Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.
The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ
12th July, 2016
Dear Mr Howell,
Thank you for your letter of 6th July informing me that my name has been removed from the Chiropractic Register (Reg. No. 00024), in our 80th year as a family. Over 1 million patient treatments with one blemish, a fraudulent claim that failed, you were fully informed and did nothing. I have put this matter in the hands of the BCA and the rest of the profession.
Your appeal system seems flawed. A 3-person panel: one from your staff, a GP who probably hates chiropractors, and a musculo-skeletal chiropractor who is anti-neurological chiropractic. All hand-picked by you or your staff I presume.
I have not had any response from you about my letters of complaint, criminal negligence, complicity to child abuse, and several breeches of law. I wonder why?
Unfortunately I am having to inform my 18,000 patients that my name has been removed from the register, and why I cannot call myself a chiropractor any longer. I believe that press, radio, and internet will get the message to them quickest.
Yours Sincerely,
Howard Lamb