Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.
The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ
22nd August, 2016
FAO: Roger Dunshea
Dear Sir,
I believe that Mr Howell has written to you about my 3 formal complaints; 2 about himself and 1 about Mr Button. If not, please let me know and I will send all of the relevant paperwork.
Please explain how the complaints have not been taken seriously. No part of your complaints procedure has been activated several months after the event and prior to me being removed from the register.
On the subject of my removal from the register, I have been waiting since January for Mr Howell’s chiropractic expert to contact me as part of my disability (autism and dyslexia.) My CPD is in expert short-hand and would take several hours to explain in long-hand and my preference would be to talk for 5 minutes with an expert to clear up any problems. This has been denied me (Disabilities Act.) I can supply my solicitor’s letter and response if need be.
I am talking with solicitors this afternoon regarding whether Mr Howell’s actions were legal, i.e. whilst under complaint, removing the complainee from the register, and asking for silks advice regarding judicial review/public enquiry.
I will send the relevant paperwork for the appeal even though it would seem to be on the back of an illegal action, and obviously Mr Button, whose CV and details of CPD I am still waiting for, has no clinical knowledge, hence the need to speak to someone who has.
My complaints were made as a patient of long-standing and a 30-year plus professional. Professor C. Cunliffe would be my expert of choice due to her experience.
Yours faithfully,
Howard Lamb, DC