Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.

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The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ



13th April, 2016

Dear Tracey,

I believe you sent the family’s response to the Ombudsman’s draft findings on 2nd February 2016, some two and a half months ago. Considering the Ombudsman has had since summer 2015 to complete the task, I am finding it very difficult to understand why it is taking so long.

As you well know, the family has been under huge strain for many years due to the Council covering up the abuse of a child due to wrong diagnosis, and what can only be seen as probably criminal intent.

Please forward this letter to the Ombudsman so they can give a clear response, for the record, as to why they have taken so long, considering the dire effect it is having on the child.

Yours Sincerely,

Howard Lamb

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