Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.
The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ
3rd August, 2016
Dear Mr Howell,
I believe that I can answer your letter in 5 points.
1). You were requested for paperwork and did not send any in over 6 months. How is that not a refusal? It must then be negligence.
2). You were set up by the government and report to the government.
3). As a solicitor and regulator you must comply with the law, and you have not on multiple occasions.
4). Duty of Care and advancement of the profession are in the Chiropractic Act. Also as a regulator you must comply with mandatory obligations, and you have not.
5). You have not followed your own policies, i.e. ten days to respond etc, report of child abuse, or right to diagnose.
You have still not given the details of who you report to at Privy Council, or contact details other than ‘the chair’. What you seem to be saying is that you are above the law, you can do what you want, and nobody can touch you. This is not what we have fought so hard to achieve over the past hundred years as a profession. You also say that you have sent all correspondence to ‘the chair’ but that it will take you time to send it to me(?)
As always with you, you leave more questions than answers.
I will be in contact again with you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Howard Lamb