhere.
How cool is that. ✅
Howard Lamb
4th August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
All gloom and doom in the press I see, just predicting what I have said already. High inflation, deep recession and a steady hike in interest rates.
I wish it weren’t true. But at the start of the pandemic, I researched how it panned out. By the third and fourth waves health worked were on their knees, went into a very deep recession, followed in time by the Wall Street crash. It’s always there in history somewhere.
You have to ask why they haven’t planned for it?
Letter to Simon at Pinner and should go out tomorrow so will go up at the weekend. 👍
Don’t get me started on the Ukraine. Boris up for the war and wound Putin up. Who foresaw him messing with the gas taps to Europe? Not Boris that’s for sure or Truss come to think of it.
Howard Lamb
3rd August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news I’m afraid.
20 + letters clearly explaining child abuse by the system and now it’s cover up which is a very serious charge.
Do I want justice? Of course, but how is that possible if it’s covered up by the political elite?
I’ll sort the letter to the Cabinet Sec over the next few days and see if he has any ethics. 👍
Well that says it all. Wikipedia article – Cabinet Secretary (United Kingdom)
Howard Lamb
1st August, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I’ve quite a choice. Boris no 1, Kit Malthouse MP, Chancellor of the Dutch of Lancaster, no less. No2 thought that was above the red line but what do I know. 👍😂.
Then Alok Sharma, pres of cop26, minister of the Cabinet Office. RH M Ellis QC MP Paymaster General and Cabinet Minister.
15 Cabinet members.
Cabinet Secretary and a shadow for each minister.
That’s at least 150. Including privy council liaison. All rigidly sticking to their guns.
Maybe they should all look at parliamentary oaths and the seven golden rules that once ruled our country. A big ask, with these stakes. It can only get worse if dragged out.
Reputation is all, after all. ✅
I doubt if many will know much as will have been kept by a select few. That’s how cover ups work. Prob covered by the official secrets act that they all have signed.
What about the kids who have been through the mill and are still doing so? Makes me very angry, save skin before country. Vote for us.
No trying to give them the benefits of doubt.
May should have started the ball rolling. Time off for pandemic and they hoped it would go away. Tried to ignore it and then make a few minor changes. One young offenders’ prison and some CPD points for teachers.
They can’t say they didn’t know there were problems otherwise why make changes. Tinker a bit, move on.
The last 4 letters to Boris, put them in an awkward position. Caught covering it up,
All we need now is to find out who and why? ✅
Child X case is a bit like Russia at the moment, the Russian people are losing family members to the war their leaders started. Just like the parents of the X Children. And those that run the system put in place by the political elite without our permission. Then everyone is forced to toe the line.
I doubt if they even contemplated the damage done by traumatic stress. Just naughty and we don’t reward naughtiness.
Go get a job, oh you can’t because you didn’t pay attention at school. So what do you expect the gov to do? Tory Tossers/political elite.
Well, everyone ticked their box so can’t be true. 😂👍😇
Howard Lamb
31st July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Look at it this way, if Cabinet Office had not communicated until very late, when Boris could do nothing, it’s not his fault. Covering it up afterwards is a different matter.
Anyway, no point writing to him as has no power just a rubber stamp. Turned into a new Queen in many ways. 😂
So, whose complaint procedure in the Cabinet Office should I enact? 🤔
Does a Cabinet Sec, make the coffee? 🤔😂
How will he follow the protocol about reporting systemic child abuse under partially his control? Aided and abetted by the privy council no doubt.
Works well 30 days to deal with complaint and return all paperwork before the new PM starts.
Then the complaints cycle starts again, and a letter finally goes to The Hague.
Howard Lamb
30th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Just another scummy mother and child. Clear social services are perfect. How many deaths do there have to be for change to the system and actually help and support the family? BBC article – My baby was taken into care – then murdered
Text to a friend:
Life can be harsh at times. I was talking to a patient the other day, she said “Do I see what I do as normal?”
Right answer. Normal for me as I have helped to develop the technique.
Wrong answer normal is boring so I am never that.
Wrong thing at the wrong time. We did clear up the misunderstanding. That I was talking about technique and there is nothing wrong about being normal.
How’s your week gone? 😂 Boring. Lay on your side. Bend your leg. Crack. Next.
Re bloods scandal. I bet the families of the 36 thousand dead will not be included in the pay-out.
Personally, I would have the correct civil service/cabinet office parliaments and the House of Lords/privy council’s pension funds pay rather than us.
How can it take 40 years? No penalty for cover up, the more cover ups you will get, as we have seen time and time again working against the nations peoples to cover their own arses. For a very long time.
A wry smile happened yesterday when someone said the biggest NHS cock up ever. You know me.
Over the same time period as NHS, how many were not diagnosed, broken by the system and died early due to non and wrong diagnosis and incorrect treatment? Then brain freeze as the numbers reached astronomical amounts.
Clearly a new record for them. 🤔😇
About time the Conservatives became democratic. MPs have a bun fight and sides are drawn and political power end up with a choice of two for the membership. Instead six candidates and two ballots, membership whittle them down to two. Bla bla bla as they do and then there can only be one to stand for all the people of this country. Le more bla bla bla
Don’t worry the sheep to much or they may not vote next time.
Howard Lamb
28th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Still no news.
Boris/Cabinet Sec. has the standard two weeks to communicate as per complaints protocols. So he has till Tuesday then will get another one.
Well, the Tory’s will not want this blowing up for the next PM. They have a choice but neither has advantage for them, but they can abuse their powers to protect themselves as we have seen.
Where does justice for wrongdoing come in? If the people at the top can do as they want without risk of punishment, the message filters downwards and standards drop because you can’t be done for anything.
Let’s have some more parties at the taxpayers’ expense. 👍🇬🇧
And now she wants to sort the countries problems out. 😂 Guardian article – Foreign Office under Liz Truss has failed to regain global footing, report finds
Howard Lamb
27th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
That would put the cat among the pigeons if Sunak/Truss got a get out of jail free card and did not have to inform the police and fill in the questionnaire. It would make their campaigns come to a grinding halt.
Well, you can’t sack one for tea and cake then put a new one in who perverted justice to get the position. Sort of wrong really. 🤔
Well, you must be logged in and time dated going into 10 or others in Downing Street. Same with other ministries. Cross ref with parties and hay presto it’s all revealed. Police obviously would have done that already. Mmmm. Nothing corrupt there then as long as there are two sets of rules.
No, don’t want to talk about child or mother as loose lips sink ships, I’m just about to put the insurance ombudsman through its paces over a fraudulent claim. Once I learn the ropes it will give me some room to have fun with the council as most departments have been negligent and put the child at risk. I paid his rent, so the debt to me. 😂😂👍
Laugh. I remember seeing Gerry Marshal sprint up the pit lane, at Silverstone, in a race with someone half his size (22stone) and won. Plump happy people live longer as long as fit. 22 stone couch potato = early horrible death.
All about balance. Those who are happy with themselves don’t comfort eat or starve. Some keep fit army bloke talking shite I expect. After all, if you’re not fit to enter it’s not a problem.
When I talk about fit, it’s not body beautiful gym boys, girls and the rest. We were designed to walk. It works and moves every muscle in the body to balance movement, oxygenating lungs and organs through improved blood supply. 5 min exercise routine to keep mobile and stop eating shite. Cheaper than the gym and much more effective long term.
I did some Thai che years back. Could never remember the moves so gave up. The teacher was one of the fittest people I’ve ever met because he exercises every muscle in the body every day. Never jogged in his life. 😂
Seen tons of them. Late forties, no exercise since school and decide to get fit. No muscle memory and early signs of degenerate change you expect in midlife crisis time. Nothing has been worked or maintained then you go for the burn (gym instructor have really helped my business over the years) does not go well. 😂👍
Walking by itself only exercises the muscle groups and neurological interchange with everting working in straight balance. Each joint and structure should be put through its range of full movement singularly and in combination daily to aid range of motion and refresh neural pathways for complex actions with weight bearing changes to balance. Well, you did ask.
There are approx. 640 muscles in the body. Not just biceps. 😂
Pride and proud. Well, if you haven’t done something to be proud of at your ripe old age, you better get a move on. Most people are nice, but a bit fudged up on the way. Some over love and become precious. Others start to loath and hate themselves. It’s a real shame as underneath it all there is a nice person.
What a world.
Blame capitalist internet where it seems everyone’s lives are perfect except yours. Then the slagging offs and hate will traumatically stress you and there is no help.🤔
Howard Lamb
26th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
How many others in the Cabinet did not to have to fill in the party gate questionnaire do you think? 🤔
Howard Lamb
25th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news yet.
I expect the gov are still looking at ways to hide the truth. Once they realise there is no way out they will have to put their hands up. It’s not just mental health but the drug companies manipulation to make profit. Your short of serotonin so take a happy pill. Don’t bother to find out why the cortisol levels are so high but mask the symptoms and a client for life, keep taking the pills. Corrupt from start to finish.
The Gov will of course blame and try not to take responsibility. As always but the weight of evidence is with me.
Will they ever get round to talking to me or the family? Obviously, they will try not to but I’m patient and can afford to take it to the ICC if needs be.
Parliament on yet another holiday. Gov run by the ex-PM and a shadow cabinet of second ratters. And Brexit still not done. What a mess. ✅
Text to a friend:
Agreed, it’s a pleasure not to hear from the gov as retired to the pavilion injured.
How nice would that be, never hear from them because they are doing a great job not running from one catastrophe after another but running the country well and no spin. 👍🤔
Just had to pay £412 to the council to cover rent arrears for Child X.
He never was behind just the systems between council changed and the debt was through the councils cock up. How do I know it was the council? Because they pay the housing direct. Threatening letters to an illiterate autistic man and causing him more stress in a post-traumatic state.
Mother on the case as usual. I’ve listened into several of the conversations between departments. No box to tick for the councils cock up, must be the autistic persons fault who in normal circumstance could not defend the case. I’ll keep you posted.
What’s mother doing about it? A bad mother against the system, who’s complaint system has been corrupted so the individual cannot win. Being OCD she has literally thousands of emails going back over twenty years. She stayed in the system and has chronicled it for her side at the ICC.
I have offered to send the bill to the council and if no response, go through the small claims court and get a CCJ against the department head. Let’s see if I have to go that far.
Imagine press pics of council dealing with bailiffs after stitching up a disabled person. 😂😂😂
Well, mother and I clearly are D noticed so press can’t act. However, a news story about bailiffs and the council will circumnavigate the letter D. ✅
If not an official one. The private phone call type. Horrible activists trying to bring the gov down so we would prefer for you not to give space or airtime. Or else, have a nice day. Defo not democratic.
You can see what’s happening. Low housing stock and high levels of immigration. So those at the care end of the spectrum have no rights and are dumped out of the system to house those hard-working refugees. ✅
They haven’t thought it through. Push one onto street and have to put up in a hotel for more than the rent, to get one out of the hotel and pay the rent on the cheaper flat.
Out of different department budgets. Costs a fortune in management and office time, and the human cost is not even considered.
More jailbait I expect. Off my budget and costing the prison services much, much more. Well if they do the correct thing and commit suicide. Everyone is quids in so let’s just keep damaging them till they do. ✅
Brexit. The country voted to leave because of all this. Instead of pissing about for 4 years and being in a worse state than before. You have to ask why?
Brexit. The country voted to leave because of all this. Instead of pissing about for 4 years and being in a worse state than before. You have to ask why? Spin. Guardian article – Police investigated No 10 parties ‘without fear or favour’, insists Met chief
Truth. Guardian article – Met admits not sending Boris Johnson questionnaires over Party Gate gatherings
How can the voters believe one thing they say? 🤔 Good for the economy. Makes me rich. Which is the spin. 🤔
Howard Lamb
24th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Holiday over and back to the grindstone.
Re Child X and the X Children and their plight. The gov will have checked up on everything I’ve said to prove me wrong. I’ve only told the truth so they have a problem because they will have proved me right.
So, they know for certain they have been abusing thousands, over the years prob hundreds of thousands.
The question is, what do they do now? Too big to fail and has. Covered up by the ministries and ministers through the Cabinet and offices and of course Prime Ministers.
Anyone else would go to jail and not pick up £200. But this is the British Gov so cover up is the norm, sod the kids and save own skin.
What a world we live in.
Text to a friend:
In a survey of 20 Asian women in their fifties at the clinic. They all use sun block on their faces so they don’t look too brown. What a world, all low on vit d and have the start of osteopenia.
Then you have all the Lilly whites catching a tan to look brown. Jackson bleached his skin for god’s sake.
We are who we are, wear the badge with pride. Even when heterosexual. 😂
Bless them, they only want to fit into the norm. We were made by a star and powered by the sun. If you want to stay healthy don’t block it. ✅
Well, out of left field again.
I’ve seen the images of the huge methane clouds that form over the USAx3. Fracking, sewage, livestock. If a large lightning strike ignites it, it would suck all the oxygen from ground level I expect.
Agreed not good.
Care homes profiteering during pandemic, in press today and some staff furloughed. Clients dying in their droves. Understaffed, no PPE or training. How can that be right?
If you are happy with yourself and full of serotonin. It does not matter what race, creed or colour you are or sexual balance, because you are happy. So be happy, live long and prosper, not quite Spock but close enough. 😂
Yep, pride before the fall. 👍 Should be proud of your roots, proud of who you have become and proud to live where you do. Even the Beaker people before stone henge were immigrants. When in Rome etc. and Bobs your uncle.
Big difference proud of yourself and environmental needs. Life is rarely kind or tranquil. Not in our modern world anyway.
If the planet doesn’t kill us off everyone dies early due to the stress and worry of everything.
Never mind do a chill pill, next. ✅
Howard Lamb
23rd July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Test to a friend:
Bit harsh! Premature ejaculation film over. 😂😂😂😂😂
Prob had done the blue pill not white powder in the rest rooms. The norm maybe.
Who knows and who cares as long as they do the job well and improve the system. Now that’s where the problem begins as have been getting away with blue murder for years by blocking and diluting and finally despised of when the world has moved on.
Not this time. 👍🖖
Who will I vote for if a general election is called early? The one with a great strategic plan and ability to implement it.
Yep, not spin and tinkering with budgets to make themselves look good, as they do now. 🧞♂️
With more jobs than applicants it would help the economy to prune the departments and change a poor attitude into the one which can move mountains and we are well over half way there.
Howard Lamb
22nd July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
America became sufficient in fuel and had the Middle East oil by the balls. Stir up a conflict in Europe and happy days we are in the dollars.
America influenced the elections in Ukraine. The rest is history.
Time and time again the people suffer for those who play the Game of Thrones. Less sex and nudity in the ancient drama than went on at the parties, I expect, look at the Handcock vid. Or the warm up. 👍😇
Howard Lamb
21st July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Text to a friend:
Yep, an interesting one for the legal eagles and Lords. Can Sunak stand for PM with a criminal record? For breaking laws passed through cabinet. That would put the cat in amongst the pigeons
Truss v Penny.
Well, who cares about protocols and procedures anymore, look at the Child X case if you have any doubt?
Still no news. I have personally seen what goes on, yet the gov does not want to admit to it. I can’t blame them as it is absolutely horrible what they do to kids who do not conform to the norm.
The cover up is even worse. Knowing you are abusing these kids and protecting their own necks rather than put in the care that is needed.
Let’s face it who would vote for them when the truth is out. I expect that’s a main stumbling block for the kids and families. Justice needs to be done. ✅
👍If the missus cutting cake and having an unmasked sing song was ultimately what brought Boris down. Yet Ricki was there and sang away. A spreader event in the middle of crisis. How can he be in the running?
Out of left field. Victorians ran gas lamps off the sewers. So, we are not short of natural gas. Just clueless.
Imagine if all flammable gases were collected from sewage to slow greenhouse gases and help fuel the economy. Let’s face it, the scarier it gets, more emissions are released.
Win win for the fuel companies.
Drop HS2 and capture gas and clean the waters.
Might have that put on a T shirt.
Never ending supply of natural gas from 100 million humans and animals. But they don’t give a damn, other 4 letter words could be used. 🤔 The one starting with s prob most factually correct.
How does the planet get rid of too much methane etc. in the upper atmosphere causing greenhouse effect?
Your guess is as good as mine I’m afraid. I expect that there will be more and stronger lightning episodes which prob burn off some gases but past that, somebody must know. 🤔🥲🇬🇧
Asteroids burning up maybe.
Howard Lamb
19th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Good question, Truss and Woke, looks stressed now before she is in the job.
Sunak well not sure, understand the damage UK finances are in so can’t cut tax. Do think he has a scooby about how to help the weakest in society.
Penny still the girl for me, straight woman or not. A more private and thoughtful person than we see for the norm. Lazy, I think not as her departments for filled the norm. ✅
Well, a military briefing means something, purpose to end. I expect ministry briefing go on endlessly to say nothing.
She was prob out and about seeing for herself. ✅👍😂😇🤔
Red divide if PMs had actually stuck to their oaths, would there be one? 🤔
Good question, where does treason fit in? Well, if you swore allegiance to the EU and have complicated Brexit because you want to remain. Defo not democratic actions so treason against the crown.
Howard Lamb
18th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yea been waiting for someone to say take more salt and electrolytes to stop sun stroke unless you are a mad dog or English man. 😂
Boris in the post and arrives tomorrow so up tomorrow prob evening.
Salt depletion causes heart to flutter and not pump. You need 3 to 4 grams a day in this heat. Water by itself good but salt and or electrolytes much much better.
No, I’m a good boy honest. 😂 I gargle with mild salt and warm water every morning then swallow excuse the pun. Part of my covid defence to keep my patients and me safe. Osmosis is a bitch when your tiny like the virus. ✅
You have to go back to Campbell and spinning for Blair, to show when it gathered speed. Gov’s often have in the national interest but not wholesale and industrialised as we have now. Hence I put Blair in the frame.
Once letter hits tomorrow I’ll wind down and rest. Promise. 👍😇😎
No, I’m not overdoing the salt, only daily intake is through processed foods. Now adding a bit more, RDA or around, healthy. 👍
I know everything from Pharos to fish was salted to preserve it, kill everything and leaves the meat or flesh intact and viable as a food source.
If big pharma had the patent every add would be selling a salty produce, next to the sugars down an aisle somewhere. No profit. No health product needed.
They have already hooked chunks of America on synthetic opiates, I expect they will do the same for crack and go back in a circle to start again with Fraud the psycho type bloke back in the day.😂😂
For God sake, common sense.
Hr on net.
Honest list of all fluids and solids digested. See how much salt in each then add or subtract. Too much causes death so does to little. Hence around RDA.
If you take to it, check out vit intake, spread of proteins and fats and rebalance diet, really helps in not getting ill. ✅
No not related to Buda. Never met ying or yang but did hear karma’s a bitch. Does that help. 😂😂
Pun. Swallowing the bitter pill and doing something right for the X people.
Yes yes, unless a doctor has given a specific reason to lower dose below RDA. They never do so it’s a moot point.
Howard Lamb
17th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Boris top up gone to Pinner. Practice manager will get it out when she can as short staffed due to covid.
No later than Thursday but hopefully Monday. GCHQ will have memo’d it by now so, can have a few days R&R. 😇
Howard Lamb
16th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Thank God that’s over. A manic week in clinic, trying to stabilise most patients before I disrupt their treatments plan to have a crash week and recharge for the long haul to Christmas. Personal whing over. 👍😂
With the last few days confirming that the system blames the victims and covers up.
Over my lifetime there have been many harrowing stories coming out years later. Time and time again justice never seems to be served. There is far too much evidence of their poor attitude.
Blair dumped the poor and special needs aided and abetted by the list who followed in his footsteps and made it worse. Oops never mind, have a knighthood and far more so he has control of the system to protect his actions.
That feels better off my chest than on. 😂 Big ta. 💋💋
Cause and effect. 👍 Simples.
As for the councils I expect their attitude to teen pregnancy changed with the law on abortion.
Well, it must have saved them a fortune, shame they didn’t recycle it to help all those with special needs.
Tired and bitchy. Trouble is it never looks any better when rested. 💋
Howard Lamb
15th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Exactly. All councils are doing the same. Child rape and abuse is ok because they are just scummy families not nice people like us at the council.
This runs throughout gov departments, controlled by the Privy Council who put the twist in to save money decades ago.
We have thousands of kids with special needs under lock and key. Many without diagnosis or charge being damaged further. And not one of them has gone to jail for their crimes against humanity.
Makes me sick to the stomach. I’ve got all the paperwork but that doesn’t help if they don’t want to read it. They might have to admit the truth if they did so.
Boris top up going to be an absolute bitch. 👍😂
What do I make of the con race for power? Sunak will cream it with his mates in the city. Truss needs a personality transplant and a few more brain cells. Then nice Penny. If I were a Con member I would be emailing my MP and tell them who they need to vote for, otherwise party political poison will pervert the democratic process.✅
Why? Well, Riki will beat Truss, and Penny would beat them both so let’s mess penny up so she can’t win, ✅ the good old Con way.
What good would that do? Well if the MP does against the membership that is grounds for deselection as their MP.😂
Only scummy kids. Baby better off with nice people 😡 Sky news article – 185,000 children were victims of forced adoption – now, the government is being urged to apologise
Howard Lamb
14th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news as yet.
Telford Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford. The true list is much longer.
Telford MP wants a public inquiry. Don’t be silly, years to come to the conclusion there, not enough evidence left to prosecute those who did what they did under orders from those at the top of the systems pyramid. Or Privy Council.
Same as the X children. Something very dark at the heart of the system.
Nothing new there I’ve been blogging it to you for years.
Top up to Boris next week. And hopefully some surprises. For others who think the system will protect them like it always has. 👍
I’ll keep you updated.
Howard Lamb
13th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
I noticed no one went to jail for the cover up. Prob why it happens time and time again. Guardian article – Over 1,000 children in Telford were sexually exploited, inquiry finds
Only scummy kids with bad mothers after all. As for the Telford police, the cover up was aiding and abetting a criminal act. 6 months minimum sentence I believe.
Even the CPS can’t cock that up because they have admitted it and said sorry. Many of those involved will be on a nice pension for all that hard work, the kids will never truly get over it. 🤔
😂😂 Tories need Sunak in to continue blocking my child abuse allegations and it’s cover up. Well think again as a date with the ICC to cover countless coverups is on the horizon.
Wow, go for it girl. ✅ The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Text to a friend:
No agreed. Prob for the Tories if Sunak gets in as Chancellor, he over saw the care budget and will be compromised in the cover up. Mark you he is still head and shoulders above the rest,
I quite like the dodgy tax Turk, over Truss. I don’t know much about the other nice ladies but lack of experience not helpful.
Hunt did not diagnose autism in all the years at the NHS or oversight committee. I would have him banged up personally.
Dream team would be the army guy with a degree in Islamic and the navy reservist and her liberal minded beliefs.
Problem solvers for the greater good rather than look at me and myself, like so many.
Does that help. 👍
Howard Lamb
11th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I hadn’t thought of the unions influence. Civil service etc. all members. How many thousands of disciplinary hearings could there be? Big help. 👍
Thinking about it the unions are huge. Teachers restraining and blaming infringing on human rights. Mental trauma being forced to be normal when not capable. SS, councils, departments, ministries and Privy Council/Cabinet Office. That’s a lot of union members making a twisted system work to the best of their abilities. 🤔
No, I did not mention NHS staff. Well, they were responsible for diagnosis and failed big time.
Hunt knew or was incompetent when in charge, Javid didn’t want to tackle it hence he quit where others saw the importance of their jobs.
Hope that helps their cause at the ballot box.
All day and in the middle of the night if needs be. 💋
I could write a book on NHS cock ups after 40 years’ experience. Yet I have lots of staff in all areas who are nice and care. So, who is to blame? 🤔
10 out of 10. The people at the top who are clueless about prevention, healing time convalescence and only look at one thing at a time and with no medical knowledge they rule the roast. Then suppress via drugs, next.
How did and why did this happen? 🤔 Always more questions than answers.
A group action from the bad mothers for non and or wrong diagnosis. 🤔 Each won case would trigger an investigation due to protocols and procedures.
They do what they are paid to do and did not corrupt the system and tried their best.
So, it’s not fare they get long periods of stress and poss loss of career when it was those who planned it did wrong.
I bet every kid in the country are saluting their teachers in the same way. Lead by example, well maybe not. Guardian article – Teaching unions condemn education minister over obscene gesture
Howard Lamb
10th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Do we have to wait 3 months for the capitalist blue rinse set to pick a new winner to run the country? I bet they all promise tax cuts and deep cuts in social care. That will teach all those scummy scroungers on benefits.
The fact the system is broken, costly and not doing the job it was designed to do, prob will not get a mention.
As for Child X and all his thousands of mates in the same boat and 10’s of thousands still being abused by the system with no hope of change for them. Well, it’s down to all you mums, on your own doing the best you can, against the odds and the full weight of the system blaming them. Nothing new there then.
Sod that for a game of soldiers. We are through their lines and running amuck. Tally ho. Over and out. It’s all b’lcks.
Lower tax less to treasury, more tax and fiddling goes up. Only educate for the society norm and you produce taxpayers if you are normal. If in a different part of the spectrum, limited or no education and severely traumatised for the rest of their lives.
I will give you an example, a 21 year old daughter has been working in a special needs unit for kids who are a handful. Her sister is proper spectrum and crashed through the system. She’s coming good now, but it’s taken a long time.
The daughter had years of experience of spectrum kids and fitted right in and engaged with the children.
Against normal policy. Remember naughty ness gets you nothing from the system.
I’ve asked her to write it all up as somethings even shocked me.
Howard Lamb
9th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How are Sir K and Boris linked? Both know they are dead men walking but know enough about the up heave going on with the secret burial grounds and who runs them, to be a danger to the shadows who truly have the last word.
In the national interest of course.
Howard Lamb
8th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Maybe someone should look back on the Trojan 5.
Muslim radicalisation at a school who exam results were starting to eclipse the norm he was creating, Gove that is.
Ended careers, stressed the five and their families for years.
In truth it was a nlp coach and enthusiastic staff.
One was Indian and clearly not Muslim for god’s sake.
Howard Lamb
7th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
So Boris is the last member of his gov to resign.
Nothing changes, the Con gov have been in charge of the abusive system and covered it up through the Privy Council and Cabinet Office for donkeys years. Boris just following the party line.
As soon as we know who will take over, I will drop them a line. ✅
No I can’t wait to see who takes over the poisoned chalice of PM. Prob a yes man run by the party who want to remain.
What a shambles.
World beating Boris who turned out to be just a little liar.
If Boris had gone before Christmas, and done the right thing, he would not be in the unemployable situation he is now. Hardly going to get 250k for a press page or after dinner speaking except India who are corrupt and don’t like Muslims.
I don’t think his Mrs will take the wallpaper.
Boris the book maybe, I did it my way.
Howard Lamb
6th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Who is in the remain camp on Privy Council? Blair and past PM’s for a start.
All involved with the care system and strategic plan/finance/budget.
Dump it all on Boris and they get away scot free. ✅
Well, we told you to remain because it will be a mess and everyone will be worse off, vote for us, the reformed remain party.
How much do I blame Boris for? Good question. He was let down, as was the country by Public Health England right at the start.
He pulled it back by getting us close to the Euro norm. Many would have done worse and Handcock was all mouth and no success. Billions waisted. Thousands dead.
Pandemics cause hyperinflation, so does war.
Let’s all use green Russian gas then go to war with them, you could not write it.
Trade deals help back by super slow Brexit due to Privy Council and the EU.
City and global corps rigging profits to make up loss of profit during pandemic.
N I, he should have gone on the piss down south and he might have got a breakthrough. Prob a C, defo not a star.
Oh yes, madman Putin, selling tons of barrels, and gas to China and India. Who will not get affected with the western financial crash which is being manipulated as we text ✅?
Tories prob base their candidates on testosterone level. Makes you randy if high and a go getter. That’s ok if you have personal control and work for the greater good not just self, that prob where it all went so wrong for them. 😂😂✅👍👍👍🇬🇧
His, Boris that is, behaviour may seem a bit strange, but he is an experienced man of the world in all of life’s experiences and is quirky himself. A gay man squeezing the balls of another, live and let live. Oh look a party, well the police are here in my back garden so why not. Just like Child X who has not got the hang of cause and effect. May was worse, as for the damage Cameron did. Mark you Brown giving our gold away did not help, after Tony went to war illegally and super screwed the poor and needy.
So defo not at the bottom of the table.
Howard Lamb
4th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Caught ten mins of Farage last night who explained via a guest how rigged the selection of mp’s is . Here choose from the 3 donkeys and one who might reach cabinet level .
More MPs thrown out and or jailed in the last ten years than at any time in the last 200 . 🤔
Amy one with half a brain would put up 4 candidates who would make the cabinate ✅
After all , you only have to listen to and understand briefings . Then tick a box , how hard can that be?
Text to a friend:
Don’t blame me, not my fault. 😂 X chancellor and minister for health are both loaded. Not like the rest of the country, I’m sure they will survive.
Abandoning the SS Boris that’s on the rocks. To protect their chances of getting the job. Brutus comes to mind, prob crossed the captain’s mind as well, having a degree in the classics.
The Remainers who have been quietly sabotaging him have nearly got away with it. All those leaks a pic.
Remain Privy Council, how’s that gone for him? Mark you Boris didn’t help matters.
Howard Lamb
4th July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I know, it’s not called the Tory Party for nothing. 😂
Kiddy Fiddlers, whip male fondler. Coke and tarts, tractor porn in the chambers. BJ getting a BJ from his girlfriend.
Others quit.
I’m more of a tea and cake type of party goer myself. 🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂
Still 50 more MPs explaining their actions.
Prob why BJ does not want child abuse as well. ✅
All having a great time whilst Rome burns Happy days.
Howard Lamb
3rd July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How did Coates, regulator of GCC, cock up? She caved into pressure from non-patients. And tried to stop us treating conditions like colic and have it all removed from our websites. She phoned me about it.
Didn’t get very far as the website, my stuff on net was run by a grateful patient whose daughter had been treated successfully as a child for colic and knew we could.
Oops, she managed to nearly bankrupt the GCC and left shortly after. Hundreds of chiropractors were adversely affected.
Defo not her fault, had to be our naughty chiropractors. Hence the Major Gen and his cover up and hatchet job.
All in the records of the UCA and BCA. I was a member of all three associations and the animal facility of the royal college. The only one who had the qualification and technical ability to do so.
So, I asked the UCA to have words and when they were struggling, I set the BCA onto her. Keeping my nice ladies at MCT in reserve, as it turned out the BCA and UCA did the trick.
Why in reserve? To be fair they were the least affected by Singh and Coates as hardly any had been done over false allegations.
I had hoped the profession would all come together at long last, but the BCA was its normal self. If you don’t X ray and crack, you are not a chiropractor. That rigid thinking is why some of my old college mates from the late 70’s/80’s started the UCA in the first place.
Of course, if you are going to crack and crunch you need an X ray to make sure the body can cope with the force without breaking something. Toggle not so much. 😂😂😂
Well, the GCC charter says it’s there to protect chiropractic patients, not hacked of hacks who got it wrong in the first place but as a hack had the right to be wrong. Defo cock up from start to finish.
It got worse when Sue left the BCA. Sajid who used to work for the GCC took over the reins and it’s gone downhill ever since.
PS great respect for Sue who was chiropractic through and through.
Sajid, well I would not trust him as far as I could throw him and that’s not far as is a big chap. 😂😂
Sajid and Brown, the perfect storm for the profession as we have seen. 🤔
Well, they never stood up for a chiropractors right to diagnose and defend it if necessary, did they. And the Child Xs are still being abused.
Wow, that’s an all-time record 45 mins and letter done to Boris and sent to Pinner for checking and posting in letter form. Has taken me weeks for some of them.
Mark you I am very proud of my posh one to may asking her to step down. 😂 That took a lot of spell checking and 7 hours. 👍✅🇬🇧
Well, if the BCA could not defend us treating colic what chance for autism. They bottled it and then tried to help getting me out of the profession to shut me up.
Boris to Cabinet Office, “are we abusing kids”
Office to PM, Absolutely not PM.
Boris, “good enough for me move on ✅”
Am I against all the crack and crunchers? Absolutely not. When I was at college through physical exam and X ray analysis, (Gonsted, Petibon etc.) we were all looking for the key point of subluxation so a single adjustment would cause a full release, technique was about using the suitable tool for the job. Most have been excellent chiropractors over long numbers of years. Whether diversified or other.
It’s those after recognition who think by giving it a good rattle. Mobilisation without the need to understand the balance I have problems with. The profession dumbed down to a norm that’s not applicable to other techniques.
Why is balance so important? Well, if you are out of balance, a large part of your body has to counterbalance the effect, altering weight bearing capacity of the joints and constantly working muscles even at rest. ✅ Do that for years and then see what happens. Another chronic patient waiting on my list.
How many chiropractic techniques other than crack and crunch? It’s not just toggle. A profession that attracts spectrum based people. Loads, activator helps 3D balance and does not hurt, 👍 Thompson drop, part toggle, part thrust on a head piece that drops on adjustment.
Old Ted Koren added a new neurological twist. Quite a list. Very hard to normalise but the GCC and BCA have been trying.
Of course everyone has ticked their boxes so everything is tickety-boo Prime minister. ✅
Why only 15 years or so ago for vit d deficiency? Didn’t see much of it before. When we had proper seasons blue skies and frost Nov, Dec and parts of Jan. Now we have more cloudy south westerlies than a cool blast from the north.
Cover up to keep dry and warm. Stay indoors and not walk much for a number of years grinds the system down. I expect best guess opinion at best. But would answer most of the questions arising from it.
Works with the Cabinet Office. 🤔🤔 No conflict of interest or abuse of power possible there then. Statement on GOV.UK website
Howard Lamb
1st July, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yep, why did the BCA not stand up for my diagnosis right at the start? Well they would have had to admit toggle works after years of slagging it off. Criminal is all I can say.
I haven’t had the time this week to do my Boris top up so will try and finish it over the weekend, after I finish work at 6 today.
😂😂😂😂 If you are only a true chiropractor after breaking something and my father never did . Is that why they thought the toggle didn’t work?
Very good. 😂😂😇 Don’t be silly, I am spectrum and don’t conform to the norm. Hence my family’s results are abnormal thank God. 😂😂
What about the GCC’s involvement? Well Coates cocked up so the Major Gen had to cover up and on and on and on.
Can’t have a chiropractor making diagnosis can we as down grading to therapist, and we can turn a blind eye to the fact they can be sued for not making one.
What do you think would happen when the Privy Council get involved, or cover up central as it should be known?
Does being spectrum help my toggle ability? Yes, prob why many can’t do it. Not their fault being normal. 😂😂😂
Should be all up on site at different times and in different ways. Well chronicled. ✅
Why do I know so much about vit D? At least 15 years ago, a certain type of female patient was responding much slower than the norm.
Sent a whole load to docs over a number of years for bloods and the common factor was low or non-existent vit D. Have a jab asap and you will feel much better. 👍✅
Howard Lamb
30th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my 2 letters to the Prof
Howard Lamb
29th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why was my father so fired up by chiropractic? It’s on the site somewhere but I’ll go over it again.
He was at John Lyon’s school on Harrow Hill and had a major sporting injury to his back. They had him in a plaster cast and traction weight for weeks and on serious drugs and told he needed an op, which was 50 50 he would be left paralysed. His father heard of a chiropractor locally, one of the first Palmer graduates under BJ’s reign. He had dad out of pain and recovered in 10 weeks by giving his neck a light tap. He said it was like magic.
Two years later he was doing his pre-med. i.e., all the stuff needed to walk the rounds as your education continued and then shot off to the States. Not an easy thing in 1936.
Well, HIO is much more than a tap on the neck, as he found out and started our 3D adjusting system for the modern day complex issues we are seeing today.
If you suppress and injury with pain killers etc. your body will adapt to the injury and reset the norm. The worse the balance the more over strained the system is. Over years each new injury is making the spine adapt more until it’s been so over loaded over prob 20 to 30 years, it comes to a grinding halt. As seen all day long on scans and x rays. ✅
Lifestyle changes over 80 years of clinical development. 40 years ago, I hardly treated a knee, everyone walked and had done over decades. Every other female over the menopause tends to have knee issues. So many replacements now, why? Get out of bed, sit at work, sofa then bed.
Weight bearing and movement stimulate hyaline fluid production to lube the joint and build new cartilage. 👍🤔 You work it out.
Why is diversified so limited? The more damage done over a long period of time the more scar tissue the body developed to protect itself as it slowly goes into the fusion proctors to try and stabilise itself.
Crack and crunch will stretch the scar tissue and allow better mobility and decrease pain. You then have to mobilise a damaged section 3 times a week until finances dry up, hence pay up front.
They have helped their patient.
3D rebalance, breaking key areas of scaring then holding in a stable condition i.e. a reasonable balance, so the soft tissues and joints can regenerate and reset muscle and neurological memory. Or the lamb technique. 👍😂😂😂😇
Why did I not go to John Lyon’s like my dad? Failed common entrance as naughty boy I expect. 😂
Why post M females? Vit d depletion and hormonal change leading to osteoporosis.
Well women plaster their faces with everything the market has to offer and then it’s only their hands getting sunlight. Vit d causes all sorts of problems if too low, not just bone.
I’ll put it in plain English. We are solar powered, like your garden lights, we don’t work well without sunshine. Is that better. 👍😂
Sunshine on forehead or red dot third eye area, triggers a response for fat cells in your back produce vit d.
Shop bought comes from fish fat under the skin, so I believe until corrected.
Howard Lamb
28th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
I attended the 50 year anniversary of Mctim’s first school for chiropractic in their state of the art college in Abingdon. Including virtual autopsy. No smell or throwing up as in my day. 😂
The college is fully accredited for human and animal training, world leading.
Really nice people.
I’ll put up two letters tomorrow, it will explain a lot. 👍
I have known the professor of chiropractic for over twenty years and what she has done under huge pressure from the BCA is nothing short of miraculous.
She was the first ever accredited professor of chiropractic, hence “the prof”.
Howard Lamb
27th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Two weeks up tomorrow since my last letter to Boris and to date no response. I wonder why and what is he hiding from?
Until we get a response we will not know.
If still no news tomorrow’ I’ll put together a top up letter to go by the end of the week.
Howard Lamb
26th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
How does the privy council fit into the Child X case?
I’ve had no paperwork back remember. Best guess, Judge at tribunal should have flagged the case.
Then the GCC stopped communicating.
From there everything went downhill for the child.
I was blocked from making complain by the GCC who report to Privy Council. False malpractice scam and then removed off register.
Awful amount of coincidence don’t you think?
Well, if you look at my families record 83 years of qualified clinicians and a clean record via patients at the GCC and insurers with a high-volume practice. 🤔
Howard Lamb
25th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
That’s handy for Boris, defo no conflict of interest or abuse of power there then. 👍Mirror article – Met Police ‘stitch up’ claim as Sajid Javid’s brother oversees Partygate complaint
I think one of the Javid brothers committed suicide, a few years back. I expect that’s why Javid took on the NHS to find out why so many people with mental health issues have done the same when everyone was told they were just attention seeking. 🤔
Text to a friend:
Would Boris try and wriggle out of it? Derrr.
Talked to the Times about Carries special appointment on lots of dosh. What do you think? It would answer lots of questions. Let’s see if they tinker to get Sir K done so an ethical man has to walk whilst an unethical one rules the roost.
Well, the Tories see a rough ride ahead and a lack of quality to replace Boris with. So, they will allow him and the country spiral to new depths. Dump him and have replacement in to take them through the next election. If they lose Labour, Lib Dem, SNP and Welsh have to pick up the pieces when bankrupt, high inflation and dysfunctional system. Then snipe at them till the next election about how shit they are.
If they win after all this democracy has gone for ever.
Truss, minister for women sounded ok but made life more complex for gays. Didn’t think thing through and had to back track.
Not right for bad mother and scummy families, middle class snob.
Shapps need the strike to turn the public against the union to stop all the others who need a pay rise just to keep heads above water.
Not honest. 🤔
Mogg, pompous upper-class bigot. Not one to care for the masses.
Hunt, Gove, lounge lizard and Hobbit. Hopefully yesterdays news.
Richie S no 11. Corporate mafia.
Arms to the peasants type thing.
Maybe they could CGI Churchill or Thatcher, that could work for them because they are only puppets being manipulated from within.
Howard Lamb
24th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Well it’s like this. If Boris had lost the vote of confidence, I would have gone into Europe for justice.
Why? Months to vote new one. Can’t make any decisions as everything in limbo. Time for them to try and distance themselves, take the heat out of it and drag it out for a long time, as seen over the length of this site and chronicled. No other choice.
Boris prob in for a year at least so can just keep cranking the pressure.
By now they will have worked out I’m not an old git and angry from Pinner but well informed professional and only deals in truth. As a clinician if anything does not add up you spread the net to understand what’s causing your patients problem. If information is proved wrong, you update it. It’s not hard.
So, I now wait for them to move in a positive direction. But will keep explaining stuff etc. on the site. Nothing really changed so saved me a lot of effort. Well done Boris.
The letters to ICC etc. are written, always be prepared, just in case he does the decent thing and resigns.
Mother again. 👍😂😂
No he is severely protected as PM but not as a back bencher as we saw at Wakefield where the MP was banged up. So as soon as he steps down, I can go for it.
If you do not diagnose, traumatise children with special needs, bang them up and blame them and their families, there has to be consequences otherwise it’s a totalitarian state. Particularly as it’s been clearly covered up. As seen on site and well chronically. ✅
The cover up is throughout the system so covers thousands who are and have been aiding and abetting child abuse. I wonder why they don’t want to talk.
I had to laugh at Michael Howard who wants Boris to resign, he was part of Thatcher’s lot and Major. No hidden agenda there then. 😂😂
Why to Europe rather than UK? After Rotherham and all the others where the police seemed to condone the abuse of over 1400 young girls at least and still have not solved the problem, Partygate non-event, prisons full of addicts and mentally ill rather than criminals etc. I have no confidence they will want to do the right thing.
Let’s face it. All the people who knew and in charge are still involved with the Privy Council, Major, Blair, Crown, Clegg? Cameron, May? So, you can see why we have not moved forwards.
Total stitch up for kids with special needs all the way up to middle aged people who were traumatised when young. ✅ Why? Pride before the fall I expect.
Well, who wants a criminal record for child abuse after a long career and high standing, rather than standards, in the community?
Exactly, they have influence in all areas. Judiciary, police, education and the SS. Long list. So, if they don’t want to listen to the truth they don’t have too. Hence ICC and Court of Human Rights. Prob why they are changing the law to protect themselves.
You work it out, over the years hundreds of covered up child abuses. Church, institutions, care homes. Police and social services failed time and time again. How is that possible if others were not pulling the strings? It took me a few years to work out why they would do such a thing. Unless I come up with something better, naughty uncontrolled kids from scummy families get what they deserve.
That’s the political elite for you. ✅🇬🇧
If the kids were not bad enough, the remain faction are slowly sabotaging Brexit.
Who says it’s a democracy anymore? What evidence is there?
You telling me that if they had pulled together it would have been done within a year of the vote and we would not be in the mess it’s in now? The EU don’t want us to succeed and see us as their enemy, ungrateful bastards. 👍😇
Huge hardship around the planet, then WW2. Global warming stirring the pot and not so happy days ahead if we don’t sort this mess out.
Howard Lamb
23rd June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why did I bring Black Rock and Vanguard into the equation yesterday? Well the gov will say lack of funding is now their problem. Well, if people paid the right amount of tax it would not be. 🤔
Howard Lamb
22nd June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news. Well, how could they with the by-elections tomorrow. Oops been caught out abusing kids for years, vote for us.
Text to a friend:
Agreed, there will never be a good time to break the news so head in sand and keep going. ✅
Exactly, the longer they cover it up the more kids start to be and are continuing to be abused. Just criminal. 👍✅
Yep, just getting worse by the day. As more and more get dragged into the coverup. More and more necks on the block, so more determination to stop it from seeing the light of day.
How do you get justice under a Con gov? 🤔
I did mean conservative, not convict, as they have not had to face the ICC and Courts of Human Rights as yet.
You have to ask why you have to go so far to get justice? 🤔
No chance of conflict of interest, abuse of power, control and manipulation of the markets to their advantage and not pay tax, there then. 😂😂😇 Rueters article – Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context
Howard Lamb
21st June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Another hollow apology from the police over Rochdale. The head of the ring worked for the council and they were not informed.
I would like to hear how supporting the victims has gone. You just know it didn’t go well.
We are terribly sorry, but we have moved on. ✅
Exactly, that’s more than the victims have.
Howard Lamb
20th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Prison population down and crime up. Another Tory success.
How, by fiddling with the figures. Take theft and fraud out of the figures and all of a sudden you have a 14%drop in crime during lock down. Yes, Prime Minister all over again. 😂👍
Well, if you don’t work and get minimum benefit and locked down, I expect that’s why fraud hit a spike.
The honest majority just got mental health issues from debt and eviction.
Well people used to earn a bit of cash to just about get through. Lockdown stopped much of that.
The office for nationally statistics study shows short sharp shock deterred 60% who do not re-offend. But it has an opposite effect on the 40% who do re-offend. No change in life just more punishment. You work it out. 🤔
The 60% who were shocked and traumatised most prob have not thrived and as criminals get no help but bottom line basics. It often does not go well.
Exactly, trauma causes problems, not solve them.
If they are not banging up thieves and fraudsters as all police resources have been utilised for the war on terror.
So, who have they been banging up to keep the numbers steady to come in just over budget. 🤔😂😂😇
I wonder if judges work on quotas rather than purely justice. 🤔
Well, the 40% prob spectrum ADHD donkeys who have not been broken and will not be dragged anywhere. Complex.
Not in our nature to be subservient you see. Prob why Britain will never be slaves. Nice song, even when booed.
In the ONS study, 90% have mental health/addiction/ many with both problems. Then 10% would be the actual criminals. 🤔 Makes you think and wonder, doesn’t it?
Care in the community means take your drugs or go to jail. ONS study suggests the possibility. 👍😇
If the whole system is based on breaking children’s will to conform to the norm, what did you expect to happen? 🤔
Take drugs or go to jail, then the others it’s stop taking drugs or go to jail. Make your mind up, which is it?
Wrong, proper care and guidance and a life coach or mentor. If done right would work and cheaper than we have, short or long term particularly. i.e. one paying tax on own two feet rather than costing silly amounts for life. You work it out.
That was the good news prison population down. Making room for those of blame and can still come in under budget. 👍😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
19th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Will much happen next week? We have tractor hub and the kiddy fiddlers seats up for grabs, giving the gov time to work behind the scenes blocking the mental health scandal, ranging from 5 to over 100 years old, restrained, traumatised and blamed.
ONS study says 90% of kids in custody have mental health, substance abuse problems and most with both.
ADHD does not count as it is seen as just naughtiness.
Few spectrum kids diagnosed so no need to cater for their special needs. No change there then. If they had been diagnosed early and got the support needed, would they be in jail now? Prob not.
Another glowing success for our Con gov. Young offenders and prison population down. Political. ✅
Truth is the courts were closed for covid, so no one got convicted.
10 a week died, numbers right up. Covid deaths increased the figures. It’s criminal what they have done and are still doing.
As always, a busy week ahead, I’ll keep you updated.
Text to a friend:
Exactly. Assange a classic spectrum ADHD or Aussie which ever you prefer. And look what’s happened to him for wanting justice.
Court of human rights must overturn Pritti’s rubber stamp for Bojo.
Why for Bojo? Well, he is not a fighter more bully, lover and coward. Not the right combination to stand up for an Aussies rights against the mighty USA x3. 👍😂
Yep, proportionate action at the correct time is what’s needed. Not knee-jerk reaction behind the scenes which ripple out over decades, then cover up the truth to you and me.
Bulger, Shipman, Baby P, bloods, Liverpool fans, tower tragedy, illegal war — Long list.
Time for change I expect.
Yea simple. Stop war. Provision for drought and crop failure. Add some justice and the refugee crisis goes away. Let’s send them all to Rwanda and they can run away from the problem again.
13 million displaced in Ukraine for example, Somalia, Ethiopia, Syria, Afghans etc.
Let’s start at home. Rebuild the union including those who don’t want to. 👍😂 Form a union with the other Atlantic islands and Scandinavia, joining with the EU but without EU control or currency, aiding our free market and show the world that building is much better than distraction. ✅
Howard Lamb
18th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Where was the mother and child’s support team? Good question. I was it. All agencies have signed him off.
Mark you the child would have no truck with them, as hates all who work for the system. Why wouldn’t he, considering what he has been through, but they see it as noncompliance from a naughty boy. 🤔
Each time I have tried to help him engage we hit the same hurdle.
So why do you think your being naughty, did your mother beat you?
After 20 years of it you tend to switch off.
Howard Lamb
17th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Still no news.
The ethics adviser to Boris resigned 48 hours after my top up to Boris hit home. Coincidence? Prob not but will we ever know the truth!
They can’t say they haven’t had the right information because it was covered in depth at the tribunal in 2012. The GCC had multiple letters, ignored them then tried to throw me out of the profession. 20+ letters to two Prime Ministers.
How can that be ethical, but it took him 2 years to resign. 🤔
Don’t make me laugh, duty of care non-existent so they can’t get sued. Dropped for councils and for NHS later on due to their cock ups during the pandemic.
Agreed. After Depp did a job on Hurst was it, Andrew would have won hands down. So took the hit for the team to preserve the royal image.
Does not excuse his behaviour throughout but least he sacrificed himself, so honour at the death, so to speak, move on with his life.
No, a bit bored, always am when waiting.
Letting the dust settle and if no white flag to be seen, with new ammo we will start again next week. 👍
No, not a new Princes Trust for underaged sex victims long before 17. But someone should.
Well, mother been through the mill for the changes in the benefit system. Letter to council, moved her son. Long story with how it’s and is affecting the child. 🤔 Might start there. Job on going and the saga continues, prob finance the judicial review. So ethically can only scout the edges. Council prejudice is deep routed. Bad mothers letting the side down. You get nothing for naughtiness!
What happens if I don’t do judicial review? Fair game, open season, happy days, fire away, I expect. 😂
Howard Lamb
14th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Howard Lamb
14th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Thank you, I was pleased with the polite letter to Boris.
Well in theory Boris should report Boris to Boris. They then decide if it should go any further. 🤔
Howard Lamb
13th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Still no news.
I’ll find out tomorrow if top up for Boris went tonight or in the morning. So up tomorrow or Wednesday. Mother sent a six page letter to the council today. Long battle over heating not worked for a number of years and right of access etc. Won ombudsman and council paid up then stitched her up by not moving her and pulling out of the agreed settlement, days before she was to move.
When you are on the council’s blacklist as a bad mother and trouble maker nothing ever goes smoothly.
All in the paperwork, OCD mother remember. Fighting alone over 20+ years and had her kid trashed. 🤔 Boxes of it.
No agreed, I did ask her for copy to go up. She said that at this stage she just wants them to move her from her neighbour next door. Very long story.
I expect if they give her the wrong answer, I’ll talk her round and expose the council for what they truly are. Starts with an f and then w. Subtle hint.
You could not write it. She been trying to see her MP from Bovingdon, my MP also, for three years. Finally, he had to admit that Bovingdon was part of his constituency and turned up with high police visibility.
Talked to mother and then did a picture of them for his social media. A hole. ✅ Defo capital A.
Do I think I am stressing the people in opposition to change? I do hope so, nothing better than a taste of your own medicine for you to see the light. Mum again, took me most of my life to suss that one.
Works well now. 😂😂😂😂
Really, lucky I didn’t wait and put in my clean air protocols to keep staff and patients safe. 🤔 Guardian article – Improved disease control in public buildings ‘could save UK billions a year’
Howard Lamb
12th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
I came across a history of Boris. It explains much.
Update letter to Boris done and will go early next week and up on site by midweek. ✅🤔
Text to a fiend:
Are we back to Bloody Sunday yet? A lot of the islanders still want to know what truly happened and can’t rest till they do.
Thatcher had to give the kill order, like Gibraltar, the Belgrano or whoever the PM was at the time. British soldiers run on orders.
Howard Lamb
11th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Amazing what you find when you keep digging. Independent article – Hundreds of boys ‘tortured’ at youth detention centres in 1970s and 1980s
Well said. The Times article – Short, sharp shock, A is for Ambush Ofsted adopts new tactics
Howard Lamb
PS Is Charles allowed an opinion on Rwanda? Of course, he is by right of the Magna Carter. Free speech for free men and justice. 👍
10th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
They all should be investigated. If you restrain kids routinely due to wrong diagnosis and treatment plan. What do you expect when they have no human rights? Guardian article – Reports of Calcot abuse prompt calls for reform of children’s social care in UK
Imagine what it’s like in the care system when you are naughty and have no rights. Guardian article – UCL apologises for ‘bullying and sexual misconduct’ at architecture school
Going back to the 90’s, which is where the care problem seems to have taken a wrong turn. Who took their rights away? Howard, Major, Blair and Mandleson or others?
It’s important, if it was under the Conservatives and they are in gov will we ever see the truth?
If you look at the history, Canning had stopped which was used to make the child comply. So, we went into army discipline with short sharp shock. This was evolving during the nineties. So the Conservatives opened the door and then Blair drove the proverbial bus through the gap.
Only naughty with bad mothers so let’s remove their human rights so we can restrain them to break their will and comply.
Always in the history if anyone can be bothered to look.
Text to a friend:
Explains why Parliament is dragging its heels. The trouble is the kids’ lives are getting worse whilst we wait for the elite to finish covering it up. ✅
Why would they break children’s spirit? 🤔 You can’t have a will full population can you, what could that lead to? Didn’t break me so I want justice. ✅
Michael Howard and John (the curry monster) Major. Or H M government. It seems to fit. 👍😂😂
Interesting history. Explains a lot. Beyond Youth Custody article – Youth justice timeline
Not just my will, but for the will of those who were broken and not able to stand for themselves.
Howard Lamb
8th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Nothing dodgy there then. Guardian article – Judicial independence tainted by ministers, Commons inquiry finds
Text to a friend:
If you look logically at the party culture during lock down, why were so many people there? The country was closed down, as was the western world. 🤔
Brexit, re writing EU law. ✅
Two years to bend and twist it to their and their posh mates advantage, otherwise most of them should have been at home on 70% of income like the rest. 🤔
Lots of mates in the Lords to help out.
Prob millions of pages that have been tinkered with. Doesn’t bare thinking about.
Some political bloke on the tv said “We have Magna Carter so don’t need the court of human rights.”
Well history shows the peasants revolted to get it done, then saw no advantage because the Barons became more powerful. Life for the peasant prob did not change for 800 years. And the Barons still rule today.
Democracy is a myth. Parliament and it’s structures do as they want and we just pay the bill.
Barons is a loose title could cover a spectrum from global corps to media moguls, long list of rich and powerful people I expect.
Short hand. Positive emotional input helps combat long term deep rooted stress effecting the health of the hippocampus. Nature Communications article – Hippocampal seed connectome-based modeling predicts the feeling of stress
Howard Lamb
7th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why did Thatcher retire two days after her vote of no confidence where 60 odd MPs rebelled? Prob because she could not guarantee passing law through the Commons, i.e. rebels and opposition had the larger numbers.
Boris is in the same situation. Let’s see what happens by the weekend.
Then if still there I’ll send the next letter. ✅
Howard Lamb
6th June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Still no reply.
Well, what could they say? We removed their rights, complicated their lives, damaged their capabilities through wrong and non-diagnosis, constantly traumatising them through wrong action, damaging the brain, bringing on brain dysfunction with more restraint at the end which helped to cause the problem in the first place.
Lessons will be learned, once we are sure we cannot be prosecuted for the cover up of child abuse by a system designed to do so to save money.
Move on now.
What about litigation against the gov? If they fire those responsible. Gov can claim no responsibility or pay out as criminal act and they all breached their terms of contract. 🤔😇⚡️💥🌊
Is that true, Paddington bear has higher ratings than Boris for PM? 😂
No I’m not excusing Andrew. But after the Amber Depp trials, you can see why a private family had to pay up, right or wrong.
Andrew is not in the same class as Depp who was Oscar material.
Vote of no confidence. If he gets through this one, it’s a year before they can do it again.
If he has to go, it gets really interesting. Actually, either way, doesn’t matter anymore. The truth is out there, and it’s been seen, understood and hopefully acted upon.
That’s type of interesting.
Howard Lamb
3rd June, 2022
Dear Patient,
All other countries involved had people done for negligence, not the UK. Defo cover up. I news article – Tainted blood scandal: Health officials thought victims would win court case, secret memo reveals
Interesting article says it all. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience article – The role of the hippocampus in flexible cognition and social behavior
Just to back it up. Very Well Mind article – What Is the Hippocampus?
More for the clinicians amongst us. Translational Psychiatry article – Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder modulate polygenic predictors of hippocampal and amygdala volume
That’s clearer. National Library of Medicine article – Stress predicts brain changes in children: a pilot longitudinal study on youth stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the hippocampus
Not just me saying it then 🤔 Sky news article – Infected blood scandal: Former prime minister John Major ‘must answer to inquiry’
Howard Lamb
2nd June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Don’t even go there. Who cares really?
She will get the book and film rights from her side, and he will move from kiddies sparrow to something far more adult.
Proper pirate doing proper pirate things with a twist of Jurassic Park I expect. ✅
Let’s not stop a cash cow.
My friend in Scotland who has a 12 year old waiting for diagnosis for over 5 years got a call from these people who have been contracted in to help with the large back log. So, the gov knows there is a prob and have started to do something. Better late than never. Healios – Your mental health, autism and ADHD service
That’s all right for those that have been picked up and going through the process. Countless thousands are already diagnosed as naughty and don’t get anything except blame and criticism.
Howard Lamb
1st June, 2022
Dear Patient,
Tons on hippocampus shrinking due to excessive cortisol on internet, linked to depression etc. etc. etc. Don’t have to believe me it’s there in black and white. I thought that might help. Explains much. The Conversation article – How chronic stress changes the brain – and what you can do to reverse the damage
So does this. National Library of Medicine article – Effects of stress hormones on the brain and cognition: Evidence from normal to pathological aging
Text to a friend:
😂😂😂😂 I wonder why they have never tried to contact me or take the site down? Truths a bitch, agreed. 😂😂😂
Text to a friend:
I’ve been thinking how to sort Parliament out.
Queen should have input and the power to block any totalitarian movement or exploitation of her people.
Lords should be non-political just knowledgeable people working together for the greater good.
The opposition helps to point out how to improve well thought out plans for the benefit of the people, not political gain.
The gov run by a well-oiled machine that does well for the people.
PM and Cabinet can then be sure of their facts before the correct changes are put in place. 🤔
Could take a while. 👍
You can’t do that and cover up, prob the flaw in my plan.
I’ll catch up with the mother over the hols, who has been having a nightmare moving her son and changing to universal credit for him.
Different council, no history so everyone has to jump through hoops so boxes can be ticked.
A traumatised autistic person who hates the system, is dyslexic and has not a scooby do of an idea what to do and would not know where to start. They have not accepted power of attorney for mother or his special needs.
I’ll give you the full sp as it happens.
Mark you Watford is still Herts. 🤔
Howard Lamb
31st May, 2022
Dear Patient,
I see the blood scandal people are finally being treated properly and compensated. Handcock a year ago said they should.
40 years late but that’s the gov for you.
Rape victims are going to be treated with care, at long last.
So, things are moving.
Abuse of several generations of children with special needs who are treated outside of their human rights. May take a while longer. Boris only interested in saving his own bacon and not about doing the right thing. 🤔
Once the Jubilee is over, I’ll write again.
Howard Lamb
PS The law and order party, all spin, crimes up and the rest gets covered up, would be closer to the truth.
Text to a friend:
Well, restraint is an assault unless you remove the child’s human rights, then it’s ok to abuse children with special needs who have been put at risk through non and wrong diagnosis.
Exactly, you restrain a child, how can that not be assault? Assaulting a child is abuse. 🤔
Yep, classic politics, remove their human rights and you can assault them as much as you want. 😡 Thousands banged up without charge or diagnosis. I rest my case.
These kids have psychotic events and others have to be protected from them says gov.
Long term over use of cortisol through fright and flight will lead to psychotic events. You work it out. 😡
Good question. Who removed their rights? 🤔
They restrain the elderly as well. Google it. The Ferret article – Children as young as five restrained in care homes despite ‘promise’ to stop
Well, when the carers are minimum wage and only taught how to restrain what else can they do. ✅
Why has the bloods scandal gone on for so long? Best guess is they are cynical bastards and hoped the majority would have died by now to save them money. 🤔
29th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
100+ a day still dying from Covid. You have to ask, how many died beyond the 28 days. Heard of a patient’s family member who died 3 months after catching it.
When everything gets massaged to show the gov in a better light, you can’t trust a word they say. 🤔
What do I think of Hunt as the next leader? Look at his record with the National Health. Then his controlling influence via committee since. Defo not the right man for the job.
I don’t think that’s what Boris had in mind when changing the ministers code to get Handcock back into Cabinet. 😂😂😂
Crime figures from the law and order party.
Boris and Priti. 14% reduction. ✅ Truth, they left fraud and others out of the figures, otherwise it would have been a 14% increase. Not police business anymore, down to insurance. ✅
I’ve spent the last hour looking at leadership candidates for all parties and got depressed. Even if they pooled to form a gov, you could only get half a Cabinet.
If Boris has changed the rules so he does not have to take responsibility for a piss up or 6, what have they done behind the scenes to protect themselves from charges of child abuse? I have said for years there is something very dark at the heart of all this.
My vote has to be him at no 11. Legally British now and paying tax. Just the role model for the rich to pay some tax at last. 👍🇬🇧 Well it’s a one horse race so won by default.
Any idiot can do the job. Finding one to do it well is the problem. 🤔
Don’t. Could you imagine. Top companies having their Coe decided by shareholders. Those with the biggest block could get someone in to do what’s right for them and not the company. 🤔
So, PR battle then the Tory members vote on perceived ability and not qualification to do the job. Prob where it goes wrong.
Well, when you start with lies, how can it get better.
America and its right to shoot people. Common sense has gone out of the window. Many of the shooters are under 25. So, limit that age groups accessibility.
No semi or fully automated weapons. Three shot shotguns only. Bolt action rifles, for hunting. Can only use on gun club ranges until 25 and have passed a test to qualify. If can’t wait, join the army and kill people abroad, should do it.
Well, the army would train well before they get to use the guns on their own and a semi auto 3 shot shotgun with magnum buck shot or larger will stop most house intruders. ✅😂
Yep, the army would teach weapon responsibility. Can’t just go round shooting friendlies, Snowdon and ASSANGE made sure of that. ✅
I did wonder if my club got the Russian backlash due to confusing Chelsea Manning with Chelsea FC. 🤔
Howard Lamb
28th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Old Boris is a boy!
Broke code so fixes it, by changing the ministers code, so he does not have to face responsibility.
All those Liverpool fans, bloods, care homes, church, Rochdale and all the gov injustices laid bare, let’s just twist the system a bit more and we are all right Jack. 🇬🇧
Incompetence over Covid, prob be another ten years by the time it comes to the conclusion the gov did well. ✅
Howard Lamb
PS I know Liverpool fans have trouble reading so not likely to read this site. But good luck for final. As a Chelsea fan beaten in two cup finals on shoot outs this year, let’s hope you are put out of your misery long before then. 😂😂😂😂😂👍
For woke sake just playing.
I think they are still British, so always get my support against Jonny foreigner.
27th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I was going to put my findings into the Royal College of Chiropractors, but politics stopped that after the regulator and BCA had me removed, wrongly, from the chiro register.
Well toggle doesn’t work in their eyes so it would have been a bit of a slap in the face.
You work it out.
Howard Lamb
26th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news. We saw yesterday how the police can be manipulated by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Office. The ABBA party was not investigated by Sue Grey because the police took over and then stopped investigating that party.
So, if the police are not independent, as shown, what chance justice for the X Children?
Text to a friend:
Well, Party gate has shown that the gov lies to save their bacon and gives my case more credibility. Everyone can see they cannot be trusted. Yet Labour and libs are not capable of forming a government. What a mess.
How many parties were spreader events? I mention that because I read somewhere that they were entitled to blow off steam because of the pressure they were under.
Most of the pressure was of their own making due to incompetence.
The NHS was under greater pressure, unprotected and thousands dying with high rates of infected staff but no Friday dinkypoos for them.
No point writing to them as are clearly not independent 😤and in need of reform. Transparency International article – WHAT’S AN INDEPENDENT ADVISER ON MINISTERIAL INTERESTS TO DO? THE LIMITATIONS OF MINISTERIAL OVERSIGHT AND THE NEED FOR REFORM
Well how does Party Gate fit in there? 🤔 Guardian article – FAQ The ministerial code: Seven principles of public life
So, Boris would have to agree to be investigated before any investigation.
I wonder how that works, not. 👍
Well, what can you say to that? Guardian article – How No 10’s alleged parties took place as UK Covid death toll rose – interactive
It’s a shame track and trace did not work, otherwise we could see related deaths due to their irresponsible actions.
If they run on cortisol for two long, the body through neurological memory, will reset the dials as the norm, long term fright and flight will cause chemical burn out in the brain with associated damage seen on MRI.
Add a cocktail of class A adult drugs which slows brain development, particularly emotion control. And blamed for being naughty perpetuating the cycle. Hell on earth for them. Post and constant traumatic stress. And they knew what they were doing when they rigged the system against them. 🤔
Text to a friend:
I’ve done a lot on autism ADHD and associated conditions over this past 10 years.
My thoughts are: Get them young, understand why they behave as they do and change it, one on one, in a soft and caring way. The child will open up and develop. Head butt and the donkey is off again.
The less cortisol the better. You are not rewarding bad behaviour but getting to understand your unique child and trying to improve their understanding of life from a very safe position, which allows them to pull their acts together as they learn to use there machinery (brain).✅
PS Birthing reflexes. It is prob that on some children the reflexes don’t complete their tasked and parts of systems my not function as well as it should do.
There are good people out there who can help and advise or read up from net and do at home.
Most of it is quite simple but I’ve seen change in children who received some treatments. No cure but every little counts in one a remarkable transition from the bottom of his class to top 5.
No science just common sense.
Howard Lamb
25th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
When the PM says he is not to be investigated the police said yes Prime Minister. Then it can be said the police did investigate. Defo cover up as normal just corrupt. ✅ Guardian article – Met police faces legal action over ‘irrational’ handling of Partygate
Least you can see why I’ve struggled for 12 years to get them to do something about child abuse by the system. Bury it and move on.
Dealing with Boris is like dealing with a naughty child. Did you have a drink, Boris? No. But you have a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other and alcohol on your breath. Wasn’t me honest!
If Boris goes would that help? Well, who is going to be stupid enough to go for the job? Economy falling apart, debt at record levels, Covid not over. Long list.
Prob need a general election to get rid of all the cling ons and dead wood. Then novices running things, what a mess and the kids still being abused.
It would not cost much to sort out. Not bad mothers (few are) just families that need help not criticism. Grass roots of mentors to help out and good education on what these children actually need. The need to feel safe in all areas of life especially school.
Early diagnosis and correct treatment would save a fortune.
Text to a friend:
Watched a bit of Japan news last night to get away from party gate. They showed 2 short interviews with psychologists talking about how to help mental health in the young.
I was impressed by their simplicity over complex issues. Each talk about getting the brain to work differently. Both said the child must feel safe in their environment.
The Japanese lady told a story where a mother could not cope and was always bollocking the child. She made the mother cuddle the child and play gentle games like catch etc. The week later the child and mother had bonded and we’re not at each other’s throats, why did you not do what I told you to do, because I didn’t listen as you are always raising the tone of aggression in your voice to me. ✅
These children get locked in a loop and can’t break free, so it is down to the parent. If nobody teaches the parent how can the child move on.
Why could I not have a normal child? You have a child that is normal for them, it’s you who has to learn, and they will follow. 👍
Why catch? Hand and eye coordination working the brain steam and opening access to other pathways, not just learning how but the social interaction and fun. Fun releases serotonin and you are out of fright and flight mode.
The importance is in f&f mode all you want to do is run away. In happy mode you can access all the pathways that are closed or at minimal levels under cortisol influence. Simples.
The old SS would go nuts. You do not reward naughtiness after all, they have to learn the hard way. Let’s give them a short sharp shock, that should do it. ✅
Exactly. Did the mountain go to Mohamed? I think not. Don’t anger the donkey and he will do everything you want and more due to the loving bond they feel.
If a child is naughty and getting worse, there is always a reason. Some simple others to horrible to contemplate. Ignoring it and blaming the child then punishing them for their naughtiness can mess them up for life, and does. 😤😡🔥⚡️
Let’s hope there is a hell, and they pay the price for getting away with blue murder when they were alive. 👍😂🇬🇧
Even in kids like Boris, who end up sex love addicted, usually accompanied by drug and alcohol abuse and can only see things from their own selfish viewpoint.
First of all, they have to hit rock bottom before they admit they have a problem. Once they start to accept help, they can start to move on. ✅
Stop it, Freud did not say that his sister got her baps out to upset Bojo because his mother never did.
Prob where all this mothers cold to their children causes autism rubbish that’s been around for ever. Anyways who listens to a coke head like Freud? Ok Yung and Adler did and started a new profession. But who else?
How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Just the one but the light bulb really must want to change. ✅
Freud and coke? He doled it out to his patients, some as a cure to opium addiction others to lift depression. How many coke dealers do not touch the merchandise? Be real. 😂😂😂
So the SS do not reward, and the psychologist just drugs them. How Victorian is that? Prob change well overdue. 👍 About covers it.
Boris I’ll take full responsibility. Later Boris to himself you naughty boy, I’m over it let’s move on.
When the one person who is above the law, breaks the law with impunity he has not understood what his position is as a role model for society and a shining light as an honourable gentleman.
Above the law does not mean you can do what you want and spin and lie your way out of trouble.
What next, rigged elections, state controlled media? A very slippery slope indeed.
Howard Lamb
24th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news yet, except it would seem that the police have perverted justice to protect the Prime Minister over party gate. Cover up seems to be the norm. If they can’t come clean over a drinks bash what chance for abusing children.
Howard Lamb
23rd May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Just one of countless thousands. Sky News article – Bounced from home to home, neglected and raped: The story of a teenager’s horrific life in care
Well, if you restrain kids and they have no safe place they run away. Looked into fright and flight and post-traumatic stress. It’s not that hard to work out.
What they need is a short sharp shock to sort them out, put them in jail and traumatise them further. That’s a big no as only does more harm. If you are traumatised already how can more trauma help.
What a system, world beating, the children up that is.
Shame on the gov for knowing and then making their lives worse by cover up.
It’s only the kids in the UK who are. Sky News article – Boris Johnson pens open letter to children of Ukraine, saying: ‘You are not alone’
Catchy headline though Boris cares for children. Evidence shows another pork pie. Well, he can’t be accused of lies.
The girl in failed care.
When a single or separated mum has a child with special needs. Much of her time is taken up dealing with them. No time or finance to change the situation. Her normal kids can be put into a foster home as neglected and the mother blamed. ✅
Cheaper to rip the family apart than deal with the complex needs and persistent re traumatising by the state. 🇬🇧
A child who is removed from its family will be traumatised by that alone let alone anything else. Foster parents not told much but get on with it. What could possibly go wrong and does frequently?
The child is often left feeling rejected and low on self-esteem. Well, when rejected by a bad mother you are left confused.
Taken away by the SS to save budget and not address any of the issues, is the truth but they will never know.
Any of these families often need physical help and emotional support. Much easier just to blame.
Howard Lamb
22nd May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Was it Boris or was it Simple Simon says, Yes Prime Minister.
Doesn’t matter really as both responsible for doing nothing about the Child X case.
So, what’s a few drinks among friends in comparison. ✅
Talked to our insurers at the conference and was told that the manual adjusting part of our profession (crack and crunch) are close to being uninsurable due to case load at the GCC. Our side i.e. light specific speed or percussion adjusting’s insurance is a quatre of their cost due to hardly any GCC involvement.
Well, when I was at the AECC in Bournemouth, the first recognised (educationally) in Europe, I was told that I wasn’t a proper chiropractor until I had broken something on a patient. I was horrified as my father had seen countless thousands of patients over 40+years and never broken anything. Prob why the tried to get rid of toggle.
Well, we can’t be proper chiro’s as never broke jack. —- ✅😇
My advice to the profession would be, if you are activator or other change to MCT and their insurance and save a small fortune and be with people who care for the professionals. 👍
Prob the Case of Simon the facilitator. Does what he is told, just like running a Royal Household.
Then only Boris left. Better blame simples. ✅
Have the associations pulled it together and written to the Covid public inquiry. No. Well, the BCA wanted to suspend all treatment during lock down where the MCT worked through. I’m sure the profession is on the case.
I’ll just write direct until the BCA sorts itself out.
Been waiting 40 years so don’t hold your breath. 👍😂🇬🇧
Strange how we all swore an oath to protect and help our patient.
Good song for the cabinet office. It was Danny Kaye. Busy doing nothing working the whole day through, trying not to find lots of things not to do. Sounds like a cover up to me. 😂😂😂😂
It’s always interesting when we are down to the last two. Blair or Brown, Cameron or May and a case for Boris. Anyone for drinkypoos. ✅
Why do the BCA not want justice for members and patients by contacting the Covid inquiry? You will have to ask them. An educated guess would be they brown nosed GCC and PHE for their own good. Just a guess. 👍😇
Could have gone with obedient poodles but prob not house trained. 😂😂😂
Why three pairs in the dock? Who’s guilty? All of them because it happened on, during and potentially after their shifts. Blaming each other does not hack it because it was all of their responsibility and they covered it up. Uncountable. Thousands damaged for life, so they are busy doing nothing, just going to a party or two. 👍🇬🇧
I wonder what Sidwell, was it, Case’s predecessor who got slung out of office would have to say about standards, protocols and procedure as is now under Boris? I forgot, he can’t say for 40 years, official secrets, must be kept safe after all. ✅
No parties when he worked for the royals. Yet Boris well known for a drinkypoo. Only been in power a short while before a party. Doesn’t look like a piss head. Mmmm, – Government people Simon Case
Prob part of Mensa, well lots of top jobs in a relatively short time. All that information needed to do the job properly on his meteoric climb. 🤔
Light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance, comes to mind. BBC News article – Deadline passes for officials set to be named by Sue Gray
From the horse’s mouth 👍 Guardian article – Why I left the UK’s broken children and young people’s mental health service
Not just me. BBC article – Child protection: Without change thousands more kids face care – review
Howard Lamb
21st May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Part of text to Abingdon conference:
Had good chat with Ian who filled in most of my questions.
Animal and human at the same time. 👍 I even treated a dog 😂 German Shepard.
Good chat with Balaens, is it, treated his girlfriend. Can see a way forwards there.
Keeping association numbers up, 👍 BCA flogging assets to pay chair and chief executive I expect, oh and dropping membership, less subs but same wages.
Lot of people just dropped membership and insured themselves.
Streams of Glamorgan medical crackers on the way from new courses, heaven help us.
Difficult days ahead.
Would have loved to have a chat but time will not allow.
Thank you and all, for your hard work putting conference together. 💋
Howard Lamb
20th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Dear patient
No news or contact. Off to Abingdon soon so chances are they don’t want to deal with what they have done or are doing to autistic/ADHD kids by deliberately not diagnosing them and then traumatising them in a system which is for the norm and not catering for their special needs. Is justice truly a thing of the past?
I’ll let you know how the land lies with the profession after the spring conference.
Something does not add up. If Boris was one on one with the Mrs. How could he talk to others? 🤔 Independent article – Boris Johnson ‘joined party in No 10’ during first lockdown
Text to a friend:
You just know it. I went for my daily exercise around my garden with the Mrs. It seems that people had gathered there after work, so as soon as we had had our walk we went home.
A photographer there asked for a couple of pics for his archives and as we were socially distanced it was ok. Starts with bull and ends in to.
Prob get away with it. Sue Grey reports to head of cabinet office who reports to Boris. Dick of Dock Green hit him on the way out, but nobody taken her place so when new top cop comes in it will be before my time and we spent half a million investigating, we should move on now. ✅
What should have happened after the law had been laid down was the PM entered his garden, bollocked them all for being there at had the resident police fine them on the spot. What would I know?
Just like Child X and his little mates who relied on honour and there was none. Fair play gone, for the greater good, all gone.
Instead, D notices on matter of national security. ✅
Just think northern version on Danish king’s name who could not stop he tide. Let’s go home it’s a big spring tide to wash it all away. Subtle hint third letter of the alphabet.
If you know about a crime and did nothing, you technically break the law. So, Boris clearly saw a party and did nothing to stop it. In fact, he wondered around his garden avoiding party goers before returning home.
Not as if he and the cabinet office, who reports to him, did not formalise the gov line before he told the public.
Liar, liar, pants on fire, was the first thing that came into my mind, how about you?
Sue Grey report. She is in an impossible position being a civil servant. Tow party line or career damaged.
Married to an Irish folk singer I believe. That must count for some good influence.
Best of luck to her because she can’t please everyone.
If I had walked around my back yard during lock down, to find 25 people having a piss up, I am sure
My Tourette’s would have clicked in before someone got a slap unless they pissed off sharpish as was in self isolation to protect myself and my staff and patients.
Like all clinical professionals and the army of back up staff. Defo two sets of rules and there can’t be. 🤔
Not in a democracy anyhow.
You can imagine it. Are we allowed to do this asked the PM. Yes Prime Minister. ✅
Howard Lamb
19th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Why pick on football? All staff in Parliament should have routine tests first. Lead from the top, not blame others. 👍 Sky article – ‘Middle-class coke heads’ who take class A drugs at football matches could face five-year ban
Dear Bernie
The BMA and doctors’ union have submitted to the Covid inquiry as they were put at risk due to no PPE.
I expect you and the other associations have done the same. Remember only need PPE for wild animals, then when PPE was available it was wrap up in plastic and social distance to your patient. Preferable to treat patients on the phone. ✅
I’m sure you will fill me in at the conference.
Text to a friend:
No I do understand why the associations did not stand for my diagnosis. The fear of failure and demeriting the profession further after the damage done by Singh.
We were treated very poorly as a profession as a whole, not just me during Covid and questions need to be asked of the regulator/GCC and Public Health England’s records as they don’t exist anymore. Another cover up if there was one. What’s the betting they have done sod all. 👍
No, I said I understood why not that I agreed with it.
Well, if you can’t stand for diagnosis, you are therapists. And look what’s happening.
Singh, he had a right to be wrong and stand up for his right to be wrong. Problem is it stopped my right to have a right diagnose and fair hearing.
Of course, the press owes me one. I’m sure there was no malice, but a butterfly effect was real.
Top up to Bernie:
PS they were going to remove insurance for those who did not comply. Yet my clean air protocols meant no staff or traced patient infection during lock down. Mmmmmm. 🤔
Text to a friend:
Mass hallucination, prob done by Putin. Only way I can think off to explain how picture of you at a drinks garden party can be not you at a drinks party.
Confused Con.
Oh, I forgot. He told parliament he had not broken the rules, then oops got a fine.
Howard Lamb
18th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news still. I expect there’s a lot of “we are the gov and will not be told what to do” going on. Pride before the fall.
I saw what they (these kids) are going through first hand and it’s shameful, prob criminal and defo unlawful. Thousands of children have been and are being damaged by the system that was twisted to save money by those who had a duty of care. Then covered it up.
No wonder the Liv fans booed at the FA Cup. After all Liverpool is high in spectrum so they understand my blog.
Britain will never be slaves unless you have disability and are different to the norm.
Text to a friend:
If they don’t contact me what do I do? I will have exhausted all areas in this country. This week I am preparing two opening letters. One to the ICC who will most prob blow it out. Well, it prosecutes the losing side only and not the Yanks. Run in Europe and mates in Gov’s and the other to the court of human rights dobbing in the ICC.
Well, if our lot are twisted what’s the chance of justice in Europe when their autistic kids are in a worse state?
Obviously keeping the pressure up here hoping our secret army does the trick. 👍🇬🇧
I had to laugh; Tories say that because the last two elections they might have picked a few donkeys because they were a bit rushed. Yet the con rape charged MP was in the house years before. Blame the new guy and save our arses. 😂😂🇬🇧
Yea did not have time to check up fully, bollocks. After 400 + years of existence you can be sure the Cons know exactly what sort of person they want. 🤔😇
You work it out Russia shot civilians who should have left and are going to the ICC. America blows the shit out of thousands in Afghanistan and have Assange and Snowdon on their hit list. Something does not add up.
What about the genocide of millions of Vietnamese? That’s ok as wasn’t a war 🤔
Biden pearling on about white supremacy. Here’s one for him. Who runs the armed forces, supreme or lady boys?
America has turned over millions of young people in their armed forces trained to kill subhumans (sand niggers Middle East, etc.) so how do they view immigrants at home, when just been shooting them abroad?
That will take more than just pills and therapy to sort out, I expect.
Welcome to the spectrum land of PTSD and addictions, all to be free. 👍😂😂😂🇬🇧
OK, camel jockey more woke than the N word. But the point was clear. 🤔😇
Booing at Wembley.
If your gov does what it wants and does not stick to law and protocols etc. You are slaves to their will. Not democratic, big defo there. 👍
Howard Lamb
17th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What happens now?
Well, I’m enjoying a well-earned rest. As for them, a change of tack I expect.
They have tried to trivialise me, ruin my professional standing, removed me wrongly from my profession and put me through a contrived malpractice suit and failed. They have blocked me at every turn but I’m still standing. The last thing they want is the truth and justice because some would go to jail.
Balls in their court and I’m waiting for them to serve. 👍
If they want people to carry the can, I can give them a list. Regulators at the GCC for incompetence. Heads of the BCA for not standing for diagnosis and throwing me to the wolves. Actually, a very long list before we get to the top.
Unless the system has a huge rethink and starts to protect those with special needs, nothing will change so they will want it all hushed up.
Normally at this stage they would offer a few bob to buy me off. I don’t barter. If they want terms I will offer.
What will terms be? Same as they ever were, somewhere on site.
Thrown to the wolves. 😂
If you cross ref time place and date of birth, I come out as lone wolf. More than capable on living inside or outside of the pack. 👍🇬🇧😂
You got it. If they do not deal with this abuse correctly, they will open themselves up to further charges of cover up. Just makes my cases stronger and drags more people into illegal activity. 🤔👍🇬🇧
Them being not the brightest puppies in the litter, prob will not have worked out why they are under pressure from so many different areas.
Justice for all things is a powerful entity and my followers on the web get it and are pushing things forwards as we speak. 🥰
God bless those who have been abused and had no recourse to justice. I’m sure if they keep pushing, we will all get a good result.
Remember. This is London calling. Tally HO. 😂
Innate you can’t beat it.
You can’t blame the Queen for Andrew. Even Thatcher had her Mark. Another pratt who thought mother will sort things out. Like any good mother she did not interfere but was there to help pick up the pieces.
Thatcher that’s a different story.
If the Queen hates Teflon Tony why did she give him a garter? She didn’t, he was put there as back stop just in case someone wanted to do something. 🤔✅
Howard Lamb
16th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
My top up to Boris is up on site and arrived, prob on Sat to no 10.
What do I think they will do? Well, they have been caught red handed covering it up, so they will not be happy.
Will they finally do the right thing? Well, I will not be holding my breath as they have broken every rule in the book to have got to this point. i.e. we have known for years but thought we could get away with it because we have twisted the system to allow it to happen.
Will they contact me? Prob not because that would show guilt. 🤔
How do you get justice when the system has been corrupted?
Always more questions than answers.
Text to a friend:
After all, cover up of child abuse is a custodial offence. Prob explains why they don’t want to communicate. ✅
Why do I write letters if I don’t get a response? That’s the point, when dealing with the GCC they were obliged to respond and had to.
All the same so I should have had proper response from the Cabinet Office and PM’s over such an important subject.
All my letters are on record, as is their lack of response.
Cover up, simples.
They live in a different world. Disabled people can’t work more hrs, those off with stress, long covid, gen health matters. Or the OAPs etc. Telegraph article – Work more hours or move to better job to tackle cost-of-living crisis, says minister
Howard Lamb
16th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Howard Lamb
15th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I agree! It all puts old Teflon in a bit of hot water. Did Tony know, was he or someone else responsible? Will we ever find out? 🤔
How does the Queen fit in to all of this as the crown?
I watched a film on Churchill at war the other year and he had to ask the King before he acted.
New young queen stitched up because, advice not asked, just a rubber stamp.
No wonder Phillip lost the plot from time to time.
So, she promoted girl power to my mother’s generation and received their loyalty. ✅
Are they really sacking people over Child X? 90 k of them.
Some I’m sure but the vast bulk is because we can’t afford their pensions.
Check it out if you don’t believe me.
Always a twisted path rather than crows flying straight.
All in the history!
If queen had influence on the gov why did Philip do the Duke awards and Charles Princess Trusts?
She has heard her people and did what she could do to help them because she had no power in the system.
The system then had no direct oversight from people looking out for the country as a whole. Bit by bit the power was eroded until they can do what they want and the Queen had to say the words. No wonder she was in no rush to speak to them in parliament, age or rebellion in the ranks. 🤔🤔🤔🇬🇧🥰
Don’t get me on to pensions, should have been capped years ago and finite duration i.e. retire at 67. Average age of death is day 80. So, 13 years only. Not retire on large chunk of salary at 50 infinitely till death.
I could go all Victor Meldrew on the subject.
Howard Lamb
14th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Am I going to The Hague on my week off? No. I tried to sort out my vax status and gave up on computer who did not seem to understand what I wanted. Made other plans instead. 🤔😇
As my bad mother (not) told me, where there’s a will there is a way.
Who is going to cop the blame? Well, Boris wants to axe 90 k civil servants. 🤔
Not their fault. The civil service should work as a cohesive unit across the board with interaction with the privy council. With gov manipulation over decades what we have is units in isolation doing their own thing. Then they blame someone else for a mistake.
You cannot then prove categorically that someone was negligent. Civil action only, then nothing has to change.
The gov always taking more power and control. It’s dysfunctional, ironically just like the children.
With regulation controlled by the privy council it has to function effortlessly not like we have now. Gov policy to influence and rigid control through the strategic plans. Then make it virtually impossible to get justice, is more like what we have now. ✅
Why would it be effortless? Well, you look at any well-oiled machine. Proper oiled not pissed. 😂😂😂 As, on the piss as in skew wiff not drinkypoo’d of course. ✅
Howard Lamb
13th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Boris letter gone. Up on site tomorrow.
As nothing in news re Covid I had a check and deaths are running at about 200 a day still, not gone.
Howard Lamb
12th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Letter to Boris gone to Pinner. Short, sharp and to the point. 😂 Will go tomorrow or Monday after practice manager recovers. 👍
PS It’s truly sexist not to be talking about men with vaginas. Nobody ever mentions us. 🤔👍😂😂
PPS If we can trick the Yanks to invade somewhere, do you think Man U could sanction the Glaziers and the fans get their club back?
Let’s hope Chelsea haven’t been conned.
Howard Lamb
11th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Gov to miss the 300k a year new housing target from their 2019 manifesto but says it’s ok because they are not bound by the promise.
So, you can write anything you want in your manifesto and not achieve it and it’s ok.
Population gone up by 280k between 2019 and 2020. 🤔
To be fair they have started to build more but still well over 1 third short of target.
You have to ask, why with a buoyant property market have so few houses been built over the past 20 years?
Where are all these people coming from as we have an ageing population?
Always more questions than answers.
Howard Lamb
10th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Charlie’s speech etc. Lots to make things happens years down the road, where the promises have been forgotten. So, nothing ever got done.
Followed by a woke telling of by Sir K.
I bet Boris can’t believe his luck.
Not harsh on speech, Boris doesn’t care what he says as will be leaving parliament to earn money. So no responsibility.
How’s the Boris top up going? The first draft was 12 pages, double sides, condensing to the essence of truth as we text. 👍
Slowly eroding our rights, duty of care, human rights. So no responsibility, run amuck and get away with blue murder because they have changed any law that could damage them, stifle complaint when constantly lie to the votes.
So, remind me, what are they all paid for? 🤔
Do you think Sir K would let me loose on Boris at the next PM’s question time? Maybe he could ask spirit for Jim to fix it.
Tons of ammo but barking up wrong tree bless him.
Highlight of his career sending down an MP for wife taking points on license then fibbing. Prob why Jimmy didn’t get nicked.
Why fibbed? Well MP’s don’t lie do they. 😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
9th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
If people have human rights, they can complain. Without they can’t, another step to totalitarian capitalism, defo not for democracy. Guardian article – Consequences ‘dire’ if Human Rights Act ditched, more than 50 groups warn
Could you trust Boris with no human rights? 🤔
Gov prob dropping them because they have been in breach for years by locking up autistic people without charge or diagnosis in facilities which are not suitable causing suicides.
Duty of care already gone. Soon they will have no responsibility for running the country however they want, and we will have no rights to challenge any of it except for a yes clone in Parliament. Heaven help us.
I’m sure deporting people to Rwanda would be seen as potential human rights issues, we can’t have that if the policy is to work. Always a hidden agenda.
Howard Lamb
8th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yea I do like a good red herring. Beer/party gate. More fines hitting no. 10 so more mud on Starmer . No canteen so ordered food in. I’m sure after his walk back to his hotel he was laptopping away in his room. Gatherings of up to 30 were allowed and hospitality was re-opening. Starmer even got thrown out of a pub during campaigning.
Big difference to the Tory revellers at no. 10. But never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
War, inflation, cost of living and insecure fuel supply would be up there as we slip into a deep recession. But Boris gate getting in the way. Tories full of light weights so no obvious new leader and incompetence at the ministries is the norm. What a bunch of …………(fill in what appropriate). ✅
Starmer clearly a gin and it man but knocking back the pints to show solidarity to grass route Labourites. 😂
At least paddy pants down could hold his pints and still get laid. I wonder what sir what’s his name who is in charge of the Lib Dem’s now. Let me have a check on him and I’ll get back.
He’s a FRSA and got onto privy council to be called rt hon gentleman and knighted in 2016. Was a tree hugger in the lib lab pact and his letters are for the royal society for art, awarded his fellowship. A cultured man. Lots of talk then inaction I suspect.
I was invited to a do years ago. Full of art people who twittered on endlessly about brush strokes and the like. Got bored and suggested that the only reason for art was that the camera had not been invented. Defo black sheep, didn’t go well. 😂😂😂
Always comes back to the privy council.
It seems to me that parliament is the show business end, and the privy is where the power is. So we vote in a party to govern and they are run by the privy council. Not really much of a democracy then, is it.
The X Children could have only happened if the privy council wanted it to.
Something very dark at the heart of all this otherwise they would have done something to change it by now. It is impossible for them not to have known and then put in the system we have, then continued the strategic plan.
How many deserve the title rt hon gentle person who serve and have served on the privy for the past few decades? Very good question. Only they will know.
I don’t think so. Did the privy get its name for somewhere to have a private dump and you are allowed to, like the outside loo? But to close to dismiss out of hand. 😂😂😂
No, I was not being critical of art/artists. Over the centuries their wages came from portraits of rich and powerful people. The rest was because the bills were paid for. No week of sittings, quick flash and a digital touch and job done.
You would think I had set a Turner on fire. 😂
David Lloyd George, then slow down hill till jo Swindon.
Needs new blood and revitalising. Dynamic not clone of the real thing. Find the rot and remove it. Could be a while. 🤔
Got you, if they lied to the police, they go to jail like the one Starmer sent down. The leg crosser files. 😊 Was she there or not as police informed.
Let’s hope the Queen’s speech on Tuesday clarifies matters of behaviour in service to our nation. Big ask at 96 but I’m sure she is spitting feathers.
Standards have slipped, off with that person’s head. ✅
Not total philistine. You can’t eye up a Picasso or see a tractor in a constable. 👍 Still doing my head in trying to find a site that could be mistaken for tractor. Must be another explanation so he lied.
Yea I didn’t list Sir D after Jo because she beat him in the election to take the libs into the last election. So, Lib Dem’s only have a limited pool of potential leaders and he was the best left.
Howard Lamb
7th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Conservative councillors on the endangered species list in Scotland and Wales and the old IRA want to do one back south. No prob there then Boris.
The troubles were exacerbated by Thatcher’s shot to kill first and answer questions 30 years later. So hate the Tories as well.
The union is reforming and the English being throw out. 👍😂😂🇬🇧
Is there a cure for autism? Yes, embrace it and positive input which allows you to help normalise your own controls for pathways we have difficulty accessing. But with brain power we can forge new connections but need to spread our obsessions.
Simple if done right. A total nightmare if done wrong.
Lots of light bulb moments which allow the connections. With all that light we will always find a way. ✅
The only light bulb moment many get is “I don’t want to be restrained again.” Not helpful.
Howard Lamb
6th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Slow down. Election, low turnout, Cons got a slap. Labour less gains than independents so low confidence in Sir K (mines a pint) Starmer, Green, Lib Dem’s and others inc. So, electorate have spoken. Fed up with politics/politicians, so 60% didn’t vote.
Tories lost lots of seats as people are fed up with how the Cons have behaved and the ramifications of poor management of the country.
Lib Dem’s want to make a difference and have got rid of most of the skeletons which put them where they are.
Greens and independents growing at grass root level and having a voice to save our wildlife etc. on many more councils.
A good day for the voters creating multiple probs for Boris.
What’s going to happen now? Well, Party Gate and other stuff put on hold will come flooding out.
Off to MCT conference after my week off, prob have a couple of days in Belgium now Covid is safe.
Looking forwards to a positive conference and hope the profession has moved forwards. 👍✅
486 seats. Oops not a small slap for Boris then. Bit more than midterm blues. 😂😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
4th May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Strange you should say that. Boris is overdue a top up, will go next week. Waiting on the elections so I can adapt tone.
I can’t believe how ignorant parts of the press are. It looks like Rwanda has been a success as no one crossed the channel.
It takes less than a min to get the weather forecast for the channel up on the phone. Weather better and hundreds have once more arrived.
I’m getting very negative about the depths this gov will sink to. Was Boris trying to wind Putin up to invade to stop the Covid inquiry and take the heat off himself and getting the Ukrainians to name streets after him? Small Johnson Embankment. 🤔 Boris Tower. 🤔 Boris Churchill Way. 🤔 Turn right up Boris Passageway. 🤔
There hardly likely to have a statue of him in the UK as the woke brigade will have it torn down due to genocide of the elderly in the gov’s care. 🤔
Easy for me as run pleasure fishing boats off the south cost for nearly a decade including boat fishing inland waterways.
I’ve sat at anchor for 24 hrs because even in a light force 3 huge waves were coming in from the opposite direction making the sea move in their direction with the tide and it was very scary.
Howard Lamb
3rd May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How important are the local elections? Well, as councils are run by PAYE staff not councillors, I can’t see the importance. If you have a well run council, it’s sod all to do with the elected party. Ed run by ministry, SS run by ministry, NHS run by ministry, potholes are council controlled. Parks, cut the lawn and some plant holders.
Don’t give a shit about wildlife as do not vote. Planning under gov guidelines is the councils responsibility but clad all building in stuff that catches fire because the planners were corrupted or lied too.
If you don’t want the Cons or the Labs. Whigs or greens or that nice person who helps battered wives etc. instead. The Whigs or Lib Dem’s have been around for as long as the cons but have lost their way in recent decades. But they can’t be as bad as the others and have a good record when running councils.
I think the monster raving looney party was taken over by the Tories. It’s the only thing that makes sense. 👍🤔😂🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
2nd May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Tends to explain why Sir Cox and Withers were earning vast sums of money. Guardian article – ‘Head coach wants to play’: the US drug sting that led to BVI premier’s arrest
You work it out. A poor group of islands paying an ex-Attorney General millions. 🤔🤔🤔🇬🇧
Well, if gov rotten to the core who better than Cox to put a spanner in the works over Child X and the X Children. 🤔
Text to a friend:
Well 3 tory MPs in three weeks. Khan the kiddy fiddler, coke and party chap and tractor hub man. What a cross section that is.
Yea and Cox who has done no wrong dealing with criminals.
Prob dozens more getting fined over party gate, 60 charged with abuse and sexual harassment. I think Tories need to look at their selection process and who was in charge. Clearly cases of who you know and not what you know. 🤔
A Tory in a bleached blond wig? Tried to shift the blame and said that all key workers were having drinkypoos. Apparently not. Only the gov and its departments as it turns out. 🤔
Another one has blamed Durham police for not investigating comings properly, and if they had the parties may not have happened. Wow if you wrote the law, you would be expected to understand its meaning. Guardian article – Michael Fabricant sorry for saying teachers and nurses had lockdown drinks
Did we ever have drinks at work? That’s a big no. Between triage and keeping the place virus free we didn’t have any time. Public health England made sure of that. A holes that they were.
We have no PPE, so you don’t need to wear anything. We have made a killing on PPE, so you have to cover yourself from head to toe in plastic and socially distance from your patient. Preferable to give chiropractic treatment down the phone.
Howard Lamb
1st May, 2022
Dear Patient,
Charlie Elphicke, what a charmer. Sky article – Charlie Elphicke: ‘Naughty Tory’ MP jailed for sex assaults considering supermarket shelf stacking to pay back court costs
As for Parish. I was looking at tractors, on the page of chain harrows, when out of the blue BDSM pages popped up. I was so stunned I had to have a second look.
Really, I expect the other 60 under investigation will have similar stores.
Like, I’m a sex god and women fall at my feet. Only the ones who could not have me moan about it. As my mum would have called them, male chauvinistic pigs.
Sorry I expect that is not portraying pigs in a good light. After all they are blameless, not like the MPs.
The speaker was prattling on about an independent body to hire MPs staff because they can’t be trusted. No need if there was an independent complaints procedure with teeth I’m sure the bulk of it would stop. Take Parish, would he have viewed porn if he knew he would be sacked? 🤔 Prob just been more careful. It all comes back to the selection process, will you rubber stamp what the gov says. 👍 You are in. ✅
Text to a friend:
I did some research into massage parlours and escorts the other day on my sofa at home. I was looking to see it there were many Ukrainians. Not one I could find. However there were Japanese Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese, Russian, South American etc. I was happily amused for half an hour after thinking that at least prostitution had changed to cover multi ethnicity and equal opportunity. With not sex or rainbow not covered.
On these sites you get a menu. It starts off with A levels, educated girls, ✅then there was about 90% I did not understand the meaning.
Anyway, just think, if they legalise sex work, they could have a happy endings room in the House of Commons to receive all that testosterone not used in the chambers. 🤔
I’ll expect I’ll get pop ups now following my recent research patterns. 😂
I expect the risk of being caught and punished was not there which has allowed the culture to survive and expand.
You are not held responsible for your actions, cover up is the norm.
You can’t have sex workers gold digging in Parliament. I disagree. I think they would fit in well. How many politicians sell themselves for profit and need sex?
Marriage made in heaven. 😂😂
Even their HR rate were similar 😂😂😂😇
Why do they gamble and watch porn on phones at work? Prob bored stupid sitting around without a real voice just killing time to rubber stamp what the gov wants.
Prob why there are so many bars.
Prob should check their toilets for substance abuse. 🤔
Howard Lamb
30th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
At last. 😊 NICE have said losing weight and specific exercise far better than pain killers.
Only 100 years late but it’s a start, lose weight healthily by changing diet and eating habits with walking and gentle light exercise at a light level to start with and build up gradually, defo don’t go for the burn or you will break something. 😂
Must be specific for each person and not just a fact sheet from the internet. Already 100 k staff short so how can it happen. Seeing is believing. ✅
How will they (NHS)cope? Good question, they will prob continue to get nurses to explain you’re a fat bastard and a drain on the national Heath, here have a fact sheet. 😂😂😂 Like they do now. 👍
Blame the patient then write up the notes. Job done.
There are often reasons why people pile on the stones. Often lack of self-worth as a child often linked to sexual and or mental/physical abuse. Not on all but a common story in boys as well and I’m sure the rainbow hasn’t always shone in that department. A vulnerable target. Complex.
If you take someone’s mojo or spirt/soul, that person is never the same.
They can be once the fear from deep traumatic stress abates and the cortisol switches off finally and serotonin starts to normalise.
Defo no quick fix.
Howard Lamb
29th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
It is hard, it took me a few years for the penny to drop. Once it does and your eyes are opened you can’t see the system for anything but what it actually is. Millions spent on cases to drag out, hoping things are settled on the quiet and cheap. Then nothing ever happened so no change needed, what a great gov we are, everything ticketty, rock on Tommy.
I saw it with councils, education and the SS. Multiple patients over 30 + years. Saw it with Association and GCC. Saw it in my letters to attorney Gen. And PM.
Defend our mistakes at any cost up to unlawfully or beyond. The abuse of power by using it to stifle or stop complaint, then hide behind the civil service minions who push you from pillar to post so you can never get anywhere. The gov working to protect its reputation so can be voted back in again.
No room for justice as the gov cannot be caught out acting illegally. It’s all spin and red herrings reflected through distorted mirrors. You will always get part of the truth. Never detailed analysis of a major cock up.
Good people look into them and explain the flaws but if it does not fit into the strategic plan nothing will change. A shuffle of staff and a change of name so any litigation comes to a dead end, who sues a bankrupt company?
Public health England gone, a full independent inquiry should investigate to learn the lessons, how can you change the future otherwise or it will be ground hog day again and again.
What’s the answer? Here’s my theory.
Right at the top of the crown and judiciary are the emperor and empress, they have polished the crown and are swinging the sword of justice whist rebalancing the scales. Innate soul of the system that was twisted by others and hopefully being twisting back to balance. Well, I am an optimist. 😂😂
PS There have been cold NE winds in the channel, gusting up to 25 mph. Sea has been lumpy and dangerous to cross. Has the threat of life imprisonment in Rwanda stopped them dead in their tracks? We will see when it’s flat calm and sunny. 🤔
How did it all happen? Well, no vote for Maastricht. Twinned with the EU. Look what happened in France, Macron le Penn. Or Boris, Sir K. Two sets of voters who don’t like their own party’s candidate but hate the other party more. Nothing changes and the power brokers win.
This did not happen in Boris’s tenure but long before and became more visible with Brexit. Back to new Labour again.
Well, if it’s interlinked and run from the EU and rubber stamped by the Commons and Lords. They did not need hard working, for the people, politicians anymore as just towing the same line as all the others.
Clever scam to build control and power at the cost of democracy.
Howard Lamb
28th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Got a bit confused about illegal v unlawful.
One you break a law and one no law to break. Still confused.
No prob with Child X defo illegal. ✅
I expect you can be prosecuted if illegal and no action taken if unlawful. Handy for Handcock and the others. Not so handy for justice for the thousands of extra deaths and their mourners. 🤔
Howard Lamb
27th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why is it taking so long? Best guess, those who are guilty of rigging the system and covering up what they did and are doing, will be in red herring overdrive to protect, position, power and pension. Those who are investigating are having to Wade through vast volumes of crap due to the red herrings but are nearly there. They have to be sure of the facts before they move forwards to get justice for all that were failed by a rigged system, so they got the blame and those in control saved money.
How many were put at risk and damaged? Prob hundreds of thousands.
Too big to fail and did but covered up so boxes could be ticked, and everything is tickety-boo. The truth was they were damaging kids with special needs.
Where does that leave the X Family and me? Good question. In limbo. Can’t go forwards and trying to stop going backwards until justice is won.
Will going to the ICC at this stage speed things up? No, it all takes time. But this is all time the kids don’t have because they are being abused daily, as we speak.
Touch a child in the real world and there are consequences. Put at risk then restrain and it’s ok, crack on as long as you work or subcontract for the gov. 😡
Of course, they know what they have done and are doing. You don’t abuse children by mistake.
What do I think should happen to the people who had a duty of care and actually did the opposite? Well child abuse is a criminal offence. And what’s the point of laws if the gov does not stick to them. Lesser cases fired and pension removed for the term of abuse and it on their cv. For the main players jail. ✅
How can they be investigating if they have not talked to me or the mother? Another good question.
They have been given enough breadcrumbs to get to the truth, due to the seriousness of my complaints they prob need to know what they are talking about first because they don’t want me shooting them down in flames. All chronicled on this site as it happened. I think I said it was genocide at the time.
Tends to explain why the public inquiry on Covid has been postponed. 🤔 Sky article – COVID-19: Matt Hancock ‘lied’ when he said care homes were protected in lockdown, victim’s daughter says
Even the BBC has reported it. Apparently, Handcock didn’t know. Well as he was in charge, you have to ask why he didn’t know or is that yet another lie? Prob to busy getting legless and leg over at parties to do his job properly BBC article – Covid: Discharging hospital patients to care homes ‘unlawful’
He was on TV with SAGE at the time, how is it possible he didn’t know?
56 MPs and 3 Cabinet Ministers under investigation. Nearly 10% of those elected. Something deeply wrong. BBC News article – Tories investigate claims MP watched pornography in Commons chamber
If only the Cons and taking the female MPs out, that’s one in 4 or 5. Wow.
Text to a friend:
Just watched a bit of Farage on GB news. As Handcock on the back benches, he prob will not be done. The authority that got it wrong has already been disbanded but kept the same personnel in the replacement, the authority does not exist so can’t be done either.
Gov has been busy covering up so nobody faces the consequences of their negligence that contributed to thousands (20+) of extra deaths.
Defo two sets of rules. Look at Shipman, he killed hundreds, now doctors can’t do anything because woke and knee jerk actions have hampered their progress as a profession.
You can guarantee that will not happen to the political class and mandarins.
Too busy watching porno and forgot to listen in the meeting where they were told to test patients going from hospital to care homes. Just one theory. 😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
26th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
The reason I put the media websites on autism up was to show the change since we started with the justice site.
The whole attitude towards autism is and has changed. This is a very good thing.
Someone deep in the bowls of power is still blocking justice, I wonder why? 🤔
Why haven’t I sent off my complaint to the ICC? Plenty of time, I would prefer to deal with it in house than spread our dirty linen worldwide. Why? Because the problem is worldwide and I don’t want the country I love to be a whipping boy whilst the rest do nothing.
You can see from Boris that he sticks about like whatsit to a blanket. So, what’s the answer? I expect from their point of view they need to trash my reputation to make it go away. Normal M.O.
Howard Lamb
24th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
If you take out all the red herrings and look at this in truth, the gov do not have a leg to stand on, they are responsible.
Sure, it happened on someone else’s shift but hiding it for 20+ years does not help their case.
If you don’t diagnose autism/ADHD, you have no kids with special needs, so do not need trained staff and facilities for the kids you don’t have, only enough are diagnosed to for fill the budget.
The children are then not understood and are rammed through the system like round pegs, forced through square holes. Leading to traumatic stress, mentally blocked, poorly educated and no chance of any form of decent life. How much does that cost in comparison to early diagnosis, education of parents, carers, teachers and social workers, prison staff etc?
They have been made naughty by a corrupted system run by corrupt people and their lives do not go well, as I have seen on a personal level. ✅
Justice needs to be done, and not just seen to be!
What are the benefits of education and early diagnosis? The child stands a good chance of making something of themselves and become taxpayers rather than a 70 to 80 years drain on the corrupted system that created their problems.
I am not a politician but a clinician. I can be struck off for wrong and non-diagnosis. Or go to jail if the patient commits suicide due to my negligence. Fact not fiction.
Defo two sets of rules for Britannia. One for us and none for them. 👍😂😂😂
Once restrained in school, education is over because they have traumatised the child, who was put at risk in the first place. They switch off and every time they see the people who did it, it reenforces the trauma and they just want to escape, constant fright and flight mode long term damages the brain and adrenals through overuse of cortisol, ask steroid freaks, same happened to them. 👍
How do I know how it has affected countless thousands of kids? Well, if you do the same thing, as done to Child X, in the same way, you get the same result. 👍🇬🇧
Yea, from gov’s point of view the pandemic is now another flu and get on with it. No restrictions. So, all the d notices will have to have been lifted.
Oops that will not help Boris and co. Self-serving corporate gov, one little bit. 😂😂😂🇬🇧
He forgets how patient the Anglo Saxons are. Christ we have put up with the Normans since 1066. But I believe they finally are in their death throws now. 😂😂😂😂😂
Did Boris peak up Angela’s skirt or not? Who cares. Fighting for his political life but distracted by a flash of nickers. Is this what British politics has finally sunk to?
No one would have dared to look up Thatcher’s skirt. Might have seen testicular bigger than theirs. 😂😂😂😂😳
Well, you can never be sure now days, can you. 🤔
Interestingly the poll shows no significant lead between the two main parties. In France they have the same prob, don’t like Macron but fear that nice blond lady La Pen with patriotic views.
People hate Boris but think Starmer a bit of a useless prick in charge of commies.
Me personally will vote for a person who is trying or wants to make change. Don’t care what party as long as they speak the truth. 👍
Not harsh on Labour because of the polls. After Con cock up after cock up, lie after lie and breaking the law, if the country had confidence in Starmer and Labour, they should be miles in the lead.
I’ve been quite impressed with the young Labour females I’ve seen on the BBC’s question time. Sensible and level headed where the Tories equivalent seam ill-informed and preaching the limits of the party line.
Exactly, Angela not exactly Sharon Stone who does not wear knickers from the photos I saw at the time. Good family northern lass, not wannabe slapper. 😂😂😇
Boris must have good eyesight to spot her knickers at distance and an angle. 🤔🥰😝🥵Boris 🥶Angela I expect.
Boris gone red. Angela goes blue, that’s a political turnabout if there ever was one. 🥸
Why would Boris be distracted by knickers and inner thigh.
Back in the archives you will find my diagnosis on Boris being sex love addicted. Research it and you will understand.
Sex means love and love means sex. He needs to be loved but only sex makes him feel loved. So subconsciously always looking for sex. ✅
I’ll argue that one in court. Long history with an ADHD/spectrum child who came through it and out the other side.
A gentleman would not have looked. Gentle person is not the same.
Speaks for itself. Independent article – Autism is different for everyone – but the stigma we face is the same
Much better than the Beebs site. Sky News – autism page of articles
ITV better than the Beebs, gov controls in place then. Champion of children in need, yea clearly. ITV news – autism page of articles
Could have done better. The Guardian – autism page of articles
Howard Lamb
22nd April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Where does the gov stand on the X Children and what are they doing to resolve all issues? As little as possible, I expect. Well, they can’t admit to it or they will open themselves up to the cover up of mass child abuse and prosecution themselves, so they are doing what they always do, deflect and defer. Teachers are going to get training yet only clinical psychologists can diagnose due to the complexity of the children’s disability, then the majority just drug them without any structure in place to help the child in their care.
But they did something and ticked a box.
The gov know full well what they have done through non and wrong diagnosis. After all who would help a naughty child and their poor mother, job done so no money spent.
The gov’s legal department will be twisting the evidence to get their paymasters i.e. the gov, off the hook.
Which is why the investigation needs to be independent and bypass normal channels which are corrupted to protect those in power.
As for crimes against humanity, these kids have been groomed for sex, abused sexually in church and councils care, banged up without charge or diagnosis in extreme circumstance and often for many, many years. It’s even on parliaments records how the new Labour movement deliberately underfunded these children. If that’s not a crime against humanity what is?
PS Even though the gov does not tie the rope or push them off the bridge, the suicide rate for these kids is eye watering, if you add the self-harm because of the traumatic stress caused by the gov’s action, I believe I have a strong case.
Yep, all goes back to that nice man Teflon Tony. He went to war illegally and helped decimate large areas of Arabia. But it’s ok because years later he apologised. 😤🤮😡 Only because he was forced to. No conscience, not a repent act.
No. Gov has big problem, if they act now but have suppressed my case for ten years, the question will be why did you not act sooner, so better to stick heads in the sand and hope it goes away. Sod the children because they have important reputations to keep. After all our experts say they are just naughty. ✅
Who are their experts? Prob heads of councils, SS and education who have no training in diagnosis but have a vested interest in keeping it all quiet.
Exactly these kids don’t need drugs they need understanding and correct handling.
That costs money where drugs (adult), not designed for the use in children and have an effect on the juvenile brain’s development, cost pennies in comparison. Cheap quick fix with long term negative results on the child’s development. 👍 Whilst people like Boris and Blair are able to manipulate the truth and control outcomes. Democracy is just a dream.
Classic example, we are not at war. Just selling arms to those who are. Yet the public inquiry into the pandemic has been shelved. If I didn’t know better, I would suspect Boris’s attitude to Russia was contrived to start the war to save his bacon. Political move to stop the inquiry from giving its verdict before the next general election, which would not be good for the Tories.
Yea what chance justice if those up top will be held properly responsible.
As my mother used to say, you will never get anywhere if you don’t try.
I’m trying mum. 😂😂😂
You could not write it. Guardian article – Priti Patel accused of misleading parliament over refugee pushbacks
Howard Lamb
21st April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Boris has shot off and left the whips to sort it out.
I can understand his frustration, he was in a meeting and his Mrs brought a cake in for his birthday and he got done for being at a party. But the garden party was a party, and he was there.
I don’t really care. Kids are suffering unnecessarily, and he covered it up.
I think that all statements from the gov should be checked independently to make sure they are true and not spin.
Boris and Patel. 14% drop in crime. Truth there was a 14 %increase in crime.
Yesterday, Boris: Country doing well, truth, not as well as the rest of the G7. And forecast to go into recession.
In safe hands with the Tories, yet they have waisted billions and have piled on more debt than we have ever had. Long list. How can you know who to vote for when all your told is lies?
The lady will not turn under Thatcher to Boris constantly spinning. Clearly does not think things through. Heard immunity, oops let’s lock down. The civil service heads must be spinning too. Guardian article – Charge … retreat! Boris Johnson’s top U-turns in No 10
Just like they did with all the others, defo two sets of rules. Guardian article – Met police delay updates on Partygate fines until after May local elections
Text to a friend:
Yep, total joke.
Can’t lie to parliament but can tell the voters any old crap and it’s ok.
No, it’s not. You should not be allowed to miss lead the electorate.
It is what it is, not what it’s spun out to be. ✅
Howard Lamb
20th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
After listening to PM’s question time where half-truth seems to be the norm. I thought I would check up on basic truths. This article covers one miss conception. Party of law and order is another if you look at the figures and pro armed forces. All spun in the wrong direction. 🤔 Tax Research UK – The Tories have always borrowed more than Labour, and always repaid less: they are the party of big deficit spending
Howard Lamb
18th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
All I have to do, is write to the independent prosecutors and they take over the investigation re crimes against humanity. International Criminal Court – About the Court I’ve been putting together a list.
New Labour perverted the system and hundreds of thousands have been damaged. The cover up has protected those in power who are responsible for these peoples care and through non diagnosis to save money they were damaged instead.
Trying to find the right tone for the letter as we speak. ✅
Britain is a member but has not stuck to the rules, let’s see if the prosecutors do. 👍
Text to a friend:
Will it be a long letter? Prob not, I’ll send them the justice site chronology and give them the mothers detailed so she can send them a small mountain of paperwork all from one naughty boy, who turns out to be high functional, ADHD and traumatically stressed. All in the tribunal bundle the mother will send. That will take them months to go through, but they apparently do a thorough job. That’s if they haven’t been got at already, you know how it works in the corridors of power. ✅
Parliament back from more holidays tomorrow. So, let’s see what happens and take it from there. 😇🇬🇧
No long haul, not a quick fix but could be the only route as gov cocking a deaf ear. They know what they have done and are hiding from their responsibilities. Just some naughty kids and their rubbish mothers after all. 😡😡😡😡
Will I stop hounding Boris once the letter goes to the ICC? Not a cat’s chance in hell. Keep firing until you see a white flag or sunk, remember.
Well, lots to do before we elect a new bunch who are not in it for self, but the greater good, like it should always have been and has not. ✅
Good point. When Moses came off the mount and the commandments had already been broken, we all know what came next. Good as a metaphor anyhow. Those false idols need to be reminded. 👍
Howard Lamb
17th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
The use of supplements is to supplement the diet and create the right balance of nutrients, not bang in tons of ingredients you don’t actually need. Overloading vits is just as bad in many ways as to little. Do not exceed daily doses where possible.
I believe we need over 60 ingredients a day. 18 proteins, nine essential fatty acids, vits, minerals and trace elements. So do your research first. ✅
Easter Sunday, the resurrection, God fearing or not, a metaphor for doing the right thing at the ultimate cost to your life, St George understood.
A return to basic values and not the deadly sins, greed, sloth etc. Our world needs to understand our history before it can move forwards, war and greed is not the answer. 👍😇
Simples, the pasta boy, google what nutrients wheat pasta has then cross ref with daily needs, that will show what’s missing. Then look at products that fill the void.
Then be creative. Use flavours and textures that the child will eat, oils you can rub in, spread of proteins vits and minerals. Most balanced meal replacements do that. Two scoops a day slipped in somehow, will make a difference.
Of course, that’s why I used the oils to good effect during the pandemic because I had done my research and practical experience beforehand so did not put my patients at risk. ✅
What’s my take on God? 🤔 God is good, man has the choice, stick to the basic Ten Commandments and you can’t go wrong. 😇 I did cover parliaments breach of all ten, back in the archives somewhere. 😂
The question is, can you run a gov which adheres to the big ten in a capitalist society? 🤔
Probiotics, if child has had antibiotics yes to help autism, prob not. Gut Contributory to symptomology.
No doubt.
A little from time to time but balancing gut only happens with a balanced diet. That’s what it was designed for, a filtration system to supply all bodies requirement to stay fit and healthy.
No, I’m not vegan, both family lines were meat eaters so that’s what my intestinal bacteria were designed for. ✅
Howard Lamb
16th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
What a mixed bag this week has been.
Today was a red-letter day in clinic. One of my mute autistic kids came in making load noises and whistling, happy days. It took several months before he would allow me to touch his neck to make the very light and fast accurate adjustments I needed to do, he always managed to move just before. Today I did lots of my version of Korin specific and a class HIO adjustment. As I was talking to his mother re diet he came over and sat on my knee squeaked at me. I could have cried with happiness.
My home is my safe place, so I hated having to move. It will take several months before I am capable of a full relax here.
How do you think the Ukraine will rebuild after paying back the amours? Sank a billion-pound boat with a million pound missile. Still another million in debt.
It would seem that we have a Dell boy at no 11. His wife’s record for failed business in the UK and money gained and debt to the treasury, needs proper investigation. Very dodgy capitalist family. 🤔
Old Boris’s body language said it all. Lips said the right words, but body said got away with it again. I’m invincible.
Can’t wait to see his reaction for the next one.
Why he didn’t say that as revolved around work and they hadn’t twigged that they were breaking the law and I’m sorry to say their prob will be other fines, so so sorry.
Why did him making noise make me so happy? We now know for sure that he has the capability to speak, it all works. He now needs to focus on forming words. Very introverted child so not easy to get his involvement, it’s only him who can do that, but we will help him along the way. ✅
Well, if he doesn’t want to do it, and you push him, he will go all donkey. The trick is to make them think it was their idea. 😂😂😂
Why diet? Apparently, he will only eat pasta without sauce or meat. Mother got him on probiotics which is making his bowls loose.
During the 50’s a chiropractor sold nutritional shakes etc called Shackley. Or close to my spelling anyway. Since then, I was impressed with Herbalife, but they have since messed about with the formula’s and their products are not what they were 20 years ago. The product used to sell itself but now it’s the corporate hard sell, shame.
Their product is still a good one. As a powder it can be used in a multiple way from fruity juice, milk or water as a shake. Or in a stock or over food as a dry ingredient or ice lollies, sometimes you have to be creative, it was sometime after she had died, that I realised how manipulative my mother had been to loose control me.
Had a laugh about woke, it’s been the theme of the week in clinic, shared examples and it’s lunacy. Cross section of races and sexes, so a fair study. ✅ We came to the conclusion that if the gov could produce woke monthly so we are actually told what is or isnt pc then we might not fuck up so much. 👍🤔😂😂🇬🇧
What was the take on plaques or statues? Modernise. Good people who were worthy. Then the old ones can go into historical fact rather than capitalist excess and grandeur off the backs of others.
If my autistic child was not for filling his/hers/all others dietary requirements, what would I do? 🤔 Fluid vits and mins like maximal and the mineral version can be added to all fluids. Whole large meal powdered supplement like Herbalife again in a way the child will consume it without wwf antics from the child.
Oils, we need 9 different essential fatty acids, and they cannot all be replicated by 3, 6and 9.
If he will not drink it or hates the taste in food, gentle oiled massage and it will absorb through the skin. Prob less effective than through digestion but look at Lorenzo’s oil and what that did. Did lots of research 25 years ago on essential oils, and related topic, so nice to be on comfortable ground. Eating should not be a constant battle. The child needs a full daily nutritionally balanced diet to have the best chance full development potential.
Why drag a donkey up hill when if he had understood why he would have beaten you up there? 😂 you work it out.
Rub the oil into their feet every morning, mother and kid time, ✅ stimulating the nerve ends and proprioceptive change, rub some into the child’s head and stimulate the cranial nerves and brainstem. Calming oils in atmosphere in child areas.
Long list of little things and little changes over a long period of time.
The sooner they are diagnosed and information is shared with the family, the fewer problems there will be. However that not what I am seeing in the real world, you have to ask why?
Howard Lamb
15th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Where does all this leave everybody? Well, Boris is the first PM to be caught breaking the law, the Cons will not want him in front of the ICC.
But Boris has missed the boat by covering up child abuse by the system he is in charge of.
Cabinet office and heads of ministries involved. Covered it up repeatedly and constantly kicked the can down the road to avoid responsibility.
Council and its departments are in a worse state because they actually abused this child and gave him post-traumatic stress. Defo child abuse. They are like the others and doing an ostrich, head in the sand and a presented bottom in the air, hoping it will blow over and they can avoid responsibility again.
Boris can’t just say oops we have mistakenly abused hundreds of thousands. Very sorry but have no money to change it so let’s just move on and ignore it’s been happening.
My secret army on the internet are building pressure everywhere as their frustration grows. The media are trying to break their shackles and move forwards with it. Crown and judiciary are on the case and pressurising from within.
Maybe the message of crucifixion for throwing the money lenders out of the temple, who were buying children on the cheap and then sold on for profit and slavery, will be more understood in its wider context.
Where has religion been through this process. God and son good, man corrupted by power and greed.
I’m sure Pandora’s box is open, and I hope all ends well. 👍😂
This is London calling. The cats are out of the bag, I repeat tally ho, over. 🇬🇧
Not just God and son but Mohammed another son of God as are all who share the faith. Buda up there as well as are the interplanetary gods throughout India/Asia.
So, God and sons were woke ok. ✅
God’s sake, yes speaking as a man, giving the male point of view and the daughters of God will I’m sure give their version.
No wonder nothing gets done by woke.
All unique and human, every colour and mixture of sexes have arseholes, but you can’t hold that against the rest. 😂😂😂🇬🇧
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can’t not hurt you, just an arseholes opinion after all.
Interesting thought. Where would women on the planet be now if Margaret Thatcher had become pope not PM? 🤔
If they run everything for the norm or average. The minority are average, the rest have other unique needs. Try and tick your box for that one. 🤔
How comes Boris is the first? Doesn’t Blair going to war illegally, leading to crimes against humanity, count not as seriously as a slice of cake and eat it. 👍
My exact thoughts, because they would have killed good old Maggie, nothing would change. A woman cannot handbag bishops, especially a C of E.😂😂
Howard Lamb
14th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yes, I’ve moved, what a nightmare. Nothing on the market and winkled out of my home for ten years. Savills and the landlady have a lot to answer for. Oops and are. 😂😂😂
Well, when money is your only driving force, you can’t expect ethics. So, they can’t expect any 👍
2 months written off and put me well behind schedule.
Mark you if Boris goes before or after the local elections and is not protected by his position anymore my trip into Europe for the ICC and or human rights commission will be much easier. 👍
Working Sat but 2 days to sort my paperwork and I can start again. Clearly, they don’t want to find a solution and the kids are not being looked after so no choice. 🤔✅
Well, the landlady thinks she is safe as lives in Hong Kong so I would have to take her to court there. However, Savills were in breach of data protection and advertising standards.
My surveyor found huge amounts of disrepair including subsidence. Oops not so simple for them to sell or re rent anymore. Plus of course word of mouth through my client base. Job done, move on.
Data protection.
Even though Savills were told on many occasions not to send any personal stuff to the clinics computer because all staff use it. For emergency contact only. i.e. your home is on fire. Read their advertisements on the web and then look at the paperwork and you will see what little liars they have been. ✅
If refugees have passed through countries where they could seek asylum. And ended crossing the channel, they should be deported to the relevant point of entry and helped to seek asylum there. Then we could take a fair quota. How do they get into the EU and cross through often several countries without being picked up as illegal immigrants? 🤔 Bloody French again I expect.
Howard Lamb
13th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
That’s Boris trying to have cake and eat it for birth day in June. What about the pics in the garden at another party?
More to come I expect. 🤮
Howard Lamb
12th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Interesting viewpoint from an ADHD woman. Guardian article – I’m a woman with ADHD – here are all the reasons why I’m proud of it
Sort of covers it. Non diagnosis does not help them. Some statistics from ADHD Coaching
If in 2010 one in four pounds spent by gov was borrowed. Where was the extra money coming from to diagnose ADHD particularly when schools and GPs did not have the staff to do anything.
The damage done has been enormous.
Howard Lamb
11th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Wow. Not just me then. Guardian article – Covid threat being ignored in England for ideological reasons, say NHS leaders
More lies. Guardian article – GP numbers in England down every year since 2015 pledge to raise them
Fewer Docs. More strain on those left with waiting lists in all areas of referral. More mistakes due to the weight of the pressure put on them through understaffing. More being sued, less money for NHS and the cycle goes on and on.
How many policemen did we have in 2010? How many have we now?
We have gone from £1 in every 4 was borrowed in 2010 to this. 🤔
Always follow the money. National statistics – Public spending statistics: November 2021
Not just me, new targets. 🤔 Have they ever hit a target comes to mind. Nuffield Trust – How many GPs are there in England?
My god. How many more? A new disgrace every week. Coke and sex last week. Guardian article – Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan found guilty of sexually assaulting boy, 15
Text to a friend:
How many off these kids are self-harming or trying/succeeding with taking their own lives? Or just traumatically stressed, blocked and life ruined before they had a chance? Far more than you see in the press, that for sure.
Why have the press not run with mass child abuse? You will have to ask them, I can only guess.
Happened on their watch and covered it up? D noticed by gov? Lots of possibility.
Clearly freedom is not the press’s thing anymore. Another bastion of democracy bites the dust.
Howard Lamb
10th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How do I know there was no investigation into the SS and EDs after the tribunal, nothing in any of the paperwork and the mother was never contacted.
She was seen as a bad mother and dumping her kid and through a paperwork error (maladministration). She got away with blue murder. So why would they investigate? ✅
They falsified paperwork but the mother had the original saying he needed a safe place for his special needs. They told the court, naughty boy who needed fostering.
No mistake, all in black and white, hence judge going mental, and they conceded case. Had to save reputation so who got the blame?
Makes me wonder how many other cases they perverted? 🤔
Once you enter their labyrinth, they can do what they want as only them checking their own work and complaints.
When I instructed the solicitor the year before the tribunal, I said that they were trying to get the child fostered, which is why we took them to court in the first place.
Strange that, but that letter was in with the judge’s bundle. 😂😂
Look at it this way. They would have to check thousands of cases, if Herts had been done for perverting justice and that would open a shipping container full of worms.
Cover it up, much more economical, next child. ✅
Same system and protocols all over the country singing off the same hymn sheet, derrr.
How did I know about them forcing fostering on the family at tribunal? Not my first case. 😂
I was guided through the process by patients as they went through processes with several authorities. Then guided others, my first was over 30 years ago, and with Herts. 🤔
Howard Lamb
8th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Well, if they cover up their own child abuse, what do you expect? Independent article – Misleading the country: Boris Johnson and ministers have made dozens of false statements to parliament
Text to a friend:
I don’t think Boris can be blamed for everything.
Pushing for Brexit with fibs, foreign secretary not much help, hasn’t got Brexit done (NI, fishing, etc.) and as it turns out it’s not what was promised.
Pandemic, eye testing and parties. 170,000 dead and 300 dying daily which will rise as the current wave crests. Incompetence, greed and power games is what we got.
Been having little spats with Putin who called us and insignificant little island.
Actually, you have a point. 🤔👍
Howard Lamb
7th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Howard Lamb
5th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Not just me saying it then. Guardian article – UK politics live: Boris Johnson defends national insurance increase amid cost of living crisis
Letter to Boris done and in the pipeline.
Howard Lamb
4th April, 2022
Dear Patient,
😤 Daily Mail article – ‘She was treated worse than a criminal: Mother claims her autistic daughter, 20, took her own life ‘after eight months in a psychiatric unit six hours from their home without daylight or exercise’
And another near miss. Yahoo News Bournemouth Echo article – Boy with Asperger’s pulled from brink of suicide by a love for performing
Text to a friend:
A friend just told me of another autistic suicide in Bournemouth. 4 years in unit, mother could not get the child released. How many more must die before there is justice for autism?
Who is responsible if the system fails? Those who put the system together, then those who ran it. ✅
In the good old days, they dangled a new born by the ankles and the weight of the skull stretched the neck re booting the brainstem which makes connection to the deep reflexes and opens up pathways. It’s bum was slapped to give the CNS a bump start, baby cries, happy days control systems working. ✅
Woke, bang a baby’s head and compress it for 20 hrs. That’s ok but to slap it’s arse to fire up the nervous system and you could go to jail. Arseholes. Says it all really
No, we are not talking abusive beating. A mild stimulus to fire up the system. Not even a red mark if done correctly. It’s more of a clap than a smack, so ears hear it as well. Bit like going boo to someone who is out with the fairies. Huge reaction for little effort.
Let me explain, peasant in field, waters break, she squats, babies head pops out and stretches neck with gravity (brainstem stimulus helping reflex change), the shoulder will resist as the pressure of contractions, weight, gravity and mother pushing, something has to give. Baby pops out and lands on the grass, little bump, same as a light slap (baby has landed all systems switch on).
Well, head can’t dangle and stretch on a bed, can it, nurses don’t often drop new borns.
The reason it’s natural is because it was done the way nature decreed. Not in the baby scaring room, suitable for medics.
Howard Lamb
3rd April, 2022
Dear Patient,
A busy week just gone and a busy week ahead.
Writing letters to the PM is not how I want to spend my time away from work. The hard part is getting the tone right which I have just done. The rest is then simple, so the dear Boris will go next week.
Not that anyone wants to talk to me but lots happening behind the scenes.
They took my reputation and trashed it. But to sort this mess out they will have to trash their own. Clear negligence at the tribunal which was never investigated and covered up to the detriment of the child and mother, 10 years ago. They can’t say they were not told at the time and ever since.
How many more vulnerable children have been sucked in and damaged since?
It makes my blood boil. I have personally seen how damaged these kids become and not just Child X. They are not scummy naught boys and girls but children with special needs being damaged by a system that has been twisted by political influence.
No wonder they are dragging their heels to save reputation.
Child abuse is not much help on a CV.
Text to a friend:
No Herts, nowhere near the worst. I have patients travel to me from all over the country. I’ve heard stories from the people it has happened to the whole time.
You try dealing with a traumatised autistic child with ADHD on destructive mode because they hate everyone, and who could blame them. Actually, that’s exactly what the council and their departments do with their blame culture.
Mothers get worn out, fatigue, muscles, joints and spine dysfunction leads to physical collapse. I would give a George Cross to each of them for what they have and are going through.
Maternity scandal, I believe something like 300 children have brain damage. That’s the mother now being full time carer for the rest of her life, always worried what will happen to her child if and when see dies through no fault of her own. You need to look at the national statistics for damage to kids from the birthing process. 😤
Sobering, depressing when you know that normally they would get the blame. Obviously smoke and drank and used drugs so it’s her own fault. Obviously can’t be those nice mid wife’s fault. ✅
Of course, it all should be looked at independently, so it does not follow the party line. We just set the budgets so it’s not our fault (Gov).
Well wrong, they set the strategic plan first. Then set the budget to for fill it. Defo their fault.
Drugs, I have not seen much about it but the Germans are chasing down a link to autism through paracetamol. In high quantities it damages liver etc. (over 200 deaths pa) So tiny quantities will affect the foetus.
At least someone is looking. 👍
If Herts is not the worst, just the one I am highlighting. You can bet the same will prob be true of the maternity scandal. Same protocols for all NHS facilities after all.
How do people kill themselves with paracetamol? Catch flu. Do day nurse and night nurse and top up with some paracetamol, will do it.
L Carnitine, made in brain liver and kidneys helps to de tox the paracetamol and stop damage. Why don’t you get capsules supplied with the damage causing drug? 🤔
NHS is all about protecting the NHS. Staff and management. Clearly thrown the babies out with the bath water to protect reputation.
When I started we all put the patient first. Where and when did it all go so wrong? 🤔
L Carnitine helps body convert fat to be utilised in the body. ✅ Check it out yourself, relationship of l Carnitine and paracetamol.
Damage to liver can take time to show. So once the pandemic is over, I expect normal liver function tests will start to show change.
Yea they will put it down to people bored and getting pissed for two years under lock down. 😂😂🇬🇧
Mark you, alcohol and paracetamol is not a good combination for our livers.
Mother didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs.
By 4 hrs in Labour, it’s given me everything up to and including the kitchen sink. The baby still connected so will transfer to the baby. The baby has to stop reflexes for the development stage to breathing, eating and use conscious parts of the brain. I expect not so simple once the baby is shit faced and being traumatised.
When they talk about a natural birth it’s the same as artificial help, all laid on their back. Yet natural birth is squat and push once the water break. How complicated can you make something that in theory is quick and with medical supervision safe, and been going on since Adam and Eve? Well by the time you have crossed your legs and got to hospital the correct moment will have passed. Well, you can’t have mothers giving birth in Tesco’s. 🤔 Better to go and lay down in that MRSA free zone and wait for the drugs.
Is having you baby in a water environment good? As long as they don’t drown and it helps mother and child, don’t know much about it. Water will take the mothers weight, but weight bearing and pushing with the help of gravity and the pelvis in the right position whilst squatting is the natural way. Much better environment for the mother though, outside the baby scaring rooms.
Mothers get into the squat position with the stirrups. But when on back you then have to push the baby uphill rather than go with gravity.
Great for the staff. No babies popping out like corks and head butting the concrete floor and think off all that mess that will have to be cleaned up otherwise. 🤔
I have wondered if multi generations having to lay down and have babies, birthing has become more complicated.
I do not think the baby is not coming out until it gets a princess delivery via c section because it’s learnt genetically that birth is traumatic and should be avoided at all cost. 😂
Behave. It was right for flipper to be born at sea but not land bound kids.
What’s the epidural for? Local muscle relaxant prob better. Of course, you need to lay down for the epidural and gas and air. ✅
Would the local muscle relaxant affect the baby, it would take time to get to the baby by which time the baby should be out and about.
Anyhow, I would prefer a relaxed baby to one that has been highly stress for 20 hrs and brain compressed through there soft craniums over long periods of time. 👍
Should all babies be via c section? The normal birthing process switches on a multitude of deep reflexes and switch off others. It’s a process so you cannot guarantee a c section where the baby doesn’t know it’s just been born will fully switch on and off the relevant reflexes activating or deactivating neural pathways.
Votes out. Low trauma proper natural births and no clamp deliveries defo. ✅
Trauma and stress to the brain during reflex change cannot be good. Does it explain the explosion in autism? Your guess is as good as mine. Have never seen research on it.
How do I see birth in the future? A self-cleansing stall. Mother on foot pads with cushioning between to stop baby from hitting floor. Mother in a harness, like a baby bouncer so mother is stable and relaxed etc. etc. Prob is, the water break and you are miles away. ✅
Imagine c section, put in incubator with no sound of the mother’s heartbeat. You don’t know you are born, you coming down from a high and there is no mother’s heart beat which has been there the whole time when you develop as an embryo.
Prob freaking out and feeling abandoned. At least put a rhythmic heart sound in the incubator to make the baby feel at home. 👍💋
Ears just turned on so the rhythmic noise would be the first noise they know. But they can’t feel the beat of the mother’s heart anymore. But happy safe sound. I’ll sort the rest later after a peaceful nap. 😇
You could hear a clock tick tock in every house when I was young. 60 beats a minute just like a heart which will align overnight time to the rhythm. Sub conscious a powerful thing you know. 😂
Howard Lamb
1st April, 2022
Dear Patient,
Do I bother sending Boris another letter? He might be out on his ear next week.
The Shropshire maternity scandal highlights the importance of expert independent inquiry because without, nothing would have happened.
I have repeatedly asked for the same over the X Children’s cases. The gov wanted to deflect and defer to the SS and education who had already been done for negligence at the tribunal back in 2012. He is now 25 and outside their scope.
When the system is wrong and investigated by itself, everyone has ticked their box, so nothing went wrong. However, if like the maternity scandal, the protocols and procedures are wrong, they cover up, in this case all the way to the top.
Justice is impossible under those circumstances.
So, the question still is how do you get justice for autism, so the kids are not abused by ignorance anymore? 🤔
Text to a friend:
Has to be all the way to the top as they created the strategic plan that caused all the problems.
How can staff avoid all the correct protocols etc. if they are not protected from above? Well, when you start by covering up putting kids at risk, you have to keep up the lies and bury it as soon as they can.
Should mothers have natural Births? Yes. Should they be monitored and if at risk have a c section? Yes.
It would help if when the waters break the lady squats to engage the baby’s head and whilst the birth tube is lubed, out it pops with the aid of weight bearing down and gravity, rather than laying on back forcing the baby up hill. How many babies have I seen with distorted craniums after that type of traumatic birth? Time for it all to be looked at not just one part.
Why are babies taken away from mothers and then popped into isolation in an incubator? Python had it down as the baby scaring room. As it turns out they were ahead of their time. 😂✅
How complicated is it? Hospital there for those with complications not to make the process more complicated than needs be. ✅
If each part of NHS pays into NHS insurance each provider will try and stay within their budget for compensation.
Prob why gov suspended duty of care during the pandemic and are stretching things out so they don’t all get sued for negligence. ✅
Move on please, we have someone else’s war to fight. ✅
Why are women laid on their backs with knees bent, tilting the pelvis upwards to make it very difficult to give birth? Easier for the medics to monitor and have access to her vagina.
Missed it, BBC earlier this week. Teachers have had enough of ADHD kid. More training and better facilities for the kids, wow. What about all those who were traumatised?
Carol Vorderman’s son on TV motivating other autistic adults who were traumatised to come forwards.
And Boris was on the piss, champagne and Tories. 🤔
If many autistic kids are familial. As people have moved around the country gene pools have mixed and autism spreads. However long traumatic births where the cranium is compressed evenly during birth, over many hours, prob has not helped. Why are there so many of us? And why are our numbers increasing? 🤔🤔 Always more questions than answers.
Sugar rush covers over active and hyper active children. E numbers, etc. etc., not just sugar, hormone over action causing over stimulation etc. etc. Very large topic so simplified to sugar rush.
If it walks like a duck, flies like a duck and quacks like a duck. Defo a duck. ADHD was to classify children who do not conform to the norm. So why did they treat them as normal?
It beggars belief. 🇬🇧
How many self-made crosses has our Gov staggered through in the past ten years. Everything is now much worse than it was then. They spend so much time defending their actions they can’t move forwards because they are afraid of making more mistakes.
What a mess. 🤮
Yea always the French at the bottom of it. Louis something made his queen give birth on the billiard table so see didn’t give birth like a peasant. Then of course the whole court and finally world joined in, until it’s standard procedure. Put mothers through hell, damage children, then blame the peasant mother, you could not write it.
I was taught that 42 years ago during paediatric training so it’s prob been changed by now to confuse the truth.✅
I know how cool is that? We have a multi ethnic and indigenous mix of autistic gene pools. So we can’t be racist.
That’s why America is off its trolley, how many different autistic gene pools have been mixing for centuries? 🤔
Two normal kids and one stationed off Jupiter. Or 4 spectrum kids and normal parents. The combinations are endless. I remember from genetics classes 44 years ago. 👍
Accepted, Red Necks don’t cross breed.
That’s ok ancestress came from northeast Ireland and northwest Scotland and we’re put out of work by the slaves and had the hump ever since. With everyone, so not racist just Irish Scots. 😂🇬🇧
Still laughing, Afro Mex mix with red neck woke. Heaven help us.
Two normal parents and 4 duffest spectrum kids. Well past my proficiency.
If the standard procedure had been bang on in the first place. Child X would be in a totally different place and the mother could have had a fulfilling life.
Who f’d it up in the first place? They have a lot to answer for. 😇
How long will the pandemic public enquiry go on for? Well, the tower tragedy is going on still and in comparison to the testimonies of 160,000 dead and countless thousands still feeling the effect. Well after the next election or longer, I would expect. 🤔
Haven’t quite figured it out. Pleasure release not fright or flight, if running around screaming and enjoying it. He wants to do it more because pleasure feels good. Hence hormonal control to pleasure centre self-stimulating and causing a cycle in early development.
Not a good one for obsessive no fear spectrum kids, I’m sure. Just a thought. 👍
Pain for being a naughty child and pleasure for the sin, confusing to a child who doesn’t get it because without education nothing can improve.
Lone knight with Excalibur. As it turns out Excalibur is truth and if you wield in with the scales of justice. Your statue goes up over the Royal Courts of Justice. The sword that anyone can use being free by charter.
Yea those old-time monks were good at double meanings. Or we’re put to the sword for heresy? Never the truth.
Like the bible, defo based on truth, defo nowhere near the whole truth though.
God was the commercial asset to fund huge engineering projects to show their important and control and oversee for God.
God’s good so why would he need the church to control us if we are made from him.
Would you Adam and Eve it. Then there was man, could not replicate. So then there was woman, an apple and a snake. See where we are going. Naughty sinners, there’s a snake in all of you. And cough up as coffers are always empty.
Most people could not afford wood for a fire, let alone build cathedral all over the place after thousands of monk houses, spreading the word.
Howard Lamb
31st March, 2022
Dear Patient,
It would seem that everyone in the country knew the rules were broken but the PM just lies and tries to get away with it by perverting justice.
Not an honourable man. ✅ Sky news article – Downing Street parties: Second cabinet minister admits laws were broken – as Starmer says any fine for Carrie Johnson should be made public
Let’s face it, if he is covering up child abuse as my letters propose, why stop at that? It’s just wrong.
I expect it’s because justice is not a normal response if the Gov is involved.
Why do they cover up? Well, anything they pay out comes from their budget. So if they paid up for everything they did wrong, there would be huge shortfalls in finance for day to day running costs.
Each trust pays an amount into a resolution account to cover negligence. Clearly nowhere near enough so fight every case.
Much like autism, we only can afford so many autistic children due to cost so only diagnose a few. 😡
Claims have risen from 580 million in 2007 to 2.2billion in 2019 with half a billion in legal fees. 🤔 The NHS is the insurance company. So, if they have a bad year, they have to budget more to cover the loss, which in turn has to come out of patient care etc. But sounds good until you look at it properly.
So, have no interest in paying out claims. Hence the legal quagmire we see now. Solicitors with both feet in the trough and the claimant stressed for up to 5 years to receive a penny as the solicitor took the pound.
Not in all cases but into many.
30th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Unlikely to begin before 2023. It says so. 🤔 House of Commons Library – Covid-19: The public inquiries
Text to a friend:
An independent inquiry run by someone who has worked in the environment. Exactly what happened at the maternity hospital that did so much damage to mothers and babies. The NHS inquiry failed to find fault. 🤔
So, you understand why the gov does not want one to look into Child X with the same. Otherwise, the truth and magnitude would come out. Best deflect and defer and avoid the truth. Get over it and move on, we have ✅ said the Gov.
A disgrace, protecting reputation, saving money and hiding the truth. What a democratic process we have. 😡
All those on liners could try and get the pandemic public inquiry to go independent, so would start before next year and have no chance of a whitewash or travesty of justice. ✅
Whitewash. Textured substance to put on walls. Usually in white. Wash it on and dry, covers cracks and damage. ✅
Yes, I can say white in this instance. 👍🇬🇧
A day in politics. If Boris gets a fine, Tory back benchers say he must go. Dick the scapegoat still in job even though the Mayor of London wants her gone yesterday.
Would you send Boris a penalty notice the day you leave or before, if you could?
It’s worse than a soap.
It makes you wonder how much pressure has been put on the Met to exonerate the PM.
In the real world it’s your nicked, tell it to the judge.
Howard Lamb
28th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news as yet. I’m having real difficulty writing the next instalment to Boris. You can’t just say, do the job you are paid for you total ——-. Children are suffering whilst I wait for the correct response.
I’m sure it will come, I’ll send and put it up once done.
Text to a friend:
Spending the day clearing old paperwork. Draft letters on correspondence on the Flynn case and Child X. Found a 2 page letter to Howell from my solicitor, which should be on the GCC record.
It’s impossible to say they did not know.
Clearings house as am moving on the 9th.
How much paperwork is there? One large cardboard box left, two others been sorted to shredding and 1 and a half in the keep side.
Don’t ask about Pinner, thankfully I have a large loft there. 😂 Ok I hoard, paperwork is one of my obsessions, leave me alone. 😂 You can’t believe the amount. I had every patient index card going back to 1946, boxes and boxes. Sal did the honours due to data protection. 👍
Why? Simple it’s how I learned to work, no computers at all. Computer screens are hard on my dyslexia so never changed.
No, practice manager prints off, I scribble stuff or dictate, then by magic it’s all done, still serving a lifetime ban from computer room and office due to my unique organisation skills and the computer sulked until a nice person popped in to fix it, after my use whilst she was away. Not happy if I remember. 😂😂😂
No, I hate paperwork. Verbal communication is where I excel. Prob why they don’t want to talk to me. ✅
I’ve given out 100,000 of treatments. All explained and educated at the same time to 10 of thousands of people over a 40 year period.
I’ve had to get the message across in plain language. Then they have full understanding, and their body can heal. If you do the same thing in the same way, you will get the same result, gradual change of habits and Bobs your uncle. 👍😂
A complex subject handled well. Guardian article – Why the UK can’t rely on boosters to get through each new wave of Covid
Howard Lamb
27th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Interesting read. NHS cover up exposed. How many other things have been swept under the carpet, like Child X? Guardian article – Shropshire maternity scandal: 300 babies died or left brain-damaged, says report
Howard Lamb
26th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
It’s impossible for Sir Mike to say he didn’t know. One of my letters to him was part of our defence at the tribunal we won.
The dear Mike letter was quite clear. And at the start of the archives. ✅
Howard Lamb
25th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why did equal power unities commission help? If you are not diagnosed and put at risk. You have been denied equal opportunity. More to it than that. There is then a big spill over to disability law etc.
Why were the MPs useless? Well, you did not see a public inquiry did you, let alone the gov ombudsman taking control? Rigged system so there is no complaint, I expect.
If you don’t believe me, write to your MP, as thousands have done and see how far it gets you. Look at the records and see if gov ombudsman has had any cases.
As for a public inquiry, they don’t want one for the pandemic, I can’t see them enthused to do one on governmental child abuse. 🤔🇬🇧
Maybe Sir M Penning could fill us in at some stage, he knew and didn’t act, then the knight hood. ✅
Was there contact between him, GCC and tribunal judge or just him, privy council major general and old Dicky Brown DC? Your guess is as good as mine as they will not send me my requested paperwork.
Penning, he was kept informed by the mother. She was a nightclub manager and Penning was a regular for and end of day drink. I’m sure, as a happily married man with children, he was not up to shenanigans with the younger female voters.
I hadn’t thought of that. Male female or non-gender specific voters. ✅ Phew, think I was nearly discriminate.
I know, two sets of rules, they who get away with blue murder and us who don’t. 👍🤔 I hope he taped our conversation when I gave him a rocket. Proof of the pudding. So, he can’t say he didn’t know.
Once opened it’s a can of worms.
Well, no equal opportunity, huge breaches of disability law, then they have been discriminated against, more breaches of law, I’m sure the ripple out affect due to covered up negligence and disregarding tribunal law just keeps going out further and further. Hopefully the tsunami finally hit the shore.
I have faith. 😂
Mother was at the taped or not meeting with Penning. She was not happy as I had upset her friend.
I told him that I would be more than happy to explain to his boss. (Cameron) Well it took a while to go through all professional channels first, as promised and Cam had been replaced by May.
Does what it says on the can. ✅
Exactly, if all like him, no point having an ethics committee.
I don’t know if Penning knows the bloke who flogs cars on tv ads. Or am I being a bit thick? 🤔
What’s the difference between high functioning and spectrum ADHD? About a mile apart clinically. High functioning are gentle and timid to begin with and need gently easing out of their shell. Spectrum ADHD are indestructible 20 hrs a day, Duracell bunnies. Who need to be occupied one on one till they get a full hand on the controls. How does abuse affect them? Clam and angry donkey.
Covers the basics.
Education sits a Duracell bunny in one place for hrs, child’s will to live goes and stops listening and does their own thing from here on in. The clam digs into the sand and hides, does not move until he feels safe.
Then you have families crossing genes in the likes of Child X, high functioning ADHD (spectrum) and mild learning difficulties complicated by chronic traumatic stress. It didn’t go well for him.
What’s the difference to spec ADHD and normal. Sugar rush, poorly controlled by untrained parents who never had a problem with the other kids. Isolate as nobody understands he/she is not the same as everyone else. Bad behaviour and attention seeking because they feel alone. Tend to seek and befriend others who have slipped through the cracks.
They proved it wasn’t sugar. ✅ No, if you take 100 kids who don’t normally react to sugar, increase sugar, which is then converted to fat if not required. All 100 kids are the norm. Sugar not a prob. ✅
Don’t get me on to the corruption in the sugar industry. Got big off the back of slavery, what a start,
helping to shorten life span for millions, obesity, heart disease, diabetics for all I know.
Safe in their hands not to damage children then. 🤔
I fell about, the clip of the man at no 11 unable to tell the difference between bar code and a credit card machine. Prob why most chancellors have spent time with the Bank of England first.
That’s right, Child X has emotionally clammed up and kicks like a mule. Going nowhere with no chance of reprieve.
Why the rocket? Long story but to good an opportunity to miss!
What happens when you throw your toys at an MP who should have referred for investigation. What a can, prob drum of worm that was.
Couldn’t help myself. As an experiment, knowing what the answer should be and then asking the question, to see what happens in the real world, real time. How could I not?
In front of witness, mother, and poss on tape.
He can’t say it didn’t happen. It would be interesting to see the paperwork and how I was portrayed and to who. Or did a sultry nothing about child abuse in his constituency. 🤔 Prob both, what do you think?
They were never going to put their hands up, so I had a choice, turn away or go to war, in an appropriate professional sort of way. Followed the art of warfare and run on Nelson’s rules, keep firing till white flag or sunk and 10 years to get this far.
Not bad really because it’s so big and super f’d, took a while. 😂
The malpractice case. 5 legal teams, his and our 4 over prob 3 years. Constant communications as seen by the paperwork.
Even in the bargain basement for solicitors an barristers their must have been countless hours at prob £200 to £400 an hour.
I had hoped at the end of it the system would change but nobody wanted to take the responsibility.
How do I know? Nothing actually happened or changed.
The insurers say we are uninsurable at this price because of the expense of litigation and the steam roller moved on.
A million plus slip into extreme poverty due to the cons. And they waisted billions, mates got contracts and doggy business’s scammed and fleeced Gov’s handouts.
It’s ok only poor people who normally don’t vote, crack on.
Not just them. BBC article – Father ‘devastated’ at lack of progress on autism care
If there are not repercussions for actions, then nothing changes. Guardian article – Tory peer lobbied for PPE firm months after lawyers said she had stopped, leaked emails suggest
Howard Lamb
24th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
My next letter to PM will not go now till next week. Two reasons, 1. I have not found the tone of the letter and 2. I’m not sure how hard to Push
A few extra days at this stage may just solve my problems by giving then a bit longer to respond in a professional way.
I will not be holding my breath though.
Text to a friend:
Is autism difficult to diagnose? No clinician with an accredited CPD hrs could easily do the basics and then confirmed at a later date to hone down where exactly the child is on the spectrum.
What are you going to do with early diagnosed children in their droves? Short staffed and limited facilities now.
Again, CPD for all cares and badge. Teachers, social workers, council workers the same, police defo need CPD.
Once everyone singing off the right hymn sheet, we will be starting to get there.
Educate and give a good understanding not the total bollocks they try to work with now. Teach the teachers who teach the other pupils etc. safe from bullying which shuts them off and causes constant fright and flight response in them.
Small things but a huge step in the right direction.
Howard Lamb
23rd March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How many cases of child abuse by the system does there have to be before the perpetrators in Parliament have to look at the damage done? Good question.
Why is Boris ‘s paperwork so important? Because it will show that all they have done is deflect and defer rather take the bull by the horns. Covering up their duty to protect the children in their care and allow the abuse to continue. 🤔
Prob why he is breaking the law by not sending it. ✅
How can they say after 10 years of knowing, tribunal was quite clear. That they are not responsible for putting children at risk.
Look at Assange, if we had a free press, why has there not been outrage and condemnation for a twisted system. Assange would not go quietly and those in power got a bit miffed, so taking it out on him now when alone and vulnerable, just like the spectrum kids.
Howard Lamb
22nd March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Had a letter from the Department of Education, fitness to practice department.
He has read my letter of the 15 of March. Shame he was never given access to the rest of them, and he would realise I’m not moaning about teachers and social workers on a one to one basis but the system that created the problems for these professionals in the first place.
New Labour twisted it and the rest followed suit to save money.
Please read the Letter from Department of Education
Text to a friend:
I was talking to a patient today who has two teenage high functional autistic boys. Single mother, father abusive so divorced. Fought tooth and nail to give her kids a chance. Again, Herts Co Council. She has gone for them and won tribunals, complaints etc. She said that the equal opportunities commission help. Said MP was useless, but you have to go through them to get to the gov ombudsman and or a public inquiry.
So not the only one. My grandson was only diagnosed for spectrum/ADHD difficulty after he moved to Wales and left Herts.
As for gov ombudsman, would they expose 20 + years of deliberate child abuse, so the gov could waist money in their own way? Pay for the illegal war in Iraq 🤔etc.
As for a public inquiry, well we were promised one this month due to pandemic, so what’s the chance they want one on child abuse. Same as how the church got away with it for years. Cover up, deflect, defer and deny any responsibility.
They must all be traumatised autistic kid at heart because that’s what they do. 👍
With most of these autistic and spectrum ADHD kids the prob is not at home. It’s how the world outside is and has treated a child with special needs.
At school they need to be engaged with and enthused to excel. What they get is fear and rejection.
Because they are not diagnosed and treated incorrectly as the system is there for the normal not those with special needs. By the time they are diagnosed, if at all, the damage is done, and the adult cannot for fill their potential.
If they were normal, they would not have special needs. Without a diagnosis the one suit fits all system grinds them down, blows them out and then blame the child and mother.
This is not about one child, it’s about countless thousands who have been unnecessarily damage, to hide a parliamentary cock up and cover up ever since.
Cock is expert speak for a complex scam.
But why, bigotry is prob at the heart. Nothing wrong with kid, look at the state of the mother. Scroungers all of them so they get f all. ✅🤔😇
How do I know they are bigoted? Saw it through the system, SS, teachers, arc, council, police, ministries through to government.
Well, it has to start from the top and work its way down with gravity.
Howard Lamb
21st March, 2022
Dear Patient,
You have to ask why when there have been complaints, nobody has for filled their protocols and procedures like the rest of us?
As the gov does not do fraud, why would the association or insurance risk reputation? It’s all linked in.
What will they do about it? Nothing!
Well, if fraud not a crime, they don’t have to act and the scams go unchecked.
Same with Child X, deflect and defer until the opposition crumbles away in time. No complaints successful, look what a great job we have done, and the scams go on, and on, etc.
How do you explain this to people who don’t want to listen? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Well, I’m moving house early April and the war begins with the estate agent and owner.
Early May I will have to start my case at the ICC for acts against humanity and it’s cover up.
Got solicitor to do the damage, if he does a good job I will be free to start early April.
Text to a friend:
So why did the insurance company not look into the case, well they would have to look at all the cases that the experts had been involved with. Why didn’t they? Lots of reasons I suspect but reputation over client seems to be the most logical explanation.
How many more cases have there been with potential for biased expert testimony? Well, when you are lead down the garden path by the chronology what do you think happens. ✅ If nothing done, the next lot are under the cosh.
Think about it a chiro expert who did not understand experts shorthand from a different discipline to a neuro surgeon who doesn’t understand how the central nervous system works and writing reports on chiro, physio and GP when he is only trained in his area of surgery. Didn’t go well.
All based on a twisted chronology and my legal team clueless as accepted what the experts say. Clearly did not listen to me as seen in the paperwork.
Text to a friend:
How are the books going? Mother on hers, doing well, child’s will be ghosted off taped conversation and I’m on the last few pages of mine. 🤔😂
What’s the difference between legal and clinical languages? Well, the law stays the same but each clinical discipline’s notes are unique to their specific branch. Bit like law but a top litigator will have different skill sets to a contractual expert, etc. We have the added bonus of multiple disciplines within in our areas of expertise and unique terms and different understanding, with different note taking based on the GCC guidelines. So, a chiro expert needs to be expert in multiple disciplines and often are not. What could possibly go wrong?
Take MCT, who do a lot of micro adjustment to stimulate autonomic and central nervous system cause soft tissue release and a change to the antalgia. Diversified do single leaver motion and have little to write except when they break something.
Well look at it from my side. The chronology did not stand up. My associations expert had killed me on note taking. Stu’s insurers recommended the neurosurgeon who slagged everyone off for being idiots.
My solicitors thought I was guilty.
Who wouldn’t throw their toys out the pram? Hence the dear Sue letter on the subject.
Yea imagine the confusion 4 different insurance companies. 4 sets of legal teams. I read the banter between them once my solicitor had to step in and draw all notes back from my insurance legal team, all very illuminating.
Why is that important? Each is only looking at own client’s responsibility, so nobody can see the whole picture. That is then utilised, so the infamous 4 solicitors are all running around like headless chickens, whilst they, the opposition, get a win on a minor technicality.
i.e., no scan, when non was needed, type thing that I saw in this case study.
Well, if I’m being shafted, I had to find out who by first, then you can move. ✅
Rigging a chronology goes well past the right of defence, to a dark zone possibly perverting justice.
So how can you get justice? Why must you fight for justice? Because the system is unjust. 🤔
I can’t see fault in the logic, what do you think? 👍😇
Opinion is a word that makes the foundation of diagnosis clinically. Opinion of a therapist in court is worthless. The opinion of anyone, not the opinion of someone who knows what they are talking about.
Lost in translation from clinical to legal due to the assumption there is no different to the norm for court understanding.
Tangible facts and backed up evidence which has formed my opinion, so my diagnosis is this. Not her at no.24 with an opinion on everything. ✅
Just saying, my opinion at the tribunal is stronger now than it was then through on-going professional development. 😂😂
Isn’t that where all this started?
Not fishy at all. Guardian article – Dr David Kelly: 10 years on, death of scientist remains unresolved for some
Howard Lamb
20th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why was the physios report wrong? 😂 She described the patient as he left, not how he came in. As his back locked it caused a T4 synaptic event. Soft tissue compression of a nerve junction box. Hypersensitive, which is why he yelped when I released it. In dear Bernie letter. ✅
I remember clearly the conversation with the patient. Skint and in pain. Paid for me rather than have free physio. You work it out.
I bet the architect of the chronology was a relative of Enid Blyton, was it. 👍✅
My insurance solicitors got a letter from my research graduate who was establishing herself into the practice and learning technique and understanding of the long-established client base used to our unique technique. It was a corker, covered the myeloma with google it at the end. 😂
Well 3 chiro’s and two being done. She thought it might help, both Stu and I even put our ten pence worth in.
I can’t remember if she got a response, didn’t use legal langue but clinicians. Prob had half an hour to read but could not understand I expect.
It’s a clinical matter in the courts, however if they don’t understand the clinical issues your judged by law only and that depends on the rigged chronology to have everyone assuming guilt and not understand the truth that’s been hidden.
That about covers that.
Sorting the next letter to Boris his 2 weeks to respond expires on Friday.
What can I say? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I did say, first letter, it’s a scam. I wonder why they didn’t listen and then drag it out. Cross ref with the SS and Child X and then explain the coincidence. 🤔
Well, who listens to the man being sued for malpractice? You work it out.
I thought I was leaving it all to fate. Yep, faith in my own abilities. 🤔😂😂😂🇬🇧
Exactly who is going to listen to someone thrown out of his profession?
Yet no patient complaint at the GCC and one scam litigation over 80 years and a million plus safe patient treatments.
Work that one out if you can. 🤔
All the solicitor has to say he is entitled to present his case it’s up to the opposition to prove its not so, that’s justice.
Scam city mate, big income from insurance. 💥 Or most the swag with a win. So win, win.
How far would they be willing to go to hide a secret? My mate Jen always had a problem with Blair and the scientist who bleed out after using a blunt knife. Can only rely on experts after all. Sort wheat from chaff and start again. ✅
Why was neurosurgeon wrong? Maybe a local myeloma separate to the primary site on opposite side. Nothing found or treated. The scan clearly showed myeloma oozing out of primary area by the damage done. It had flowed down the spine and pooled on his sacrum. Nowhere else in body. Clear in the medical notes from the hospital and in chronology.
Howard Lamb
19th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
The patient to be fare did not help himself. Classic bloke, ignore and keep going.
He had had skin cancer in previous years but had not had a neck in several. He was old enough for a well man check-up but no history of any in the notes.
In my case study, I isolated the need to push our healthy patients to get some bloods done at fifty if their last lot were years before and a bit of strong arm in the over 55 s and not had any. That was in in my second letter to his solicitor before he started suing me.
We cannot force people to take bloods but at least the suggestion is there.
Why was I communicating with his solicitor, he was on a fishing trip, arrogant and clumsy, worst type of chiropractor, he had talked to the wrong expert for what I do and the right expert for what he does.
I had heard on the grape vine something dodgy happening so could not resist.
My first letter to him explain was imp to be my fault, f off please but in professional woke. Short and sweet. 💋
How was it imp? Well, he got better and went back to work was a big hint especially as condition was highly aggressive.
His case was based on it being slow burn, even though there was no evidence. If slow burn but not giving symptoms, you may by chance see it on imagining when looking for something else. He Never had pain in the primary area until his heavy fall on the ice.
The physio we’re dealing with the rehab of his wrench injury. No treatment or mention in the notes of the primary area. Doc after the fall had no chance due to its rapid growth. Like the Big Bang, everything from nothing, the x ray being clear, to 8 segments from lower ribs to the top of the sacrum, a darker area a foot long and 5 to 6 inches wide in parts cover the whole low back area. I had never seen anything like it.
Slow burn, burn slow. They do not usually put a sprint in at the end. Out of the blue and rarely detected until the crash. All in the textbooks if someone had been arsed to do it. Prob on only £200 an hour solicitor so what do you expect.
Just tried slow burn sprinter multiple myeloma on google. Didn’t go well but no evidence they exist. 😂😂
Yea slow burn rarely shows acute symptoms, more likely general health problems rather than specific pain. I wrote a letter on the subject to my insurance legal team if I remember. Lots of others, well if you avoid an autistic naughty boy with obsessive tendencies. You will get the large quantity of correspondence they received from me, all on the record and in the very heavy box off papers, my solicitor finally got back from the insurers.
Defo the worst type of chiropractor to piss off. ✅😂😂😂
Did for the spinal neurosurgeon. Explained how neuro anatomy functioned, 😂😂 long story.
If the patient had pain in his left leg and the myeloma was right sided lower rib.
i.e., the impulse from the right side would have to as send through pathways to the brain and then to end to the left leg to show as pain, not possible.
Well, if he can’t get the basics right what sort of expert is he? 🤔
I was looking forwards to my day in court. Held back enough so the last touches in court bring the right result. ✅
Just checked up on Covid, one report says new b2 omicron doing damage, second says 1 in 21 had it last week, that’s 3.5 million people, another hospitalisation on the rise. Then the BBC with UK lifts last of the lock down rules.
Is it just me or has the world been taken over by people who can’t do their jobs?
I got the solicitor to write to the docs, solicitors to confirm the patient was examined by his GP and sent back to work on light duties, but the penny did not drop. 🤔 Or had it and they were just keeping me at arm’s length because I can bite as well as bark. 👍😂🇬🇧
Yep, fishy as the f word.
That is dear Sue and Sajid letters and dear Bernie, the trilogy explained, and how old are they? So why has nothing been done.
What do you think?
I’m spectrum so non-judgemental, is what it is, and does what it says on the can or doesn’t in their case, covers it. 👍
Howard Lamb
17th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I don’t know how many Chelsea fans live in the PM’s constituency. Prob enough to vote him out as once a Labour seat. That will prob cause him more sleepless nights than Putin. Maybe it’s time for a by-election. 😂😂🇬🇧
Yea, in the letter to Bernie I mention assumption is the mother of all cluster f’s.
Well, if everyone assumed I was guilty the evidence clearly showed I wasn’t, but poor expert witnesses and a legal team not qualified to see the difference. I was on a very dicky wicket, so to speak.
Huge knock-on effect. Mr lamb says etc GCC/BCA our expert says he is the worst type of character. Case closed.
Yep, whilst pissing about, on own agendas a child in my care was being abused by a system who really does not care.
As you can see from some of the paperwork from the time in the archives, I was pretty much stone walled and the parachuted out of the profession, wrongly, an abuse of power as it turns out with my win on appeal. And these people are responsible for giving me a reference.
Can’t wait to get all the paperwork back. 😂😂😂
Prob why our beloved PM doesn’t want to send it to me.
You then ask the question, could they have done it on their own?
Then who else knew. How big is the universe? 🤔
It’s all buried somewhere but truth will out in the end.
Yea, fingers crossed and God willing, throw a bit of Buda in and we might actually get there.
Russia can’t win, gave up communism and became early development democratic capitalists. Burnt earth and rape it. No wonder they get confused.
Here is a good one. Why in 12 years has nobody contacted me and downloaded all I know.
In recent times, I don’t even get, due to the volume of complaint, you are in the 6 to 12 months bracket for first contact, where we will use every trick in the book to avoid responsibility.
Howard Lamb
16th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What were the chances of spotting the myeloma when he was under my control with an MRI? Zero, the lower thoracic/lower ribs/upper lumbar was the epicentre. And he had no symptoms in that area at all.
So MRI would have been ordered for a different area and as he was improving, then signed back to work on mild duties whilst the last part of the soft tissue injury healed. There was no need for one.
Being the aggressive out of the blue type there prob would have been no sign until active 6 months later.
Howard Lamb
16th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Everyone has ticked their box to say it’s ticketty boo. So, the gov can’t see the abuse. But the gov set up the system so know what they have done. So that’s me going round in circles.
Most people give up then the gov says well the system is not perfect but there is very few complaints so doing really well. No change needed, a total stitch up.
When the only people who look at this and are in house, they work to protect themselves and the system, so cover up is the norm. They have been doing it for so long I believe they can’t see they are doing any wrong. Just blame the therapist and mother and we will all be ok.
So, kids will keep suffering in their thousands. ✅
Howard Lamb
15th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
That’s why it is so sick. No matter what they say about no budget. They had a legal requirement after the tribunal.
They have suppressed the media to keep this quiet so are abusing power. So much for democracy and the free press.
Howard Lamb
14th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend continued from 13th March:
PS The case was dropped but with no help from the BCA and the GCC checked my notes but never went further. No chance of a cover up there then. ✅
All in the paperwork so can be backed up.
If anything had been wrong with my notes, I’m sure they would have done me, but didn’t.
How did it affect the Child X case? Well, the child did what he had done several times before. He is told they will sort him out. Carrots dangled but he soon works out they are not trying to sort him out just the same old as he experienced before, and the relationship starts to break down. So the SS could say look, mother out of the equation and the child has improved, just a naughty boy after all so will treat him as such. All in the paperwork. The timing of the malpractice suit was very fishy. Or am I just a bit paranoid.
No defo fishy.
I was tied up with a malpractice suit for two years. Having it hanging over my head left me without credibility, mother had crashed with me, and the placement treated him as a naughty boy.
Who was pulling the strings so all this could happen? Well, beyond the regulars pay grade so had to be the privy council. They are the only ones with the power to do it and not get caught. Something is very wrong at the heart of the system which is why they don’t want to communicate.
If this insurance scam happened to me, it will have happened to a lot of others in clinical disciplines. Tends to explain why the insurance company did not want to investigate.
Told them it was a scam in my first letter to insurance and BCA right at the start, but who listens to a whinging client. After all his association said he was the worst type of chiropractor. ✅
Their experts from the BCA had already done their report so could not be changed. All in the paperwork.
Why did the GCC pass my paperwork? I translated my shorthand into long hand over several pages. ✅😂😂😂
Why did the patient not come to you when his back flared, his collar bone had healed, and it was soft tissue spasm? We recommended physio to rehab before he went back to work. He had been off work for 3 months and was skint, I expect. He prob refused his practice physio due to the fact she had laid him in one position for so long examining him his back went into total spasm, so went private when he could afford to.
The physio’s report did not lie but most certainly was minimal with the truth, he came in as an emergency 2 days later. 🤔
Will cover my complaints and the regulator who did not understand his own paperwork and threw me out of the profession only to put me back on appeal on exactly the same CPD submission.
I even gave him the choice of privy council or GCC. He chose neither and had his mate the chair cover his arse into retirement. Much on site.
I wonder why? 🤔 Prob something to hide. 👍😣
Actually, prob skip that as all in the archives as it happened. Prob go to child 18 to 21. Ombudsman, judicial review prep work done. Finally got a roof over his head. Could not stay with his mother as he blamed her for everything that had happened to him. You could cry.
No, the child was in residential care at the council’s expense due to their negligence. Never been in care with the council. Big difference or should have been.
Howard Lamb
13th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
How do I think they took the last letter? Blind panic I would have thought. Due to their constant burying they have shown they aided and abetted the abuse of countless thousands of special needs autistic children and it’s not going away.
Take the GCC. Clearly told of child abuse by the system so washed their hands and trashed my reputation to safeguard the system. It’s ok to do this type of thing because they never get caught. ✅ How wrong were they? 😂😂😂😂
Yep, by not standing for my right to diagnose I become a winging idiot of a therapist. Nobody listens to them after all.
No, I did text my association about it last week. I was a member of BCA, UCA, MCA and European/World. As each failed the child, I dropped them until there was only the MCA left. After all they understand abuse, after what they have been through.
They have had no power to act, but it was not their job. The BCA/GCC were well up the food chain, and it was their responsibility.
What about UCA? Good question. Only interested in freedom to do what you want and be the biggest association. A social club rather than a pro body.
GCC, ECU and World, BCA, all worked together to unify the profession by getting rid of the toggle either percussion or recoil and stopping members of MCA/UCA from having a voice.
Why would they do such a thing? I take it, beyond being just thick arseholes, for their NHS acceptance they had to have unification of treatment. So, dump the toggle and crack away.
All manipulated behind the scenes by the privy council on their own agenda.
F all to do with duty of care for the patient as seen in the Child X case study. Here one for you, how was it possible for the royal college under BCA control, to remove me from their register as I hold a qualification from them for animal chiro practice which the GCC have no power over? My father was prob the first animal chiropractor in the UK pre-WW2. 10 years before MCT started his training for normal chiro let alone animals.
Animal chiro is predominantly toggle, might have something to do with it I expect.
All you have to do is look at complaints to the GCC. The vast majority are BCA and UCA members. Another good reason for those of good character to join the MCA.
Don’t want to be tarred by the same brush. 👍🤔
Well, it’s all on record on my patient’s justice site. A drib here a drab there, but on record.
Why is toggle so much better with animals? Try and do a cervical break on a parrot or a million dollar roll on a pained bull. 😂😂😂😂😂
How do you treat a pained bull? In a cattle crush where he can’t move and lean over the top to get to spine and soft tissue. My brother-in-law had a herd of highland cattle and a bull at stud, need I say more.
Parrot is a long story to be told after dinner. 😳
BCA reckons the logger doesn’t work. Family photos of before and after for a prize highland bull would suggest different. 🤔💋
If you can treat small to large animals and as a family have over a million patient treatments, you can see why they needed to get rid of me so they could have a crack fest with the NHS.
How did bull do his back? He gets let into a field with lots of young cows. And been doing it for a number of years. Age catches up. 30 or 40 shags a week when middle aged doesn’t help any probs you already have in your back. Prob extended his shelf life for a few years. 👍
How does the malpractice case fit in? Man had dropped a heavy weight and tried to stop it. He wrenched his shoulder so hard he popped a collar bone and wrenched all the muscles of his arm, shoulder, neck, back, from occiput to SI joints, strained ribs from back to sternum. As seen by hospital notes. He was treated over a 5 week period, he was signed off by GP. He got better and was fully checked by GP before he went back to work, some 10 days after our last treatment.
The BCA expert said I was the worst type of chiropractor because he did not understand my expert shorthand notes.
You work it out.
Toggle malpractice, just the ticket to get rid of him. Or the most incompetent organisation since Laurel and Hardy.
Expert on crack and crunch, zero expertise on toggle. What could possibly go wrong and then did. I have all the paperwork back from solicitor and it show one monumental cock up because no one knew what they were doing. I could write a book on it. Insurers come out very badly. 🇬🇧👍
How was that expert? It’s in the paperwork, ask Dick Brown DC he was in charge of the BCA at the time.
I expect the wrench injury was not the catalyst for his multiple myeloma as was clear on x ray, after a heavy fall on ice 6 months after the 1st injury. An MRI 3 weeks later showed decimation. I have to assume the heavy fall compressing his lumbar thoracic junction was.
Innocent of charge. F off.
Well, it was a bit more long winded than that, but you get the idea. 😂
Why did they not go for the NHS? They did and what I’ve told you, they did the same.
This is what happens with this type of myeloma. Extremely aggressive. F off. So, they manipulated a case. If I could be tripped up on protocol, I was guilty then then next four chaps get it.
My sin was not to take an x ray. He had just had one that showed nothing but the popped shoulder. I have six weeks to decide if he needed another. He improved and was signed back to work and recommended physical rehab to get everything working properly again, standard procedure.
I pointed this out and they then changed it to scan.
I told them he was not insured and limited on finance. His doctor was responsible for his health and would be the only way for him to get one and he did not for fill any of the criteria the NHS protocol dictate. So not eligible because was pain free and working.
Clear cut to me but who listens to the client when they all know better? 🤔
Simples. If you take the GPS responsibility away and have none of the replicant paperwork in evidence, you could the blame me and Stu. 😇
No, the last letter to Bojo was my diagnosis after 12 years of research and groundwork which allowed me to make opinion and finally diagnosis of what’s happened to these children at the highest level in the land.
If you look through the work, it’s all there.
If highly aggressive myeloma was detectable at time of my treatment, he could not be pain free and working. Proof in the pudding.
Well patient over did it and went to a good private physio. In evidence of the myeloma being the slow burnt type, due to misinformed expert testimony, as seen in my letter to sue at the BCA legend and pure chiropractic, in the matter, there should be a dear Sajid and a Bernie which complete the trilogy in the archives somewhere.
They said the dead leg and back pain were symptoms. Not the fact he had driven without a break for several hours, whilst in the recovery phase of his last injury. After the fall, patient got worse but had had clean x rays, doc ordered a fast scan and patient was on waiting list when his spine started to crumble, and he was stretchered to hospital. Spinal surgery saved his life.
So, 3 clinicians and 2 physios had 2 years of their lives trashed because a solicitor wanting to make a buck. 🤔
All in the paperwork
I always wondered why? I had first contact from the other side some months after the won tribunal and the child starting to stabilise from the trauma he had had for years.
Why did such a weak case get anywhere?
Who was the architect of the Chronology who led people to draw wrong conclusion?
Who is going to investigate it?
Insurance industry looking at own incompetence.
Solicitors exposing corruption in their own profession, judges being duped.
The nation needs to have full confidence in our systems, so nothing gets done. Associations are looking to keep fees down as in competition, it’s a mess.
One company should house all of chiropractic and develop the expertise to protect their policy holders, would be a good start.
Why not Richard rather than Dick? I’m not that complicated, he tried to shaft me. ✅
Second name a bit unfortunate but appropriate in a very inappropriate way. 😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
12th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
ext to a friend:
Very good but the other end of the spectrum to the python caricature. Good answer 😂😂😂😂
How many people had to travel to the drinks party, breaking lockdown travel rules? After one was caught testing his eye up north, forgot his name now, getting old. Well yesterday’s news.
Are the police on a go slow waiting for them to choose the right head for them and the Met? 🤔
Wasn’t the public inquiry meant to have started or has it been frozen like my club’s assets? It’s a crazy old world. 💋
Howard Lamb
11th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister
Text to a friend:
If only the BBC had stuck to their charter and asked the question, instead of referring me to complaints. It would be done and dusted by now. Do you think I actually will have to write to Sky or Guardian or are they on the job? Prob are after a night cap. Is that helpful. ✅😂
I feel a bit like Putin, treated like an idiot, not listened to, reputation in taters, and rules inflicted by others who wish to gain from it, nukes on the border, sanctions on his nation hurting his people etc. pipeline so America can manipulate price for their own products, but it’s all Putin’s fault.
I can’t invade no 10 or 11. Or actually be allowed near Downing Street. Unless invited to a booze up. So can’t vent my anger, except through my letters. 👍🇬🇧
Yea angry from Pinner, works for me. 😂😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
10th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Don’t get me wrong, I have sorrow for widows and mourners on both sides. Having said that, Russia’s boundaries were put together by the west at the end of WW1, after the wall came down it reverted back to the treaty of Versailles. Ukraine was all part of Russia. Just saying. Not as simple as Putin is a c word, he clearly is, but he is not the only one.
PS what has my club go to do with the Ukraine. Boris a rugger bugger, tends to explain that.
Why do boundaries mean so much? Well, if the west stick to the boundaries set out by them, it’s an internal matter. So why the sanctions?
Howard Lamb
9th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Why just pick on him, any gov that covers up child abuse must be seen in a worse light surely. Guardian article – John Bercow found to be ‘serial bully’ and liar by independent inquiry
Text to a friend:
On a roll. 😂
Letter from hell gone to Savills. Boris number well over 20, has gone to clinic, you will enjoy it once up on prob Friday, practice manager on hols next week, so had to go sooner than expected.
All I have to do now is the instruction letter to a solicitor to deal with my being winkled out of my home.
Hate instruction letters, solicitors automatically assume they know more about your case than you, old hand, done this sort of thing lots just do what I tell you to do, please.
Howard Lamb
8th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
In my last 3 letters to Bojo, I have clearly presented a case where a child was abused, through wrong and non-diagnosis or late diagnosis. By law someone has to do something. 🤔
Here is the problem. The SS can’t be involved because they are in the dock for it, as with education and councils. Police have bias due to wrong education, who’s left. A selected committee to whitewash. 🤔
Don’t want an independent force with the right expert input. God sake no chance, can’t have untouchables poking about, where could that lead?
So, cabinet office can no longer kick the can down the road to avoid damage to the gov.
So, what’s the answer? 🤔
I did say in a letter to the MG in a letter that if you do the same thing in the same way, you get the same result.
Welcome to ground hog day for the kids and families.
Text to a friend:
Letter to estate agent and landlord gone, got a wrong response so sent a top up already. Started on Boris but not sure of the tone as need to ramp it up but do not want to exceed professional limits. There is much happening behind the scenes to stop this becoming public and dealing with it in the correct fashion. i.e., under the table to protect reputation. The problem with that is they will change the bare minimum and try and say move on. 😡
If you have been told of child abuse and ignored it, what should the penalty be? Clear in law, defo not clear from the gov.
Of course, they don’t want to talk to me because that will give credence to what I have said. So stuck until they do but they have been getting away with it for years and are expert in deflecting the truth. Yet the family are left to struggle and those who should and could have done something get away scot free.
Where is justice? Clearly not democratic.
Howard Lamb
7th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Three letters to write and the day half gone. Having to find new house to rent, deal with outstanding issues with land lady and Savills. So something had to give, Boris letter on hold to the end of the week or start of the following. Letter to estate agent a priority.
My first letter usually sets the tone for what’s to come. 😂😂😂💥
Howard Lamb
6th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
You have to ask, when the GCC knew I was restricted by patient confidentiality, the mother had me and the child who was over 18 and off the rails and was the only one who could charge the council, SS, education and others and was not in any fit state to do so and then did nothing. 🤔
How does it work? Good question, so you do not diagnose autism, just enough to cover your budget. Your forward projections will be the same. Crunched down to numbers and out pops your future budget.
Then you have budgeted for your needs and that is all they can have.
By not diagnosing, besides the human tragedy, you can control and manipulate the finance. Everything and body are then tied to the strategic plan and auto pilots clicks in. ✅
If you crunch in the wrong figures at the start. The plan cannot be right. So, who twisted the plan to abuse children with special needs? 🤔 New Labour and every gov since is the correct answer. ✅🇬🇧
Yea tends to explain why they don’t want to talk to me and prefer the child to commit self-harm than loose reputation.
My mum used to say be careful, pride before the fall. 😂😂😂😂
Exactly, privy councils’ responsibility to make sure this sort of thing did not happen so tied it all together to make sure it didn’t, but it did really, ask the hundreds of thousands it’s affected first or second hand. 😡
How many marriages end due to strange behaviour of an undiagnosed adult, why are our kids not normal, no I’m not a bad mother. Ripples in a pond comes to mind.
How many confused spectrum people are clueless to what’s been done? Normal works both ways, if you know that behaviour in autism is normal you can adapt rather than have homicidal thoughts about your partner. 👍
Autism is for life. Early diagnosis with right support and education of teachers, SS carers, police, councils, a change in gov thinking and we are home and dry. Each family should have a mentor, old hand who has been through it instead of listening to idiots from the council or dopey mates, who do not want to help but abandon.
Accountants do not understand those with special needs. Particularly when the council’s employees are clueless as to what they are dealing with as seen with Child X.
I’ll Call them what I want! Got every bit of paperwork remember. 😂😂
OK except for Boris’s.
Well, I hope so. The unbelievable story coming to a just end. I’ll have to have a leap of faith. Not easy for an analytical brain. 🤗😇
Howard Lamb
4th March, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news I’m afraid. The gov has boxed itself into a corner, by not doing anything the abuse continues and they try to avoid responsibility. If they do put their hands up or contact, they admit wrongdoing and cover up and will have to face the law. Tends to explain why I’ve not heard back as yet. You can tell how serious they are in getting to the bottom of it by the fact they have never asked for the case number of the won tribunal. How can a child get justice when the abusers can cover up with no fear of capture for their crimes. 🤔
Justice is a nice theory but in reality, it does not exist if the gov is responsible. ✅
Text to a friend:
Well if they did work out which tribunal and have already investigated and done nothing, that would be clear proof of a cover up. 👍
Let’s go back to May 2010 and the tribunal. We clearly showed the child had been put at risk and damaged by a system which tried to cover up what they had done to him. Why did the judge not forward it for further investigation?
The tribunal was re-education and the judge had nowhere to refer to. So, he hoped it would all come good with the placement.
I would love to ask him all manner of questions but there is no way he will talk to me. He didn’t respond to my last letter which was proven right and him wrong. With no back up for my diagnosis from the BCA and GCC, I was a good friend not a clinician of consultant status with a track record of treating some symptoms of autism via neurological chiropractic.
Why did the regulator and BCA abandon ship before it had left the moorings? Well you will have to ask them that because I am in the professional naughty boys room and there cannot be communication.
What a difference their support would have made, a creditable clinician who could have put together his treatment plan and overseen it as per the successful plan put together by a good council, then child would not be in the traumatic state he is still in a decade later. Always more questions than answers.
Why could he not refer? 🤔 The norm for abuse charges would go to the SS for investigation yet he had castigated the SS and threatened a judicial review because they tried to pervert justice. ✅
Why did GCC and BCA not back me up? Again, you will have to ask them but if you look at what has happened since to the profession, my best opinion until the last of the paperwork turns up to confirm or refute, I would say that after our first regulator made a total mess. Nearly bankrupted the profession and did not protect the profession from Singh. After all he was wrong but overturned at appeal because as a reporter, he had the right to be wrong. She then took on complaints from non-patients and penalised the profession.
All our fault in her reports to the privy council. As Labour recognised us as clinicians, the cons automatically try and undo what Labour has done. With the bad press and huge numbers of vindictive complaint it gave the privy council the ability to down grade our profession to therapists with clinical degrees. So how could the MG stand up for my clinical rights then down grade us. The BCA were after NHS status as clinicians so would not rock the boat for someone who does not crack and crunch.
It needs a proper investigation. 👍✅
Exactly, because the world did not fall on the heads of the SS. Their attitude was oops we are over it and let’s minimise our loss and dump the child.
They need to go to jail, do not pass go, do not pick up £200, i.e. sack, removal of pension and worst offenders get a short sharp shock at her majesty’s pleasure. 👍👍👍👍🇬🇧
What about the rest? We’ll let the sentence fit the crime, and only then will we start to see justice and its ramifications to the system. Only when those who shirked their responsibility are held responsible will the system be able to change.
Why will they not send all the paperwork? Can’t say for sure but might not help their case at the ICC. After all, how can this not be a crime against humanity? 😡
Yea, no wonder Boris sitting on the fence. Who does he believe? After all, the best stories have some factual basis. So, pick the story you want, tick your box and send up the chain, the chain does not examine it because it’s become another statistic because someone ticked the tickettyboo box and everything is going to plan. ✅
Had to all be done by the back door.
Take the regulator and GCC. By law they had to advance the profession whilst demoting it to therapist level.
Must be a conflicted of interest. How can not having our expert diagnose accepted, help our patients who need urgent referral for red flags?
Not thought through or deeper motives. 🤔
Howard Lamb
2nd March, 2022
Dear Patient,
That takes us to the age of 18, he’s 25 now, it took over a year through ombudsman and the start of a judicial review to get him housed, then nothing. The first consultants diagnosis went missing off the system during the time of the ombudsman. 🤔
Nothing suspicious there then. I will cover it in the next letter to the PM.
Please read my last 3 letters that I have sent to the Prime Minister:
15th February 2022
21st February 2022
1st March 2022
Not just me then. BBC Article – ‘Special educational needs families are falling through the cracks’
Text to a friend:
SS made it personal. Broke professional etiquette. So only fare if it’s made personal to Boris who is in charge.
Hence the letters if anyone had wondered.
28th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Child melting down again. Burning bridges as I speak, bless him, mothers been seven days a week for weeks but who cares, I do so the latest letter to Boris is at Pinner waiting for correction and should go tomorrow. I could not cram it all in so only covered the first placement, avoided saying much about the second as was a total disgrace run by people who make money from the suffering of others. So will go from 18 onwards with the next. 👍
Howard Lamb
26th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I said as long as someone didn’t do anything stupid. America wins again. Put Putin in a corner, stripped Russia’s assets so put rescind he might as well be hung for the sheep and not just the lamb.
Russia been in control of Ukraine for a very long time. It stayed together as the Ukraine. America perverts the democratic process and buy a new gov. Ukraine breaks up. USA self-sufficient in fuels. Europe loses gas supply. War and sanctions in Europe. Putin sided with China and has told USAx3, come on if you think you are hard enough.
America now will secure a huge defence budget, happy days, EU screwed. And then there was two. China and Russia v USA and NATO. It would seem we are at the finals of the mixed doubles. As I said we are just pawns in someone else’s game.
So, Putin might as well be hung.
In the house 30+ Russians were named, and sanctions should be put on them because they are mates of Putin.
They have invested huge sums of money into our country. Are not involved with any decisions re going to war, some fear going anywhere near Russia but it’s just because they are Ruskies.
Isn’t that racist? All the same, blame them all.
Ok, yes, I am a Chelsea supporter but if a murderer has bought Newcastle, we should be ok. 😂
Dopey cow in the Commons might have subjected asking for their council to influence Putin to pull back before Moldavia joins Moscow. Just a thought. They are businessmen after all.
Yep ironic. Germans wanted more nukes on their border to stay safe. Unfortunately, they are going to be Russian as first defence from NATO. 👍
Yep, always follow the money. Trump and Ukraine. 🤔🤔🤔
Do I worry about WW3 about to start? Well, it will speed global warming so we might as well go out with a bang as a species.
It will be cyber wars. Switch off power, down communications, stealth drone with explosive, EM pulse to disable and blind.
Who knows, but it’s not good business to wipe out the planet. Those nice capitalists creating situations to profit from can’t do it if dead. ✅👍😃
That’s one for social media. People of the planet standing for peace and no more wars, ever 👍 no excuse, stops now etc.
I expect that’s the difference between our and Russia’s defence capability. Defence Resources Secretariat email Date: 7 February 2019
Howard Lamb
25th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why was diagnosis so important? So many reasons. I mentored him and was his appropriate adult. Nobody would talk to me, nice bloke holding naughty boy’s hand. Not the clinician who diagnosed him. E.g., the police. Will you move away sir we need to talk to the suspect. He is autistic and I need to mediate so he understands fully what’s happening otherwise he will tell you anything so he can get away from you. Not on our records so please move.
With the council. Kids, repeatedly, knocked on some poor disabled persons door and ran away. The child was summoned by the council as lived in the same street and had to sit in a room with three strangers who were being hostile in their attitude, naughty boy. ✅
I removed him from the room after telling them I was his doctor, and he was not coping. The mother was there and continued the interview. At the end she stopped me going back in and explaining how they handled the situation was inappropriate.
As with 90% of incidence it was someone else.
People found out he had been interviewed and his bullying got worse as an abuser of old disabled people. You could cry.
Clinical psychologist attitude was how could some bloke who cracks necks make a diagnosis. Take more drugs.
If the GCC and Regulator had stood for my rights to diagnose as a clinician due to education and regulation, to penalise me it I got one wrong.
Can’t just be a one-way street.
Why did they reference me back to the police and social services instead of mediating for the child or at least a letter saying he is a capable clinician who diagnoses neurological conditions routinely? He has the right to diagnose and can’t be ignored.
After all social services were trying to take control of the child but the mother was fighting them. The police had been trying to catch him for many years.
It would be the same as those naughty young slappers who got pissed and laid in Rochdale. Own fault, crap family, what can you do? ✅ Next.
Howard Lamb
24th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Sorry been a bit absent but flat out. Working 6 days this week as Stu on hols with my grandkids. Haven’t started Boris top up, will have to cover it on Sunday. 👍💋
Howard Lamb
22nd February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Trying to digest Ukraine over the past 24 hrs. Putin recognises Ukraine states then shifts some troops to protect their allies, job done.
New borders can be draw and a mutual peace pact with free trade. Let’s get on and save the planet. ✅
It wasn’t much of a war but let’s hope nobody does something stupid eh Boris.
At least Ukrainian’s president was a top comedian, prob explains quite a lot.
The problem could be that other parts of Ukraine want to be protected by Russia because proper democracy takes time, take UK, from Runny Mead to modern day and we still haven’t got it. 🤔
Howard Lamb
20th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Happy days, power on, letter drafted and back on track. ✅
Believe me the country would not tolerate a three day week to stop power cuts.
Prob have to open coal up again, this time after learning from their mistakes. Capture the hot air, add water to power steam turbine, filter pollutants and then feed the co2 through an algae plant to convert to oxygen. ✅
Convert diesel to electric power at coal face with co2 conversion. I think a plan is coming together.
Thank God, done, letter gone to Pinner, hot house, hot meal, hot bath, early night and a very busy week at work as Stu on half term with his kids.
Relax for the first time in days.
Howard Lamb
19th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Life can have its moments.
My mother’s name was Eunice and I’ve become disconnected to the grid.
It may take a few days. Prob her way of saying give it time. So, Boris letter be by the end of next week due to power cuts. 👍
Coal, candles and a night on the sofa. Was not bright eyed and bushy tailed in clinic today.
How did the world survive without electricity? They hope to have me connected at some stage in the future due to Covid and a small hurricane it might be a while.
Howard Lamb
18th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Still no news on Child X. I expect Boris has spent the week with his solicitors filling in the questionnaire over Partygate.
As predicted, I work at no ten and live at no 11 and was allowed in my own garden. Not quite the point Boris. 😡
Russia spend 62 billion on its military. We spend 59 billion. They can put 150,000 troops on a border. Far more planes, boats and tanks.
You have to ask how, where did all the money go? 🤔
Anyhow in the NATO charter it states that no country can join if it has dispute over its boundaries. Let’s hope that common sense prevails or lots of people going to die.
Writing a top up to Boris over the weekend and will cover the abuse under new Labour up to the tribunal. That will give me scope for several more and then he has the full story. 😤😢
On second power cut of the day, all electric cottage. Let’s hope it’s fixed quicker than my phone, 7 weeks. 😤
Here’s a question, after a divorce, (again) having to pay up for refurbish off no. 11, being payee, how can he afford top lawyers? 🤔
Police have been quite clever, once all the questionnaires are in, they can cross reference. Not all staff will have top solicitors. How will the cabinet office make sure they all sing from the same hymn sheet and don’t drop each other in it. Maybe they could ask the bin men how many bottles of booze they recycle? 😂
Always follow the money. USAX3 has the biggest war budget of all by far, followed by China, Russia and UK. However, the total budgets of the others far exceeded by America. That’s costing trillions, so is this about democracy or global manipulation to make a buck.
It’s not as if Americans pay for it as the fed just prints money to cover the cost. Too big to fail as world economy would crash. So can get away with blue murder around the planet. Their defo in the top 3 for responsible deaths around the planet. Japan and Germany up there with irradiation of subhumans, tens of millions.
Look at America’s list. At least 5 million in Vietnam + agent orange still killing.
Lost count in Arabia,
Little coupe here and there to keep control.
Yep, friends to the world.
So, what happens to their economy if they stop waging war? Money to spend on Americans and not kill people. Capitalists don’t want that because where is their profit.
So where does democracy stand when in the way of our ruling class? Good question, I wish I had a pleasant answer. You work it out. I don’t know.
How many Americans actually died on 9/11. Prob as many as you would expect to die from natural and unnatural causes or a long weekend across America. How many innocent people have been killed or died as a result? Mind blowing numbers. Truth not fiction works for me.
ASSANGE exposed it with help from Snowdon and others, no humanity, or only subhuman sand nigger.
Look what happened to them, Assange in Bell Marsh and Snowdon prob in Siberia.
Who needs justice when you have all the power? Answer, the people. ✅
Yea, old Churchill Boris sent one of our few boats past the disputed area of Crimea, so Russia sent a few nuke subs and a couple of planes to us. If I remember he did the same to China and got a warning shot.
He should not be involved in world events as seen by his time at the FO.
I hadn’t thought of that, all weapons have a shelf life. Can’t have people pulling the trigger and nothing happens. So use it or sell it on to show budgeting was correct and if anything a bit short.
i.e. We have 300 billion worth of ordinance about to go off, where is the best place to dump it so we do not get charged for disposal and deactivation? Can’t be that cynical, surely.
Why have we not seen the satellite footage of this huge force? Another good question.
Howard Lamb
16th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why was the child so dependent on the mother? Being autistic, he bonds one at a time. His mother was a constant and looking after him well. His dad not in his life and the child was not engaging with others, he became more dependent. With his traumatic life outside the home getting worse he became switched off and did not engage with others.
The SS saw the attachment disorder as child spoilt and naughty. Hence fostering living with proper people will sort them out and if not already on adult drugs, give them more.
How do I know? I Read every bit of paperwork written by social services, education, arc. All medical notes, a small forest of it. A long read, cross referenced with codes of practice, protocols and procedures through NICE etc. And you start to see the true picture.
Hence SS writing fiction, a very long and angry read. Assumption and ignorance are an evil combination.
Life can be stranger than fiction. Who ever said that must have worked for the SS.
Long ten years so got bored, if you must know.
Howard Lamb
14th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
No chance the PM being an honourable man would do such a thing 🤔 Guardian article – Bereaved families call for PM to lose say over UK Covid inquiry topics
Text to a friend:
Yea you can see what Boris is up to leading into the public inquiry. We made mistakes but got country out of lock down faster than anyone else, our vaccine policy saved the day and I’ve sacked all the people who gave me wrong advice, except those who could drop me in it but they have knighthoods, all he has to do now is lower the bar in areas at inquiry and he gets away with blue murder.
Europe and West have supply problems, inflation which will get worse due to rigged markets and greed. Yet Russia has no debt and gold reserves.
War much better for America as war is a huge industry in their country. 🤔
After all Ukraine has been part of Eastern Europe for ever. American has never been involved.
America only wants to break up the USSR into fragments like Arabia. Sod all to do with democracy.
Well, the gas he was going to sell to the EU will end up in China with their new deal. America self-sufficient. Europe not so, hence more need for extraction from the North Sea. With war in Ukraine, all fuel supplies to the EU will stop and that in time will break the union no doubt.
Whichever way we are pawns in someone else’s game.
PS we have no treaty to protect the Ukraine, so no justification for war.
Brexit, not our problem anymore. Only if NATO country attacked.
If war so close why haven’t the army deployed anti-missile weapon systems around our major cities? Prob because they have all been sent to the EU. Another expedition force, do we never learn from history.
Energy policy, another strategic plan in pieces. 👍✅
No, Boris letter sent to clinic for proof read and headed paper, he will get the hard copy Wednesday. Went electronically at 3 am, just after my tenth rewrite but I think it works well. Most prob seen it already as GCHQ prob on the job.
13th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No, I’ve seen nothing in media re the unfortunate death of a naughty boy from Hemel. I expect that as under investigation they cannot say much. I need to research who they will have talked to including all the witnesses and not just the police side. We will find out in the fullness of time. There will have to be a postmortem and coroner’s inquest.
Will we be at war? I would not put it past the Yanks to start one.
What has Russia to gain from war? 🤔 Just done a pact with China who is not happy with America. Hold the EU countries by the balls due to cheap gas, coal etc. Crimea been a problem for centuries.
America has no gold for standard. Printing trillions, infra structure falling apart but they still have not one any war on terror. Does ISIS still exist, Taliban, PLO, IRA even? ✅
Only with peace can a country move forwards, look at Vietnam. Still under American embargo after they raped and burned the whole country, then gave them long term disease through agent orange.
Things are made to look in one way when the truth is something else.
Putin has said, no NATO into Ukraine. Non-aggression treaty instead.
I have no problem with that, especially as America helped destabilise Ukraine in the first place.
Germans wanted nukes on the borders via NATO. So, Putin had to strengthen his borders and buffer zone.
Getting a bit too close to Poland in 1939 for my comfort. America ok again as 4K miles away.
Putin a clever man. If it turns out Russia had no intention of war but standing up for their nation’s rights, why was America rattling its sabre so hard?
Howard Lamb
12th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
As no name given, I have to assume this is the case. Metro article – Police force refers itself to watchdog after man, 27, dies being detained
Howard Lamb
11th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Met did not prosecute no. 10 party because it was not on social media, and no one admitted to it.
Strange, the whole thing would have been on CCTV. Downing Street must be one of the most protected places in the world. But no one was there. 🤔 Cover up, simples.
Who is going to prosecute?
Yep, you can see how much use old plod would be to find justice for Child X. Whole system corrupted or just a naughty boy? You work it out.
If they covered up a booze up to save reputation what lengths would they go to to cover up mass child abuse by the system they control. ✅
A friend of Child X, another undiagnosed naughty boy, ran away from the police in Hemel, only to be thrown to the floor with such force his brain was damaged, apparently, he was sat on and cuffed. Then died at the scene.
It’s not just black people this happens too. Let’s see what happens this time when it’s a white naughty boy instead.
Why did he run? I was not there but he prob had some weed on him he did not want to be caught with it.
Many naughty boys use weed to calm and relax them instead of prescription drugs that can cause side effects and do long term damage, let’s face it who can function in a zombie state? Done time for driving offences. Could not pass the theory test due to his disability I expect. Child X has failed his theory 20 plus times. And will prob serve time if he gets caught again.
You could cry.
Even if they pass the test, they then can’t get insured due to their convictions.
Why does he fail the theory? The test is to test the norm. So the wording and set up means the ambiguities cause confusion. Child normally fails by 3. Being autistic if he thinks he is right he will not check and repeat the same mistake.
Put him in a car on the road and he would ace it.
Can’t we help him through? He has failed 20 plus time and the failure is weighing heavily on him. Just like failing, school, placements etc.
He only bonds one at a time and will not be told by a stranger.
Long list.
Check out how many kids leave school illiterate or very basic skill sets and wonder why they can’t pass the theory.
More than capable of driving safely and understanding the highway code. In many cases they need a car to get a job, and on and on.
When you have been naughty the state is cruel.
Howard Lamb
10th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Not just me then ✅ Independent article – UK ‘edging closer to flawed democracy’, say experts as nation tumbles in global governance rankings
Howard Lamb
9th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Maybe it is time to write to the police commissioners and explain the abuse and cover up and see what they do. Or will common sense prevail.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the response will be we can only deal with the child as he is 25, even though he is not capable. ✅
Why commissioners? Well, what’s happened to Child X is standard procedure for the whole of the UK.
Why do so many people with PTS end up on the streets? Because their trauma has shut them down and they can’t deal with simple things anymore. They need help and support to come back from the brink.
However, as the country is run on the basis of, I’m all right Jack, can’t be sacked, nice big pension. The needs of others are missed. ✅
Post-traumatic stress was on my diagnosis at the tribunal. Any clinician, capable of diagnosis, can make that diagnosis and then refer. Nobody to refer to so it doesn’t exist. ✅
Let me explain. Child X took six months to accept me into his life because he was fed up of people promising to sort him out and never did because of wrong diagnosis, and just blamed him and his mother.
I saw his capability when forced to go and see another professional who was going to sort him out.
Prob left scars on them for life. What a naughty boy, I’ve never seen anything like it. Not one tried to engage or gain trust.
My letters to MP, tribunal, solicitor and regulator. Sent to the judge at the tribunal have all the basic information. It was backed by paperwork and arc.
It clearly explained why he was traumatically stressed, yet nothing was done.
Social services and council stuck to the party line of naughty until he was thrown out and onto the streets, avoiding the cost of care till 23, 5 years saved.
Mother had to start judicial review and win an ombudsman to get him housed but no help. Even after his NHS diagnosis at 18 nobody wanted to review his case. 👍
Bent as a nine Bob note.
Each area of his case is in isolation. i.e., teachers try to teach. Social workers write fiction, council moans about cost etc etc. Each is linked back to the privy council. Who tie it all together with their strategic plan.
Everyone just doing their job.
They fight all complaint or ignore. You have seen Boris at work recently, so with only in house feedback, everyone is doing and exceptional job dealing with all those naughty people. ✅
Prob be radio silent for a bit. Things to do, so to speak.
Next letter to Boris is a corker. New staff, new attitude, Boris will fix it. Well, you can only but try.👍😂
Howard Lamb
8th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
I got a response from the complaints department of the Beeb on Tuesday. Letter from BBC If kids are being abused go to social services or police. Oh! if it were only so simple but good old Beeb at least replied.
Those who have read the site will know that the SS covered up the physical abuse, mental abuse of Child X around the age of 6 and bullying. Failed the child once he was back in their area. The MP and press were involved. They lost a tribunal and falsified evidence then corrupted the child’s placement.
Prob not get a fair crack of the whip there then.
The police for years have worked on social services reports, and he is labelled as naughty.
Prob will not be taken seriously.
Yet the child has a confirmed NHS diagnosis for high functioning autism.
In 2012 the tribunal accepted his autism. His paediatrician scored him high on the autistic chart before 6.
All in tribunal bundle and mothers’ archives.
So at least I know now that the gov has control of certain parts of the media.
Well, if you don’t ask the question, how can you get your answer?
Same question to regulator, GCC, May and Boris.
Same answer.
Nothing to do with us, but it is. They created the systems and enforced their function. Strategic plan and compliance.
That’s where the changes have to come, or nothing ever changes.
Text to a friend:
Hence wanting GCC/BCA/regulator to confirm that as a clinician with expertise, as stated by the chiropractic act was able, through educational standards and clinical proficiency, to diagnose and treat spinal and related neurological dysfunction.
The GCC even accepted CPD on treatment of autism, without question. 🤔
Cover up, no never. 😂
Howard Lamb
7th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Where do I start? I’ve been looking back at all my paperwork to Mr Howell (mg) and others at the GCC over the past ten years. There is lots of it. First the original letters to the Child X tribunal, u and the child’s MP. Then through multiple exchanges over the next years till my CPD was rejected, even though it was correct as seen on appeal. Then changes in the GCC, followed by a report to say that Howell was innocent of all charges and go away.
That’s when I started to write to the PM (May) who referred me back to those who were involved in the abuse to get justice.
If you remember Boris did the same Dec last year and up on site.
I have not been back in contact with the GCC over the Child X case for a number of years, due to being under threat of isolation leading to expulsion if I didn’t stop harassing them.
I expect that when the gov checked me out the GCC gave a one-sided viewpoint which side lined me and took my credibility.
All done behind closed doors, prob why Boris and the cabinet office have flatly refused to send any paperwork. There isn’t any as I was sent to spam, so to speak. The only paper trail would be internal showing their avoidance of sending any.
So how do you get justice?
Text to a friend:
Howell said child abuse and fraud were matters for the police, nothing to do with him as he only prosecutes chiropractor on behalf of a patient, I did explain about the findings of the Baby P case where regulators and others should not turn a blind eye as it’s someone else’s responsibility.
As if the police would defend a naughty boy against those nice council people doing a difficult job and fraud is down to insurance, which is ironic as it was my insurers being defrauded at my professional expense.
Howell’s mate, the Chair, wrote a cover arse report as Howell had left by then and I was stopped from having my day in court. That’s what happens in a totalitarian state. When they only want to see their side so justice disappears.
You have to ask the question who at the privy council was pulling Howells strings?
The chiropractic act states that the GCC/Regulator’s role was far greater than just prosecuting chiropractor.
Advancing the profession was one. How can you do that if you don’t stand for diagnosis and we’re in the process of down grading the profession to therapists from clinicians.
Of course, the privy council are at the bottom of the cover up, they always are.
What is the common thread to PM, cabinet office, education, social services and the police? The GCC was formed by the privy council and staffs it with people who report back to them, hardly independent.
Prob have to follow the money to get an answer for that one. Disgraceful. Sky News article – COVID-19: Hundreds of thousands probably died due to ‘bad behaviour’ from politicians over AstraZeneca vaccine, says Oxford scientist
Howard Lamb
6th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Thank you for that. 😂 Goggle all Boris’s lies.
Don’t forget inappropriate behaviour, grabbing thighs under the table. Sacked here there and everywhere for lying.
Defo eye opening.
How many affairs has he had!
Re Ukraine, why in the west do we view only the German extermination of the Jews when in comparison to others, they get off light, statistically. More than one subhuman race. All Russians Slavs, Czechs, well anything east of the Reich really. Don’t get me wrong, it was all wrong and cost tens of millions of innocent lives. But somehow it got lost.
The Holocaust was multi faith, multi-ethnic and a travesty. Communism then added to the numbers in which hunts or rerun of the Spanish Inquisition.
Always in history if you bother to look.
Let’s try evolution this time. It will prob save billions of lives. It’s got my vote. ✅
Exactly, maybe the people will not have to suffer this time.
Howard Lamb
5th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
I’ve been thinking about CPS. Take rape. Two people and two versions. Has to beyond reasonable doubt in court.
Better to claim damages in civil law where it’s down to balance of probability. The rapist will not go to jail, but the victim could get a fat cheque in compensation and peace of mind that he, she, or other did not get away with it.
Guided by CPS, can’t win at criminal level but let’s try to get some form of justice for the victim. It will still be an ordeal but a much better chance of a win if that’s all the CPS is interested in.
Re fraud, banks pick it up and build case then CPS come in and prosecute but by expert barristers/solicitors in fraud. No, the general law brigade they have now. Win, win if that’s the bottom line.
The number of cars being nicked and shipped is enormous. High tech crime needs a high-tech solution.
If I had an older car which opened and run on the turn of a key, nobody would nick it. Super high tech and alarm etc., they are leaving the country in containers all day long. 🤔
Domestic abuse, once reported the person with aggression, should have a banning order from the house and only have access with a 3rd person present, do therapy. And integrated back into the family, if that’s what the family want.
Once budgets are paramount and not the victim, you get a CPS like we have. ✅
Yea, physical and mental abuse in the home is a difficult one. In an ideal world we would have support teams helping the family to get back on track. The abuser often has financial control, so a benefit to tide the family over and fines for the abuser if he or she stops financial support.
Anything is better than ignoring it.
If the SS are doing such a great job, how comes 3 out of every classroom will be sexually abused by 16. As per the ad constantly on the radio at the moment.
Exactly that! If the gov thinks abusing kids with special needs is ok. What chance has anyone got. 😡
Yep, that explains why Andrew, commonly known as Prince is going through the civil court because the evidence will end up as, what they both say happened. Prob zero chance of criminal win. The drawback is how to stop false claims, so reputations are not damaged so people have to cough up.
Nothing ever happened but it cost me two mill for a quiet life and some reputation left.
I know that McAlpine has passed but he would tell you about the pain of false allegation.
Howard Lamb
4th February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Wow what a day in politics, yesterday was.
Boris will fix it, an unfortunate phrase. Especially as the last person to use it was Jimmy Saville.
Gov systematically abusing autistic children, so a common theme.
Apparently the gov started to cover up the tower tragedy within, 48 hrs. I expect the same applies to the Liverpool fans, bloods scandal etc. Standard procedure to avoid repercussions.
Then those who have been wronged have to fight to clear their names.
How’s he going to fix all that?
Covering up parties is just the tip of the iceberg.
Gove and his internet plan to level things up, which was all hot air and no substance. A re hash of May’s plan which was dropped by the gov, with some extra bits from Wikipedia.
The truth will all come out but only if it’s forced too.
Oops. Guardian article – Housing ministry ‘started rebuttal operation two days after Grenfell fire’
Incompetence at the planners or someone took the bung. You have to ask the question, or you will never find the truth.
What did Boris say about Sir K who was in charge, maybe not personally, but of the whole institution who failed to prosecute one of our worse child rapists. Did not protect the young women of Rochdale, any woman who was raped or battered at home. CPs clearly not fit for purpose. But you get a knighthood any way.
You have to ask why? I would say that in the Saville case, being of such a highly prominent person, it would be impossible for him not to have known what the CPs was up to. If he didn’t, what did his job entail?
The list goes on.
Boris “done a splendid job on law and order. 14% drop in crime. “
Watchdog says he left fraud and other crimes out of the equation and when you put it all together there has been a 14% increase in crime during lock down.
So, Boris and Pritti tried to cover up and pervert the figures.
Text to a friend:
A cheap shot at Sir K’s expense to cover up his own short comings. Or is that Cummings? 😂
Sir K is a cautious man. His staff, due to financial restraint can only prosecute those cases of certainty. Knowing someone’s been at it and proving they have is the problem. Beyond reasonable doubt. We saw what happened with McAlpine and others. Top lawyers v CPs, clear mismatch. Justice, but only if you can afford it. ✅
Well yes, I do speak about autism without any doubt. I am autistic. Seen system myself and how it’s affected others. Have all the paperwork which proves it. Once you know the child was autistic and traumatically stress, then look at what they did rather than what should have happened with diagnosis, it’s an open and shut case. Boris knows this which is why he has tried to keep me on ice rather than communicate and resolve. It’s criminal i.e., cover up is perverting justice defo a crime.
Why has CPs not got involved? Has to be political rather than factual.
Had to laugh, “change is good “ from that Disney classic The Lion King.
I wonder if that was covered by his degree?
Are the rats leaving a sinking ship, or is this retribution for taking the piss?
Let’s hope it’s not “change is worse “ 😂😂🇬🇧👍✅🔥
Yea that would solve it ‘Russia joins NATO as a fledgling democracy. So the east defends the west and the west defends the east, add China and India and extend a hand of friendship to North Korea. And we can get on with saving the planet. 👍🇬🇧
Labour Lord about to be sentenced for kiddy fiddling. Can’t take his peerage away without an act of Parliament. Arseholes. A crown department should review and recede title. What’s it got to do with Parliament? Well, if independent they could not load the House of Lords with supporters who are not worthy of the title.
Look at Sir Phil in Monty. Robbed and ran away. Not doing anything to show his is worthy of title. 🤔 You work it out. ⚡️
Change is good. 4 legs as good as two, Napoleon?
Fuel crisis. Political capitalism. You think of the losses made when oil prices dropped off the grid. And political because Russia has huge reserves of cheap gas. And the pipelines to supply. 6 months later America is stirring up civil war. You work it out.
Howard Lamb
3rd February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
America has fracking gas and Arab oil.
EU has Russian gas and oil from the global market. 🤔
America drives a wedge, and it blocks new pipeline, pissed Russia, our supplier, off. And our fuel bills go through the roof. America stays stable and can manipulate to their advantage. Very democratic. 👍
Why would America do that? Good question. ✅
EU, Russia and China in a line and attached. If all come together America would not be in control to capitalise as they are now.
Spying Chinks, Reds under the bed, the German state.
Misinformation and propaganda rule.
Howard Lamb
2nd February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my latest letter to the PM
Text to a friend:
😂😂 Boris was brave going to the Ukraine and then talking to Putin. Pinpointed accurately by phone then drone strike. Not at Putin’s hands but the CIA to get Russia to blame. Well you never know nowadays.
Yes, I think there is deep shame felt by many who run the system but can’t change anything without showing guilt. Bullied by the party line.
Let’s look at the Gray’s anatomy of it all. Met investigating. Met police at the party as bouncers I expect so have a conflict of interest. A year down the line all charges get dropped so a second force can go over it again.
Gov employees at CPS will only charge with certainty. So as none of use actually saw the event it’s mainly hear say. A couple of dodge photos and their credibility gets blown out.
It’s cost millions to get nowhere as usual.
A bit of spin and a number of years later and the damage is repaired before the election and Boris can lie his tits off again. I am not saying this will happen, the frightening thing is it could. 🤔
Who bullied them? Prob HR under instruction. Prob why HR not involved to my knowledge now.
Defo no parties is the party line. Anyone over the line spends rest of career at Ice Station Zebra.
Oh, sorry I thought you knew. If police have reached point for criminal action, it’s not 10k for organisers and a grand a pop for the rest. They have to be looking at the coverup.
Maybe Boris is a f—wit. No Boris we are not breaking the rules and you have nothing to worry about. 🤔
Why didn’t the truth come out at the start? Who was responsible for perverting justice? Or is that from our alternate universe?
HR in NHS made people re apply for their own job after let’s say, 20 years of unblemished service and fail. 🤔
Agreed, HR is to gov employees what the SS is to children in need.
You have to laugh. Cummings was to sort out those naughty civil servants. He got trashed and booted. The civil service mandarins at the cabinet office have a lot to answer for. Totally stitched up Boris and everyone had a drinkypoo’s.
It was their responsibility to protect the Prime Minister by making sure everything was legal. Your garden PM so of course you can get wasted and the nice Bobby will help you back to the flat. 💋
How have they got away with it so long? Politicians come and go, policies change but in reality nothing does unless the mandarins via the privy council say it can. The rest we saw on Yes Prime Minister. At least Jim hacker got the advance of the occasionally but there control systems have also evolved since then.
Once honourable now available for a quick buck. ✅
Thinking back to the garden party posted picks. They looked staged at the time. All smart and made up. Reminded me off the Queen’s Garden parties. Which she cancelled.
Let’s look at security. We were on war footing for Covid and terror yet Boris in open air without personal protection. Even at the garden party there had to be tight security, surely? Met on alert to potential danger, vigilant air control. The full works.
Yet no one remembered, no CCTV. Just some posed pics.
How does that work? 🤔
Howard Lamb
1st February, 2022
Dear Patient,
Top up to Boris on way. Up tomorrow.
Re Boris Gate, save the money, full police investigation and whitewash etc. And just sack them all for breach of their codes of conduct. Breaking the law is a big no no.
Save time, money and we can all move on.
Boris is the fly in the ointment. Only Boris, party or election can sack Boris.
Just because you cannot be accused of lying in the house does not give you the right to lie nonstop. It’s an honour system with no honour.
Do not lie, embellish the truth to your advantage or manufacture truth against others. In other words, honour means something.
Without responsibility you can cover up messes and manipulate government against the people.
Interesting. I was looking for how long the statute of limitations would be for an offence that happened 18 months ago and has only just come to the surface. Seems a Gray area 😂 UK Parliament Committees – Joint Committee on Human Rights: Every Fixed Penalty Notice issued under coronavirus Regulations must be reviewed
Howard Lamb
31st January, 2022
Dear Patient,
The Gray report is set up to get PM off hook if you read between the lines. Boris had legally entered his own garden, it’s other people’s responsibility to handle staff. Police can’t find criminality so everyone will be told off and they have to stop getting pissed at work.✅
Just like the Child X case. Not my job, someone else’s responsibility, who does not exist.
Top up letters to PM and Beeb done. Sorting through the paperwork for the right bits to send.
PM needs to take control as everyone seems to be taking advantage. Not my fault, happened before my time, is no excuse as it’s been happening the whole time of his premiership. ✅
Text to a friend:
As a resident, in theory Boris was the only legal one at the garden party. However, I saw no footage of Boris asking them to leave and bottom line if there is no leadership from the top the mice will play. 😂 Buck should stop at Boris. However, when you have no scruples and have total control you can get away with blue murder as we have seen with autism.
No challenge to his leadership as yet. Why? Well, who wants to tidy the mess? Brexit not complete. Huge debt run up and no way to pay for it without tax hicks. More people then legally avoid tax so less money coming in with more money going out. Inflation rampant and the poor get poorer. The care system does not care as can’t afford too, what a mess.
Just checked up how many Ukrainians died during WW2. Answer 8.5 million. That’s prob 8 million more than England and America combined. A peaceful solution should be found because they have suffered more than the victims elsewhere. ✅ Just a thought.
In truth no one knows the exact figure but it’s huge. Lowest figures found were just under 6 million. Prob why Germany threw in the towel before it kicks off.
Reports of Russian nuke subs on the move. I wonder if Americas Star Wars defence can take out a nuke cruise missile fired 10 miles off New York. Just thinking out load. Ukraine not part of NATO. So why is America and UK arming more and more people. Then the Russians do the same. We are then on course for conflict. Ukraine will get torn apart, as seen in the Middle East and the only people to benefit is our capitalist arms industries.
I’m sure the last thing all Ukrainians want is global conflict. Just need to be safe and a chance of a better future.
Capitalist arms industry, cause a conflict, scare the people who feel threatened then flog them lots of arms they don’t need. Sales down so need to stoke some fires to sell more. Immoral. How it is. ✅
Take America. Reds under the bed. Police kill people and over 250 million guns, nonmilitary, have been sold with as many more as you want in the post.
I’m sure if you told Americans that shooting guns killed the virus, they would all be at it. 🤔 That’s a lot of clay pigeons needed.
Don’t mention the war. Look how much Russian blood was spilled in the Ukraine as the Germans advanced and retreated. The figures for the two battles of Kiev and Kursk, are eye watering.
So, it’s personal. Don’t mention Balaclava for God’s sake. Did we not learn the lesson of going off half cocked.
Boris is a classics man and will see the similarities. Cannon to the left, cannon to the right etc.
Yanks prob feel the same about Normandy and the Ardennes.
Shoot a thousand rounds a day to keep the virus away. Very good 😂😂😂😂😂
Had to laugh
America getting our speed camera’s. Well the Dutch who are placid and unarmed used chainsaws and burning tyres.
I expect ammunition sale to go up in USA as all the good old boys blast them to pieces. 👍
You could not write it. In own garden so legal. No.! holding a party and not stopping it is something else. Guardian article – Now we know No 10 broke the rules, Britain needs an amnesty on Covid fines
You have to ask how big was the cover up? No parties to 16 parties when it had to be investigated. Lies to Parliament and the country, again.
Not a grey area. Another department prob decimated by cuts, they then blame someone else, on and on. 30 years later it’s well there all dead now so what’s the point. Just like Saville.
Howard Lamb
30th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Turned my tablet on and charged it overnight, first time in a couple of months due to the fast, efficient open reach services. A little longer than 72 hrs as promised.
The computer downloaded updates and it has messed me up. Don’t do computers, just learnt basic use, then it changes, so spent most of the day re familiarising. Now that’s done.
Can’t find my letters so have to start again.
Who do I send to? An update to Boris so he doesn’t think it’s gone away, clear press suppression so no point giving the Beeb some stick so will send part of the paperwork I finally got back from the GCC.
The third has to be someone who should have done more but hasn’t. Police, head of judiciary, a garter as in Teflon Tony. I will post as and when.
I don’t get this no vaccine no work at the NHS. They worked for a year through the worst of it, and those that lived have been helping to save lives since.
Saw some up himself doc saying “It’s disgraceful that the unvaccinated are still working as could kill patients.” Arsehole.
Let me explain, if you are quadruple jabbed you can catch and pass or carry, just like the unvaccinated but your risk of hospitalisation or death is much less. So daily testing for key workers and vaccination is not an issue.
Why scare and sack people unless you are trying to damage the NHS, then only answer would be to privatise it and run by capitalists.
I had a patient on hols in Florida, went to hospital for a minor thing, was seen by a doctor, and got a bill for thousands, which they had to pay before they were allowed to leave.
Heaven help us.
Text to a friend:
Germany was saying we need more nukes to sort out Russia a couple of weeks ago to not sending arms or soldier if a conflict happens. Rumania and Hungry do not want anything to do with it. Italy, Spain and many countries backing off at the speed of light, just Boris and the frog Prince because we and they are the nuke umbrella for NATO Europe.
Yanks think they are safe and their weapons tech could stop a nuke attack.
However the planet will not survive the counter strike.
Capitalist USA x 3, don’t you love them.
You could not write it. 😂🇬🇧 Independent article – Boris Johnson news – live: Dominic Cummings says it is his ‘duty to get rid’ of PM amid Partygate ‘time bomb’
Howard Lamb
29th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Don Quixote, well had a quick look. Later than Shakespeare but not by much.
Quixotic, Impractical pursuit of idealistic goals. Sort of covers Boris.
The Don went home to his village La Mancha, renounced foolish fiction and chivalry, then died.
So much for a happy ending. No point reading it now. 🤔
Text to a friend:
It’s strange how people view Putin and Ukraine. I had a chat with a blogger and comic today in clinic. He talked about Stalin and his gulags, camps, and how many died.
I said, well after Hitler and the SS invaded, they systematically killed everyone, one way or another. Some to work camps, some just shot, some run the food industry for the Nazi whilst the rest of the population starved, all Jews and gypsies killed. Then Russia and Germany decimated each other and destroyed all infrastructure.
Those who had worked for the Germans and their families were seen as traitors and went to Stalin’s camps.
Putin, he said is a bad man,
I said he was modelling Russia on the USA.
He looked at me.
Well, he is a capitalist who converted from communist and his legal and illegal inner circle are creaming it under the disguise of democracy USAx3. ✅
Why is Ukraine so important? 🤔 Nothing to do with being the 3rd largest wheat provider, long list, coal, steel, chemicals etc. 60+ % to Russia. Large population to feed etc.
If you corner a bear it will come out fighting.
Howard Lamb
28th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Why is this all taking so long? All the evidence is there. Years to be diagnosed if ever. Limited facilities for the few that are.
Kids being treated for naughtiness, which is as about as opposite to treating kids with autism as it gets. Leading to worse behaviours and more damage done. Post-traumatic stress for many of them. Illegal retention in secure facilities for the poor sod’s who have been damaged the most. Families blamed for the gov’s mistakes.
I’ve only asked for an independent investigation, why do they not want one? 🤔 How is it possible for a clinician to report child abuse and get abused himself? So many questions and defo no answers.
As we are seeing over the Gray report. The gov can try and manipulate the outcome. No 10/11 must have state of the arc security. It’s all on cctv but you can bet it’s been deleted. Only keep it for a month or some such crap, when it will all be in records somewhere.
Police were there the whole time. Yet their force, the Met, are investigating which is against the rules. Another police force should be investigating. Johnson to Dick, Dick to Johnson. 🤔 How is any of this democratic?
You work it out.
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Ms Dick working for her dame hood. Keeper of the secrets. It looks that way, but we will see for sure in the fullness of time.
Why did the old bill not nick all party goers? Good question. Chief Constable says go nick them and they go for it. Chief turns a blind eye, and nothing happens.
I know, can’t wait. The revelations on hedonism at Chequers. Well, if he thought he could get away with lock down piss ups at the heart of Westminster, what was he up to in private? All on cctv. Well chequers must be no 1 for terrorists so the security must be huge.
Dick to Johnson. Johnson to Dick! No not the same thing just a different word. 🤔
Protocols and procedures. ✅ But see where you are coming from. 😂😂🇬🇧
I think the shape of a policeman’s helmet from the old days is defo not the hidden word. Does no 10 have a knob or knocker on the door? How would I know, usually just a plump PC I would have thought. 🤔
Plump fat cat, I though the rat catcher at no 10 had died. 😂😂⚡️
MI5 in overall control. Will have kept every inch of tape. Well that’s what they do. Always best to have an ☔️ when pissing down. All about power and leverage and sod the kids. In some cases, literally I’m sure, no clear evidence though. All done behind closed doors. Another similarity there then.
Yes, no wonder they have and are degrading the powers of both 5&6, MI’s that is, to wake 11.
007, transgender multi racial agent who would not hurt a fly.✅
You can bet your bottom dollar that the privy council is flat out on damage control, aided and abetted by the cabinet office as the system tries to stay in control and we come back to who’s mess this all is.
Teflon Tony who has the garter or keys to the vaults. You have to ask why?
Maj to Toni, your mess Sir T. Sort it and twist your USAx3 mates to help Andrew.
Will do Maj but Andrew is a big ask as Epstein has the movie.
Andrew broke ranks and went to Epstein when no other did. Why?
Get me some cred and I’ll give you the tapes. How many others did it take to build his Epstein fortune?
Andrew just the patsy. Clinton, Trump, etc. all partied with Epstein so f up Andrew and nobody will look further. And he is a Brit and royal. Double whammy.
Epstein, Weinstein and you wonder why there is some anti-Semitic feeling about. Not good PR, ask the Vatican, go and say three hale Marie’s and don’t sodomise children again or you will go to hell in the afterlife. Job done. ✅
How did Epstein make his reputed billions? Had to be insider trading of some kind. You work it out. FBI will already know. Hoover boys cleaning up. 😂
Think of it as a tick box machine. Police to CPS. CPS to lawyers, three different sections of the privy council.
Lawyers to CPS. CPS to Dick, Dick to Johnson, Johnson then decides what his part of the blame is, says sorry move on, Johnson to Dick. Cabinet office has a purge. Lots of promises then F all, as usual.
No chance of cover up there then.
Defo don’t need external help, look what a good job we did under difficult circumstances.
Yep, people have had convictions quashed.
So they may have broken the law at the time but no point prosecuting because they will get off.
That’s justice for you. 🤔
Old PM likes a party game, likes to play Don Quixote the Casanova type. it is a classic so out of my circle. Yea Don Q that’s the chappie, I thought dum coyote was a good un. 😂
What ever happened to him?
A stop of rain from the old thunderer. 😂 Times article – Sue Gray report: Met Police action ‘disproportionate
Howard Lamb
26th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Still no news, well what do you expect when the Prime Minister conveniently forgets his own birthday party.
What chance of putting his hands up to the cover up of wholesale child abuse due to wrong and non-diagnosis of autism.
I’m finally phone and broadband connected, No thanks to Openreach. So will push forwards again shortly. ✅
I can’t wait for Ms Grey’s report. Her boss had to step down as there were parties in his office. 🤔
Will she grass her boss and others or is she the real deal and aids in the cover up? Which will set the tone for Dick of the Met.
We will soon find out.
Howard Lamb
25th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Hope Sue Grey looks into Chequers to see if parties took place there as well.
Need to draw a line so it doesn’t keep rumbling on.
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Agreed! What must the rest of the world be thinking? Boris Gate and all. Their politicians prob did the same or worse.
Two sets of rules is global. 🤔
Howard Lamb
24th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Says it all, did not understand risks and caught Covid then had parties. 🤔 Collins Dictionary – definition of dereliction of duty
Defo a dereliction of duty over the X children. But who is going to do anything about it? 🤔
Why have the D-notices not been dropped? Clearly tight of free speech not available if you disagree with the gov. 🤔 Gov wants to leave them till September just in case there is another wave and the public inquiry well on its way. ✅
Well, that explains a lot. Guardian article – The D-notice system: a typically British fudge that has survived a century
The pandemic is seen as an enemy so D-notices all over the place. ✅ I expect the X children are enemies of the state so cover up is legal.
Well, that covers it. ✅ The DSMA Notice System – Frequently Asked Questions
Howard Lamb
23rd January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
America still in the Cold War. Let’s break up Russia and do another Middle East. Go for Russia and only have China to worry about to be global no 1, good for our arms trade and military, good to keep the World on edge so we can bully our way through to control our capitalist interests globally. After the wall went down and Russia went democratic, the Yanks kept trying to break it up further, then came Putin who changed Russia’s approach and pulled his nation together.
I’m not saying he is a God, I’m sure he will tell you he made mistakes but got the job done, then came Ukraine, USAx3 went to town and unsettled the balance, another civil war. Ukraine was decimated during the war and population severely reduced. After the war Russia rebuilt and helped repopulate. Yanks don’t give a toss as after capitalist enslavement.
Putin drawn a line in the sand. Don’t fuck with the Russians. Simples.
They are not the aggressors here. Seen as home turf. Bit like Russia trying to force Alaska out of the union. The ramblings of an old git 😂😂😂😂 Bottom line on Russia is will there be a vote on us sending our troops to be killed in their thousands or do we divide like Korea. Nice people the Koreans. ✅ Otherwise it could be Poland all over again. But with big boys toys this time.
Check out the Middle East. Those few countries that are in bed with the Yanks are doing very well, thank you. Those who didn’t were sent back to the dark ages.
Defo. War not green, all that O2 burnt and CO2, depleted uranium and god knows what else. Terrible for environment and air pollutants.
How would splitting up Ukraine work? Hopefully a bit like Scotland and England. Own gov and free trade. A pact to come to the aid of each other. A nuclear free zone. Job done move on. ✅
The world has come a long way from one on one to settle a dispute to sitting in a safe bunker with the power to kill mankind. 🤔
Not just me blaming Parliament and capitalism then. 🤔 Guardian article – Eighty years late: ground-breaking work on slave economy is finally published in UK
Howard Lamb
22nd January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Why haven’t I heard back from the BBC? Lots of reasons I expect. They have to make sure what I’ve said on site is true. By now they will have realised the justice site is an interlinked and complex document.
Politics internally, thinking of self and institution rather than the children, also the bullying they have had already, before the fight I begins.
Gov reads the site. 🤔
They need to find experts who understand autism and have been engaged so have a personal understanding.
No point talking to the norm as they have made the current system work and blame mother and child for being a burden on the state.
They can’t contact me until ready as I will put it up immediately.
This all causes problems with momentum, take the sting out of the game and you are half way there. So must keep momentum up. Oops. As all on the record my next letter and documents to the Beeb will be a blunt instrument with sharp points.
Having been told about child abuse and done nothing etc.
If they think I’m a crank they should say.
On the positive, said I hope the media have been talking and are putting together a plan.
Well, that’s what I would have done, problem is they are not me.🤔✅
No, don’t care, will stand by all my letters and understanding I’ve shown on site, they can use all of them or the understanding. ✅
What happens if they say I need to go to the police? I would say happy days, please introduce me to the right people at the right level and help me follow their investigations.
Dick to Boris: BBC on to me over child X.
Boris to Dick: Tell them you only deal with murder and as much of it over 18 months ago, show them the door. 👍😂😂
Is that true, if enough of his constitutes want him gone, he has to go? Or is that only Tory voters? 🤔
Very funny. Did the police ever arrest the person who battered the bear left with the same bandage on his head every year for the Beebs Children in Need? How cool would that be, poetic justice even.
Let’s say 70 percent of the country has the hump with Parliament. If they all check out if their MP has been of no use to them, start the proceedings to throw them out, the MP could stand again if that party agreed, and we could wheedle out the wheat from the chaf.
Voters with actual power, whatever next? 😂🇬🇧
Howard Lamb
20th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yep, I’ve been quietly fuming. Are we going to have to live with it? No measures to clean the air we breathe, at work, public transport, shops etc.
Just wait for the next wave.
Omricon was a mild configuration. That does not mean the next one will be. 6 to 8 thousand cases of Delta a day. Delta deadly, cross with super infective Omricon and a new nightmare starts.
At least the banker at the NHS says it will prob go on for ever like the flu. If released from a lab after new spike added to existing strain and bypassing nature. You cannot expect it to evolve in the natural way.
Mark you I expect the gov’s mates at the chemists supplying more and more vaccines will be overjoyed.
I blame the unions. Allowing their workers to be at risk because no one cleans the air their members breath. 👍
I have only been a member of the European Chiropractic Union as part of my BCA membership and they never stood for my right to diagnose. Not much use really.
Oh yea and at the pandemic start we were told to crack on and only need PPE to treat wild animals.
Rubber stamping gov authority and putting the profession at risk. 🤔
My clean air protocols and triage kept us and our patients safe. We have had staff catch Covid but from other household members, not work. We never actually closed. We didn’t see patients for a couple of months because no one was allowed out. Unless you got an invite to no 10 for drinkypoos. ✅
I did wonder in the early days why so many political elites caught Covid. Prob because they constantly broke the rules, leaving us with no one at the helm. Cummings ran out of no10. Then took Covid up north to test his eye site, if I remember. Boris is put into ICU. Cabinet rudderless. This cost lives, put us behind the game and caused a huge amount of extra deaths. Thinking about it, I should be spitting feathers.
We don’t know if we are still in the early stages of the pandemic. History of 1918 pandemic wave after wave, exhausted people and resources, world depression, followed by the Wall Street crash. Leading to the rise of hate and greed which lead to WW2. We don’t know!
Was influenza more deadly than Covid, prob less. It took months to travel around the planet not 48 hrs in a plane, more contagious. Evolution quicker, planet constantly re infected. Why? So the rich can get richer. Check out the stats if you don’t believe me. ✅
Dereliction of duty comes to mind. When the system has been corrupted by so called honourable people. What else can you call it?
Long list. 😂😂😂
I hadn’t thought of that, who reports on the press for their after-work piss ups? Fleet Street was always full of boozers.
Bet NHS staff didn’t go. 😂😂😂
Corks popped as soon as Boris had been making noise to support the NHS on no10’s doorstep.
Good old NHS, mines a g & t.
People in open plan offices who stayed behind for a quick one with people they have been with all day, like press, is one thing. Drawing from all levels of the complex and drinking into the night by invitation is another. Prob thought summer coming, pandemic over. Let’s party.
The smiley chap on gob news was saying what a good job Boris had done, sorted Brexit and rolled out the vaccine, I had to turn over before I had a fit in my front room.
Ireland, fishing, no trade deals and a ton of paperwork with complex complication.
And well-done Oxford and the NHS. ✅
Howard Lamb
19th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Watched Farage on gob news, re Covid last night Figures from the national stats people.
Average age of Covid deaths last year was 82.5. Only 17 thousand of all Covid deaths have been of people without other health issues. 🤔🤔🤔
700k die a year.
400 billion plus spent and counting. 50k extra cancer deaths, etc, etc.
Money stripped from everywhere to help cover cost because we had to borrow 3/4 of a trillion a few years ago.
Hasn’t gone well.
Lots of questions.
Why were the over 80’s not properly ring fenced after the first year cock up, is one?
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Very good 👍 Sack Boris, pay up his contract like in the Premiership. And call a by-election for his seat.
Well if you prove you’re not an honourable gentleman, why are you in Parliament?
I’m sure that all that hard work at no’s 10& 11. Parties and all. He needs to retire and have the time to write his memories. That’s if the alcohol hasn’t damaged the brain. His mate Cummings could fill in the gaps. 👍😂😂😂
Read this and see if you recognise the right honourable gentleman and Prime Minister. Vocabulary description of honorable
Howard Lamb
18th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Boris toughing it out, no opposition from Labour. Who runs the Liberals?
The BBC have had my stuff for over two weeks and no response except Boris cutting their funding.
So much for democracy.
Text to a friend:
Yea I’ve read the BBC’s charter, and nowhere did it say that it should bend to gov pressure over cover ups. ✅
What is the point? Police did not stop parties and will not investigate, and the gov is slagging off Russia for the same thing. What a mess.
😂😂 A bit harsh, if Sir K got arrested, as happens in Russia, with his record he could not defend himself.
Look at it this way as a sir and covering up cock ups, as they seem to do, he will be quite safe as long as he follows the honours code. Don’t drop a sir in the shit. 👍
Well, he didn’t drop Sir Jimmy in it did he.
Not just me then. article – Post-traumatic symptoms in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Unexplored Co-occurrence of Conditions
Text to a friend:
More twittering from Parliament, Boris going nowhere.Well think it through, if he retires back to the pavilion, he will lose all his protection and could be charged with criminal acts. Covering up not just the X children but their Covid cock ups in the first year whilst still partying.
If he stays protected in the job, in time he will destroy the voters trust in the system, until finally he would have to do the Japanese thing and fall on his sword or be put up against the wall.
It’s not Boris’s fault that years of bad management and EU parliamentary control, means that MPs have been show boating, as EU did all the work. So Parliament full of light weights who are incapable of doing the work and self-protecting management structure which hides its failings.
However, he knew and tried to cover up, just like the parties. Living at no 11 with communal garden, in daylight and no curtains drawn as 40 people get pissed and rowdy. With invite, how could you not know? How can he not know about the abuse of kids under his control and ministries he leads at cabinet?
Bojo must have felt at home in Parliament, as full of habitual fibbers. (😂👍).
But they had been doing it for years and kept their heads down so everything could be hushed up.
Boris being Boris thought that cute and a bit naughty would get him through as normal.
Has there been an alcohol and drug culture? Yes. Have they hushed and covered up? Yes, except when lots of people will not let go because of injustice (liv fans, bloods victims, lied to go to war victims, child abuse, long list). Then 3 decades go by and no one gets done.
The whole system is self-protective and cover up is a normal way of life for them.
Gods on Olympus in their minds tending the sheep from afar. Needs to change. ✅
😂😂 Very good Chelsea change their manager every 18 months unless they keep up high standards.
Imagine if that was transferred to PM, Cabinet Office and top mandarins. Just like the premiership and divisions. 👍👍👍
Howard Lamb
17th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
What a week, Parliament has a drinking problem but by waving a wand it’s all going to change. As if. Like most things words are cheap and actions don’t happen.
Sent stuff to the Beeb and then all of a sudden there funding dries up. 🤔 Coincidence, I don’t believe in them.
Gov will promise the earth to hold on to power.
I haven’t got everything I wanted done due to staff shortage last week and worked 6 days. I’ll try and catch up this week.
I must presume the Beeb has been in contact re child abuse and got a negative response so will top up the BBC’s paperwork to give them more ammunition. Or send letters to others in positions of power to see how big a cover up this is. Two sets of rules and cover ups is the norm.
It needs to change.
Text to a friend:
What do I think is happening behind closed doors? Good question. A witch hunt to find the leaks and people being shuffled around. Some will go and others who know too much will get knighthoods before moving into the private sector to clean up.
Will it stop the two sets of rules, the culture of cover up and bury, no chance. A bit of cosmetics and once the dust settles, back to normal, I expect.
What do I think the BBC will do? Another good question. If I were they, I would do my homework on the reams of information up on this site. Double check with people who know what they are talking about and then publish and be dammed. Well, I’ve got nothing to lose. ✅
Well after being under the microscope for so long if they could have stopped me they would.
At retirement age, so if I take retirement it would give me more time for my quest for justice.🤔✅
😂😂😂 I expect if Alf Garnet had a statue in West Ham that would have been pulled down by now. Strange as he did more for race and religious freedom showing how bigoted people could be and made them a laughingstock. 🤔🤔
I bet the Beeb could do a lot of box sets from their archives. They will be ok. A few very expensive ads and pay to view, should see them through. Their audience can earn or buy shares and gov control done with and they can for fill their future. And continue to excel.
London calling.
Was Boris so aloof he didn’t see the culture, only the clouds? Or were they following his lead? 🤔
Good questions. ✅ To be fair, the culture was always there, he just aided and abetted it like Child X. 🔥
Remember the Labour army chat that battered a Tory wet in one of the bars at Westminster, whilst pissed, the Liberal leader, long list. Of course, all hushed up. The channel island sailor wasn’t gay.
Eden wasn’t a speed freak.
No no, remarkable people well worth their titles.
Not having a gay go, it was against the law, people went to jail, abused in the streets. Yet two sets of rules.
Woke is me.
Stop having a pop at Nelson who had free black men under his captaincy. His Mrs family in the legal slave business. The question should be who was responsible for the UK being for free men, but companies and colonies could still for fill the American and South American market for them via the Caribbean. And why it took so long for its illegality to ripple throughout the colonies. Capitalism not Nelson to blame. ✅ 🤔🤔
PS hardly saw the Mrs as doing the northern brass. Harsh but true.
I’m sure he didn’t say kiss my Hardy before he went. I’ll look it up.
About the only thing that hadn’t been shot off so I see where you were coming from. Woke press in today’s vernacular. Gay black hating murderer of thousands of nice French and Spanish people and sunk all their boats.
Tax and commerce, slavery was very profitable. So is raping the planet, do we ever learn?
Knighthoods went woke before PC. Got one for turning up. Like at sports day where no one is a looser and being competitive Is frowned upon. Here have a medal and don’t try so hard next time.
Then restrain the naughty boy again. No logic.
Yea all down to Parliament. If our modern lot are anything to go by, those in the late 1700’s who had no controls or overseeing must have been as corrupt as —-
Limited media bought elections. Wigs and Tories only. No choice for the men only who could vote. Especially if working in the MPs empire. What could possibly go wrong?
It was the judiciary that changed the law after a won case. Not Parliament. All men are free! Lots of cover up there then. ✅
I’m no expert but once the court ruled, a deal was finally done with the slavers. The nation buys the few in the UK and make them free. Business happy because compensated for their loss. This clearly didn’t cover the Empire, that took another 50 years. You have to ask why? Things don’t change.
Now the green revolution is stagnating whilst the financial losses to the CO2, methane industries, long list, are the only important factor. We haven’t got fifty years to sort the globe.
Not act of terror, he killed no one, took hostages then gave his life to his cause. Prob thought Israel holding Gaza hostage. Certainly not 9/11.
The only time the ruling class get done is if caught red handed, in public but suppressed all the rest disappear with honour.
PS The fall in virus case coincided with frost and sunny blue days, this should have restricted the virus to dark places during the day. Let’s hope that it’s over and I’m being over cautious.
Howard Lamb
16th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text between friends:
Not trying to jinx it. Negative today and feeling ok. Just trying to ignore the stress of tomorrows test. 😂
Don’t worry. Prefer more time and no post viral. Amazed by how many triple jabbed people have got it. Horrible feeling that Omricon is not the last of it.
I know. I was amazed by how I’ve felt with it. I’m still sure that there is a mental side to it. I don’t feel post viral, more post mental. If you have a cold, you get no mental stigma or anxiety. With this you feel on edge and uncertain as to what the effects are. Plus, the track and trace ppl bug you all the time like some gestapo.
Well cost 34 billion. 😂😂😂
Dents immortality, i.e. someone else always gets it not me. It will pass. Only a heavy cold after all. Prob why the vaccines are not so effective. Still can’t cure the common cold. 👍😂😂
Cost 34 bil and it’s all automated. Tick box exercise comes to mind.
Well, it’s ticked yours. A national statistic. ✅
How many did not bother to tell? 🤔
I know. Or did not test due to asymptomatic.
Or just ignored and sent kids to school because unwell.
Nations had enough. This is what happened with Spanish flu, wave after wave. Prob caused Wall Street crash and depression in America during the 1020’s.
Oh happy days, add global warming accelerating not slowing or reversing. Looks like a strange decade or two ahead.
Faith in system is in tatters, SS and gestapo bureaucracy. Can’t March or riot or say of fuck off on the net. 🤔🤔
Can march but get arrested or beaten or lambasted by the liberal media who think anyone who doesn’t conform is an unawake moron with racist and homo and trans phobic tendencies.
By liberal I don’t mean libertarian.
A woke libertarian there’s a thought.
Wonder how that works? 😂
Media run by moguls to sell print.
Nothing to do with right or wrong. Controlled and protecting the system which has been perverted. 🤔
Heavy cold with a twist of manmade Covid.
Batman my arse. 😂😂😂
Text to a friend:
I know, look at all the conflicts and sabre rattling around the world to grab as much resources as you can, keeping conflicts alive and the populations on a constant war footing. Nobody feels safe anymore. Unless your mega rich and no matter what damage you do to get there, you will have enough in the bank to survive.
All about control of the masses. Scare your people and then more security to protect them, etc. etc. until they are so protected, they live full time in their home and not let out because it’s too dangerous.
Needs to be seriously looked at, but by who, who has the power?
Simples, the people but they need to evolve, not revolution, evolution to a system that actually works. ✅
All about budgets and long-term planning with no flexibility because it’s a well oil machine going in one direction.
If you are going to run the country on that basis. Your plan had better be right. Look at the consequence when it wasn’t. Pandemic, Brexit,
Take the old bill. Can’t have nutters running about, stabbing and driving into crowds of people. So most resources are commandeered. So fraud, theft and non-serious crime runs unabated due to no resources.
All money’s good into NHS pot, and where it was meant to go never happens. Example after example. ✅
Howard Lamb
14th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
What a shambles. To party or not? Let’s party.
Kids who did that got run around by the fuzz, so to speak.
Labour out on the razzle, after work obviously.
Maybe alcohol and narcotics anonymous should set up shop in Whitehall. Nice lunch then drikypoos in the evening.
Most professions get sacked or sanctioned for alcohol in blood whilst at work. Just to balance it out, instead of a tea break staff could have a cocktail, just to liven things up for lunchypoos. 😂😂✅💋
Howard Lamb
13th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
The reason Sir Tam is leaving is what they always do.
March is the public inquiry. So, he can talk to them as a private citizen whose paperwork at his old job is now squeaky clean. Then the knighthood to buy his silence and a new cover up begins.
New bloke in his old job, well it happened before my time so cannot say what happened. Then Sir T can do a Morgan and get away with murder.
I’ll send some GCC paperwork to the Beeb, to prove the point.
Time to move on and let sleeping dogs lie. Or in the queen’s language, F off, you can’t touch us. ✅
Bloke damaged the Beeb to show their links to whatever. Prob still slaves to the government themselves so will see the irony.
Howard Lamb
12th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
No haven’t heard a thing.
Mark you, Boris has had enough on his plate trying to remember if he went to a party at his own house when all other social events were cancelled. Police not interested, as complicit, because they did not break it up and give fines. When there will be a dozen coppers at the residence.
Two sets of rules and only Boris can decide his own punishment as so protected. Not democratic but totalitarian.
Police are controlled and made to look the other way because I am sure 99 out of 100 would have loved to have nicked the lot of them.
What chance of the X children getting justice? Well, if he can’t remember getting legless at the only party for months, he is unlikely to see the systems abuse the vulnerable.
Howard Lamb
11th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Johnson released from hospital on 12 April. Two week or more recovery at home. Then two weeks later he’s pissing it up and breaking all the rules that everyone else was sticking to.
No wonder the white van man vote is with him.
Bird up the duff, near death experience, country in real probs but back on the piss two weeks later. 👍😎
Thank God he didn’t take delayed paternity leave for 6 or 7 kids. He would still be off by now. 🤔
Would we have missed out, no lies, scandals, echoing around the planet, he has not credibility on the world stage. So what use is he? 🤔✅
The Met would have policed it. They would have to call in another police force to investigate as complicit.
Howard Lamb
10th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
C word? Clown maybe. 😂😂
Howard Lamb
9th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Where has my research on autism (causes) led me? Nothing solid but it seems to have started with the generation below me, those between 45 and 55. Their children and grandchildren have autism in ever increasing numbers. America’s figures are at 1 in 44 and they haven’t diagnosed them all either.
DDT, lead in the air and soil from petrol, other pesticides. Multiple jabs containing traces of metals were around for the 45 to 55 generation. Whooping cough etc. The world gov’s and who prob already know. Not really my area of expertise. But you would think they would be looking for an answer, but what’s the point if they already know and have covered it up. Then the next lot have had to cover up the cover up and so on and so on.
Maybe me just being paranoid but the numbers have increased with each subsequent generation.
Then it’s too big to fail.
Does that help? 👍
Worldwide problem not just UK.
I would be looking for common factors if I had the manpower. How many things have common worldwide distribution, hence lead up there with pesticides and vaccines. How much lead was in the air, prob millions of tons for all I know. Pesticides like DDT are Noro toxins, autism is neural dysfunction. I’ll send you a site which is interesting.
Back in the early 80s I read research linking autism to the brain stem. My treatment of autism is based on that. I have seen nothing as yet to show that is wrong.
I’ve always wondered if that occurs in the womb or is a genetic pass down (well beyond my capability) more cases are showing with no family history, so maybe the damage is done then is passed down the generations genetically.
No evidence, just thinking out loud. 👍
Just blame the mother. ✅
It’s prob different toxins cause different types of autism. 🤔
Don’t get me onto woke. 😡 Those poor capitalist/industrialists couldn’t make a profit without killing us slowly, after damaging us pre-birth. 👍
Proverbial needle in a haystack. Small levels of toxic substance at critical early embryonic stage. Low levels mild damage, longer, higher more severe symptoms.
We just don’t know; the worry is if it’s all about bad mothers who damage their kids whilst pregnant doing drugs and drink and having damaged babies. Who is looking for the real reasons?
My mother was a Methodist so got autism from my father’s side.
Yep, they damaged their own child then are a pain in the arse with their naughty child so f them. And Tony Blaire did. ✅☔️😶
The question is did Blaire know what was causing autism and covered it up for his American mates for future millions in jobs and dodgy dealing to continue the cover up around the illegal war or just being a thick bigoted c word, in its nasties sense?
Haven’t double checked it but interesting. Heavy Metal Detox article – Getting Rid of Heavy Metals Naturally
Well, defo worldwide. Spectrum article – Inside a summer camp for autistic children in Russia
Interesting. Science Direct article – Heavy metal pollution in the environment and their toxicological effects on humans
Re Prince Andrew, if case is heard in a state where legal age is 16 he’s home and dry. Then Blair could give back the garter. Wikepedia – Ages of Consent in the United States
An American site said age of consent 21 in the UK, its 16 as we all know. 🤔 I’m sure the Prince’s lawyers who reposted his ski lodge to pay his bill, are on it as we speak.
Howard Lamb
7th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
No news I’m afraid. I was hoping for something by now, but it is what it is.
I’m sure the Beeb will be checking me out and checking what’s said on site or not. I’ll give them some more time then go again.
Text to a friend:
Still no phone at home or broadband. Bloody Openreach. Yea will sort fault within 72 hrs, six weeks later. I expect all their engineers are self-isolating, or they charge and don’t fulfil their obligation so they can keep their profit high.
I like the conspiracy theory that the gov is trying to keep me quiet. 😂😂
Text to a friend:
Good question. If I were head of Beebs editorial, what would I do? First, I would seek legal advice about what should happen when a top professional contacts his national association and regulator with complaints of child abuse. I’m sure that ignoring it and trying to throw the professional out of his profession is not the right option.
The GCC had already accepted my CPD where it was clear I was dealing with autism the year before they rejected and threw me out only to be re-instated without change. I was even removed from the Royal College even though I have a qualification from them, separate to the GCC, to block my case study.
If they both had acted how they should, there would have been no need for my letters to the PM’s etc.
Once the legal advice is in then everyone told about child abuse should have followed the law and didn’t. Mark you that’s the same for the Beeb, Sky and Guardian. If nothing is done they are all equally guilty. 🤔
So how do you get justice, if playing against a rigged deck? Hopefully the media will do their job and the family will see justice finally.
Always have a plan B. 😂😂
Cover up from start to finish.
Why was the tribunal case Child X won not referred for investigation? Long long list.
No I’ve taken legal advice all the way through to keep my compass straight. Luckily, I have many patients who have helped out with expertise in the right areas, a good chat during treatment from grateful patients. ✅
I had a huge hint after the Baby P case with all the recommendations in its aftermath. ✅
Howard Lamb
5th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Please read my letter to the BBC (I have also sent copies to Sky News and The Guardian)
Howard Lamb
4th January, 2022
Dear Patient,
The timing of Blair’s knighthood has me concerned with Prince Andrews court stuff hitting the headlines.
Why would the Queen do it now and place tony in a position of power, 24 years after being thrown out as PM? 🤔
More to it than meets the eye as always.
Text to a friend:
Well only Tony knows why he went to war to help his mates in the White House. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
You work it out.
Howard Lamb
3rd January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Do I think the media will now get involved? Good question. I cannot force them, I can only ask for help to sort this mess out.
Being told about child abuse and not doing anything makes them equally guilty of the crime.
Prince Andrew is taking stick for potentially having sex with a 17 year old (16 is legal) yet hundreds were groomed for sex up north and it was covered up by police and councils. Something very wrong going on. Prob just naughty children with bad mothers so they got what they deserved.
We will see in the coming days, if no show the next few letters will go out. I have no trust in the system so always think the worse.
Another good question. Why have the gov avoided any serious contact? Simples, it would show they have a case to answer so select and defer until I give up. 😂😂😂 They should read up on autism to find out why I haven’t gone away. 👍😂
The question I would ask is what benefits did Epstein get for his services to randy Andy? 👍✅
Child abuse is child abuse, whether sexual or mental or physical. If you wrong or non-diagnose then mentally abuse and physically restrain when you have created the melt down in a child because you don’t know what you are doing, it’s still abuse. ✅
Do I blame the psyc nurses, teachers and carers for abusing the children? No, they are doing the job they are trained for. I blame those who put the system together and then covered it up, hence my letters to the prime ministers. They knew then did nothing and then tried to finish my career. Nice people. 😂
Yea, Maxwell had a right bastard for a father who manipulated and controlled her, so Epstein would have found it easy to control her too. No excuse for what she did but prob a victim in her own right. The question should be who were the men who crossed the line and why are they still in the shadows?
What did Epstein get out of it? Maxwell being loyal to her master to the end.
Maxwell had time to put together a dossier before her arrest after Epstein committed suicide in a suicide proof cell. 🤔 I expect it will be released if she dies prematurely.
Epstein was at it for a long time. Where is his wealth and how did he make it? 🤔
Always more questions than answers. 👍
One possible answer is that she coughed and then got stitched up. God bless America.
Member of UK and Commonwealth, MUK and C. Bit unfortunate, muck and crap. Prob why they haven’t brought the honours system up to date.😂😂😂😂
Howard Lamb
2nd January, 2022
Dear Patient,
The government has 7k air cleaning systems for schools, nowhere near enough, why haven’t they explained how to clean the air at work, in homes and at restaurants, caffe’s, the tube etc. As per my clean air protocols, when the fact it was airborne at the start was well known. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Could have saved lots of lives.
Oh, I forgot, open your windows.
Not really good enough but that’s Boris for you. And prof Sir Chris saying we will just have to live with it. 😡😡
Well worth the knighthood, not.
All hospitals should have protection but haven’t.
What a mess.
Text to a friend:
Yea, leave your windows open and help global warming when the price of heating your house has just doubled. You could not write it. Gov’s only strategy, except for 1 tenth of the air purifiers needed, for some lucky schools.✅
Well, we did something and mistakes were made, rollicks or words to that effect.
Exactly, it would have cost a fraction of the 34 billion waisted in track and trace. Where was the profit in that?
Yep the honour system needs a revamp, OBE/MBE should be UK and C, United Kingdom and Commonwealth, knighthoods should be for good deeds done, not goes with the job to cover up. 🤔
Howard Lamb
1st January, 2022
Dear Patient,
Text to a friend:
Yea Blair got a knighthood. ✅
Went to war illegally and set up the care system which abused kids.
I expect Shipman will get one posthumously for clearing hospital beds.
Prof Sir Chris. A classic honour for covering up a huge mess in the early stages of the pandemic.
Covered all that on site about honours for silence. ✅
Howard Lamb