Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd 

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The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ



14th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Local government experts say councils made all the “easy cuts” years ago and still face shortfalls. BBC News article – Children face ‘lifetime cost’ of council crisis

So how can they afford to give proper care to the tens of thousands who are now being diagnosed? 🤔

Text to a friend:
Johnson/Robertson, Nobel economics prize winners, say: “Societies with poor rule of law and exploitative institutions do not generate sustainable growth.”

This explains why Britain has gone backwards.

Sir K needs to bone up on their work, as he’s floundering with budgets and accounts, not solving issues.

Of course, car crime, theft, fraud – the police don’t turn up. Murder or riot? Full Monty. 🤔

Institutions are inward-looking, self-defensive, protect their reputation, and cover up cock-ups.

So, you sort of see what they mean.

Howard Lamb

13th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why didn’t Boris sort it out?

Best guess only from limited info: Focused on Brexit, hit by the pandemic. Ran around like a headless chicken, had no relevant technical expertise to understand the multiple crises he was facing.

Take COVID: “Do not touch, wash hands” ✅

Not much help with an airborne virus, as it turned out.

All were knighted 👍🙈

“Keep open for business and let the old ones pay the price.”

“Let’s have a party!”

Yes mate, need all the PPE we can get—here’s loads of money ✅

Caught COVID and nearly died.

Not his best hour 🤔

When the country is in a constant state of flux, when is a good time to tell the truth?

Just keep rocking the boat, and they will forget in time.

Seems to be the gov’s mantra 🤔

Yes, it would seem if you are vulnerable or have special needs, young to old, you are expendable for the greater good so they can stay within budget.

Can’t damage the economy, which they’ve brought to a standstill, any further!

The whole system needs a good spring clean.

We can have one that works well, stays in budget, and does what it says on the tin.

Unfortunately, when the government is only interested in self-preservation via constant cover-ups, the past keeps stopping forward movement. Things can’t change. 🤔

I saw that. How much tax do the rich pay?

Take a limited survey of those who morally give back and pay their fair share.

Forget about the vast majority who are morally bankrupt and use every opportunity to lower their bills. 🤔

Nice bit of spin—can’t upset the rich after all! 😂😂

That explained a lot: The sun changing poles in an 11-year cycle, showering the Earth, hence the Northern Lights showing so far south.

The cycle started in 2019, max activity next year.

Well, if the sun is reversing its polarity, that will disrupt all energy fields, even the vortex 🤔

Yet, tons of ice floating out in space can split an image infinitely depending on the angle.

Can we trust our telescopes?

Good question.

Howard Lamb

12th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

If Boris had used the COVID-19 school break to get staff trained, educated, and informed the parents about developmental situations with those they have a duty of care for, things might have been different.

Boris and others had been written to, so they knew.

Would education be in such a mess?

Let’s not concern ourselves with the billions wasted on track and trace, PPE, etc., which created our modern-day black hole. I’m sure in years to come, the COVID inquiry will not be able to do anything. So what was the point?

Add all the fraud around business financial support.

I have not been able to find precise figures for this waste of taxpayers’ money, but well over 100 billion would be a serious place to start— or over five black holes.

It was the over-70s that paid with their lives then, while many lined their pockets. The same age group will suffer again this winter. Just put another coat on, you’ll be ok, promise ✅

Howard Lamb

11th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

If you don’t diagnose or have the infrastructure to cope, this is what happens.

Three in four teachers put a pupil’s psychological needs before teaching at least once a week, a UK survey reveals. The Guardian article – Teachers regularly helping pupils in distress in attempt to fill NHS funding gap

Text to a friend:
Still no response.

It’s not as if all the information isn’t out there. Decades of minimal diagnosis and not building the correct infrastructure to save on budget. Kids being broken and dumped out of education’s budget, then not being educated. Their special needs aren’t catered for by a system that blames everyone except themselves.

Ofsted cracking the whip to achieve standards that have no reality, just a tick in the correct box. As people have become more educated, they are self-diagnosing, which explains the modern-day spike in numbers waiting to fill in their NHS questionnaire. What a mess.

Starmer knows but does not want to talk 🤔

No, it’s global. In America, student numbers have dropped—in some areas as much as 24%—with a large rise in private education numbers and millions studying at home. So if you take spectrum/ADHD, etc., out of the equation, you probably have the right number of “normal” kids, and the rest have decided that school is unpleasant, to say the least, and are staying away.

I’m sure there are lots of theories, but mine stacks up.

The newborn or very young have to learn how to play, then how to play with others, and by 3, they are ready to be involved with the system. If this has all been disrupted, it would explain the problems education has now. Why did someone not pre-warn schools and parents, and where are the information packs to help the child through this difficult stage? 🤔

If they’re on the spectrum/ADHD and have been traumatised by or at the school, no matter how hard the parents try, the child will not comply. When forced and traumatised again, trust in parents diminishes, as they told the child it would be fine. School bad behaviour then spreads into the home, where there is a constant battle. Things get worse and worse. Drug them—that’s the answer.

If you do not resolve the problem, you are just wallpapering over the cracks ✅

All in my case study and mother’s paperwork 👍

Of course, I can’t talk for all cases, as each will be unique.

But I am an expert on Child X.

Howard Lamb

10th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Nothing new there then. Child X, 20 years ago, was refused.

Financial pressures mean many councils are reluctant to issue top-up funding from high-needs budgets, say experts. The Guardian article – Special needs funding claims in English schools ‘increasingly being refused’

Text to a friend:
Another article in the paper today about councils denying funding for those with special needs. No change there then.

20-plus years ago, Child X was not given the help or one-to-one support he needed. He crashed and was then excluded. This has been happening for a very long time. Multiple generations have not had the start in life they deserve. Instead, they are put on a course to self-destruction.

The government knows what has been done but prefers to cover themselves rather than take the steps to help those with special needs. Exactly.

Probably why they don’t want to talk about my case study ✅. All the evidence is out there. Much is covered on the site.

Change does not need to cost much; education is what is needed. Staff and parents first, then you stop ramming square pegs into round holes. That would help.

CPD (obligatory) for head teachers down to classroom assistants. Parents and staff on the same page 👍. Only retrained social workers allowed anywhere near the families ✅.

Howard Lamb

8th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Good point. If Grey has gone, who has taken over her role, and will they be spectrum-friendly or just more of the same? Only time will tell 🤔.

As it’s within politicians’ nature to cover up their mistakes, as we have seen repeatedly—blood scandals, etc. I know what should happen, but whether it does or not is another matter.

Morgan McSweeney, an Irish immigrant, campaign manager, and Labour think tank—a young, ambitious man. I can’t see him putting his hands up and sorting things out.

If you don’t diagnose them, they have no legal claim 🤔.

Financial pressures mean many councils are reluctant to issue top-up funding from high-needs budgets, say experts. The Guardian article – Special needs funding claims in English schools ‘increasingly being refused’

Like with the Child X case, the council only listened to their own staff. He only got his correct diagnosis from the NHS after 18, when it’s not much use as the damage was done ✅.

The council psychologist actually blocked Child X from getting a second opinion, all in the mother’s paperwork.

It would seem all monies go into a central pot to feed the councils’ black holes. What’s left filters into care, and the numbers needing help are reduced by non-diagnosis so they can come in on budget 😡.

Beyond corrupt and definitely abuse.

Howard Lamb

7th October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Had a few days away from the site.

Nothing to say at the moment. I’ve explained my case well on the site, so there is no confusion about what’s been happening. The end of the week is ten working days, and there should be a response.

If anything of interest crops up, I will post. Otherwise, just killing time yet again.

Clearly, the health of the autistic/ADHD community is of low importance in comparison to the reputation of those in power.

Mark you, now Sue Gray, who did not stand for the children, has gone. I expect better progress.

P.S. re: Grey
It could be, of course, that Starmer shifted her because, as head of ethics, she would not toe the party line on child abuse. 🤔

“Patients angry at getting contradictory advice, inconsistent care, and facing indifference from locums, survey finds.” The Guardian article – ‘No care left in the system’: patients on use of locum psychiatrists in Scotland

Another article today states that autistic children who have sensory disabilities will finally get their ears, eyes, and teeth checked on the National Health, if in a residential home. So, their dyslexia and deafness can finally be found. As for teeth, they are notorious for not cleaning them.

You have to ask why this was not automatically part of their diagnosis, and what happened before. 😡

Howard Lamb

2nd October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Still no news. I expect I’ll have to send a reminder. After all silence in court is a sign of guilt. Sir K must know that. 🤔

Joint review by chief of Ofsted and prisons chief inspector discovers children kept in cells to avoid conflict. The Guardian article – Children in youth offender institutions in England denied access to education, report finds

Howard Lamb

1st October, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Not much in press about Lampard inquiry, or covid for that matter. Are the gov suppressing it? Well, you have to ask.

Only thing I could find of interest was from my what’s apps group. Starmer in May having a go at the Tories about shelving winter fuel payments only to do the same thing himself once elected.

Naughty little liar or what.

Howard Lamb

29th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Don’t. I’ve gone back to my childhood ‘Are we there yet? ‘

This waiting for the gods of Downing Street to answer for their crimes, is winding me up.

Defo not a time to waver. Keep firing till you see a white flag or sunk, works for me. Old Nelson knew what he was talking about.

I say crimes. That should have read crimes against humanity.

That’s clearly what this is.

Howard Lamb

26th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Keir Starmer

Howard Lamb

24th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

I can disagree with her about our broken nation.

Julia Hopper tells an inquiry that the mental health system is “hellish to its absolute stinking core.” BBC News article – ‘I have lost all faith and trust in this broken nation’

The inquiry heard that former Conservative MP Nadine Dorries had tried to undermine campaigners in an attempt to prevent a full public inquiry.

ITV News Anglia article – Lampard Inquiry: Nadine Dorries accused of ‘cover up’ over mental health deaths in Essex

Not just me, check the dictionary definition – Google dictionary meaning of child abuse

Howard Lamb

23rd September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Labour conference this week, so I will wait to send PM’s top-up till it’s over.

After Mrs. Reeves at No. 11 says Labour will not take us back into austerity, there’s 14 million below the poverty line who will tell you we never came out of it. 🤔

All hot air and no substance, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. It will be clear by the weekend if they are autistic/ADHD-friendly or not.

If you look at bloods, the Post Office, and others, you have to ask why it has taken decades to get to some truth. Obviously, senior civil servants and their parliamentary counterparts have lied through their teeth to cover up for, often, decades. Otherwise, it could have been sorted in a much, much quicker time.

This is historically how the government works.

Blair had an illegal war, so people must have known but did not stand up and be counted. 🤔

Same for all the government-based scandals.

This needs to change. Incompetence and abuse of power must be made accountable, yet the whole system is entrenched and does not accept criticism or complaint.

Much worse since our excursion into Europe.

Royal influence was removed, and Brussels corruption took hold.

Yeah, interesting stage. Which way will Starmer (law and order) go?

Law or cover-up to protect the PMs, MPs, mandarins, advisers, lawyers, etc., who made it happen?

What a mess. 🆘

Howard Lamb

22nd September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The GCC is set up to protect chiropractic patients. Yet, when a complaint on behalf of Child X was submitted to the regulator and the chair, it was ignored. I was then threatened with the end of my career.

You have to ask: what was the point of having them in the first place if they are incapable of doing the job they are being paid for?

What do I expect to happen now?

Your guess is as good as mine.

What should happen is that Starmer should send me a letter of apology and a promise to track down and prosecute all those involved in perverting the system, so complaints are not heard, and children can be abused at will to save budgets.

The problem, of course, is that it had to pass across his desk while he was earning his knighthood at the CPS.

Who will take up the cause to make this happen?

Well, it won’t be MPs who have to follow the party line. The same goes for the police and their regulators. Sue Gray missed the boat, so no ethics there.

Mandarins at Whitehall made it happen. 🤔🤔🤔

Text to a friend:
What sentences should they get?

Well, if rioters are getting up to 9 years so far, when nobody was seriously injured or anything was properly burnt down, all just to make an example…

On the same standard, probably life.

No, not harsh. Kids have and are committing suicide, dying early through addiction, not being educated, so it’s impossible to thrive. Mental blocks. Stuck in a cycle with no help. Long list. 😡

Probably why they don’t want to take me seriously and prefer the cover-up, as they always have done.

Howard Lamb

21st September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Had two young females in today. Both work at different levels with youngsters with special needs. We got talking, as you do, and I was impressed by their understanding of the child/children and how to handle them. 👏

So, the government has started to make changes. I’ve talked to lots of professionals in relevant fields over a long period of time, as patients. The change is refreshing, to say the least. ✅

Will they come clean, or is it more, “get over it and move on”? The change, any change, is welcome, but it does not help those who were churned through the abusive system and often damaged in a life-changing way for the rest of their lives. 😡🤔😇

Otherwise, it will only be a cosmetic change and not address the root of the problem—i.e., less “cover your arse” to protect reputation and freedom from responsibility, and more actually giving a s—-t and helping the child and the damaged adults.

No, I was not having a go at the professionals. I’m sure they were very good at doing what they were taught to handle—the spec of their job. Just because they abided by the education, protocols, and procedures of their trade: model employees.

The point is, if you blame the parents and children for the system’s own ignorance and piss-poor administration, this is what you get.

It’s a long read, but it chronicles the crimes. 🤔

“Move on and get over it” was the response from the then-chair of the GCC after I put in a complaint. I was told that if I continued, I would be sent to Coventry professionally.

I did not put that letter up but passed commentary, just in case there is a legal dispute or two. Well, a crime is a crime. Their actions perverted justice; otherwise, I would not still have to be on the case. 👍

I even told her I was a whistleblower. She asked, “Which part of the act?” 😂😂😂

Very snooty.

After all, family involvement with chiropractic since 1936, when my father crossed the pond with his pre-med done in the UK, then trained by B.J. Palmer. A little respect, maybe?

With a clean record. 🤔

You have to ask why.

Howard Lamb

19th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Sue Grey is getting paid more than Starmer, according to the press today. Yet, ethically, she has not gotten involved with my case study, even though she was cc’d in my last letter to the Prime Minister 🤔. Definitely something fishy going on. When the head of ethics gets a pay rise and is not ethical, where does that leave those with special needs who have been, and are being, abused by the system to save money 🤔? That’s a definite then 🤔.

An inquiry into allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster will consider if political parties “turned a blind eye”. Sky news article – Westminster child sexual abuse inquiry to consider if parties ‘turned a blind eye’

Pupils with SEND slipping further behind peers in reading, writing, and maths despite teaching and legislation gains. The Guardian article – ‘Incredibly disheartening’ decline in special needs pupil attainment in England

How true 👏.

If our lawmakers fail to confront abuse in their own workplace, how do we trust them to enact effective policies for the rest of us? Open Democracy article – After Me Too, can we trust the UK government to tackle sexual abuse?

Howard Lamb

17th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
It’s not clear why, seven months before his death, Dr. Leon Eisenberg called ADHD a fictitious disease, especially as he did much work in the field. Even though the symptoms had been noted in the 1700s, he was tagged with the title of “inventor of ADHD” after his work in the 1950s/60s.

I’ve always seen it as another form of genetic autism.

Child X’s NHS diagnosis was high-functioning autism and ADHD. Possibly, it should be high-functioning and on the ADHD spectrum.

Howard Lamb

16th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
That was a bit depressing. I’ve spent the last 2 afternoons checking out my local rivers so I can do some autumn/winter short sessions.

All I saw was yellow signs up saying thousands of hrs of sewage have been released into the river which contains toxic chemicals many of which are carcinogens. 

Sort of put me off.

Howard Lamb

15th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Once upon a time, it was kids with a sugar rush. Now, it’s adults with ADHD. I expect in the future it may end up as a form of autism.

Experts suggest that the number of people with ADHD is actually going to remain steady. BBS News article – How many of us will end up being diagnosed with ADHD?

If you have ADHD, do you need to take drugs?

No. The individual needs to observe how others react to their actions and modify their behaviour to fit in. Early diagnosis can be helpful. People with ADHD should be harnessed, not shackled, to get the best out of them.

Recreational drugs of a herbal nature can calm and slow the brain. Alcohol and amphetamines, however, are not helpful. Due to addictive personalities, addictive drugs are off the table. Google search – Side effects of ADHD medication adults

Unfortunately, herbal types are not regulated or graded for potency. The range of effects can vary from a jolly lift and giggles to being completely zoned out (“monged out,” I believe, is the correct term). Several natural grasses—not skunk-type hypnotics with additives that mangle the brain—could have a positive effect compared to synthetic chemicals that may damage the brain with long-term use.

You can’t patent grass, so there’s no research from the drug companies 🤔.

It’s about chemical actions in the brain that help make connections, not suppress brain function like Big Pharma drugs do 🤔🤔.

Howard Lamb

14th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
NI and Wales had their own inquiries.

We are now in 2024, and the lessons have not been learnt. Autism is the elephant in the room; kids are still being bullied, restrained, and traumatised by the state, who did not diagnose to save money and blamed the child and their families for not conforming to the system’s norm.

Wikipedia page – Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry

Wikipedia page – North Wales child abuse scandal

The Guardian article – Long-winded, fruitless public inquiries just pile more misery on victims. It doesn’t have to be this way

Text to a friend:
Why are they not admitting what they did like in NI?

All due to ignorance and incompetence at the top. Who would ever vote for them again?

Also, it would cost multi-billions to put right, and we are skint.

Plus, those at the top have no clue how to change because a basic degree in PPE and a stint at the Bank of England does not educate them on solving systemic abuse.

Exactly. They only know how to tough it out and suppress those who were and are being abused.

Perverting justice, aiding and abetting child abuse, and a huge abuse of power.

Defo criminal as they have covered it up for decades.

Yes, I know Starmer has a law degree and is a KC (not Kentucky Chicken).

How has that prepared him for the system’s abuse of children when he does not want to enforce the law? 🤔

Children have had their human rights taken away, yet Starmer is a leading light in human rights? 🤔


The first mention in The Lawyer of a young “radical with a good reputation” by the name of Keir Starmer came in 1995.

Source: The Lawyer | Legal insight, benchmarking data, and jobs – Keir Starmer: 25 years of coverage in The Lawyer

Mmm, the seven deadly sins:

Pride, before the fall 😂

Greed, wrath to anyone who challenges them, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth — bone idle lazy if there’s nothing in it for them.

Or politician.

Howard Lamb

13th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just England then. Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry – Investigating the abuse of children in care in Scotland

Gov prob just waiting for the results of inquiries. More time marches on without change. Only to say those naughty people and do nothing to make the changes necessary. As normal.

As I have pointed out, the abuse of power to cover up, aiding and abetting child abuse whilst perverting justice is a criminal offence and not covered by parliamentary privilege.

So who has the power to bring them to justice? 🤔

If it had not been covered up and dealt with correctly, why would you need an inquiry? ✅

Details of hundreds of alleged perpetrators are passed to police. BBC News article – One in six children sexually abused in Jesus Army cult

Not just the gov then,12 found on minor charges. Wow! Sentencing Council – Child sexual offences sentencing guidelines published

Howard Lamb

12th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The PM and Sue Grey have had over two months to reply. Normal first contact is ten working days and a month for full disclosure. If innocent, you have as why they are taking so long.

I’ve had to do a major rewrite to his top up letter as no point being nice as they seem to be trying to pervert justice again as they all have from May onwards.

The worst thing is their inaction is damaging kids further. A total disgrace.

No. Even if they do not agree with my case study findings, there is no excuse for breaches of protocols and procedures.

We live in a democracy not a totalitarian state, well in theory that is.

Howard Lamb

11th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Conservatives covering up abuse and unlawful deaths. See the pattern under Labour and followed on by the Conservatives. Is sectioning helping our young autistic kids or causing them more harm? 🤔

The inquiry heard that former Conservative MP Nadine Dorries had tried to undermine campaigners to attempt to prevent a full public inquiry. | ITV News Anglia  

ITV News article – Lampard Inquiry: Nadine Dorries accused of ‘cover up’ over mental health deaths in Essex

Text to a friend:
Early days of the inquiry, but it tends to explain why Sir Keir does not want to communicate with me. Non and wrong diagnosis, sectioned, and abused by both main parties. How can you get justice when the system only protects itself? 🤔 Why just Essex? It’s the same national integrated system. 🤔 The Guardian article – Essex mental health inquiry will reveal hundreds more deaths, chair says

1.8 million people live in Essex out of a national population of 70 million, so you need to multiply those who died by 35 to cover the whole country. 🤔 I’m sure the odd county excels, but I suspect others do not.

Howard Lamb

9th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Oops, who knew? 🤔

An anti-corruption charity finds significant concerns in £15.3bn worth of contracts awarded during the pandemic. BBC News article – Corruption review finds ‘red flags’ in more than 130 Covid contracts

So, the black hole of £20 billion in public finances is potentially through corrupt politicians lining their pockets during COVID. That’s a shock 😂  

It’s alright, as they probably scammed the government, so they will get away scot-free.  

P.S. Why just Essex? The system that probably failed in Essex is the same system for the whole country. 🤔  

You have to ask why it was independent from the government 🤔???

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Good question.

Are they incompetent so they get scammed, or are they scammed because they are incompetent? 🤔  

But they are experts in using the weight of the government and its departments to cover up.  

At least they are good at something 😂  

The question regarding COVID scams would be: was it for national or personal interests?  

Clear insider trading, but was it for the greater good? 🤔  

Well, I have strong views on that one and don’t want to self-flagellate for inappropriate thoughts. 😂😂😂✅😇

Howard Lamb

8th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

You have to ask how many people have died through this incompetence.

Britain’s pandemic response was among the worst, and the NHS had been ‘seriously weakened’, says leading surgeon. The Guardian article – Tory health reforms left UK open to Covid calamity, says top doctor’s report

As for “don’t touch anything” when it was an airborne virus at the beginning—it was a disgrace.  

Text to a friend: 
Exactly, if you scam the gov you are totally safe, as the gov cannot be seen to be incompetent. So cover up, drag it out for decades, and finally fudge to make sure the truth of their incompetence never fully comes out.

How many examples do you need to see the truth? 🤔  

😂😂😂  Probably why Starmer has not had the decency to respond to my letters. Sue Grey seems short on ethics when it comes to systemic child abuse.  

Just imagine if before the riots started someone had made it clear that the suspected murderer was born in Cardiff, not an illegal 🤔  

One bloke got nine years for trying to set fire to a hostel for migrants. Well above the norm. Gov must share some responsibility surely 🤔  

Trotskyite as Starmer was, would see the liberals as far right 😂😂

Only two real possibilities:  

  1. Starmer is waiting on advice about what to do.  
  2. ⁠It hasn’t got to him yet and is bouncing around the departments to cover up.  
  3. ⁠Blair came out of the woodwork?  
  4. ⁠Starmer hopes to just cover up and move on to other distractions because we is skint.  
  5. ⁠So many combinations, but nothing about truth.  

Take your pick. Add your own thoughts.  

Never comes out well 😂  

Expect his book is to secure his place in history. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story 😂  

When you stop and think.

New clean diesel. ULEZ because diesel is not clean and slowly killing people 🤔

Water companies max profit and pollute rivers, lakes, water table, and estuaries/coastal waters.  

How incompetent do you have to be to allow that to happen?  

Oh yes, in the paper the other day that ULEZ expansion is not affecting pollution but making a small fortune for the council. 🤔🤔

Let’s just stop the lies and scams, people can do a job as not having to cover up and move forwards and actually solve problems, not just fudge them and put them on the back burner. 👍  

Are the EU any better? Probably not. Look at the Brexit cock-up. You naughty Brits for leaving, we will make you pay so France or others don’t do the same.  

Between them, they can’t stop the migrants who have entered the EU illegally and travelled thousands of kilometres across Europe to set up camps by the channel.  

Why just Essex?? 

Melanie Leahy, whose son Matthew is among those who died, has said she believes the fatalities were part of a “cull of our most vulnerable, our most gentle, our…”  Sky News article – Lampard Inquiry: Deaths of thousands of mental health patients in Essex to be investigated as families hope for answers

Howard Lamb

7th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
If these problems had been dealt with at the start and not covered up, thousands of people would not still be angry decades later.  

Autism is even worse due to ignorance of what they are dealing with.

Back in the day, it was the mother’s fault for being cold to the child. So for over 100 years, it’s been the mother’s fault.  

In the vast majority of cases, that just is not true.  

It’s the system’s fault for not diagnosing and then ramming a square peg into a round hole to normalize children who are outside the norm and rippling out to the edges of the spectrum.  

The cover-ups have perverted justice; children are still being damaged, and the mothers blamed 😡.  

How can you improve things when you don’t admit there are problems? 🤔  

If they can’t do it, it needs to come out in the wash.  😂😂  

Random again.  

Is the Garden of Eden a place or a myth?

Broken tablets, wander round the desert for years. Moses dies and the Garden of Eden is found.  🤔  

I think it means that by sticking to the Ten Commandments, you are not lost in the desert but can make your own Eden with faith.  

They bought dodgy blood. Why?? And who!  

Who started the post scandal by actually prosecuting people on no evidence but a readout.  

Hillsborough I’ve covered.  

How many times has our government been scammed, causing these problems, and who has benefited financially covering arse?  

Yes, if you break the big ten by praying to a golden idol, you get lost in the desert until you comply again. 🍻👍  

It’s really not that hard 😂  

As for scams, I’m certain there are many more but covered up, what next.  


Bad cold mother = attention-seeking child.

Discipline, don’t let it get its own way.  

No reward for bad behaviour. Restrain and exclude when needed.

That will teach it. No qualification and post-traumatic stress. Should have conformed to the norm. ✅  

No mate, not our software! System so good it’s picking up extra fraud.  

You now get diagnosis. Without it, you are just an attention-seeking child and treated by standard procedure, which will often aggravate the child and switch them off from wanting to go anywhere near a school ever again. 🤔

Howard Lamb

6th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I see Lord Eric Pickles has been called to resign over the tower inquiry. It happened on his shift; the response seems to be, “Not my fault or head of department, it had to be middle management.” Middle management only do what they are told to do. Justice seems a long way off. With austerity and budget cuts, there’s probably not enough money to fix the problems. So just fudge and hope nothing happens. When it does, just cover arse and have the system protect you. ✅

So, Gordon sold our gold at a bargain basement price and deregulated the city. Greedy bankers crashed the banks. The government bails them out, costing 3/4 of a trillion pounds and putting our economy into a tailspin. Bankers are earning huge bonuses, but our infrastructure has fallen apart. Fourteen million below the poverty line and no money for our kids with special needs. How was any of this possible, and why didn’t anyone go to jail? 🤔🤔🤔

You don’t have to be Einstein to work it out. Abuse of power to save bacon comes to mind. ✅ 500,000+ civil servants. 5.5 million employed through the state (councils, etc.). Numbers have increased, but the budgets in real terms are down. So there is enough money to pay staff wages but not much left for them to do the jobs they are being paid to do. How does that work? Clearly, it doesn’t. 😡

That’s a minimum quarter of a trillion wage bill without pension contributions. 37 million taxpayers. Subtract government employees, and for every 6 taxpayers, there is a government employee. You have to ask why there are so many. Also, why are the numbers increasing and why is everything falling apart?

News and articles about special educational needs, disability, children’s health, mental health, rare diseases, undiagnosed conditions, education, health, and care… Special Needs Jungle article – SEND Funding Fact Check 2: Record funding or lack of cash? Which is true—and where’s the money gone?

Exactly. Because they limited diagnosis and abused children for being naughty, they had more money per child. With the recent landslide of diagnoses, they have the same pot but probably double the number of people with needs.

Text to a friend: 
Middle management to upper management:  “We have to do something, or a tower will burn down.”  

Upper management:  “How much will it cost to fix?”  

Middle management:  “Lots of billions, and a change in the management.”  

Upper management:  “Sod that, nothing in the budget. Fudge and delay until there is.”  

✅ Job done.  

So we pay lots of people for not doing the job.  

You couldn’t write it 😂😂

Let’s face it. If the public inquiry on planning had not had the wool pulled over their eyes by big business, the cladding would not have been allowed. Systemic fault.

I have dealt with the planning inquiry people and was very impressed. They told me I had to say something once. Had to test it as a bold statement. Flying colours 👏. So they had to be scammed.

The scammers who perverted the cladding outcome and put lives at risk should go to jail. The rest should face eye-watering fines. Or the walk of shame, and keep some of your wealth.

Don’t worry, will self-flagellate for an inappropriate thought later 🤔😇

True, bloods, post, tower scandals all show the same game plans. Someone scammed the gov. The gov cannot admit incompetence, so fudge, delay, and a small fortune on legal fees. Whole departments controlling the damage until it fades away, and nobody gets done. System wins again.

Hillsborough. Deflect and defer from top cop who did not delay kick off. So fit up scouse drunken yobs.

Remind me who got done for it. 

Even just branded and kicked out.


No need to postpone kick off it’s all under control.✅

Howard Lamb

5th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Kids are not safe at school or care homes. Bullied and restrained.

Increasing amounts are spent on educating pupils outside mainstream, ‘where quality and safety is less guaranteed.’ The Guardian article – School exclusions rise by fifth in England in past year, study finds

Post Office, now the towers. Gov incompetence which was covered up.

Autism is the elephant in the room, so to speak.

Child abuse is a criminal offence, but the police are told to turn a blind eye when the gov is doing it.

How do you get justice when the criminals are in charge?

Starmer, Sunak, Johnson, and May were all told but have avoided doing anything. If that is not criminal, what is?

I will still send my top-up letter next week, as it will go on the record. Let’s face it, lawyers always take their time, and procrastination is always possible when you are paid by the hour 😂

Text to a friend:
Do I believe the gov’s legal eagles are looking to find those who are guilty? Prob not.

Are they looking for ways to get the gov off the hook and minimize any damage child abuse would cause?

You work it out. 12 years since the tribunal and no answer from the gov. Doesn’t look too good for them ✅

Howard Lamb

4th September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
How can it be possible? Jail time for inappropriate social media posts on migration, yet the government, who is clearly covering up what is and has happened to spectrum children, gets away scot-free. I have seen the consequences of their actions, I have chronicled it, I have informed them, and am still waiting for any form of correct response—and have been for a number of years. 

Definitely two sets of rules. How have they managed to bypass all oversight or law? It’s just wrong. The government’s role is to work for the people, not damage children and affect the rest of their lives. 😡

Very good. The gods who sit on Mount Westminster are untouchable and can do what they want. But not by charter. So who has the power to get justice when the government doesn’t want to know?

The Tower inquiry. Corrupt from top to bottom. Big business twisted info to sell products. Commercial interests put above public safety. Government incompetent. Public inquiries on planning not fit for purpose. It goes on and on. Police investigating but not likely to charge anyone till 2026. You have to ask why?

More kids have died by taking their own lives through non or wrong diagnosis than the 72 at the Tower, but the police will not investigate the government, as seen from my correspondence in archives. 😡 Why will it take the police so long, considering all the work has been done for them by the inquiry? Another good question.

You have to assume it will take that time to pin it on the few and allow the rest to walk. Well, we can’t have ministers up in court, can we? 🤔🍻

Criminal incompetence. They knew the dangers from previous fires but did not act. We need an inquiry on whether the past few governments have been competent—from illegal war onwards. Probably take 30 years and all those involved are too old for jail time or dead. Lessons have been learnt but nobody acted on them. ✅

Well, once you start to cover up, the lies have to continue, or there would be consequences for their actions. Well, look at Thatcher’s record—legal war and balanced the books. Since then, illegal war and huge debt. 🤔

Labour want to cut back on planning to build a million homes. Heaven help the countryside and its new residents. 

Howard Lamb

2nd September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Parliament is back after their long summer break. Maybe we will see some action from the back benches, as the front are trying to hide what has been and still is being done to children under their care.

I’m tidying up my letter to Starmer, and it will go when ready. ✅

What happens if they don’t do anything? Simple—they have joint responsibility as seen in their charter. 🤔

I saw in the paper today that a 41-year-old childminder pleaded guilty to charges relating to riots and will be sentenced in October. She was inappropriate with her media comments. 

Nobody actually burnt down refugee centres. 🤔

Yet the government can cover up decades of child abuse and nothing is done. Clearly, there are two sets of rules. ✅

Howard Lamb

1st September, 2024

Dear Patient,

Sky News – First for breaking news, video, headlines, analysis, and top stories from business, politics, entertainment, and more in the UK and worldwide. Sky News – Child Abuse Inquiry

Six planets are in alignment just before a large harvest full moon. If that doesn’t shift something, I don’t know what will 😂😂 Absolutely.

To be a fly on the wall with Sir and Mrs. K at Balmoral for the weekend. Apparently, Thatcher was made to do party games, which she hated, and did not ride, shoot, or fish.

You can bet your bottom dollar that all government/cabinet/ministries are spending their resources protecting themselves and their system. Just think, if they put the same energies and finance, we would be making huge headway.

Kids are back to school except for those who resolutely don’t want to go. Ok, and the excluded ones. Teachers have not been upgraded on spotting and how to get the best out of their autistic charge, and schools have no more funding. The SS have not changed. 

A new batch is ready to be traumatised by a system that only deals with the norm rather than catering to individual spectrum needs. A new batch of angry young teens, high on hormones, out of control, with very limited life choices and no therapy 🤔

Text to a friend:
If it’s shown that they know what they did in rigid control of the system and have not tried to change it, how can that not be seen as attempting to pervert justice but abusing power to do so? 🤔 Then aiding and abetting the abuse. Truth matters.

Howard Lamb

30th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Facts matter. Shame about the inaccuracies 😂. However, the basic article explains well.

Latest news and opinion about autism from Autistica and our supporters

Text to a friend:
Inaccurate info. Even autistic charities have to rely on government data, which is wrong, out-of-date thinking, and info from specific professions who look for causes and chemical cures rather than experts on how to help development issues so children can actually develop relatively normally 😁.

Every time a spectrum child has a light bulb moment, he/they have made another connection in the brain through understanding. That change will automatically change chemical function, so no reliance on meds ✅.

All I know from personal experience is you don’t get many light bulb moments when in constant fight or flight mode 🤔.

Doctor Spock in 1946 wrote a huge bestseller. Autism as a diagnosis was about the same time. What went horribly wrong along the way? 🤔

Most parents need to understand the principles of puppy training: single-word commands, simple. Definitely after three words, the attention has long gone 😂😂. I never heard the first word as a child. It was normally “don’t” 😂.

Why go near the river in flood? Splash. Not my fault.

Why go near that red flickering thing with smoke? Don’t ask 😂.

Howard Lamb

29th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Autism and PTSD share some of the same symptoms, and autistic people may be more likely to experience both. Learn about the overlap here: Medical News Today article – Autism and PTSD: Overlap and link

Both conditions cause mental blocks and can magnify each other, as seen with Child X. Hence, PTSD was included in my diagnosis for the tribunal. 

Child X was bullied and restrained repeatedly over a number of years. So, what do you expect? Bullied, reacted, restrained, repeat. ✅

It’s hardly a surprise kids are anxious about going to school. Where was the child’s protection? I forgot — “naughty,” so no human rights. ✅

Well, you can’t have the bullies or restraining staff injured, so just damage the “naughty” one some more. 😡

Do kids get stressed out watching the restraint? You can bet your life they do. And that’s just in special needs schools — there are no comprehensive figures for all schools. 🤔

A BBC Radio 5 live investigation found that children were pinned to the floor and strapped into chairs. Source: BBC News article – Hundreds of ‘restraint injuries’ at special schools

Personally, I would restrain all carers and teachers for 10 to 15 minutes, just so they understand what they are doing to children who are often left traumatised. 

And it’s not just in the UK, either. Families Helping Families in Greater Bato Rouge article – Controversial and Often Used Practices Cause Harm, Even Death, Among Students with Disabilities

What a good idea: restrain Sir K and the Cabinet and see how long it takes for them to cry. 

Walking them around and talking them down would be a far better solution, but you’d need capable staff — not just half a day’s training on how to restrain and then told to “get on with it” like we have now.

Howard Lamb

28th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

I’ve been flat out in clinic, and we have had to do our CPD forms for the GCC to retain our position on the register.

Sir K is abroad, so due to logistics, my top-up letter will have to go next week instead. Better late than never! 😂

The thing about kids having mental blocks about going to school and wanting to stay away is: how do you tempt them back without changing the school’s attitude and approach? It would be near impossible. Even if parents force them back, it will not solve their anxiety but increase it.

School is not just there to teach the Ofsted way; it’s all about developing the children, making, sometimes, life-long friends, developing social skills, and feeling part of something. 

Clearly, it’s not working for many. Education needs to move into the 21st century. ✅

Howard Lamb

27th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

You have to ask if exclusions are a global thing or just UK 🤔.

Exclusive: Experts say ‘desocialised’ pupils home schooled through Covid are entering traditionally most disruptive years. The Guardian article – Bubble’ of post-pandemic bad behaviour among pupils predicted to peak

You have to ask why?

Concern that NHS is not equipped to treat record numbers of cases as experts warn of ‘biggest societal issue of our time’ The Guardian article – ‘Jaw-dropping’ number of children in England with anxiety shocks even professionals

Howard Lamb

26th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why Before the Age of 2? 

At that age, they start to learn how to play. The next stage is learning to play with others. Guess what? If you don’t pass stage one, you don’t move on to stage two, and so on for stages 3, 4, and the rest. Every growth spurt where the body changes and it’s missed will cause further restriction.

Many children can only see themselves because they haven’t learned how to play with others. Learning by themselves is not the best option 🤔. Obviously, it’s more complex, but in simple terms, this works.

It’s not that difficult—multiple people help them play one-on-one: mother, father, grandparents, the next-door neighbour. Definitely not the SS, Ed, or council. It can only be done after the parents understand that they can’t expect normality from a spectrum child.

These kids usually have normal brains. Probably due to gene damage, they don’t fully switch on at birth. Isolate the dysfunction and help the child switch it on, and they will start to fly 👍.

Somewhere in the archives, I suggested a support network for mums whose spectrum child has been a shock—experienced hands to advise and support through email and FaceTime. How hard could that be?

How do you isolate the dysfunction? This is where the government has a real problem.

All key workers observe and write reports on what they see. The Surgeon General does not want them diagnosed before the age of six (that was the case, not sure if it’s still current). They start the adult drugs to contain.

Well, the gene boys, girls, and others have isolated lots of gene dysfunctions. With a bit of legwork, you can work out where the problems lie. You can handle the child better if you understand the problem. Less “you get nothing for naughtiness” and more “bless you, darling, you still don’t get it.”

What happens if the steps are not followed?

You end up with a switched-off, blocked, frustrated child who develops in their own way and blocks everything else out. There are lots of different scenarios, but that covers the x-type spectrums.

The thing about this type of case study is that you upgrade information and fill gaps. I know much, much more than when I started 😂😂😂.

Howard Lamb

25th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

If you traumatize children and don’t cover their educational needs, this is what you get. 🤔

BBC News has spoken to two young people about the obstacles they are facing. BBC article – Youngsters not in work or education rise to 870,000

How you treat a traumatized, high-functioning autistic child with ADHD and mild learning difficulties due to dyslexia is poles apart from an attention-seeking, naughty child.

Diagnosis is not much help at 18+ as the damage has already been done.

Just lazy dole scroungers. Probably fine the parents for not making them work. 😡

Poles apart.

Autism is a developmental difficulty. This causes an inability to function normally. Help should be available before the age of 2, helping them through their difficulties.  

Not traumatized, abused mentally and physically, then excluded for bad behavior. 😡  

Sectioned and locked up for years where suicide is their only hope. 🤬

Not the rubbish help they get now. Until you diagnose correctly, how can you put in a treatment plan? 🤔

That’s why I brought up diagnosis through the GCC and associations.  

Head and brick wall comes to mind. 🤔

You have to ask why, when my ability to diagnose skeletal/neurological conditions is on page one of our charter, as in 2012.  

Privy Council put the regulatory body together.  

The GCC report to the Privy Council.  

Probably nothing to do with it. 😂😂

Howard Lamb

24th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Job done, found the tone for top up to Sir K.

I’ll tidy over my last 2 days on hols and will prob be sent Thursday.

Re council lies. If you do not diagnose or wrong diagnose all that is written is wrong because it describes a fictional situation.

Council work in a sealed loop so once one bit is wrong they are all wrong and will only listen to their own staff.

I put in place the correct regime for his type of autism, and he progressed well.

Breakdowns were caused by school, police and others who treated him as just naughty. 😡

All in the case study.

What happens if they continue to play possum?

All up on site and well in had if we need to go that far. 😱

Howard Lamb

23rd August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Sky News revealed in 2019 that Clive Treacey was one of 40 people with a learning disability or autism who had died while placed in a hospital unit between 2015…  Sky News article – Seventy-five people have died in autism and learning disability units in England since 2015, Sky News reveals

The latest monthly Assuring Transformation NHS Digital data for July 2024. National Autistic Society – Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: latest data

Carrie Grant says “attitude” from the council “is part of the challenge”.  BBC News article – Shock as council spends £890k defending SEND cases

For decades, autism was not diagnosed, so the need for facilities was greatly underestimated. Now, with more diagnoses, they do not have the staff or facilities. It’s not rocket science.

Councils defend, and parents are traumatised, let alone the child. 75 have died as inpatients in the last few years. What a mess.

Who is responsible?

It would be of interest to see how many with spectrum/learning disabilities have died across the board over the years.

No, I don’t blame everyone.

If the system has been twisted and you have to do what you are paid to do, there is nothing they could do. Complaining means the chance of promotion is zero and possibly reapplying for your own job.

There will be a few who are just evil and should be rooted out.

The government’s ethical, legal, and moral obligation side has to ask themselves how they allowed all this to happen on their watch.

Those who twisted the system and expanded it must be held responsible, or the cover-up will prevail.

Why are they taking so long?

That’s easy.

The council lies to cover their arse. The ministry embellishes it, and the government is told it’s just “naughty” with “scummy mothers”.

Clearly covered up in a small forest of paperwork where people only read the end summary and believe what a one-sided report says.


The truth must have been a shock, and they are trying to play possum 👍🤔😂.

Why do the councils have to lie? They do not have the money to comply, so they blame and use their legal arm to twist offers regarding complaints.

The Ombudsman is not fit for purpose. The council is very naughty and broke the law. They must pay you 50 quid after months of hard work and stress.

How do I know the council and its agents just lie?

I was there for all the meetings with or without Child X and was involved. Copies of all meetings were drawn back, and they told a different story 🤔.

Just like at the tribunal, they had to concede by potentially perverting justice by supplying false information 🤔.

I use scientific methodology.

So I checked and rechecked with other cases in other areas.

No, they are all to blame.

The system was twisted from the top—Privy Council, PM, and cabinets, ministries—throughout all departments and enforced through the council and its agents. With no money for facilities or staff, they strangle complaints to stay within budget. Do not diagnose unless they are obvious, and blame and stigmatise the mother as bad 😡.

Is that my theory?

A good part. I’ve covered my diagnosis and the parts played by others who were involved or should have gotten involved, like the GCC and government offices. So I’m up to date on scientific opinion.

The conclusion is to come.

It’s not new. It was the basis of a letter of complaint to the regulator from the family. He said, “nothing to do with us, go to the police.” And look what happened when I did.

Stitched up from start to finish.

Letter in archives.

Check out my opinion and diagnosis (conclusions) in my letter to the tribunal in 2012. All just a continuation.

All in the early archives.

Howard Lamb

22th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Holiday over. Thank God, as I’m bored already.  

Still having difficulty with the PM’s top-up.  

Knowing what I know and seeing them just covering up as they have always done, while tens of thousands of kids suffer, does not sit well with me. The 24 Knights of the Order of the Garter should uphold the chivalry from years ago. They must stick to their code as an example of St. George’s principles at their best. How Blair got a top job beats the life out of me.

The Queen, Liz 2, probably had her arm twisted—it’s a job for life.  

How exactly did a disgraced PM earn so much and now has a worth of tens of millions? 🤔  

All that dabbling in the Middle East that did not bring peace after our illegal war.  

God bless the USA x3, looking after their mate 🤔  

Exactly. Who is going to cooperate with someone who decimated huge areas and is responsible for subsequent wars after starting it all off illegally? So, he had to be part of the problem—never mind, another million for me 🤔

Howard Lamb

20th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I know in recent times, Case has been off sick with a neurological condition, but he and Sidwell before him were in charge and probably responsible for the cover-up. Was it their idea? Probably not!

So who started it?  

Always more questions than answers. 🤔

They ran or run 500k civil servants and have a pivotal role with the government, Crown, and ministries. At the very least, they had to turn a blind eye and protect their position.  

Well, the abuse has been going on for decades while under their control, the Cabinet Office has been in charge. 🤔

A study also finds they are less likely to go on to further or higher education than those not suspended. Guardian article – Suspended secondary pupils in England ‘twice as likely to be out of work by 24’

What would I do if I were Kamala Harris, almost royalty?  

Do not get into a slagging match, ignore Trump, and give your vision. I don’t listen to Trump as he has a potty mouth and vile hatred. Next question, please. 😂  

America needs a leader, not a carpetbagger. 🤔

Up the parental fines for no-show kids at school. Some of this is due to family holidays at suitable times for the whole family. The rest will be those who hate school and are being forced to go.  

Teachers have not learned their lessons. After all, it’s just naughty kids and their complaining parents.

If the head of the civil service is in charge of the cover-up, it is clearly from the top down. I doubt the Cabinet Office has the power to plan the system but can orchestrate its development.  

So who is ultimately responsible for causing so much trauma to so many over such a long period of time?  

Lords had to be involved. Only the King is blameless as he has only just started to claw back powers taken away by EU membership and returned with Brexit. 👍

I expect nobody engaged with the kids and sorted their issues. If you are different, kids can be cruel. 😱  

That’s why I brought up the Trojan 5 NLP.  

I feel inferior and stupid. I don’t fit in.

Look at it this way: the more you learn, the better life becomes. Not everyone fits in, and that’s okay because you can change it all.  

Hope, a way forward, and a friend at school.

Helped lots of kids but were branded as radicals. The only radicalisation was in the exam results.  

Being spectrum and obsessive to a fault regarding quests, I have to look at all the evidence before drawing my conclusion.  

Much information was collected and stored, which was correlated before the tribunal in 2012. At that stage, it was just a theory. As the years have drifted by, piece by piece, it fell into place as expected from the original theory. We are now in uncharted territory.

Who actually runs the country and is responsible for what we have today?  

It’s as if the country has been sabotaged from within. The plot thickens.  

A lot goes back to New Labour, which is why Sir Keir has not taken to the battlefield.

Who is head of the garters? 🤔  

New Labour took us into the union with no mandate. Brussels rules. The Queen was just kept in the loop with no power, control, or oversight at senior levels. Standards slipped until the red herring became the new norm.  

Hopefully, the King is making sure those standards improve. Non-political, but it is the King’s job to oversee how his people are handled. 😂😂

The parallels between Harry and Andrew are scary. Hope it turns out better. That was random. 😂

Holiday starts tomorrow with a spa day—aromatherapy and stuff. 👍  

Usually bored senseless after two hours, but I’m sure I will cope. A couple of calming teas, and Bob’s your uncle. 😂

Howard Lamb

19th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I do feel some sorrow for Starmer. He had to be briefed about Child X before he got in. Simon Case knew. After all, he did not respond or send any of the paperwork I asked for. So, it makes you wonder how Starmer was briefed. How many lies was he told? I hoped that Sue Gray, being head of ethics, would have got involved, but I have not heard from her or the PM.

“Too big to fail, so cover it up.” If you are or have covered it up, you have perverted justice, so they will continue to do so to avoid the consequences of their actions. 🤔

How do you get justice when the system has closed ranks and is using the full weight of the government to protect themselves? 🤔

The civil service will not want wholesale damage to special needs children on their record. So, they will do what they always do—cover it up. How many examples do you need? Bloods, COVID, Post Office, Liverpool fans, the Towering Inferno, child abuse in homes and other facilities, removing kids’ human rights so they can be abused—a long list.

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early Detection, Intervention, Education, and Psychopharmacological Management

Imagine if the police had told the truth about the knife man of Southport and defused the falsehoods on the internet. All I heard about were vicious right-wing thugs. 😱

Well, if the civil servants want to cover up, what they briefed Starmer with had to be corrupted. Bet I did not come out well.

Naughty therapist and troublemaker. 😂😂

How much was Case covering for the previous PMs? How much did Starmer already know?

Both good questions.

Howard Lamb

18th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Are you trying to tell me that MI5 and the police tactical units have not got evidence of other faiths representatives saying much worse and nothing has been done. Yet one angry outburst due to fake news and you get 20 months. 🤔🤔🤔

Children stabbed, police did not counter the miss information and then over reacted fuelling the fire. 

They have previous over whether they were chasing two lads on a bike who died, or not causing a riot.

There’s always more to it than meets the eye.

Howard Lamb

17th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Last clinic done, an afternoon of reports and business stuff, and then 9 days off. Hurrah! ✅

Could not find the tone for the PM’s top-up but did for the King instead.  

King’s letter and bundle will go after the PM’s.  

I will be researching over the next few days and winding down. The tone will come. I started with “you two-faced lying b****”, but it needs to be factual and neutral in tone.

If anything catches my eye, I will update you. 💋

P.S. He has got parents. ✅  

Well, hundreds of thousands of families have been affected through non-diagnosis and misdiagnosis to save money. He says he cares about the people, yet I have not heard back, so I stand by “two-faced liar”. 🤔

Kids go to school undiagnosed and have to adapt to the new environment. Treated as normal with no help, this leads to the breakdown of the child-school relationship. The child becomes fed up and angry, so their behaviour deteriorates. Parents are blamed and have to discipline their child, causing the behaviour to worsen. There’s no safe place for the child.

The best thing is to get them the help they need, so they have their rights taken away and end up under state control after being sectioned. It goes downhill all the way.  

The child receives no education and remains in a permanent fight-or-flight mode, burning adrenaline and cortisol, which damages the hippocampus.

What a mess. 🤔

How did you go from that to racism?  

Good question – how many ethnics were brought over as slaves?

We haven’t had slavery in the UK since around the 8th century AD.  

The Normans tried, but Magna Carta sorted that. Around 1770, a court case confirmed that only freemen lived in the UK, so Brits had to do it ourselves. If you were naughty, you ended up as slave labour in a penal colony, which started the populating of the colonies, or as a child working up chimneys or down pits, etc. Only British capitalists profited from slavery. Definitely not our fault (indigenous Celts).

All people are equal, just like Animal Farm.  

OK, we weren’t involved in human trafficking, but it definitely needs to stop.

Howard Lamb

16th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Just the tip of the iceberg I expect.

Sandyridge Care Home victims still seeking justice. Sky News article – The Sandyridge Scandall: Abused in Care

Howard Lamb

15th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

This is just the numbers for under 18s. Add all the non-diagnosed adults and you can see the size of the problem from non-diagnosis. And it starts all over again when the new intake starts in September.

Concerns over rising bills as parents of more than 730,000 under-18s claim tax-free allowance. The Telegraph article – Record number of children on disability benefits after autism and ADHD surge

Two separate investigations published today, one from ITV News and another from the Local Government Association and County Councils Network, paint a bleak but…  National Autistic Society article – ITV investigation highlights broken SEND system

A target to cut the number of people with autism or learning disabilities in hospitals may not be met until 2030, one charity tells Sky News—with some spending…  Sky News article – ‘You start to believe you’re ill’: Fight to free autistic people from hospitals – as govt misses crucial target

Text to a friend:
Still no news. After the riots, I expect they are all on hols. I know the PM had to change his. So more excuses as to why they are finding it difficult to deal with the elephant in the room (autism/ADHD).

Compensation vs. justice. 

They already have a £20 billion black hole in finance, so justice has to wait. More kids being abused or dragged into a system that has been set up to fail them—just naughty after all. 🤬

Eye-watering figures. No trained extra staff, no new facilities, etc. However, they do not give a clear picture of the suffering and damage done, often for life.

Why do so many kids get sectioned?

I can only talk about my personal experience with Child X. The SS wanted to section him. Solves all their problems—another naughty boy not drawing off their budget. Under control by the state. They can do what they want—bang them up for years because they were not treated or diagnosed correctly. Education isn’t worried because they do not have to supply support out of their budget. Someone else’s problem.

So damaged by the state, then abused further by the state, and then they wonder why they have thousands not capable of being on their own and no support or community care when released. 🤔

If you don’t diagnose early and cram round pegs through square holes until the child is lost, do not fund correctly or have the correct facilities and staff, this is the mess you end up with after decades of neglect.

If the government produced the finance, it would still take a decade to make the changes, build facilities, and recruit and train staff. That’s not how politics works. Much better to prosecute those at the top and then have legal precedent. Things would move much quicker. ✅

Text to a friend:
What should the charges be? Good question.

Try criminal negligence, putting children at risk, not diagnosing medical conditions causing harm to the child (I could be struck off for a wrong or non-diagnosis), not working in the best interests of the children in their care, neglect, abuse of power, aiding and abetting criminality, and, of course, perverting the course of justice.

I’m sure the legal experts could come up with much more, so as a starting point: 👍

Sir K, as ex-CPS head and current KC, must know the law but is a politician. A criminal act, so no parliamentary privilege. However, it would have to be passed by a cabinet minister; probably better to go straight to the law lords, as it’s all about law.

As for the ridiculous sentences, justice must go through due process. Sentences are usually handed down when anger and politics have no influence 🤔

Howard Lamb

13th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Well, it’s a bit late by the time they get to school, then a teaching assistant is left to diagnose. Where are the doctors, and why is it being left to schools who are expected to teach those outside the norm, whilst Ofsted is pressurising to tick boxes? It needs a total rethink, not a bit of wallpaper over the cracks. The government would have to admit they were wrong and what has happened. They defo do not want to do that, as we have seen, so what is the answer? 🤔

I had hoped to be further along in my case by now, as it’s only a few weeks before the next batch of children enter the system and follow previous generations into abuse of their condition. As for the rioters being jailed, how many actually had any links to right-wing organisations? The cause of the rioting may have been misinformation, but children did die. Tends to explain why the government does not want to admit to what has been done to those on the spectrum with special needs 🤔

Don’t get me started. Capitalism is right-wing. The country is run on capitalism even with a Labour government. So, in theory, they are all right-wing 🤔 You would have thought that Sir K, being on the left wing of Labour, would be about protecting the people, but that’s politics ✅

Let’s face it. If the system had not failed, the children would not have been murdered, and there would not have been any riots 🤔 But the government wants to avoid all responsibility. Bang them up for years; that will solve it 😱✅

Howard Lamb

12th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Long week last week—staff holidays meant I was doing a 6-day week. This week will be the same, catching up, and then I have a week off. 

I had a patient in recently who has just started a new job. She was hired in June to learn how to spot spectrum kids in the classroom. Her training, so far, has not begun, and all she seems to be doing is tidying up. It’s a good idea, but the problem is they have no trained staff to teach them. They’ve ticked a box and done something, but it’s not enough.

My top-up letter to the PM and others is not going well. I can’t find the correct tone yet, but I’m sure it will come. As always, politicians will be looking for a safe out so nobody is prosecuted over abuse. It’s about time they thought of the children and not themselves.

Labour has the opportunity to make things right. But will they? 🤔😂😂 Even if they were trained properly, there are no places for children with special needs. Just spin. ✅ Exactly that.

Howard Lamb

10th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Gov making examples of those letting off steam. Long sentences. 

Yet they do not seem to want to put their own hands up over the X Children. 

So you can get caught up in a riot after being whipped up by social media and get years. Damage children for life and it’s OK. 

Law should be the same for everyone not ignored by those in charge whilst giving out high political sentences.
Howard Lamb

9th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What happens if the PM breaks the law? Good question.  

It seems to depend on the degree.  

A speeding fine? Take the points and apologize. Do not let your wife take the points, or you will go to jail for perverting justice, as we have seen.  

For more serious crimes, like the cover-up of child X, it seems the PM would be sacked, and a by-election called. I expect criminal charges would follow.  

We are in a bit of a grey area, as no PM has been sacked and charged.  

Who has the power to sack the PM? Another grey area, as all the powerful positions are under the PM’s control. 🤔  

I hope that helps.  

Grey areas.

I did send the complete bundle that the PM received to Sue Grey, Head of Ethics.  

No response as yet.

Howard Lamb

8th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
20 working days and still no response unless you take to the streets in frustration that is. 

I will be putting together a top up letter over the next few days. This cover up has to stop otherwise nothing will change. 

I’ll put the draft up when done. ✅

Defo no wrong doing, making changes due to the goodness of our hearts.


Well, how can you make change if nothings gone wrong.

Only some nutty kids and their poor parents after all, not important people like us. ✅

Howard Lamb

7th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Sir Mark Rowley who would not investigate the gov for systemic child abuse. Says his men have no bias and are just stuck in the middle of a complex situation.

Bit like justice for autism but the kids can’t fight back. 🤬

When they do, they are sectioned and banged up for possibly life.

Howard Lamb

6th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me calling it a scandal.

Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: latest data – June 2024. National Autistic Society article – Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: June 2024

Howard Lamb

4th August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. Exclusive: Young people and their families lack support, while social workers are overwhelmed, according to Amerdeep Somal. The Guardian article – Special educational needs system in England in ‘utter disarray’, says ombudsman

Text to a friend: 
Yep. As a society, children are our future.

Why would you treat them in this way?

Autism is a developmental problem, diagnose early and engage with the children and help them develop.

The children will do the rest.

Look at me, I didn’t turn out too badly.

Howard Lamb

3rd August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Defo can’t be by chance.

All breached protocols and procedures basically tore up the rule book to inflict its will on the situation.

How can that not be perverting justice? 🤔

Howard Lamb

2nd August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
All the way through my case study, I had to ask why?

Long list:

Why was he put at risk? Why was the mother who stood up for her child put on the council’s blacklist? Very long story, but very well chronicled and ongoing.

Why, when brought to my profession and regulator, was I debunked and taken off the register?

Why were the judge’s recommendations and judgment not upheld?

Why have I not had a serious response from the police/IOPC, Cabinet Office, Attorney General, ministers, and prime ministers, none of which have been addressed correctly?

Why has the case study not been asked for, or why have I not been allowed to explain?

Why are kids still being stuffed into the system grinder when it is not fit for purpose?

Lots of other why’s.

I thought an independent criminal inquiry was a good idea to answer some why’s. I wonder why the government did not take that opportunity. 🤔

Howard Lamb

1st August, 2024

Dear Patient,

Autistic adults have more physical and mental health problems than the general population, studies say. Unfortunately, researchers do not have many answers for … Forbes article – Autism In Middle And Old Age: What Do We Know, What Do We Need To Know?

Two separate investigations published today, one from ITV News and another from the Local Government Association and County Councils Network, paint a bleak but … National Autistic Society article – ITV investigation highlights broken SEND system

Get the latest news on Send from ITV News Team. ITV News, the UK’s biggest commercial news organisation. ITV News Topic – Send

Text to a friend:

So send is failing. Those who are not diagnosed are looking at premature death and a confused life.

You have to ask how it’s got itself into such a mess? 🤔

Well, if you do not diagnose and treat early. A huge backlog forms and this happens.✅

Howard Lamb

31st July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Before the tribunal in 2012, I had all relevant paperwork.

We could then see what should have happened and chronicled it. Huge difference.

I had a professional with the correct knowledge mark their papers so to speak.

As taught to new professionals. 

It was very clear that in reality, that education had been thrown out with the bath water.

Protocols procedures etc. are there for a reason. ✅

Prob why they have never asked for our paperwork. 🤔

Howard Lamb

30th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why is it taking so long to get a response?

Best guess, they have looked at the twisted system and have found no wrongdoing because all the departments have stuck to the party line.

The problem with that is that independent experts in each area will show they broke protocols and procedure, law and human rights then just lied to cover up and knowing that they investigate themselves so can continue the lie.

Wow are they going to get a shock at some stage.

Howard Lamb

29th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth is how the law works, except when it comes to politicians.

How bad are public finances? No 11 reckons the shortfall has been covered up. If so that’s a big breach of protocols. If she is right who should be prosecuted for the lies? 🤔

Howard Lamb

27th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Still no news. PM has not responded as yet. There is no simple solution. Take those who have been sectioned and locked up. After the traumatic stress they have been under, some for years, they cannot just be set free. They will need massive amounts of help to undo the damage done, yet there is no money. They are still far behind on diagnosis but have no money for facilities. Teachers, carers, and parents need education on how to get the best results with spectrum kids. Yet again, there is no money.

It’s much better for the government if they continue the cover-up, as it would save a fortune. But too much information is out there to cover up. I can send a top-up to Starmer at any time, as he is late in first contact. We will soon find out if he is a decent human, one way or another.

Text to a friend:
If they can’t afford to change the system, what can be done? Good question: prosecution for the cover-up of child abuse. Let the punishment fit the crime. 👍

When you have been saving money by non-diagnosis for decades, it will cost tens of billions to put right. That will take time, yet will the political will to resolve hold up? History shows not. At least if those who created this mess get banged up, the political will would have to hold up. If no trust in politicians, at least holding up the law would help. ✅

Charlotte’s son was attacked repeatedly by a teaching assistant while he was at school. Source: BBC News article – Mum’s school CCTV plea after autistic son attacked

Howard Lamb

26th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Increased demand for children’s services leading to meltdown, warn local authority leaders. The Guardian article – £5bn debt crisis of special educational needs ‘could bankrupt’ English councils

NICE guidelines say there should be no longer than a 13 week wait for autistic diagnosis but 86% or 140+k people have failed these targets. 🤔

What a mess.

Howard Lamb

25th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. If you do not diagnose, you don’t have any cases, so you don’t need facilities and can save a fortune. Just blame the families.  

Data suggests at least 196,000 adults are waiting to be seen and demand has quadrupled since 2019. BBC News article – Eight-year ADHD backlog at NHS clinics revealed

Save money and blame the family, then each gov covers it up to protect each other.  

Not really that democratic if you think about it.  

Text to a friend: 
Explain how you don’t diagnose and build a huge backlog and get away with it for decades if it’s not a cover-up 🤔  

Do not diagnose before six and years on top before diagnosis for a developmental condition. So a teenager when diagnosed, not much help. How much damage has and is being done.  

You have to ask why so many people have developmental issues. What is causing it?  

If the average age of the non-diagnosed adults is, say, 35, that means another 8 years on top means they have not been diagnosed for over 40 years 🤔  

How is that possible?  

Cover up, simples  

Howard Lamb

24th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Well tomorrow is 10 working days for first contact.

Starmer as a King’s council has to report criminal activity. 🤔

I’ll prob give him till early next week as his feet have hardly had the time to touch the ground with trips to the UN and Berlin for the football. Blair was a barrister as was his wife, Starmer’s wife was a solicitor.

Let’s hope we have a barrister who fights for those who cannot fight for themselves, rather than a Blair type.

Howard Lamb
22nd July, 2024

Dear Patient,

It’s impossible for the gov not to have known what was going on if such changes are needed. 

Policy will move to keeping vulnerable pupils in school as focus shifts to root causes of exclusions. Guardian article – English schools to phase out ‘cruel’ behaviour rules as Labour plans major education changes

Temple Wood Primary School in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, has employed a no exclusions and suspensions policy. Sky News article – Parents grateful for school’s no exclusion and suspension policy 

Text to a friend:
Yes, I can blame Labour even though they have only just got in. There is historic blame from new Labour. When they were in opposition we heard nothing. 🤔
Howard Lamb

21st July, 2024

Dear Patient,

At last some common sense.

Trial with two non-identical twin girls also found symptoms can be reduced to an indistinguishable level. The Telegraph article – Autism can be reversed, scientists discover

Howard Lamb

20th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Parliamentary privilege was set up to stop interference in the legislative process and gives immunity to people who speak openly in Parliament.

It is not there to cover arse from criminal actions. 🤔

Perverting the course of justice for example.

We will see one way or the other next week if we do or do not get a response from the PM.

So where are these 800k children educated? Schools have to keep kids safe and pass their Ofsted.

Prob at home so mother has to deal with it. Can’t work and stuck in the poverty trap. 🤔

Teachers struggling with disruptive and violent behaviour as record 787,000 pupils suspended in 2022-23. The Guardian article – Sharp increase in pupils suspended or excluded from schools in England

Howard Lamb

17th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God, for a change would be nice. 🤔👍

Waiting to see what the Kings speech will do to help the kids.

Exclusive: Research suggests poor support for children with special education needs and disabilities is putting young people at risk of criminal exploitation. The Independent article – Disabled children could be at risk of exploitation by criminal gangs, warns new research

A start. 

Campaigners have fought for a long time for a national register of children missing education. In the King’s Speech, the creation of one was announced. Sky News article – King’s Speech: National register of ‘ghost children’ missing from education to be created

Straight from the City of London Police fraud team – Extremely sophisticated scam going about this week, involving all banks. You get a message saying a payment hasn’t been taken e.g O2, Vodafone, 3, Giff Gaff or EE and to click here. As soon as you touch it your money is gone. They already have all your details and it’s the most advance scam the bank has ever seen. Pass this on to everyone please. This is straight from work this morning – the banks are being inundated with calls – thousands flying out of peoples accounts! Spread the word to your family and friends!”

Be vigilant !!!!

As confirmed by Martin Lewis this morning!

Howard Lamb

16th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why is it all taking so long?

Good question.

When you start to cover up, everything gets twisted. People are moved from posts, and the new people don’t know the truth, so the cover-up continues. In reverse, when investigating, the truth has been hidden and the staff stick to the party line.

The investigators will have set parameters to minimize damage (that was in the past, so move on type situation), avoiding reckless spending in the past (forensic accounting needed to see where all moneys actually went). The potential for eye-watering amounts of compensation, damage to reputation, and no money in the kitty to pay all inhibit the rule of democracy and law.

So complex.

We might have a new government, but the same old mandarins are in control of the ministries, so blocked at every stage.

A simple solution would be to prosecute those who are guilty and bang them up. Reset the system and move on. People want justice and help 🤔

Exactly, it was all about saving money so they could spend on what they wanted, not the health of children with special needs. Someone had to know, back to the Privy Council who seem to believe they are immune from prosecution. Even with child abuse on an industrial scale 🤔

After all, historic child abuse has no time cap, so on another path to try and cover it up 🤔 Not good for anyone’s reputation, new government or past 👍

Howard Lamb

15th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then.

Health leaders say crisis so severe there is ‘deep concern’ that lifelong harm is being caused. The Guardian article – Long delays to NHS care for children in England ‘creating forgotten generation’

Entrenched behaviour patterns are formed with late diagnosis complicating the child’s life. They should have a working diagnosis long before the age of 6. When they are put up for diagnosis by ten if lucky and not pigeonholed as naughty. 🤬

Howard Lamb

14th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Well, we will soon find out if our new PM, human rights lawyer and head of CPS has the ethics he claims to have by CV.🤔

He, like all the others, has10 working days to reply.

During that time, I will continue to send out bundles.

Well, what else can one man do. 👍

Howard Lamb

12th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

Still no news.

PM at the UN and then off to the football finals. So maybe next week.

I was stunned by an article on child abuse. 40 years and covered up.

Please read from Independent Inquiry Child Sex Abuse – Ampleforth and Downside (English Benedictine Congregation case study) Investigation Report Part D: Conclusions

You have to ask why it was not closed? What counselling took place etc.?

Catholic Church has done exactly the same as the gov.

Cover up and hope it goes away. How can an investigation go on for so long? Didn’t they ask the kids who were fiddled with? 🤬

Howard Lamb

10th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister

Howard Lamb

9th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then.

Tests on 30 products purchased in New York, Athens and London have found some contained dangerous levels of arsenic, chromium and even lead. Daily Mail article – Tampon fears: Experts REFUSE to say which 14 brands contain toxic metals… as concern grows on social media that women’s health is at risk

Howard Lamb

8th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Letter draft done ✅

I was totally blocked for tone, but I think it works quite well. That’s, of course, if it gets past the mail room. 

I will send copies to relevant new ministers, etc., as time goes on.

Just researched Reevesy at No. 10. 

Chess-playing intellectual with banking qualifications and experience.

The mess the Cons have left everything in will take a long time to sort out. France and Britain: huge debt and angry voters. The pheasant revolt—or was that peasant? 🤔

No money in coffers and everyone at sixes and sevens. 

Probably needed a Hogwarts chancellor who could magic up a couple of trillion.

What truly annoys me: You damage the country and take an honour whose code you have broken.

On request, in draft. Confidential info and limited eyes only. 

If Sir K is not too busy to read his bundle, he will enjoy the Met and IOPC letters as head of CPS now Gov. 

Broke lots of protocols and procedures. Did not listen or communicate with a professional with a clean track record reporting child abuse as a whistleblower. 🤔😂

Left wing or right does not matter as there will only be the right way.

Where the gov works for the people. Not biased but informed. 

Protects the vulnerable and works your way back from there as a good starting point. 

NHS top-heavy. Layers of management which have failed can be removed, allowing proper pay for those who deal with the patients. 

Joined-up thinking in the disciplines. Only treat or talk about one thing at a time to save doctors’ time. 

Rethink about health and how to keep it.

To make change, you have to fight the ministries who are self-protecting. 

Things fail to prove a point. 

I’m sure—just look at the wasted money on record. 🙈

Howard Lamb

Draft Letter below:
To the Right Honourable Sir K Starmer KCB KC PM,

Dear Prime Minister,

Please read the bundle of my letters to previous PMs.

I diagnosed a child with autism, ADHD, and post-traumatic stress due to his handling by the system. A very complex child. When young, he was put at risk by being wrongly diagnosed and forced into mainstream education with no help.

It did not go well for him and for countless others in the same situation. Blamed as naughty with bad parenting, he was restrained, bullied, and frequently attacked by peers and verbally abused by staff. After my diagnosis in 2011, which was ignored, I and the family took the council to an educational tribunal.

The mother had drawn back all paperwork, so we had a cast iron case. The council wanted to foster him (the cheap option). Luckily, the mother had the original paperwork and they were caught falsifying information to the court. They had to concede the case and face the wrath of the judge. His judgement was clear. Social services and education had treated him as a naughty boy and never paid the correct sum of money to the placement, so the judgement was not complied with. Not surprisingly, the placement failed.

He ended up on the street, a long way from his home, before 18, when the judgement said he should be cared for till at least 23 and beyond.

How is it possible that any of this happened at all? Where were the safeguards and oversight? An independent complaints procedure, police investigation into abuse?

It would seem that successive governments have removed their human rights so they have no voice and can be abused at will—that’s after signing up for the UNCRC convention on the rights of children. The clear cover-up to save money and reputation to the disadvantage of children with special needs is a disgrace and needs to be corrected. Further cover-up is not an option.

I will supply any further information on request. Any help you could give these children, now adults, I am sure would be greatly appreciated.

Howard Lamb

7th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Getting nowhere on my letter to the new PM. What do you say and how do you get it to him through the Cabinet Office, which has been covering up for years? At least as a KC, he will understand the illegality of perverting justice. Do I do bullet points?

– Diagnosed a complex child and watched him being abused by the system

– Took council to tribunal to protect child

– Council falsified info and got caught

– Child got his placement but the judge’s ruling was not carried out

– Placement failed and the child was damaged further

Lots of points. Or send the same bundle of letters sent to the press and others with a covering note. I am still waiting for details of complaints and paperwork which I have asked for repeatedly over the past 6 years. Can’t get the tone either. Congrats on your win with 1% more voters than Corbyn?

I’ll put up a draft when I have one.

On a 60% turnout, under a quarter of the electorate run the country. What next 🤔 Bankruptcy and sale of assets for the cons maybe. Donees give to get, I expect. So not much buying power in opposition. 🤞
Howard Lamb

6th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The more you think about it the potential increases exponentially. 

Mental health issues on the rise, is there an environmental cause? 🤔

Particularly to the over sixty’s our younger ones with depression.

Long list.

Who can be trusted to find the truth and sort it out?

Just a naughty practitioner after all. 🫢😂😂😂

Howard Lamb

5th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No, I’m sure that lead is not the only environmental issue. Such a long list. From toxins from industry released into the air, DDT probably has a lot to answer for.

We have seen what happened with Agent Orange and the gene damage.

Until you have an adult conversation and unravel the truth, you can never have change for the better. 🫢

In my experience, the damage often stops them from doing things naturally, and they need to develop skill sets to bridge these gaps before they are able to move forward. They have to understand where they stand and not be forced to do things they don’t feel natural with. This starts constant fright and flight mode where they are constantly avoiding and closing down, causing blocks, while developing the skill set needed to keep up and move on.

Clinically, these kids progress while going through growth spurts and changes in reflexes, so different DNA is involved which has no damage. If these problems are not addressed by puberty, the child is off the rails and waiting for the crash. 👍

If genetic, not much can change, but standing, historic, and future damage can be stopped. Docs can detox lead and other toxins out of our bodies. Clinically tested supplements and specific antioxidants.

Until you admit there is a problem, there can be no solution. You can’t believe for one second that I was the first to work it out. How big a cover-up has there been? 😂😂😂

We will probably be told in history. You’ve got to love our voting system:

  1. Labour gets 1/3rd of the votes and 2/3rds of the seats.
  2. Reform gets 14% of the votes and 4 seats, whereas the Lib Dems get 12% and 71 seats.
  3. Kier Starmer only got 1% more of the vote share than Jeremy Corbyn did.

Happy days! Elections, eh?

Howard Lamb

4th July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then 🤬

Research from Imperial College London has found that lead from leaded petrol persists in London’s air despite its ban in 1999. Imperial News article – Lead from leaded petrol persists in London air despite ‘90s ban


Exposure to lead (Pb) continues to be a significant worldwide problem. Pb is a highly poisonous heavy metal affecting several organ systems in the body. Although… National Library of Medicine article – Genotoxic Effects of Lead and Their Impact on the Expression of DNA Repair Genes

Howard Lamb

3rd July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Nearly there. As predicted, nothing about special needs in the run-up to the election. Cover up, then exit position and don’t have to face the music. The Welsh Parliament is looking at making lying illegal. Wow, I thought that should have been in place with a code of ethics/honour.

As for what causes autism, it’s global, so lead has to be one of the main contenders. If it affected parents’ genes, babies have the potential for ASD.

Long weekend ahead sorting letters for the new government. Same old ministries, so the cover-up will be deep. No research found as yet from the damage lead did to parents, damaging genes and producing autistic children. National Library of Medicine – Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Lead Poisoning: Diagnostic Challenges and Management Complexities – Misdiagnosis

If lead, makes you wonder why it took so long to remove it from petrol, paint, etc. If responsible, the cover-up goes much deeper than I thought. 🤔

Howard Lamb

1st July, 2024

Dear Patient,

Exposure to environmental toxicants can have deleterious effects on the development of physical, cognitive, and mental health. Extensive laboratory and field studies have highlighted the impacts of these toxicants on both humans and wildlife. – Handbook of Clinical Neurology – Chapter 29 – Environmental toxic agents: The impact of heavy metals and organochlorides on brain development

After the MMR concerns with autism, diagnosis was put on hold to show numbers were not increasing, so the kids and families got blamed. How much work was put in to find the actual cause rather than political agendas? That’s a good question when in some areas there has been a 400% increase in diagnosis in recent times. Thanks to Autism BrainNet and other organizations, studies of postmortem brain tissue have led to many discoveries about the ‘inside’ of the ASD brain. – tissue

So what is damaging the genes? 🤔

Howard Lamb

30th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Find out more about the possible causes of autism, why autism doesn’t need a cure, and hear stories from autistic people. National Autistic Society – The causes of autism

Environmental factors and age: the longer you live, the more possible damage to your genes. Once in your gene pool, you will influence your offspring, who will influence theirs, etc., etc. I expect they know what has been eating away at their own gene pool.

A river below a treatment plant had only female fish. The solution was to put more fish in to keep the stock breeding. Damage our gene pool and then bring in fresh blood from immigrants? 🤔 Well, it is a political solution, just not ethical, truthful, or helpful to the people.

DNA can be damaged via environmental factors such as UV light, ionizing radiation, and genotoxic chemicals. Nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines are known offenders. Chlorine in our water is genotoxic 🤔. Obviously, the water company experts say differently, probably backed by the government. Check it out; much research says it does. What in our tap water could harm us? There’s lots of research out there ✅.

I’m looking at everything that could cause autism. It must be something that we all do: breathe the air, drink the water, and eat off the land. So far, it’s looking pretty bad. Check out if chlorine in an outside pool can damage your DNA. The question has to be, which genotoxins can cause genetic irregularities in eggs/sperm or embryos, and how it does it. Probably not alcohol and recreational or other prescription drugs, as AS levels and pregnant women mainly were dry throughout their nine months of carrying.


A naturally occurring metallic element in our environment, mercury has been utilised by mankind for various applications for millennia. Of course, the fact that…

Envirotech Online – What Is Mercury Used For?

Howard Lamb

29th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

WHO fact sheet on arsenic provides key facts and information on sources of exposure, health effects, and WHO response. WHO Health Organisation Fact Sheet – Arsenic

U.S. Department of Health Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Cadmium

Text to a friend:
Three doctors were struck off. One took his appeal to the high court and was reinstated. The judge gave the BMA a slagging, and if you read between the lines, he accused them of running a kangaroo court. The same happened to me when the GCC removed me from the register over CPD. On appeal, I was re-registered.

These things all get in the way of finding the truth, whatever that turns out to be 🤔. Instead of blaming, the faults in their research should have been corrected, and then the truth would have been found. What we got was nothing like it. The BMA and drug companies closed it down rather than make sure there was no connection.

You have to ask what has leached out of thousands of landfill sites into the water table. Just a thought. One of my early battles with planning many years ago was the public inquiry of a new landfill site. “No, mate, we know what we are doing and zero leakage.” Definitely not what the expert we had paid for said. The council did not have an environment officer at the time, so they kept out of it. If we had not proved our case, huge amounts of toxic waste would leach into the water table pretty much forever 🤔.

Don’t. Pesticides are often neurotoxins. Small quantities must be absorbed. Probably not in all crops due to modification putting abnormal proteins into the body 😳. Has anyone thought this through, do you think? Well, where is the profit in that 🫢?

It’s nonstop. Fish farms, untreated sewage, antibacterial and fungal agents, and antibiotics. Nitrates in fertilizer, a long list. None of them caused a problem immediately, but accumulation over decades is a huge problem.

Not my responsibility; that is down 37 flights of stairs in a cubby hole. Definitely not me. Anyway, we moved them to another department, so case closed.

The thing about banter: it usually occurs between like-minded people. If push came to shove, they would do nothing because it’s usually all mouth and no action 🤬. Sticks and stones, etc. Words can never hurt you.

Part of the reason was from the EU. “Don’t dredge rivers as the mud is often toxic and has to be disposed of at high cost. Let it renature, silt up so it floods more easily.” It’s ok because the insects slowly absorb it and then feed themselves into the food chain. You can’t digest heavy metals, so the cycle carries on.

Rishi got the point of the insult. You are hardly going to be nice when you are insulting someone—not a whole continent but one individual. “Indian banker” would have worked.

Can’t even spell banker 😂.

Howard Lamb

28th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I don’t want to stir up the MMR vaccine and autism debate. Wakefield used poor scientific protocols and was blown out of the water and struck off. But the numbers being diagnosed have increased by huge amounts. I know Labour and the Conservatives then went out of their way not to diagnose autism and blamed kids as naughty instead. Why would they do such a thing? Did they decide that since Wakefield was wrong, autism numbers were not rising, and it was caused by bad mothers? Who knows.

Yet, mothers saw changes in their children after the jab. It was noted that autism often shows around the ages kids got their jabs. Also true. I can’t help but feel I’m missing something. If it was not the vaccine, it is probably something else. I wonder what research is or has been done to find out 🤔.

Studies have found that toxic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury) exposure could induce the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and have an epigenetic effect (damaging genetic code), which might cause ASD. A mercury-containing preservative (thimerosal) was used in MMR. Many historical questions have not been adequately explored. Even though available evidence fails to support the global rise in autism, the question of why mercury was used in infant vaccines in the first place has never been answered.

Confused dot com. Autism is often caused by genetic damage; heavy metals can do that. Lead, for instance, caused mental health issues (madness) and was removed from fuels after millions of tons were put into the atmosphere, filtering into the food chain as it settled. Back in the 80s, I had amalgam fillings removed due to their mercury content. The genetic damage will be passed through the following generations, so in another hundred years, will we all be autistic? There’s a thought for you.

Here’s another one: with the government’s record on cover-ups to save money after a major cock-up, can you say with any confidence that autism is yet another one they don’t want to deal with 🤔? Wikipedia topic – Thiomersal and vaccines

I know, lots of questions. Why did the government suppress diagnoses? Nobody disproved the MMR theory but pulled the work done to pieces. Even though mercury is out of vaccines, ASD is on the increase, but more people are going for diagnosis. What other theories as to the causative effect of gene damage leading to autism have been fully researched? 

20-plus years on, not diagnosing to keep the numbers down, why? As always, more questions than answers. Why lead? Autism is neural dysfunction; lead causes neural dysfunction. Can anyone tell me if it damages genes which transfer from parents to the child 🤔? Are there multiple causes 🤔? Who is looking into it ✅?

Do heavy metals cause inflammation in the brain/CNS? Not clear from the article. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by communication and social behaviour deficits. The presence o… Focus article – Innate Immune Dysfunction and Neuroinflammation in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Can genetic dysfunction cause this, or is it environmental? Heavy metals in the water table, in our fruit and veg, or fish and meat. Japan had a problem with mercury in shellfish and fish species 🤔. Other articles talk of wrong proteins found in the brain and others about brain proteins in the body. Membranous filtration is clearly at fault, allowing an interchange that should not be possible. Wrong proteins in the wrong places will cause an autoimmune reaction, hence the inflammation. Is this due to genetic malfunction not allowing parts of the body to form normally or an environmental dysfunction after birth? Probably some of each and probably other stuff as well. I’ve tried to simplify, obviously, due to the complexities of the brain and its electrochemical function.

Howard Lamb

27th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please see an email below sent to Nigel Farage and various Cc recipients last Friday 21st June following response to my letter on 20th June 2024 to IOPC and their response email sent on 24th June 2024

To: ‘’ <>
Cc: ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>
Subject: Child X

To whom it may concern,

Please find attached letters sent to try and stop a huge injustice which has blighted our country for many decades.

I am a non-diagnosed spectrum based, high functioning, ADHD with mild dyslexia man.

My patient Child X was abused by the system through non-diagnosis and just blamed as naughty from a poor family.

You will find multiple references on where I have posted and put together an accurate chronology as

I have worked through the system and found it not fit for purpose and damaging children who often never recover and are

traumatised for life.

You do not treat autism with short sharp shocks.  When you do, you isolate a child further and without the correct handling the child’s

behaviour just gets worse. The parents are blamed and they are ostracised as well. The child is often over medicated which stops their normal

development and often they are left paranoid. Adult drugs used on children will slow brain growth and function, which is why they are adult only, unless

spectrum of course.

I have whistleblown to the G.C.C (my regulators), prime ministers, cabinet office, attorney generals but to no avail. With a new generation of kids

about to enter school and as nothing has changed, thousands are being put at risk, yet there is nothing in the manifestos to say they know what

the problem is and are putting in place early diagnosis and education, so these children can thrive and not be outside the system.

Thank you for any help you can give.

Your sincerely

Howard Lamb

Attached to the email:

Dear Sir Mark Rowley Nov 22

Dear Sir Mark Rowley

Dear Sir Mark Rowley 2

Dear Sir Mark Rowley 3

Dear Sir Mark Rowley 4

Dear Prime Minister 1

Dear Prime Minister 2

Dear Prime Minister 3

Dear Prime Minister 4

Dear Prime Minister 5

Dear Prime Minister 6

Dear Prime Minister 7

Dear Prime Minister 8

Dear Prime Minister 9

Dear Prime Minister 10

Dear Prime Minister 11

Dear Prime Minister 12

Dear Prime Minister 13

Dear Prime Minister 14

Dear Prime Minister 15

Dear Prime Minister 16

Dear Prime Minister 17

Dear Prime Minister 18

Dear Prime Minister 19

Dear Prime Minister 20

Dear Prime Minister 21

Dear Prime Minister 22

Dear Prime Minister 23

Dear Prime Minister 24

Dear Prime Minister 25

Dear Prime Minister 26

Dear Prime Minister 27

Dear Prime Minister 28

Dear Prime Minister 29

Dear Prime Minister 30

Dear Prime Minister 31

Dear Prime Minister 32

Dear Prime Minister 33

Dear Prime Minister 34

Dear Prime Minister 35

Dear Prime Minister 36

Dear Prime Minister 37

Dear Prime Minister 38

Dear Prime Minister 39

Dear Prime Minister 40

Dear Prime Minister 41

Dear Prime Minister 42

Dear Prime Minister 43

Dear Prime Minister 44

Dear Prime Minister 45

Dear Prime Minister 46

Dear Prime Minister 47

Dear Prime Minister 48

Tom Whiting 28th September 2023

Downing Street 22nd May 2024

Department of Health 22nd May 2024

Dear Alexandra Bailey

26th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

What do I make of the run-in to the election?

I bet the Tories have very long odds. Libs are having fun and not in contention. Greens have not made enough of the government’s record as wildlife and fish life are in decline, and our rivers, lakes, and estuaries are all in decline through a weak government and carpetbaggers with no conscience at the water companies. A million homes on the green belt 🤔.

Farage dared to bring up Russia and suggested the West provoked Russia, which they did. Yet, the press and politicians gave him grief.

At least he tells the truth and doesn’t have advice on what to say to curry favor, as the others have. Sir K has such a big lead in polls he is not saying much, looking to win by default from the Cons. Not really democratic.

Doesn’t matter really as parliamentary democracy means we just vote someone in, then they do what they want and are so protected they never have responsibility. Early Greek democracy—you were voted in for a year, I believe. If found to be corrupt and not serving the people, they would be executed. Not woke but an effective deterrent 🤔.

Howard Lamb

25th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me. Guardian article – The distressing reality of ‘care’ for disabled young people

Guardian article – Care system failing people with autism, says charity

Guardian article – Learning-disabled and autistic people are being neglected and tortured. How much longer?

Text to a friend: 
Sorted out email address problem and will continue to send ✅

Not just him, thousands over the years. No human rights, so get nothing.

Special Report: For more than 10 years, this 28-year-old has been trapped in dementia care units and A&E wards, abused by nurses and held in padded rooms. In al…

The independent article – Nicholas’s story: ‘I’ve been locked up for 10 years because I’m autistic. Is a chance at life too much to ask?’

Howard Lamb

24th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Why are they not talking about social care? Simple: the cover-up of abuse is criminal. 🤔

In England, the care system is struggling, but the main parties have steered away from detailed plans. BBC News article – Why aren’t politicians talking about social care?

Text to a friend:
What do I expect them to do? Deflect, defer, and try to twist things so it goes away. Basically what they always do to save reputation. 🫢

Bloods, Hillsborough, posties—a long list. I have all the paperwork on child X: the council putting him at risk, abuse by staff at a school, falsifying documents to pervert the uncontested tribunal, and how they trashed his hard-fought-for placement. He was put out on the streets even though the tribunal said he should be looked after until 23. They never did—all to save money. The child was mentally abused, physically abused, and damaged by the system.

Probably why they don’t want to talk. 🤔

Ex-army headteacher: short sharp shock followed by removal from school and blamed to pass an Ofsted.

Absolute disgrace.

Howard Lamb

22nd June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

I hate computers. Half the email addresses didn’t work, so have to resend after more research 😳. A few key ones got through, so no time wasted ✅.

Howard Lamb

21st June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Team effort to get the document out. Proofreading it later, but it should go later today (Fri).

It will go to each on the list I put up earlier this week. Still picking up important email addresses, so more will go next week.

Going to have Sunday/Monday off from my quest, then push till after the election. I will be sending to more email addresses, even to those nice women Penny and Angela. I did enjoy their bit of banter on the telly. The king, courts, EU, and UN in the run-up 🤔.

You can’t say they were not warned 👍. Those who have received it have 20 working days to respond, which is the first week after the election result. Those who haven’t will get a backup note, which will go up.

Could have done it sooner but did not want to be accused of biasing the election.


What I want to hear is, until we are in power, we don’t fully know how much damage has been done by twisting the system to make it fit finances. Once in and educated, we can then try and make it work properly. NHS for instance. Let medical professionals do their job, not just stick to protocols set to control finance. Hospitals run themselves with minimal back-office management structure. Patients get better and about 10 layers of bullshit can be removed, helping the jobs market with a supply of malleable yes-people 😂😁😄.

Yep, fewer expensive-to-train GPs on high wages. More cheap physios and underpaid pharmacists. Short-sighted and run by accountants. Not a good thing. Exactly why would you need management clinically, then locally, then nationally, and a whole ministry reporting to politicians, ministers, and the not-so-round table of the Cabinet, its office, and Prime Minister, House of Lords, and Privy Council 🤔?

One-sided curate’s egg, and not sunny side up. Why did Pen get fish wifey? Best guess, having to defend a government she has learned to hate 🤔. Well, that would piss me off 😂😂.

If I were Pen, I would cross over and sit alone in the reform seats in the House. Portsmouth would be happy 👍. Get Boris on side and reform could win enough seats to form a government with the home countries and Libs. That would level things up.

No, I have pharmacists as patients. They do the work and the company takes the money. If sued for a wrong diagnosis, as will happen, lawyers will chase ambulances, etc. Also had patients fuming over doctor’s assistants who are not trained in complex diagnosis. Probably been on a course though.

Howard Lamb

18th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then.

One staff member was recorded saying he wanted to drown a pupil “like a kitten” – Panorama undercover. BBC News article – Pupils mocked and put in headlocks by school staff

£150k a year with the thumbs up from the council who are paying and a good rating from Ofsted. How does that work? Yet the kids are not in a safe environment. Plenty of other examples up on site.

But if you have removed their human rights and then treat them as subhuman, it’s ok 🤬.

Staff suspended, but I expect no trauma counselling for the abused children.

Howard Lamb

17th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

That’s a bit depressing considering the damage that’s been done. Let’s just stick our heads in the sand and hope it goes away.

Labour Party manifesto pledges fair pay agreement for adult care workers and indicates it will implement a cap on care costs, but without resources for either. 

Community Care article – No funded social care commitments in Labour manifesto

Nothing about diagnosis for those that fall through the system, just more regulation and boxes to tick.

Text to a friend:
Researching and getting prepped. Please use as you see fit.

You are so bad! I can’t believe you inferred Sir Keir may have Saville tendencies! Appreciate with the dissolution of Parliament we don’t know who to write to yet, so I’ve concentrated on the secular contacts:
– Nigel Farage: |

– Piers Moron: |

– Rebekah Brooks, CEO News UK: | (The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun)

– Tim Collier, DGMT CEO: (Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday)

– Jim Mullen, Reach plc CEO: (Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The Sunday People, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Star Sunday, as well as the Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail, OK Magazine)

– John Riley, Head of Sky News: |

– The Guardian – Katharine Viner, Editor in Chief: | Owen Gibson, Editor:

– Deborah Turness, BBC News CEO:

– Sir Mark Rowley QPM:

– Steve Hasker, Reuters CEO:

– Panorama:

– Newswatch:

– LBC: |

– Richard Freudenstein, CEO News Limited Australia: | (The Advertiser & Sunday Mail)

– Kim Williams, CEO ABC Australia – no email contact, one must complete an online form.

– Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Mental Health) – once appointed

– Secretary of State for Health and Social Care – once appointed

Depends on how you read it about Sir Keir. At a conference till tomorrow evening, phone Monday. 

Text to a friend:
Wow, that was much easier than anticipated. Two draft letters have gone to Pinner. I was concerned it would not go out this week. Hopefully, they will go up in the next 24 hours.

Draft letters below:
Dear IOPC,

Please find attached multiple letters to multiple people on the subject of child X. Sir Marc received a large bundle of them at the back end of 2002, which you should have received by now. I attached copies just in case you haven’t.

The statutory guidance of the police complaints system shows you have clearly breached:
– Chapter 4: A Learning Culture
– Chapter 6: Action on Receipt
– Chapter 9: Referrals
– Chapter 10: Schedule 3 of the Police Reform Act 2002

The rest become superfluous due to no action and breaches in the first 10. These breaches of protocols, procedures, and codes of practice from Sir Marc and the IOPC need to be addressed.

Regarding the Freedom of Information Act, please send information held on myself and Child X. Also, provide full written details of your complaints procedure, as Schedule 3 clearly states “the complainant has a right to view the outcome of a complaint.”

I am sending this same bundle to individuals in media and politics and asking them to contact the government as to why this has seemingly been covered up.

Howard Lamb

Covering letter to media:
To whom it may concern,

Please find attached letters sent to try and stop a huge injustice which has blighted our country for many decades. I am non-diagnosed spectrum-based, high-functioning, ADHD, and mildly dyslexic.

My patient, Child X, was abused by the system through non-diagnosis and just blamed as naughty from a poor family. You will find multiple references on [](, where I have posted and put together an accurate chronology as I have worked through the system and found it not fit for purpose, damaging children who often never recover and are traumatised for life.

You do not treat autism with short sharp shocks. When you do, you isolate a child further and, without the correct handling, the child’s behaviour just gets worse. The parents are blamed, and they are ostracised as well. The child is often overmedicated, which stops his normal development and often leaves him paranoid. Adult drugs used on children will slow brain growth and function, which is why they are adult-only, unless spectrum, of course.

I have whistleblown to the GCC (my regulators), the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, and the Attorney General, but to no avail.

With a new generation of kids about to enter school and as nothing has changed, thousands are being put at risk. Yet, there is nothing in manifestos to say they know what the problem is and are putting in place early diagnosis and education so these children can thrive and not be outside the system.

Thank you for any help you can give.

Howard Lamb

15th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Conference going well. Did some research last night, 20 minutes into the Scotland game.

Economic growth in Europe is stagnant. America under two percent. China slowing.

So in 1919 flu pandemic. Cycles continued but less aggressive. Health services were decimated. Inflation, stagnant economies with increasing unemployment followed by the Great Depression and Wall Street crash leading to the Second World War.

Yet Sir K feels that building more houses on the green belt will improve growth. 

Probably a touch more complicated than being a KC with expertise in law can get his head around.

Howard Lamb

14th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Is it just me!

Labour manifesto: Hillsborough Law, which will place a legal duty of candour on public servants and authorities, and provide legal aid for victims of disasters or state-related deaths. 

So they can wipe the slate clean and move on.

No prosecutions for those guilty in the past. If they could not tell who was lying before, what’s going to change? Laws, i.e., aiding and abetting, abuse of power, and perverting justice, have always been in place. The government just did not want to use them as they would incriminate themselves. How is candour going to help that?

“You lied.” “No, I didn’t.” “Yes, you did.” “No, I didn’t,” etc.

Cover-up and lying are ingrained in politics. If it were not, you could not have had Bloods, Post Office, Rochdale, Savile, and a list including Hillsborough. 

Someone was responsible for manipulating the situation, and that had to go to the very top: the Cabinet Office and Privy Council. Same with the X Children; they know what they did and are doing but continue the cover-up. 🤔

It’s impossible to drag Bloods, Hillsborough, etc., out for 40 years if the government was not involved.

Short sharp shock came in 40 years ago. Let me think. 🤔

Howard Lamb

13th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What a good idea. Load Parliament on a plane to Rwanda. Then sort out a better system.

You can bet your bottom dollar they will all bitch it’s not safe. 😂😂😂

Don’t get me started. Why do MPs have to be in the House of Commons? Surely with modern tech and secure systems, they can participate from their constituencies. Days of travel, expensive hotels, while nothing is being sorted for the electorate, who they are meant to be working for.

The house sat until the early hours. Why? Need time and motions people to regulate. Let’s look like we are doing something but really don’t achieve much either. ✅ Let’s just slow it down due to political dogma, don’t get anything done, and then if it goes wrong, it’s not our fault. How many civil servants are running around like headless chickens on their masters’ behalf, only to see nothing was done? Millions more down the toilet. 🤔

Since our EU days, Europe made the law and we confirmed. Parliament became dysfunctional. Then Brexit, and after 20 years of not running the country, they seem to have forgotten how. I expect the remainers are responsible for much of the Brexit problems because they don’t want it to work.

What a mess. Will be fairly quiet until next week as conference weekend. Register from 8 am is a bit strong for a weekend, but I’m sure I will survive. Wasn’t that a song? 😂

Let’s just make everything overcomplicated so we need more and more staff to deal with it, larger and larger departments, larger and larger budget but never enough. The system just ends up feeding itself and nothing gets done for the people who need the help. Label them bad mothers and/or dole cheats, that’s the way to run the country. Vote for us.

Text to a friend:
Three weeks to go and still no news. After the blood and post office scandals showed a clear cover-up, they are now doing, and have been doing it, to disabled children on an industrial scale, but no one wants to talk about it before the election. Clearly, it would ruin their chances at the ballot box.

Labour and Libs have historic involvement. 🤔 What chance of justice is there? So much for the IOPC being independent. Just like the regulator of the GCC, put together by the Privy Council and reporting to the Privy Council. No chance of a stitch-up there then. 🫢

Who would vote for those whose policies and strategic plans caused the problems? Simply by covering it up, the electorate are ignorant of the facts and get conned again. At times, I do wonder if they still have souls or are fully in the devil’s grip. 😂

Don’t worry, I have a letter for Sir K, dating everything back to New Labour. It will go as soon as the results are in. ✅ Obviously, it would be better for the mothers and state-abused children if it came out now. I can’t do more than I am doing, so it’s the press next week. They know what’s been going on but have not exposed it. You have to ask why?

UNCRC was signed up to by Labour and they still have removed children’s rights so they can be restrained and locked up without diagnosis. Has the United Nations any power to make a founding member comply? Obviously not. Like the results of a public inquiry. Sounds good on paper but never gets done because it costs. 🤔 That might have something to do with it. Normally it’s that the person no longer works for the department, so nothing can be done, move on.

With historic child abuse, there is no time limit for prosecution. You can run but can’t hide. Well, as long as the system is not corrupted to cover arse. 🤔 I expect the politicians can’t see the child abuse. All we do is sort a strategic plan and finance. It’s someone else’s responsibility—councils, SS, education. Nothing to do with us. Barking up the wrong tree, mate. It says in their code they have collective responsibility. 🤔

Yep, covering up child abuse is perverting the course of justice and an automatic jail term. Explains why they don’t want to talk about it, I suspect. 🤔😂😂 Candidates being stressed on doorsteps by those bad mothers with naughty children who were blamed and children not diagnosed. One patient laid into a candidate for over half an hour. 😂😂 Let’s hope it becomes a nationwide approach. They can’t say they did not know. 😂

Knowing of a crime like child abuse and not doing anything about it is a crime itself. ✅ Of course, they already know, but they do like to play games to save their bacon. In a non-religious context. 👍

Howard Lamb

12th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why are the police, who were contacted 18 months ago, and the IOPC not wanting to get involved? Good question.

We have had a complaint that the government has acted illegally. They say they haven’t. That’s good enough for us.

Given the evidence of their lack of action, what else am I to think? 🤔

You don’t bite the hand that feeds you and gives you a knighthood. You toe the party line. Not much help for the abused children, and not for the first time. Look at the grooming scandal where our Muslim males’ actions were ignored due to politics. 🤬

Yes, the clip from Ohio yesterday where the autistic teen died. It’s not just America. You can restrain a child as young as 5 in the UK. Fractured and broken arms recorded. Just wrong. You will comply! How much do they control the system?

It has to be total, or they could not get away with it. They remove human rights, so the legal eagles are involved. The strategic plan flawed, privy council, cabinet, PMs, and legal departments/police had to be involved for it to happen. Probably why they don’t want to come clean. I wonder why. ✅

New research finds voters “almost never” trust politicians to tell the truth or put the UK first. BBC article – Voter confidence at record low, says report

Howard Lamb

11th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then.

A radical rethink of how neurodiversity is treated is needed for the NHS to keep up, a think tank warns. BBC News article – NHS cannot meet autism or ADHD demand, report says

Latest news and opinion about autism from Autistica and our supporters. Autistica News

The government could not deal with the numbers that were diagnosed 10 years ago. Lots more diagnosed, but where is the infrastructure to handle the extra numbers? 🤔

You have your diagnosis, now stop being naughty. 🤔

Isaiah Trammell was taunted, belittled, and threatened by nine guards as he begged for his medication at the Montgomery County Jail in Ohio in March 2023.

Daily Mail article – Heartbreaking video shows terrified autistic teen, 19, being goaded, stripped naked and restrained by NINE cops while begging them to ‘listen to me’ – before smacking his head against wall and dying

Howard Lamb

10th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Manifestos with 3 weeks to go.

If the Libs make sure that pot stays like a cottage industry rather than a global corp, they have my vote. People earn while the government collects tax on a multi-billion industry whose profits currently go into crime.

Sex workers of all genders need to be protected from criminals. Very liberal. A joint with relief. Maybe other substances. What is the point of policing drugs and failing to stop the flow, costing billions? With licensed control and regulation, putting coin in the treasury. Age limits, potency control for under 21. The amount of chemical in the system like alcohol for driving. Christ’s sake, I’ve had patients driving under the influence on prescription drugs.

NHS. Put money in at the sharp end, get rid of tiers of management with pension. ✅

Police have to be untouchable and not put off doing their job. I would have thought an inquiry should come after a full investigation and charges. There have to be charges or loss of job/pension for not doing your job in the first place 🤞 Not the PR exercise we have seen from our leaders during COVID, etc.

Armed forces. Cami rainbow, the pride army. Gender has not reached Muslim, Indian, Chinese, or Russian societies. So we need to stand up and be counted. ✅ You have fought for your pride. You may have to fight them on the beaches to save it.

Pot. If the government puts VAT on it, that extra money could be invested back into mental health and addiction. I would charge the gambling companies extra VAT to help addiction as well. Lowest tax about 10%. All companies with large turnover and low to no tax, I would charge them a turnover tax. Stop greed where possible. ✅

Starting to like my manifesto. 😂😂😂

Make all politicians drink a glass of water from the Thames from outside Parliament. Bit harsh, it could hospitalize them. 🤔

Howard Lamb

9th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Yeah, still on air and breathing 😂

What a mess.

PM tried to speed everything up to stop Child X’s from getting justice.

Nothing to do with me, someone else’s problem, once out of office!

Now he has access to very important financial people and will earn billions, not just tens of millions like Blair.

Nobody ready. Candidates just shoved in whether they are the real ticket or not. No realistic way of getting rid or even knowing what they are up to.

Libs not taking it seriously, doing stunts while they come up with policies. Labour knows the truth is coming, so they have to change and be flexible. Cons, please can the last one out turn off the lights 👍

Reform or Farage: a seasoned politician who has seen firsthand the corruption in Europe and how it’s spreading here 🤔

Greens must push clean air and water, stop toxins used in farming. Green initiatives like algae farms eating CO2 and releasing oxygen, etc.

Makes you wonder if the Scots, Welsh, Irish, and Reform work together, could they form a government between them? 🤔

Would be far more representative of the nation, after all.

I wish someone would say:
The markets (banking) crashed, our biggest industry.

It never fully recovered. Pandemic, inflation, and spending our defence budget on other nations.

Yet the national core is strong. Government needs pollarding: deadwood goes and fresh growth starts.

If you do the same thing in the same way, you will get the same result. Good or bad.

Changes need to be made to reset Whitehall and local government to work for the people, for a change.

Once everyone sticks to their protocols, codes, etc., and tells the truth above all else,

the system will come good.

Education to understand what has to be checked before ticking boxes and actively investigated on reasonable complaints (independent of government).

Howard Lamb

7th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No, I don’t think they will contact me. Look what happened the last time 😂😂😂

“They are in a pickle.”

They don’t want it anywhere near the election and don’t want to talk terms with me.

48 letters to PMs. Sir Mark of the Yard has had most of them. Add the GCC and global letters, the paperwork for the tribunal, and an intro to the family for their story.

Cc to press UK, Reuters, and outlets in Australia and Canada who have similarly regulated democracies/privy councils. It will take about half an hour once email addresses are found. That’s all I’m waiting for, but it should be in by early next week.

How long will I give them to respond? Not long, as this needs to come out now, not after the event. Parliament breaks for summer, and nothing will happen until they are back in September when the new batch of kids get stuffed into the grinder ✅

The personal letter in Farage’s bundle should do some damage. Yes, most of the letters are up in the cloud somewhere on site. Use them as you wish as I have a clear conscience.

Ideally, keep mum and child out of it as they’ve been traumatized enough. 

A spontaneous global explosion would be nice and keep them out of harm’s way. Is there anyone else? 😂😂😂😂

What about MCA’s role in this? They had no role. I told them at the beginning to stay out of it and observe what took place. I’m sure they will be able to fill in many of the gaps. I have a conference with them in 8 days. It’s always nice to have a catch-up 💋

Dear Mr. Putin,

The only Russians involved with D-Day would have been anti-communist. The only countries there actually fought the battle. Shame Germany was not invited. They had the most troops killed after all. 

What would be nice next year is if everyone involved in World War II all came together and mourned their dead. Constructive, not destructive, for political gain. 

Love and kisses 💋

“We just run the country; we have no responsibility for our actions,” has to stop or it will all happen again and again.

Yeah, mate, took the piss for twenty years and walked away from the devastation I caused with a rather large pot of gold 🤔

+ knighthood to keep quiet as they are all at it until proven innocent. Dame, Honourable, and Member of the Privy and Order of the Garter. Total stitch-up. All self and not for the greater good.

Howard Lamb

6th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and my email response to the IOPC on Child Abuse cover up

Howard Lamb

6th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No. 10 should have received my letter to the PM today. I have sent it and a top-up letter to the IOPC.  

If not blocked, they will go up soon.

Howard Lamb

5th June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
That’s just livened things up. Farage enters the battle as leader of Reform. It should worry Labour as well as the Cons. Tactical voters all over the country have a choice. Lib Dems SW to Central, then Reform for the rest. Can’t wait for him to get stuck into Sunak. 😂🫢

At least the election is after the group stage and before the quarterfinals.

So Sunak sprung an early election when nobody seems to have a manifesto. And in the middle of the footie. 🤔  

Not cricket really.

Howard Lamb

3rd June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Just drafted a letter to PM. Hopefully, it will go up on the site soon. Says it all.

Draft to Prime Minister:
Dear Prime Minister,

Thank you for finally responding to my letters. I am a bit confused as to why you only used the last few letters and did not mention all the ones going back to Mrs. May. If all the other letters explaining the situation and plight of our spectrum kids have unfortunately been deleted, please let me know, and I will resend them. If they are still on record, why were only the last few sent? The poor person having it dumped on their desk at the Department of Health and Social Care will not have a clue as to the reality and obviously will not be able to do anything.

The problem is with strategic planning, the Privy Council, the Cabinet, and you and your predecessors. It would be impossible for a lower official to do the subject justice. After all, justice is what it is all about. You had opportunities to rectify much of the problem when at No. 11, and now at No. 10 you have not made the changes necessary to safeguard children with special needs. Often the trauma and lack of education will affect them adversely for the rest of their lives. Non-diagnosis, normalization, and blaming as naughty is not the correct way to handle these children. Clearly, it would cost a great deal to rectify the system, and admittance of guilt would open the floodgates for compensation. This is no excuse for covering it up by abusing power and as such aiding and abetting the crime.

If these children cannot comply but are not diagnosed, they are often bullied by peers and staff, restrained when they freak out, which really does not help their depression. Again, often expelled so the school can pass its Ofsted, overly medicated, sectioned, then locked away without charge in a secure facility for years. Or, once excluded, they get into trouble and are jailed. Many, like child X, are finally diagnosed, but after the government has no responsibility and no cost to themselves.

A parent’s life can be ruined by smacking their child, yet the government can damage them for life, and it’s okay. Two sets of rules, and when the weight of the government wants to cover it up, there is nothing that can be done to change the situation. All my letters and evidence are up on the Justice for Autism site and have a large worldwide audience, so at least people now know the truth and what I am dealing with.

More children than ever are now being diagnosed. It’s not that we have more than before, but due to non-diagnosis over decades, there will be a huge backlog. These diagnoses are driven by parents, not the state. Yet there are no adequate extra facilities or training, bar “you do not reward naughtiness” available.

I experienced the injustice as a child and was outraged when I found out things had got worse for these kids. You and previous governments have had multiple opportunities to rectify the system, but because autistic/ADHD kids cannot defend themselves, you decided to do nothing. I have asked for an independent investigation to investigate this corruption at the top, yet the top people have clearly blocked it. This is not how a democracy works. 

I am still waiting for a correct response to my complaints.


DC Howard Lamb

Howard Lamb

2nd June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Where do I go from here? That’s a hard one. With the bloods, they stopped infecting people in time. The post office stopped banging them up, but they have not made any real change to the lives of these children. Decades of abuse because they did not want to diagnose them as it costs money!

Because we are dealing with hundreds of thousands, the thought of compensation must be very worrying for them. As you have seen with my recent letters and their responses, the government is still trying to cover it up and protect their reputations running into the election. What concerns me is that Labour have not gotten involved.

I will have to write to others and broaden the net, I expect, but definitely not going away ✅

Howard Lamb

1st June, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Is this election about the broken system and who is actually going to try and fix it? Or is it about the Abbott and Corbyn retirement funding roadshow?

Both had their time, and Labour needs new blood, not Lenin and Marx enthusiasts. I have no problem with the philosophy, but it is impossible to work in a capitalist society. If it were about the country, they would not stand. Self is a powerful thing.

I’ve had enough of the election already. If Sir K does any more photo shoots with babies, I’ll wonder if there was a link with Jimmy. Harsh maybe, but I’ve heard a fall of substance so far, but seen a geriatric fall off a board, gardening, sheep feeding, and bread making. Ahhhhhhh.

That’s better, thank you.

All I can say is the country is ticking over the same now that they are not running it and feeding lambs, etc. Makes you think, is there any point in having them?

Probably, the snap election means their policies for the election were still at the committee stage and not ready to be publicized. You could not write it.

What happened to cricket rules? “After you, old boy.” “No, no, I insist, you go first.” 😂😂

The Russians are at our borders. We don’t have that committee till next year. 🤔 Probably need a huge petition online.

Please postpone the election until the democratic voter knows which person is their candidate and what they stand for. Clear policies, fully explained.

So we can fulfil our democratic rights. It’s something for the media: a simple explanation of what is hoped to be achieved, with good analysis to see if it stacks up. State of play, reasons why, solutions to the problem, and hopes for the long term.

Take the NHS. See what the front teams need and spend the money saved when you strip layers of management out. Doctors are quite capable of healing patients and running their facilities. Thousands of civil servants, managers, and office staff are on wages and pensions. 🤔 What do they do if the doctors and staff do all the work? 🤔 Don’t 😂

Who pulls Sunak’s strings to make his arms move so much?

Howard Lamb

31st May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

Agreed, if 14 million are below the poverty line and we need to bring people into the country to fuel the economy it must show huge failings by education and the system.

If educated properly, why would we need more people.

Removing benefits to get people working is not the answer.

No, understood, a million kids not wanting to go back to school says it all.

Those naughty children let’s bang some parents up, that will solve the problem. 🤬

What are they doing to entice them back into the fold? 

Nothing as you don’t reward naughtiness.

In my limited experience kids work much better if you engage with them, not talk at them or have conversations over their heads. They need to feel a part of something not just ordered about.

How does bringing in poor people and forming ethnic ghettos help the economy? 🤔

Between April 2008 and March 2022, people in Pakistani and Bangladeshi households were the most likely to live in low income out of all ethnic groups. Work, Pay and Benefits Government report – People in low income households

If you take the heart out of the system and only have a box to tick, this is what happens, everything fails. Education, NHS, Social Care with no heart, abuse of children to tick your box. All their fault. 

Vote for us so we can increase our fortunes. ✅

What about the kids?

They don’t do what they are told to do so what can we do. Just dump them to pass an Ofsted.

Well, none of that has happened so far in 18 months. Defo no cover up then. 

IOPC – A guide to the complaints process

Police like evidence. 🤔

I wrote to them, and they ignored it. I followed up and was ignored. They did not follow their protocols etc and I complained, they ignored that so I put in a formal complaint and with the freedom of information act asked for all paperwork. I was ignored so went to IOPC. They have been sitting on it since last year and then tried to get rid of me because it was criminal.

Confused dot com. 😳

I know it was criminal which is why I went to Sir Mark in the first place.

Exactly, if the Chief of Police stops it, a subordinate is hardly likely to investigate if contacted.

I went to IOPC because the investigate anything that could tarnish the Mets reputation. On their website. ✅

Let’s face it the police would have a conflict of interest in protecting the gov and aiding and abetting the abuse of power to pervert the course of justice.

Not democratic.

Let’s vote out the bad guys, who picks the new ones. Let’s change parties, same dirty trousers but a nice clean shirt.

Who picks those?

So if the parties are picking their MPs where does democracy stand?

Restrain them by truth only and you get slung out for spin and cover up. If you f up and cover up you go to jail.

Mistakes were made, we have seen the fault and are sorting it out properly is what I would like to hear. 🤔

Why did he call a snap election?

Best guess, he caught all the other parties on the hop. New and smaller parties will not have time to get all candidates for them or get their message over.

Libs all over the place. Luckily their leader had time to do a bit of baking in my area. 😂

So many Labs and Cons leaving candidates have not been chosen Miss D Abbott BA MP for one. You can bet Sunak had the edge. Hedge fund manager (use every trick in book to have edge on markets and cream it)

Had to laugh. 

Sunak was photo’d with 2 lambs.

Some wag added PM looking to fill his cabinet. 😂

More lambs to the slaughter was more my take.

Howard Lamb

30th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my reply letter to Alexandra Bailey and my email to the IOPC

Text to a friend:
Letter to IOPC will go today. Dept of Health and Care next week, and a top-up to the Prime Minister, who clearly is continuing the cover-up. 

My concern is the children. This seems to be covering arse 🤔

Will not be my normal pleasant letter, I expect.

Howard Lamb

29th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read two letters, one from 10 Downing Street and one from the Department of Health and Social Care.

Please read my letter to 10 Downing Street Head of Communications

Text to a friend:
The PM thanked me for my concerns and deferred to other departments. He only covered my letters up to May 10, not the latest. Deflect and defer, as they always do.

I will put the letters up while sorting out my response, which will go up a few days later. Once you read the letters, it is impossible for the PM to say he did not know but decided to continue the cover-up. 🤬

Even better, I just had an email from the IOPC saying they don’t deal with criminality, yet my complaint was about the police not sticking to their protocols and procedures over investigating child abuse. Once I’ve had time to read it properly, I will put it up.

Definitely smell a rat. ✅

No, they can’t hide it. Only show a small part to not help the case against you. Old scam, seen at public inquiry over planning, bogus malpractice suit, etc. They don’t have a leg to stand on if all the evidence is available.

I always get my inspiration from nature. Beat the ground and the birds will fly. Well, until some bugger shoots them, that is. 😂😂

Why three letters in one hit after months of nothing? As seen in my paperwork, my opinion at this time is plausible deniability. 

We did do something, just in case they can’t suppress it running into the election. By only giving the writers of these letters part of the information and starting things to their advantage, and with the full weight of the government on their side, could they hope to continue the cover-up? 🤔

Text to a friend:
How would I resolve it? 🤔🤔

Put Sunak on garden leave; all those involved should step down at the election. The investigation could then continue and not affect the vote. That nice Penny, who is in charge of Parliament, the Privy Council, and the Law Lords, could stand as PM. Only chance the Tories have as the child case rumbles on.

Howard Lamb

28th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Police are putting a task force together of 80 people to investigate the Post Office scandal. A bit late after sending lots of people to jail wrongly. Will anyone go to jail for the cover-up? Nobody ever did for the blood scandal. Will anyone go to jail for the abuse of children? Or is it a case of move on, we have an election to fight.

Talking of which, with so many MPs leaving the House and new people coming in, how have they been picked? Are we going to get a new House full of people who will just follow the party line again and nothing changes?

Got a letter from No. 10 and one from the Department of Social Care. Will read them later as I need my mind clear for the clinic. 👍💋 Both dated 22nd of May. 🤔

Howard Lamb

27th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Classic Tory thinking. All those nutty/naughty kids need a bit of the army to sort them out. Gay soldiers and sailors? No chance of abuse there then. People who had to do national service after the war hated it. Tory rose-tinted memory.

I get a gap year where the kids can be constructive, covered on-site a while back. Tree huggers go and plant trees, etc. Tory social care is actually worse than Labour.

The whole thing should be based on the client’s needs, then structure management who can do more than tick a box. Not on how to spend billions on infrastructure and no staff who understand the client’s needs.

Howard Lamb

26th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I have just read Labour’s five social care commitments. Sounds okay on paper but will create a huge local bureaucratic infrastructure run by a combination of councils, NHS, and the care services, etc. Keep people in their homes and get the disabled working. Recruit and pay care workers a proper wage. It does mention correct and proper education or a reliable record of training. You have to ask to what level, and the qualifications we have don’t seem to have done the job, or I would not have to be blogging.

A crackdown on councils being ripped off by care companies. If I remember, the council’s cost per child in supported care was higher than the private sector. So, incompetent councils involved in running the new system aided and abetted by the NHS and SS, who have all failed, does not bode well for the children’s future. If you want an integrated system, write a stunningly good strategic plan. Start with the foundations and restructure the whole thing, don’t just nail a new IT on. Each level has their responsibilities overseen by a care commission with fangs. Maladministration stops and truth prevails. Foundation in, then start to build.

CPD at all levels but not through choice, but updating and further educating for the level and key to moving up the corporate ladder. Complaints are listened to and acted upon. Time wasters penalised. Not that hard. Non and wrong diagnoses could have me blackballed from my profession; it should be the same for the NHS and SS. I’ll look at what Tories say tomorrow. Things don’t just happen because you want them to change. You need motivated people who know their onions or leadership. Definitely not a committee.

Capitalism does not run on committees where loads of people sit down without real knowledge on any given subject, deciding important stuff which is usually outdated by the time the process is complete. Job done, more money saved because we don’t have to do anything except pay wages and pensions. If things are messed up enough, a knighthood. Just tough it out and don’t say anything 🫢.

Good question. What happens constitutionally if the voters don’t want either party?

Howard Lamb

24th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Cover-up after cover-up 🤔✅

Speaking at the UK River Summit, Philip Duffy said officials do not want to reveal the true ‘embarrassing’ environmental picture. Guardian article –

Environment Agency chief admits regulator buries freedom of information requests

Text to a friend:  
I could not have said it any better.

How do you protect the people from the system when the system is propped up and not allowed to fail to protect the government? 🤔

Howard Lamb

23rd May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Text to a friend:
After Shipman, doctors’ lives changed. Knee-jerk reactions from the state took massive control and have f’d up our NHS. How much of a knee-jerk reaction to the judges’ findings on the bloods? Other inquiries are all coming to a similar conclusion.

In my complaint letter to the GCC, I explained how boxes are ticked and lies are told to be able to do so. When every box is ticked and suppression of virtually all complaints occurs, everything is tickety-boo. All the stats go through Whitehall, have all other boxes ticked before the minister is told not to worry as everything is under control, so nothing needs changing ✅.

Where is the oversight? Where are all the safeguards? Regulators and committees who oversaw it all have to be singing from the same hymn sheet, otherwise it does not work.

So the knee-jerkers have six weeks to resolve all issues so the next Parliament can move on.

Now we have six weeks to choose who we want to represent us. Me, I will look at each candidate, research them, and do internet checks. Then decide. Not worried about a party. Do not rely on polls as people just lie to mess them up. I’m sure there will be huge amounts of tactical voting. Then off for the summer hols. Sounds good to me 😂.

Howard Lamb

22nd May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Letter on its way. I hoped it would get a reaction. July 4 election, that will do. I’ve been put on hold for Brexit, pandemic, and financial crisis. Parliament closed, so nobody is going to take this further until the new government comes in. Then I’ll have to start again.

Sunak has a week to respond, then if no contact, he is going to have a tough time running into the election. Hopefully, Cons will be decimated, and the new government compliant to law 🤔.

Check out maladministration. They do have a complaints department. Why has the Child X case not been referred 🤔? – How to make a complaint against the Government Legal Department.

Post script to bloods.

Australia, Canada, EU countries all had deaths, but no one globally has faced criminal charges. Tends to explain why the world is in such a mess. Control and cover-up is never the right answer.

Howard Lamb

20th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

First Draft of the latest letter to Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister:

Dear Prime Minister,

Once the lying started, so did the cover-up. I am sure it’s not just the blood scandal: the Post Office, Hillsborough, child grooming by Muslim males, illegal war victims, and a long list over the decades. And, of course, what your government has continued to do to the ex-children. I have informed you and many others, but I have been ignored and lied about.

Yet, at no stage have you asked to see my evidence, let alone communicate in the correct way, as seen in your breaches of codes, protocols, procedures, and criminal law.

We have moved away from democracy into some grey area where politicians and civil servants are above the law and cover up as standard procedure with immunity.

I have experienced personally and clinically the effect non-diagnosis has. It needs to stop before more children with special needs are damaged for the rest of their lives.

Because of your personal involvement and a distinct conflict of interest, who should investigate? I asked Mrs. May for an independent investigation but was ignored, except for a referral to those who are responsible for much of the damage done.

People do matter and should be respected by the government, which is on a mandate to serve them. This clearly has not been the case for a long time. Children used as medical trial subjects and infected is just heartless. As is blaming kids for behaviour problems caused by non-diagnosis, then blaming the family rather than looking at the system causing the problems in the first place.

No wonder you and your predecessors hide things. It’s not your fault mistakes happen, but the cover-ups are criminal, abusing power and aiding and abetting perversion of justice.

Who else do I have to ask to get a criminal investigation into the actions of multiple governments over this abuse of spectrum kids, who are now adults? I am still waiting for paperwork, details of complaints procedures for the Cabinet Office, and your referral for breaches of the Ministerial Code.

A prompt response would be helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Lamb, D.C.

Text to a friend:
2,500 pages of the blood scandal report say that there was an orchestrated cover-up. 

We have seen the Horizon/Post Office cover-up, Hillsborough, and others where justice was not done. The cover-up of non-diagnosis and abuse of autistic children continues today. You have to ask if the government and police are the right people to look at criminal charges, as the scandal had to come from the top. 

All the main political parties had to cover up for each other during their reign in office. You have to ask what else they are hiding. Certainly not democratic, just criminal. 

£10 billion of taxpayers’ money to sort the government’s criminality. The people involved want justice. That is what they have fought so hard for, and they expect many people to go to jail. The government does not. Interesting times ahead. 

Blair and Sunak had to know. They could afford to chip in with the compensation, as could Hunt. Are they in charge of the national health cover-up, or are they so incompetent they did not know? 🤔

Personally, I would bankrupt and imprison all who knew and just went along with it. How many used their reputations to build their fortunes? Need some new prisons, I expect. 🤔

The government will try to avoid criminality if given half a chance and deflect/defer until after the election and beyond. The ex-children they had a duty of care for were blamed and sectioned without human rights. Non-diagnosis is affecting probably hundreds of thousands. How many suicides and premature deaths have there been? A long, long list.

Mrs. May started the inquiry but refused to investigate the child x scandal. You have to ask why.

Let’s watch them continue the cover-up. “Not my fault, can we move on?”

Howard Lamb

19th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Caught 5 minutes of news covering the blood scandal.

Ministers and others are saying what a disgrace it is, etc. Someone should be held responsible, definitely full compensation. What a crock. Lab, Lib, and Cons were all in charge and could/should have sorted it. Their ministries, their cabinets, their governments. Covered up and lots of wrongdoing or just total incompetence.

The inquiry report goes to the minister in charge. With their record of not following recommendations, you can bet your bottom dollar they will cover their arses to protect their reputation. No after-dinner speeches, nice directorships, or consultancies. Tories will try to avoid paying out until next year and use the money for their giveaway pre-election bribe to the nation to be re-elected 🤬.

How can it have taken 40 years unless you were trying very hard not to deal with it? Perverting the course of justice 🤔✅.

Sir Brian Langstaff KC, Bloods Chair. Check him out. Been there, seen it, and has a drawer full of t-shirts, type bloke, when it comes to law. 50+ years and a law lord. It will be very interesting what he has to say. Will he raise or lower the bar? Always in the paperwork ✅.

After six years looking into it, he must see the truth and what’s been distorted. What’s missing in key paperwork where evidence is not complete. He is now the world’s expert on it, having seen the most information. No pressure then 😂.

Howard Lamb

18th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
A donkey with its head in a bucket, not resisting its journey ahead.

Yet parents are taught not to reward naughtiness. The child becomes naughtier, so less reward.

With Child X, it took a long time to fully engage as he had been blocked by so many before. His behaviour at my house and garages was very good—no meltdowns or running away. He was busy building mini motos from scrap and could not wait to get there. He researched and costed by phone and internet. He presented me with the final figure and explanation for me to finance it.

Not school, but a safe learning environment.

If you enthuse an autistic child, they will move a mountain if they have to. Bully and abuse, and you will not drag them uphill without a fight. Patterns learned, then continued 🤬.

How do I know all this? Blame my mother. She sussed me when I was young and made sure I was kept active. Nothing to do for 5 seconds, and off I would go—more trouble. Oops, didn’t know but do now 😳.

Different era. Go climb trees, wear wellies if exploring the River Pin. Don’t bring back any more wildlife, etc.

I learned as I went along. School was a nightmare. Still have scarring in deep tissue from caning. King of detention, etc.

I was a mature student at AECC in 1978. I had to catch up on science O and A levels in the first year. By the second year, I had learned how to learn, and my love for research had begun. Slow to start, caught up with the game, and then excelled within my preferred parameters.

Just took a lifetime 😂😂👍.

Learn how to learn. Did not thrive at school and tried not to learn, as far more important things like counting the bricks on the wall outside the classroom window. Or, if lucky, see which raindrop runs down the window first. Lots of lines, homework I could not do as I did not listen in class. Long list, stubborn as a donkey being dragged uphill.

At AECC, I wanted to be there and did not want to fail. Lots of reasons.

I engaged straight away with three very bright young men, and we shared a flat 👍. They got me through the first year, God bless them. Also, a bit naughty boys, so a good time as well.

Strange, if you read something enough times, it sticks. Once you get the new language under control, you start to understand. Once you understand, you don’t have to read so much. Who knew?

It’s mental health awareness week. That went quick.

Why could I not fail? One reason was I was told I was useless and dense/thick/brain-dead. I needed to prove them wrong.

Howard Lamb

17th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
National Autistic Society says on their site:
Missed targets to reduce the number of autistic people, diagnosed or not, with or without learning difficulties, detained in mental health hospitals, etc. Over 2,000, a 116% increase. Left without support, leading to physical and mental deterioration, far away from home, often over-medicated, restrained, isolated, and abused in these settings. Average stay: 5 years, with no human rights. Prone to self-harm and suicide. It’s a disgrace the government and NHS have repeatedly failed to reach their promised targets. Evidence shows current policies are not working for autistic people.

All on their website and much more. Sounds like crimes against humanity to me, all up on this site. All on that website as well. Add brainwashing to normalise and you have ticked virtually all the right boxes.

Why so many new cases? If you severely under-diagnose for 40+ years, you build a huge backlog. More awareness means more diagnoses. How many children were only diagnosed after they were 18+ and out of government care to save money? So if the National Autistic Society has said the same as me on their website, it’s not just me then.

So they go to school and are not diagnosed before 6. Treated as normal and their behaviour breaks down, mother and child blamed and excluded. No suitable places for them as under-budgeted. The child becomes more difficult due to the traumatic stress they have been under, so they get sectioned. Thousands of others are affected in different ways. Have they caught up on diagnoses? Nowhere near, I expect. Any plan to solve this abuse of children with special needs? No, because they would have to admit failure and wrongdoing by removing human rights and scarring many for life. As seen personally with my 12-year journey with my child.

If you complain, you get stuck in complaint procedures. They deny everything and after months, you can take it to the next level, etc. Ombudsman seems to protect councils. Yes, it was illegal, we award you £50. Often after months of hard work you cannot claim for. If you don’t accept, you have the expense of litigation. If you take the pittance offered, you can’t have two bites of the apple, so you can’t sue. In court, the council will say that the ombudsman did not rule against them, so they don’t agree with anything you say. Total stitch-up from an outside-looking-in situation. Everyone has the right to defend, even councils.

Once these matters were settled by the sword until a huge fit warrior started killing old men, so it was stopped. Yet the financial clout of the council will overcome the majority they come up against. No won complaints, so nothing is going wrong ✅. How should councils defend themselves? By looking for the truth, because if truth is used, there could be no miscarriage of justice, as I have seen repeatedly.

Systems should change and a huge sum of money could be saved. It’s a bit like that American car that, if hit in the right spot, would burst into flames. The company decided it was cheaper to defend each case with an out-of-court settlement rather than recall millions of cars and fix the fault. The only difference is that our government is doing it to disabled people with special needs who cannot defend themselves. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Much anger at what I have seen dealing with multiple families over too many years to remember. Always a question: Follow the money is the answer nearly always. Question: Why is there a large backlog and years waiting for a diagnosis which often never came?

Another good one is how many undiagnosed autistic people are locked into our mental health system and are being abused now as I text. As for the blame of family, they have tried to stabilise the child by normalising them as the state wanted, and not surprisingly, the child became more isolated with no safe place. Sent to a mental facility once sectioned. And normalised further while stoned stupid to quieten them down.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest ✅ or what! Covered donkeys some time ago. Try and drag a donkey up a hill. It’s not going to happen. Donkey finally goes mental, cow-kicking, etc. Shake a bucket of nuts and call his name. Once his head is in the bucket, you could take him anywhere, and he would happily follow you.

If you do not engage with autistic children with gentle talk and ease them through it, it causes a stubborn streak a mile long. Don’t understand? Go away. La la not listening.

🤔 Been there. 😂😂

Howard Lamb

16th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a  friend:
Been looking at parliamentary privilege. Bored stupid. Long history going back to the Middle Ages. However, the Prime Minister is not exempt from criminal acts. 

Probably why he does not want to engage with me 👍.

With the PM blatantly trying to avoid criminal charges, is our democracy safe in Parliament’s hands?

Check it out yourselves. Does parliamentary privilege protect against criminal acts?

One MP went to jail for lies he told over his wife taking his points on her license. 

What should you get for knowing the system has been twisted to the disadvantage of children with special needs through non-diagnosis and wrong diagnosis to save money, then trying to cover it up? 🤔

Probably need to build more jails ✅

The Times News Prints – Parliamentary privilege. Cartoon by Morton …

😂 I had forgotten.

Sunak got 3 points for not wearing a safety belt, so he can be done for even very minor crimes. And a criminal record for eating cake at Bojo’s party bash at No. 10. 🤔

As you have seen, the police and government work as “follow my leader” rather than following the correct protocols and procedures, as evidenced by their inaction after multiple communications from me. No. 10 will be fully kitted out with surveillance equipment. The police saw what went on. I expect tapes were edited, with the system conveniently down and data lost in the cloud forever.

Very fishy, if you ask me. Police perverting justice to protect their political masters. Maybe ‘C’ from the secret squirrels already knows the answer and perverted justice as well. The protector of democracy. 

I do hope so, but what’s done is done and there must be a record. ✌️

Howard Lamb

14th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Howard Lamb

13th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Had a tinker with the PM’s draft and ready to go; just have to go in and sign it before it does. I was stunned by an ITV program on the blood scandal last night. The lengths they went to cover up responsibility and save reputation. Inquiry results will be interesting 🤔. With more coming out about the posties scandal, it’s going to be a tough time ahead coming into an election where the voters want the truth 🤔.

I’ve given up waiting on the COVID scandal; how many years does it take to find the truth when the evidence has always been there? Didn’t have a clue but muddled through; now let’s move on. Still researching how many kids abused at school through non-diagnosis go on to commit suicide. Figures not looking good for the gov 🤔. COVID airborne. In the early days, a couple went to Vietnam, infecting people on the plane without touching them and left infection everywhere they went. Definitely clear evidence that you breathe it in. Lots of cases of super spreaders in the early days.

So, let’s send infected old people back to their care homes and shut all the windows so they cannot clear the virus. It’s ok though as Hancock was getting his leg over 🤬. A developing country tracked and traced the couple and put them in isolation. The couple were mortified. Being airborne, our track and trace was not fit for purpose and failed at huge cost 🤔. Covered on site some time back. MPs heard “harrowing stories” from women, including some who said they were left in blood-soaked sheets. BBC News article – Poor maternity tolerated as normal, inquiry says 

A natural birth is when the waters break to lube the chute. Squatting engages the head and, with body weight and muscle power, out pops the baby. Laying on your back with your pelvis tilted upwards and you are trying to push the baby uphill. Putting huge pressure on the baby’s soft cranium. Not good. The government obviously does not like babies. Well, they don’t contribute to the economy and cost to school 🤔. As of August 2023, there are 13 statutory inquiries taking place in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Learn more in our guide. Milners Solicitors Guide

Yeah, and pull the other one and it’s got bells on it. You can’t say “liar, liar, pants on fire” as it’s not politically correct. The Guardian article – Nadhim Zahawi admits he paid nearly £5m to HMRC after ‘careless mistake’

No sign of pants on fire in pic 😂. Good question. Has anyone researched how many traumatic birth customs end up on the spectrum? No, don’t do drugs; it could cause problems for your baby. Then throw the kitchen sink into mum who is still connected by the umbilicus. Baby born shit-faced 🤔. All at a time of reflex change and switching body and brain on to enter the world. Adult quantities and tiny baby 🤔. What could possibly go wrong?

What is the process for challenging the findings of a public inquiry? We look at this in the next in the series of public inquiry articles. Source: Blake Morgan article – Challenging the findings of a public inquiry

Let’s face it, the minister in charge of Baby P did not enforce the findings; otherwise, the GCC would have acted differently over my child X case study. So you have to ask, how can you change that when people are protecting the reputation of the civil service and gov ✅? If you didn’t have to do anything, nothing was wrong, so nothing changes.

Howard Lamb

11th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The cost of external lawyers doesn’t even come close to covering it. You have person-hour time, management time, oversight, through departments, the Cabinet Office, and Whitehall. Ministers/prime ministers, the Privy Council, and even a chat with the king, all to cover up. 🤔🤔


We’ve spent so much money protecting our reputations that there wasn’t much left for the poor.

I bet the ones with four jobs are legally fiddling the taxman just to pour salt in the wound. 🤔

Remember, the king cannot get involved in politics, so he can cover up because it’s political and no questions are asked.

However, anything with his name on it can act for him.

Interesting times ahead.

Howard Lamb

10th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Nothing new then.  

Survivors of child sex abuse say new plans to stop institutional cover-ups are a “kick in the teeth” for victims.  

BBC News article – New child abuse laws ‘a sham’ says survivor

Text to a friend: 
Draft letter to PM done; will go out Monday or Tuesday, then I’ll put it up. ✅

How many cover-ups have there been? Good question.  

Every time a government department messes up, I expect. We only hear about the biggies, where people have been fighting for justice for years.

Well, the government is right in the middle of them all. Justice over economy and payouts?  

Don’t think so. Justice on the back burner while we waste billions covering them all up, probably closer to the truth 🤔  


It is estimated that by the end of this month, the Post Office will have racked up £390m in legal costs. article – How much has the Post Office spent on legal fees as victims await compensation?

Look at COVID.  

The government did not understand that it was an airborne virus, so wash your hands and don’t touch anyone or anything.  

One mess-up and thousands died unnecessarily, the NHS was trashed, the economy trashed, and billions wasted or fraudulently claimed.  

Overly long public inquiry with no teeth to do anything.  

Let’s move on as no wrongdoing ✅  

World-beating computer system to track and trace.  

A world-beating flop at tens of billions, or enough to sort out the care system.  

Sage 🤬  

Add some onion and we all got stuffed 😂😂👍  

It’s okay though, they all got knighthoods anyway. Got a medal for just turning up as nobody is a loser. 😂😂  

The government can set its own agendas, so if you don’t want to take the hit, deflect and defer, hide paperwork, and pervert justice with nobody with independent oversight.  

That’s what the royals were there to do. Blair took us into Europe without a vote, EU wrote the law, and the monarch sidelined.  

Let’s hope Brexit has changed their position.  

Why is airborne so important?  

Well, when infected but not showing symptoms, you are leading a normal life but leaving a trail of active virus in your wake. You could be on the opposite side of a stadium from an infected person and still catch it because the turbulent air will keep it hanging around for hours, if not days.  

We stood in queues within spitting distance, probably did not help. In Ilya violet sunshine, not such a big problem, but in the underground, shops etc., a different matter.  


Exactly, why I put clean air protocols in our clinic to keep staff and patients safe ✅  

That’s why biological weapons were banned. Open Pandora’s box and all you have left is hope. Sure, the technical blurb runs into books but I think that covers it.

No, just saying.  

I expect the Ministry for Bloods when buying the cheap, not guaranteed, blood. They had no comeback on America.  

So deflect and defer, how much has the government spent covering up since Thatcher 🤔  

What else are they covering up at our expense?  

Well done, the Ministry of Defence for adhering to protocols and procedures by doing their jobs properly.  Ministry of Defence letter

Always follow the money.  

A bit disproportionate, 70 million people at 12 pounds each. And the government having a bottomless pit.  

In 2022/23 the criminal legal aid budget in England and Wales was 873 million British pounds, compared with 882 million pounds in the previous year.  

Statista – Resource department expenditure limit (RDEL) of criminal and civil legal aid in England and Wales from 2005/06 to 2021/22

Howard Lamb

9th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

No cover up there then. 🤔

About 1,750 people are unaware they caught hepatitis C from infected blood, BBC analysis reveals. BBC News article – Infected blood: Hundreds of victims living with undetected hepatitis C

Howard Laamb

8th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Subject: Draft Letter to Chancellor Sunak

Dear Chancellor Sunak,

I have not received any responses to my most recent letters, which have been forwarded to the police (IOPC). There are serious charges that need to be addressed, as you are not above the law. Our courts decide innocence and guilt, not you. Avoiding and then ignoring the correct protocols and procedures is leading us away from democracy and towards a policed state, working not for the people but against them.

The CPS states that silence is a sign of guilt; why would an innocent person not defend themselves? Yet here we are. The children and adults who have been treated so poorly need justice and change; otherwise, they are stuck in a declining spiral, as seen over the past 20 years or more.

There must be penalties and consequences; otherwise, justice cannot be served and nothing changes. If you, first as Chancellor and then as PM, have not addressed the problems faced by those with special needs, the cover-up is a criminal act, favoring self-interest rather than the greater good.

Please respond if not guilty.

Howard Lamb

Text to a friend:
Why haven’t the government acted to help these children with special needs?

I can’t say for sure, but it would seem they are full of themselves. What will happen to us if it gets out that we have knowingly abused children to save money?

Meetings behind closed doors with no record, pressure on subordinates to follow the party line—none of which has any place in a democracy. Forcing children to act and be normal when they can’t because they are on the spectrum. Blame them and their families, then cut budgets further in real terms.

I’m sure behind the scenes, they are tidying up their act. “Oh, look what we have done to help. Now move on, as an election is coming soon.” Totally heartless and only interested in saving their own necks. Just wrong.

Does that help? ✅

If they had invested more, it would show there was a problem. 🤬

Not tickety-boo, as all the paperwork says.

Howard Lamb

7th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. 

Survey by NAHT union finds funding shortages mean pupils are losing out on vital support. Guardian article – School leaders warn of ‘full-blown’ special needs crisis in England

Howard Lamb

6th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
As always, more questions than answers. The council was told by the judge. The SS ignored it. The GCC etc. was told and removed me from the chiropractic register, only to have to put me back on after my CPD was passed on appeal. Exactly as it was originally. They then ignored me. Letters to PMs, Cabinet Office, and multiple others were ignored, as were complaints procedures. The police and its complaints department, fully informed but ignored and no action taken, breaching protocols and procedures.

Yet the children still suffer.

How could there not have been a cover-up?

They did/do not want all the proof in paperwork and have never asked to see it.

For months, case after case has come to the surface proving mine, yet ignored and nothing done.

So it all hangs on MI5 doing their job and reporting to Penny and Charles3.

So far, democracy is a myth. Let’s hope it turns back to reality. ✅

Is GCHQ up for the task or even capable of defending democracy?

Good question.

That’s not my job thank God, I’m just the witness that blew the whistle.

Where do I think MI5 are up to? Or what are they up to?

Well, a spymaster must have the correct ability or would not be in the job, right?

Yet most ministers don’t seem to have much knowledge of their own departments? I would be very surprised if he had not profiled me. Hopefully, he avoided the red herrings and has followed my breadcrumbs.

Yet nobody has answered for their potential criminality.

How many would have to go to jail? Lots. 👍

So why the delay unless important people covering up is okay as long as only scummy kids!

As I have said, always more questions than answers!

C’s letter is coming together but no rush as I have other irons in the fire, so to speak. Hopefully, by investigating me, he will get to the bottom of it, but I am on a schedule so time is not never-ending.

Their secret is out and all over the internet. Others are doing their bit. 👍😁

Interesting days ahead. 🤔

Why the trilogy: King, head of everything, and C.

Biblical, father son, and Holy Ghost 😂

If they can’t sort it, who can 😇

Son of God i.e., Christian values.

Holy Ghost: MI5.

Well, they are royal courts and law lords.

Close enough to God. 😂

Howard Lamb

5th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No, no news as yet. Still being ignored.

Having a problem with my tone for the letter to C, head of MI5. I hope C stands for chief. 👍

Anyway, I can’t get over a “Mission Impossible” tone—your mission, should you choose to accept it, etc. The gov will self-destruct in 30 seconds. 😂 Probably inappropriate, given the seriousness of my complaint.

How much info do I give him? He will have already looked at me as a threat to national security. I’m sure it will come together. 💋

No, “commander” was my other choice. Your mind worries me at times. 😂 Yes, commander, as in Bond. Keep up. 😂😂

OK, Bond was MI6, so license to kill abroad only.

But C in control of it all. 🤔 C is also appointed by the Home Secretary and reports to the gov, as and when. Is that sort of independent? 🤔

I’m sure in time we will find out. ✅😱

Howard Lamb

4th May, 2024

Dear Patient,

More and more campaigners are calling for public inquiry into high number of patient fatalities over a decade at crisis-hit service. 

Guardian article – NHS mental health trust failings linked to more than 30 deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk

Howard Lamb

3rd May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No, after the tribunal the SS were pissed. Caught falsifying documents, having to concede the case, and having to pay out huge sums of money from their budget. Did they do the decent thing for the child? Hell no. Apparently, they lost the case through a clerical mishap and the mother had got away with dumping her kid on the system, just naughty and a bad mother. Then they trashed his placement by underfunding and not diagnosing, still even though the court ruling said differently. Nice people.

I only covered the basics in the email; the mother’s case had the council banged to rights for putting her child at risk, covering up his abuse, and causing his traumatic stress. My paperwork to the tribunal should have been investigated further, but as the case was conceded, it never was. Even if you remove a child’s rights, that should not allow for them to break the law and protocols. They wanted him to be fostered, a cheap option. Because he had improved well since my involvement, it was a clear sign that all he needed was a good role model. Not the fact I was the lead clinician counselling him and doing the job of their psychologist, Dr Pill only. If he had been fostered, he would have run away as he had an attachment disorder with his mother who was always there to try and protect him. When you have bigoted untrained staff who self-protect the system, the child will always be at risk.

Lead clinician: The mother and I removed his drugs except melatonin to help him sleep. It was going well until he got stressed by police and restrained at school again. We could control his home life but not other areas, hence the tribunal to get him safe. Unfortunately, the placement did not want him to escape or harm anyone. Ironic really.

None of this happened by chance. At 6, the new headteacher of his failed Ofsted school tried to make him shape up or exclude him. By the time she finished with him, he was literally in a catatonic state; the mother moved to Northampton who did well to help stabilize him, and he started to speak properly. Yet, with all his medical notes ignored, once back in Herts, he was placed in a normal school without assistance. Bullied at school or out and about playing. Just so wrong, trash the child to protect wrongdoing. It still makes me angry now.

Yep, you have to ask how is any of this possible under the rule of law, justice, and democracy? Yep, either I am wrong, but I have all the paperwork to show I’m right, or they are wrong and have abused power, aided and abetted crimes against humanity while perverting justice. 🤔 Not an isolated incident. Look at the BBC’s stuff on child abuse and cover-up earlier this week, up on site.

Howard Lamb

1st May, 2024

Dear Patient,

Email to a friend: Subject: Long to text.
If the system was so good, why was the child not diagnosed by the council? I ended up writing to his GP who put him on the NHS list. Two psychologists later, we had his diagnosis which concurred with mine and the educational psychologist who wrote to the tribunal that the family won. His paediatrician, before the age of 6, had him high on the spectrum. So, why the 13-year gap? As his mentor, I talked to everyone who became involved. The ARC worker, who would drive him around for a talk (which the child never wanted), thought he was a psychopath, not helpful. He was happy because he had never dealt with one before and it was good on his CV. His psychologist did not diagnose autism, ADHD, and post-traumatic stress, as I had done, and accepted at the tribunal the council did not contest; they made up stuff and submitted it to the tribunal. The mother had kept the original and gave them back copies 😂. The judge was not happy and gave the council both barrels and threatened a judicial review. The psychologist just ignored him when I viewed and only wanted to drug him. No therapy or anything useful, just pills to control his hyperactivity and occasional rage and rant when his will to live had gone.

The mother wanted a second opinion whilst under the council and was blocked (long story, but all in her paperwork). In fact, vast amounts of paperwork and man-hours were spent by multiple departments on a child they diagnosed wrongly (naughty). So, all were writing fiction and observing from a slanted perspective. The child just deteriorated from worse to worse. The won tribunal financed a placement. The judge gave recommendations, none of which were complied with, and the full award was never spent. In fact, he was on the streets at 17.

His care team at the placement was based on minimum wages. A new carer was trained on the job at the child’s expense. They have an afternoon learning how to restrain and never reward a naughty child. These people would follow the child around as a minder, correcting behaviour and restraining when they thought the need was there. The child had been left with paranoid episodes after being over-medicated, as accepted at his tribunal. Minders would invade his space, he would react, then get restrained. Just naughty, remember? “I will not tolerate that behaviour on my watch.” Once he had hit the Ofsted hotline and complained about restraint (wrongfully, that is). He won but damaged the placement’s reputation. The placement failed, I wonder why. The mother likes an email, clear in her paperwork about the lies that were told.

Hope that gives you a basic understanding of why he was so traumatically stressed. Abused at schools by staff and pupils, over the years. The bullying got so bad the mother had to get Sir Mike involved, her MP, and the press. It got to the point where he would escape at every opportunity from schools or a taxi taking him to school when placed outside his home area. All through non and wrong diagnosis from people who are not qualified to know the difference.

No, you don’t want to hear my conversation with the child, now an adult, on our fishing trips and other times. Firstly, it’s patient-privileged info. Secondly, the trauma and emotional damage for one so young to have experienced would break your heart.

No, the fishing trips for big cats were not a reward. All about team building. He had to learn all aspects, from placing baits by rowing them out 250+ yards, placing with accuracy, and setting a bed of free offerings in a specific pattern. Understand the rigs used and to replicate, how to play, land, and weigh a huge cat. Usually, a 4-man team sport, each person has a job to do when a fish is on, etc. He was a bit tentative putting his hands in a cat’s mouth and pulling it up the back a bit by its jaw but soon got the hang of it. At 15, he had hooked and landed after placing baits, etc., cats to 176 lb. He had to work for his reward and work with people he did not know as a team. Not naughty once.

Howard Lamb

30th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Yeah, I read it—Tories after scroungers again. If you are only mildly depressed, we will take your PIPs away.

Fact: 8.6 million identified patients are prescribed antidepressants, which remain the BNF section with the largest number of such patients. Figures for 22/23 show a rise of 2% or 200,000 patients.

A happy pill is a crutch, not a cure. Mental health is severely underfunded, so no cure is in sight.

Blame those chinless wonders who can’t take the stress, so let’s make them more depressed by removing their income.

No, as a crutch to help stabilize, whilst your mental health team gets to the bottom of your situation and helps you control it and start to thrive again.

Take the drugs and turn up for work ✅ is never the right answer.

If you add all those who smoke/vape/cook cannabis to the 8.6 million legal users and others who have not been diagnosed or found another path.

It’s probably affecting half the working population.

You have to ask what has changed our stiff upper lips to cry a lot in two decades.

Well, if the whole system is twisted to Parliament’s advantage and not the people’s, everything is a constant uphill battle. With no chance of justice, you can’t disperse the depressive influences, so nothing ever changes.

I’m sure the government does not see it in those terms. Just revolting peasants after all 😂😂😂✅

The government is just rattling its sabre and trying to scare people off. Like Rwanda, long-term, it will not solve anything. Just scare the boat people and they will stop coming.

No chance.

Stop bombing and decimation of civilizations going back to prehistory. And they might go home and help rebuild. They have lived there for millennia, after all 👍

How is it to the government’s advantage rather than ours?

Have a rigid plan run by the civil servants, so don’t have to worry about flaws in the system (Horizon and the posties).

The Chancellor is told how much is available, and the money is doled out to the ministries.

Ministries tell ministers it’s all working smoothly because there is no effective complaints procedure, and everything gets covered up. The government does not want to know for plausible deniability.

And the system just grinds on.

Democracy works differently.

Parliament is our people speaking for us. Not lightweights running things and gaining positions of power that they can abuse, and/or financial gain with their 2, 3, or 4 other jobs.

Everyone ticks a box and gets the job done, not very well but done 😱

Well, if you don’t know what you are talking about, how can you do anything successfully?

If you don’t know what your staff are up to, your business will fail.

Never mind, we can just vote in more to do the same.

Even when caught red-handed, it’s covered up. This is not an isolated case 🤬 BBC article – Special school pupils ‘tortured’ in calming rooms, BBC investigation finds

Not just me then. Guardian article – Mentally ill people being used as ‘political football’, campaigners say

The system is moribund ✅

How can a system be democratic when you cover up abuse of children, then adults with special needs?

How can a government that covers up injustice be democratic 🤔

It’s definitely not what we voted for.

Why were people not arrested and charged? Well, if it’s standard procedure, they are all in the frame—council, carers, and government for rubber-stamping it 🤔

If not standard procedure, they would have been charged. No human rights as naughty.

How can you prosecute staff who have gone OTT, when they are just trying to get the kids to act normally as per their training? Good behaviour or you’re back in the room.

Going on all over the country and has been for years. Probably why they don’t want to explain themselves.

No engagement, just pure bullying. Then blame the family for the behaviour.

Attention-seeking, so punish 🤬

Text to a friend:

How have they got it so wrong?

Some twat of a psychologist said it was all down to the mother being cold to her child. Councils and gov did not move on.

So just attention seeking and has to learn not to be naughty.

I expect the staff is told that nothing can be done except drug and restrain, preferable just drugged so staff don’t get hurt.

It’s horrible.

Howard Lamb

28th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Open ended prison sentences against human rights. Add those who are sectioned without charge and stuck in secure facilities and the numbers keep rising. Guardian article – ‘Indefensible’: UK prisoner jailed for 23 months killed himself after being held for 17 years

What a mess. Guardian article – Vulnerable teenagers ‘dumped and abandoned’ in hotels by councils in England

Howard Lamb

27th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

His role is also to oversee Parliament to ensure our democracy. Wikepedia – Director General of MI5

Text to a friend: 
New Rwanda law. Well done to the lords for protracting. Nobody will fly as yet, as it is bound to be a court case to challenge the law. Law lords will be sent in to bat ✅. Can’t wait. We told you it was illegal, so you changed our law to get your own way. Still not legal, as it’s against international conventions. ✌️
As for our beloved PM, hiding the long COVID figures under ME and blaming people for taking sick days when public sector staff are taking a third more sick days than the private sector. They have known about long COVID or post-viral syndrome for decades but classified it under mental health, so nothing was done. Unless you unravel the causative factors, no treatment is available. 🤔

The Rwanda situation should be referred to the Director General of MI5, who is able to look independently and see if this was the start of a totalitarian government, not a democratic one. He should, if not already, be investigating the cover-ups as government working against the people which is a huge no-no in a democracy. If MI5 investigates, what should happen?

Good question.

Between Rwanda and the scandals cover-ups, it should show the government worked illegally. As the government has broken the law, they have no alternative but to resign or face breach of code and have to resign. 🤔 At the other end of the spectrum, banged up for treason as other stuff floats to the top as they grass each other up to save themselves. If I were PM, what would be the first thing I would do?

Easy peasy. Bring back the walk of shame for my predecessors. No nakedness, but to walk a mile safely through the crowds where they are verbally stripped. Televised globally as a warning to those in power who are taking the piss and need to stop. 🤔

Definitely an election winner 😂😂😂. They can’t say they were not told. I asked Mrs. May for an independent investigation and MI5 involvement. I expect they checked me out so the government could trash me. The problem was, I told the truth, and here I still am today.

Walk of shame. Could you imagine the power of all that negative energy being vented at our political elite? Hate, injustice, grief, etc. Not a walk I would like to take 👍. Good therapy for the people, allowing them to move on.

Medical News Today article – What is post-viral syndrome?


Science Direct article – Involvement of the histamine H1 receptor in the regulation of sympathetic nerve activity

Has anyone worked out the lifespan of light before it degrades and disappears? Can it live for 9 billion years or more, especially with dispersion over hugely vast expanses of space?

Working on something, another piece of the jigsaw. Would a prism effect explain much?

In head, have to go. No, with dignity. All the crowd would have to do is say things like, “Shame on you,” or “You are responsible.” Well, it’s got to be shown before the watershed and will be televisual. They knew, they just did not understand or care! 

Says it all. Protect democracy.

Mi5 information – Law, oversight and ethics

Howard Lamb

24th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Not just me then. Guardian article – UK government dementia adviser resigns over prosecutions of carers

Defo not caused by poor parenting skills ✅ Psychology Today article – Why Has There Been a Rise in Autism and ADHD Diagnoses?

Howard Lamb

22nd April, 2024

Dear Patient,

As Chancellor he set the care budgets as Prime Minister he does not want to carry the can.  Letter will go by end of week. Please read my draft letter to Rishi Sunak

Text to a friend:
The draft letter should go up at some stage. This is part 3 of the second letter. As they seem to have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to complaints about themselves, I thought I would send it bit by bit. Part 1 was proof of being a whistleblower. Part 2 was a breakdown of where they have gone wrong, and the third is still in the planning stages.

They can’t say they didn’t know, as I have written to the Attorney General’s office, the head of the Cabinet Office, the police, and the complaints department, and have sent a mass mail shot to lots of important people who should have acted.

How can you get justice when the culprits are in charge ✅ All letters are up on the site 👍 If you don’t respond, you are not being transparent. If you don’t diagnose disability to the disadvantage of those with special needs, it’s against the disability laws and that denies equal opportunities for those with special needs and affects their lives until death.

I expect the government is quite happy so many die young, by suicide, overdose, or being stabbed, etc. Must save them a fortune in benefits. Lucky to get a cardboard box at the crematorium, you naughty person 🤬

Why have they never asked for my case study based on mother and child’s statements, backed up with vast amounts of paperwork? No interest in getting to the bottom of it as they already know what they have done and are using their positions to avoid accountability, or abuse of power.

Obviously, once they respond, they will have full answers. Yeah, believe that and you will believe anything. More kids are now being diagnosed but no facilities. Some teachers need to go on a course. That’s it, folks.

Richie at No. 11 set his budget. If he’s competent, how did he not know? 🤔 He must have seen a synopsis of my file. I would love to see how I have been profiled. And how wrong they all proved to be. Well, that’s psychology for you 😂😂

You can’t give a government the stick I have without them shining a spotlight in all of my orifices. And I’m still blogging. Must be all true then, and they don’t want to bring up trivia because it might all come out. When psychology was founded, Freud was prescribing cocaine to opiate addicts and worked out it was due to harsh potty training. 😂

No, you were profiting from a junkie’s needs. Twat.

So, Child X, what do you think is wrong with you? says the psycho. Child: If I knew that, why would I be here? 😂 Could hardly keep a straight face 😂😂 Bless him. He had the hump because he sees himself as normal, as he would. And the psycho was hit out of the park. The child was excluded from the meeting not long after.

If the child thinks he is normal, and is for his part of the spectrum, then there was nothing wrong with him. Stupid question. I’m on my bike ✅ His paperwork played a different scenario. Strange that.

Make him take the pills; he will be fine.

Well, he wasn’t and got abused further because he was not diagnosed properly. Harsh potty training. Should probably have come off the product before making conclusions 😂😂😱

Email to a friend:
Gone all modern for a longer interaction.

Ancient aliens and God.

Considering the distances involved, we have to assume that the ancients were earthlings, probably cartilaginous so no remains. Probably caused the flood (by mistake or plan) and with their superior tech, shot off to somewhere else. The rear guard would be the ancient gods of old. Too many stone structures of epic proportion under the sea. Well, all over the planet, really. Once they died off or left, we had the Bible telling a metaphoric tale. Moses didn’t enter Eden, and humans were given a choice: the false god of gold or the proper Ten Commandments. Our fellow earthlings understand God and how the cosmos is alive, each galaxy a complex cell neurologically connected and all information stored.

Can we mentally affect the cosmos? Most probably, negative and positive emotions are very powerful things. Multiply by all who have or had life on our planet. How much power is that?

They said they would be back to multiple cultures over thousands of years. Reincarnated Christ or Christian values. Buddhists are already there and Jew/Muslim faiths based on the Ten. It’s just the capitalists and their quest for greed and power that have got in the way.

I don’t think aliens are a threat. If you can traverse galaxies or cosmos which is rife with danger, why would you then crash on Earth 😂. Have the ancient earthlings come back? Probably, with a few mates they met on their travels. Will they act to help us and the planet? Probably not, as it’s all our choice; they will pick up the pieces and start again. Where are they? Hidden in oceans or the moon? Your guess is as good as mine. 12,000 years is a long time. If you look at what human development has achieved in 100 years, just imagine how advanced they are now.

Let’s say the capitalists produce pain and suffering; this is released as negative energy. Wars, famine, climate change all releasing negative energy. Prayers to God and expressions of love, not hate, creating positive energy on the decline. Totally out of balance. Nothing can avoid gravity; something has to give.

So, were our gods of old early earthlings? Probably not, genetically cloned and cyborg deceptions I expect, which is why they were seen as immortal as they could always be replaced. Was it 64 million years since the asteroid hit? Humans have been around 200,000 years ago. Plenty of time, not just for mammals I expect.

Dark matter/energy. My theory about black holes is they compress material to a fine powder which is constantly flowing into space. Each particle is so compressed it actually weighs mega tons. This slowly decompresses forming matter and the cycle goes on. Expanding the cosmos as it does so. The decompression releases energy, the light matter forms strings due to the expansion of the dark matter. Fairly simple so far 🤓. Very good, if the planet is giving off a depressive negative vibe, can’t we pump tons of antidepressants and muscle relaxants into the atmosphere? And hope it gets better 😂.

Planets and solar systems are not in a freezer for no good reason, like body temp stable but can increase or decrease with need. Solar wind plays its role. Anyway, what was the question again 😂😂😂? They have found black holes which are so big they did not have time, since the Big Bang, to get to that size. Several possible theories but nothing concrete. So the Big Bang possibly just the start of our galaxy, a relatively small pop in the enormity of space, the gap between what! You have to ask.

Why have they come back? That’s an interesting question. Let’s say they were dominant when there was far more oxygen about. Historically we have less oxygen now, but maybe they need high CO2 levels to thrive on the planet, who knows. You can bet your bottom dollar someone does. All theory, no proof, so just the ramblings of an old man 😇.

Howard Lamb

21st April, 2024

Dear Patient,

If you take out long COVID and those off with stress, working in the public sector, the figures are much smaller. Statista – Number of economically inactive people due to long-term sickness in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022, by age group

If head teachers commit suicide over Ofsted’s, there has to be something very wrong going on. 🤔

All smoke and mirrors.

Tories anti-scrounger, yet they have helped to create the sick. Mismanagement of COVID and an underfunded system which has not spent our money wisely.

Party of police, only as a state, as anyone who has been robbed, defrauded, sexually assaulted, etc., can tell you.

Strong on defence but can’t secure our borders, so they go and bomb people to rattle their sabre. Tax breaks for the rich with 14 million plus under the poverty line, so only looking after their votes, not the country as a whole.

Honourable people lining their own pockets and running extra jobs to coin it in. In the press today, some are earning 400k for their second job, just wrong.


I read a piece a few months back about how hard an MP works: 18 hr days for constituents, party, and parliament.

If good MPs, how would they have the time for a second, third, and sometimes even fourth job? 🤔

3.6% of public workers off sick. 2.3% of private. 🤔

Public servants, historically, since records began, take more sickies than those with proper jobs in the private sector.

Maybe look for scroungers there to start. ✅

Howard Lamb

20th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Of course, they used joined up thinking to corrupt, cover up the damage, and then cloud the water to cover their escape from accountability. How else was it possible? A tight ship with almost totalitarian control to stifle complaints and make sure their system survives; the people are just a problem that needs to be controlled in that circumstance.

Howard Lamb

19th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

If you do not diagnose and have no facilities for those who cannot comply with the norm, this is what you get. You have to ask how and why education is in such a mess. BBC article – School suspensions: England set for highest number in school year

Yet another lost generation.

You could not write it. Nobody would believe it, but it’s true. BBC article – Infected blood scandal: Children were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in clinical trials

Mess them up as kids and call them dole scroungers when not fit to work. Vote Conservative. Guardian article – Sunak accused of launching ‘full-on assault on disabled people’

A man who went through the system so knows what he is talking about. Guardian article – Lemn Sissay: ‘brilliant’ plans to improve child social care ignored by ministers

Text to a friend:
Yep, it’s clear the government cannot do joined-up thinking. Take autism, ADHD, dyslexia, non-diagnosed.

Children are forced to normalize when they can’t. They get excluded, so they’re not educated, and they develop mental health issues due to mental/physical abuse and brainwashing to normalize.

Then another department labels them as slackers and wants to take benefits away.

They end up on the streets, and then another department wants them arrested for vagrancy.

They can’t change it because they would have to admit their mistakes, so everything just gets worse.

Just scummy kids—we don’t need to diagnose them as we know what they are like, why waste the money.

It’s criminal.

There are always those that scam the systems. But I’ll bet the cost is far less than those who are not getting what they need.

Labour wants to hammer the self-employed and cash businesses. Put forward a good argument until you look at it.

The capitalists have twisted the system so billions are not paid in tax. The accountant costs alone are probably more than they will get back from hardworking self-employed.

Can’t have all those potential contributors to the party and charge them often less than 10% for the privilege and a knighthood. PAYE people should be up in arms. 45%

That’s definitely not equal opportunities ✅😂 

Howard Lamb

17th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Mr Sunak’s letter should be there by now.

They can’t say they did not know. All those who know and did nothing should read the law. Oops.

Howard Lamb

16th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Howard Lamb

15th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
That explains a lot. Guardian article – UK swapped to fatal US blood products to save money, minutes suggest

Cheap blood. Ignored contagion, blamed the patients then finally had to do something but covered up there wrongdoing.
Interesting pattern. Cladding was passed at a planning or public inquiry. Someone twisted the system. So everyone could use it and did. Oops tower inferno.

A 15 minute delay of kick off and the Liverpool fans would prob not have died. Police cock up followed by a police investigation.

Long list of cover ups, not just Child X

Gets worse up north where 13, 14 year olds groomed for sex and the police, through political influence, turned a blind eye.

Makes my blood boil, how they were treated will damage them for life.

Just scummy kids. What can you do about it.

🤬🤬🤬 your f ing jobs might have helped.

Mood change needed. Was in coffee house earlier. Two six formers were working. One was talking about the third world. The other castigated him and said they are known as the developing nations now.

I had to chip in and said all nations should be developing so how do you know which one you’re talking about.

Grumpy old man.

Their faces were a picture.

Haven’t developed nations prob more accurate after all. 😂

Don’t get me on my soap box.

Fact, there is an advanced world, there is a world that is developing and there is a world without clean water, medicines, often food. Wars and climate changed. So can’t develop.
Making a name change box. politically correct, just hides the truth.

Good developing so you don’t need any help.

Capitalist what can you do with them?


Language not just there to not upset anyone. Truthful reality is normally horrible and upsetting.

Thank God for choice. I will use the language to be precise and accurate. If you don’t like it I’m too busy to argue the toss. Freedom of speech, the rock our democrat is built on.

So talk to the hand and go away. Same as gov but not with the truth and accuracy bits 😂😂

Howard Lamb

14th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

That’s without bloods, covered up child abuse, sexual and other. Towers inferno, illegal wars. Liverpool fans, long list:  Wikipedia article – List of political scandals in the United Kingdom

Can you trust your MP to do the right thing?  

Clearly not ✅  

Just doing my research for my next letter 🤔  

Some more.  

What is the rule of law in the political system?  

The Rule of Law is a fundamental doctrine by which every individual must obey and submit to the law.  

In essence, no one is above the law.  

So why is Assange in jail? 

CPS article – Media: Assessing the Public Interest in Cases Affecting the Media 

Privy Council’s role should be looked at.  

Simon Singh case v. chiro on appeal. He, as a reporter, had the right to be wrong or is that wrong, as he was a scientist who didn’t get it right.  


com, sorry 😂  

A prisoner for political reasons. Clear, not broken UK law except avoiding a kangaroo court and hard jail time in states.  

Not funny.  

Jules would have been out years ago if he had murdered the girl rather than not used a condom 😱  

A regulated system does not work for the people. It stifles complaint then ignores. Not just the GCC’s. How can people who know nothing about a profession regulate one?  

I’ve seen the result with the child X case. Not good.  

If regulators are so good, how could the gov cover up so much wrongdoing?  

Well done Fred, have a nighty 🍻  

Sir Fred, for services against the people and protecting the state. Arise.  

GCC had to sell its offices and then rent them back because of the expense of prosecuting chiropractors who were innocent. Not just the posties then.  

Look at the Premier League.  

Debt not linked to inflation.  

If it were, nobody would have been prosecuted or points deducted. Will a regulator be of help if the system is not fit for purpose in the first place? 🤔🤔🤔  

The Telegraph says 99 cases had CPS involvement. CPS says it was involved with 11 and three imprisoned.  

Starmer said he did not know.  

Starmer is a right honourable man. So, what else did his staff not tell him? Savile, Rochdale, long list.  

Arise Sir K, go and join Labour.  

Plausible deniability it’s called in the trade 🤔  

That nice Jess girl seems to have bought her council house and can’t sell for years. Like most women, knowing they have a roof over their head is important no matter what their life throws at them. Could pack kids up to go home, etc.  

I’m registered to the clinic, not where I live. I own the house in Pinner and have living space there. The practice rents an area for me to live and headroom to think, or head office! Impossible over a clinic which takes up half the upstairs with expansion, working 6 days and 52 weeks of the year as primary health.  

I’ve moved fairly frequently over the years, but my family home is and always has been my family’s home. Saved a ton of jobs worth box-ticking by use of common sense. Pay council tax at both. No Chandra with banks, building societies, credit cards, long list.  

I have always voted in Pinner as the place of birth.  

Only registered from a house I owned. More politics I expect.  

Still trying to get my head around that?  

What pressure could the Privy Council put on the judiciary to allow this all to happen?  

Arise, Law Lord, and go protect our reputations ✅  

My favourite scenario at the moment. But as more info arrives, I will update ✅  

Genetically, the original Garden of Eden was close to the Rift Valley (Africa) and humanoids spread out over thousands of years. As with nature, each nomadic tribe adapted to their unique environments. Through city-states to empires to get where we are today.  

The end of days as per the book itself.  

Mankind was given choice, so it all depends on what we choose, not the powers who manipulate the planet for power and greed.  

It’s time for peaceful change. The rebirth of Christian philosophy before the Roman hijack of faith.  

From ‘will die for my faith in God’ to ‘kill everyone who is not Christian.’ I bet there are multiple popes in hell, or there should be.
Howard Lamb

13th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read draft letter to PM, sent to office to be sent in its final form next week.

Text to a friend:
Hopefully, you will have read that silence shows guilt in the CPS document and my second letter in the trilogy.
I’m having the weekend off as I’m already knackered, and I’ve only been back to work for one week. I’ll put together the third letter to be cc’d over the next few days. The practice manager has been banned from work as a flu victim, possibly with the 100-day cough.

So, anything that comes out of her office may not be up to her high standards—my mistakes, oops.

Worse things happen at sea.

I don’t even want to contemplate what was done to the cabin boy on long voyages. 😱

Too late!

Howard Lamb

12th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
It has become clear that the government does not deal with complaints when it’s about itself. The chances of getting a response to my letters to them are zero. Yet the children who have been abused by the corrupted system will never get justice. How can that be democratic? Definitely autocratic with Rishi at the helm. Not even voted in by the people and able to manipulate the country without responsibility.

All you have to do is look at all the other scandals—bloods, Liverpool fans, Rochdale. There’s a long list, and see how many in government were held responsible. Zero. Look at what they did to the post office people. Sent to jail when innocent and it was covered up. Something is very wrong, but the government is clearly in control and protecting its arse against the people. More importantly, how do we change the system so it can’t happen again and again and again?

I would take their “honourable” title and others away until they have done something that was worth their title, not just a few million into Conservative coffers. Look at Sir K from Labour, or Steady Eddy who got a title for not prosecuting at the CPS. Look at his record and those who got away with blue murder on his watch, and ask what he did to get the title in the first place besides turn up for work on time. Classic government or bull. Well, look we are doing something so let’s move on without the need for responsibility. Just some nutty kids after all. Not like important people like us 👍😱.

In general, I would have preferred to still be on holiday. Long week and still tomorrow to go. 😂😂 I’m sure the government does not have a scandal quota. And only if it is exceeded can anything be done 🤔😂😂. Clear protocols and procedures for whistleblowing and the report of child abuse yet the government has ignored all of them. Minister/prime ministers’ code, clear breaches yet nothing done. How is that possible without a cover-up which is a criminal act? 🤔

So, when the criminals run the police, how do you get justice for vulnerable children? Poor old posties, guilty until proven innocent. I always thought it was the other way around. Cover up the computer glitch which perverted justice, yet nobody charged. Same with the bloods and the others. A shame on the government but responsibility avoided. How many lies were told in court to get them jailed? 🤔 That in any other case would be perverting justice but can’t damage the government’s reputation so just bang them up. Just like Child X, because they can twist the honour system the child suffers while the culprits go free.

If they knew the software was problematic in 2010 why did the prosecutions not stop and many still went to jail? This all had to come from the top. Yet too big to fail. Total disgrace. You can bet your bottom dollar that the post office money that went missing was never traced back to the posties. Should have been a hint. Well, as no money actually went missing, how could they find it? Classic assumption of guilt rather than actual.

Will not be blogging much now till next week, working on my reminder letter to the autocratic one, Sunak. As always, will post when done. 

CPS article – Adverse Inferences

Howard Lamb

11th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
When will I get a response? 😂😂😂  

If it were down to the government and their lawyers, never.  

Legal will be taking advice, so they can protect themselves. Aiding and abetting, perverting justice, and abuse of power are all illegal. The Cabinet office will be looking to cloud the waters with deflection and deferment. They are very busy trying to stop World War 3, so this is not a high priority, etc.  

In general, they would like me to go away.  

Not going to happen. ✅  

No, they haven’t got a leg to stand on. They have been dealing with it under the table and making changes.  

Why make changes if nothing is wrong?  

They are just trying to hoodwink us. They are making more diagnoses and have lowered the ages. They’re teaching teachers to spot problems, etc.  

All too little, much too late.  

Just so they can keep their reputation and earn off the back of it.  

“Abuse” is not a word they like. This child might have been failed. 🤬  

Why would lawyers take advice?  

Several reasons, but the main one would be if I could be prosecuted for anything I have written. 😂😂😂  

Discredit me, and it goes away.  

Nice people. ✅  

They work for the government and not for the people.  

“Nice people” in this case was sarcasm, I expect. 😂  

If they try to disprove information on the web and are right, I will always upgrade to get a better picture.  

If they think I’ve been rude and unfair?  

Tough, it’s a free country.  

Or is that all smoke and mirrors?  

How else could I explain to the government what they were doing wrong when all they wanted to do was protect the system, not those with spectrum needs?

Howard Lamb

10th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter sent on 8th April to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Text to a friend:
Then you put all my letters to PMs together and read them chronologically. You can see that its historic child abuse. And multiple PMs have avoided the issue. But they have vast resources at their fingertips to avoid accountability. Legal departments, government departments, in fact, a small army protecting their reputations. Yet the kids can’t get justice for the damage done to them.

Why have the police not got involved? Why have the police not been involved with the post office scandal or all the others? Always more questions than answers.

When a PM can twist the systems like Blair, going to war illegally and all he had to do was say sorry, you know something is deeply wrong.

NSPCC article – What is non-recent abuse?


Always be careful when choosing a solicitor. Just because they have experience doesn’t mean they have a good record. “What is your success rate with this type of case?” I’ve had several experiences that make me very careful around solicitors. They charge you for telling you what you can’t do and not what you can 🤬.

On Record article – How can historical abuse be proved?

Non-diagnosis and put at risk.

If diagnosed after 18 and forced through our schools, excluded and probably much worse. You have a strong case.

Why should traumatised people have to fight? Simples. Work out all those responsible and bang them up. Justice goes a long way in healing such wounds.

After all, it’s the honourables’ cover-up, so the honourables should pay.

Howard Lamb

Howard Lamb

9th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Letter to PM should be on its way. I’ll find out when I get to clinic shortly. Are we going to find honour and justice in their ranks, or we’ve been busy screwing everything else up and get round to sorting it when it’s someone else problem after the general election. 🤬

Howar Lamb

8th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why has there been such an explosion with the diagnosis of spectrum conditions? Good question, easy answer. If you do not diagnose to save money, there are tens of thousands without diagnosis. The right question is what facilities and staff are in place for those needing care. Answer: 0. 

As they haven’t spent the money on the 20% of those with a diagnosis, what are the chances they have a plan? I notice the rats are leaving the sinking ship in ever-increasing numbers. As for historic child abuse, changing jobs will not cut it in court. ✅😂😂

Is autism contractable or curable? That’s an absolute no. ✅ Diagnose early, have educated people to get them through the first vital 3 years, and make sure they advance with each age change. Under control and flying before the hormones kick in. Not hard or expensive, but it will get the job done.

Age changes: Terrible twos, learning how to play at 3, learning how to play with others, etc. 👍 Not playing at all can be a problem as the child has not touched down yet and needs attentive one-on-one to bring them out of themselves.

If it’s so simple, why have they not done it? Well, Fred in social says they’re just naughty, backed up by George at the NHS, who are both wing nuts. This confirms the capitalist dogma that it’s just scummy families and crap children, so no point in educating them as they’re only going to jail at the taxpayers’ expense.

The moral of the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden: Don’t exploit the planet. Everything that is taken and not returned alters the balance of nature. How many more rare life forms, cosmically, are we going to lose through pure greed and abuse of power? Globally. So, let’s sort our politics out, and hopefully, the human world will follow.

Good analogy: Take the grit fruit but let the orchard decay. 🤔👍💋 

Wing nuts: You screw hard to make the structure inflexible. Not an insult, honest. 😂😂

Howard Lamb

7th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What happens next?

I am a scientist, so my experiments will continue. If there’s no quick response, all my PM letters and a covering note go to the Head of the Law Lords asking for a judicial review, CC’d to that nice Penny, Head of the Privy Council and Parliament, and Charles III, whose government it is. Again, CC’d to relevant worldwide courts and organizations.

I’m interviewing someone tomorrow who can do all the donkey work to draw back all paperwork and adapt it. Whatever that means 😂. How far does this scandal go? Our handling of special needs is not the worst in Europe by a long way.


A long list of contacted people and organizations. Let’s see how they all followed the relevant law regarding whistleblowing of child abuse. 😂 Can’t wait to see what was said and done 😂😂😂😱. What the SS and council had to say about me 😂😂😂. Well, would I still have to be blogging if the whistleblower law was actually used? Oh, large breaches in protocols and procedures.

I would be slung out of my profession for far less. 🤔 😂 Very good. I was slung out without reason. Should I have waited till Rishi got the Mail?

Toyed with it but have been trying to play cricket by the rules. Apparently, I’ve been in the wrong department. ✅ 🤔

Collins Dictionary example sentences – honourable gentleman

As for taking a wage, he does not fulfil the criteria.

Howard Lamb

6th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read draft letter to PM, sent to office to be sent in its final form next week.

Text to a friend:
Hope you got my draft letter to Rishi. 
I think I got the tone just right. No rude words. Just as it is with no spin or frills.
May add a bit more before it goes, prob Tues or Wed depending on overcrowded clinic due to hols. ✅

Text to a friend:
Exactly, if they covered up the abuse of a child with special needs, what else have they been up to? 😱🙈🤬🆘

In Child X’s case, a classic example of the back room boys in rigid control, and the clinicians who know their onions are not listened to. Sorry, no budget. 😢 Back room boys. Didn’t think women could be so heartless. Ok, backroom staff. Happy. 😂👍

Politicians. Who would have them? Spend all their time plugging the holes in the ship which they have created, and then have to spin because the problems don’t go away unless you solve them. That’s a great idea. Subcontract in a proper captain of industry with relevant specialties to be ministers. The ordinary politicians somewhere down the ladder to get experience. And can then report to the PM, who has had specialist training to do his job. Morals might help.

Selection for ministers should be via headhunters. No political involvement. His mandate would be to simplify and cull large chunks of the civil service who can move to departments who need their expertise. And make his, hers, or others’ mark felt in making the ministries fully functional and effective for the people they work for, i.e., us. 👍 Well, we are the shareholders and have to be informed how well or badly the ministry is doing and sack. No need for an election.

You’re on a roll. Civil servants who need to move will probably need some psychotherapy to help their transition. Once cured, they can train and go out and help the mental health of the nation, they helped to create. 🤔

Howard Lamb

5th April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Hope you got my draft letter to Rishi. 

I think I got the tone just right. No rude words. Just as it is with no spin or frills.

May add a bit more before it goes, prob Tues or Wed depending on overcrowded clinic due to hols. ✅

Howard Lamb

3rd April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
That’s a good idea! Student gap year could be for national service. Life experience before the choice of career.

Yea, not just military, out in the world rebuilding forests, helping supply clean water. Counteract poaching. Long list and billions to help.

Let’s look at the big picture.

Northern lights very active, looks like the last battle of the gods from mythology. More battles on the fields of Armageddon. The world is not happy, and no one is safe. So all that is left is HOPE. Hope that mankind has finally learned from historical mistakes and can move into the promised land or earth as we know it 👍.

National service.

Those who would like to be fit and bear arms do so. Those who want to build stuff go to the sappers. Computer buffs join cyber, GCHQ, etc. Tree huggers plant trees. Animal lovers shoot poachers. Anyone not sure, medical corps. ✅

If earth is not the Garden of Eden, show me another planet in the cosmos with the diversity of life we have.

Howard Lamb

2nd April, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

Is that better for you for apartment view. 👍

Home now as river unfishable. More important fish to fry.

Touched base with office and I have received no correspondence other than chiropractic norm. So no news again.

Not happy.

Howard Lamb

30th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Caught 13 carp in total: 1 over 40lb, 4 in the 30’s, 6 in the 20’s, and an upper double. Solved my white hair and red nose problem from previous pics 😂.


Now, I do civilized 6-hour sessions with a nice evening meal at the end, and breakfast and two coffees to get us started.

That’s 13 fish in 36 hours of fishing time, in the worst river condition I’ve seen in twenty years. More than pleased.

River view apartment, job done.

Howard Lamb

29th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
40+ job done, carping tomorrow again, Sunday off to rest then, if God’s willing, the river will have settled, and we have 4 days after the big cats ✅.

What’s that all about? We didn’t bother to diagnose and been found out. Need to investigate, 10 years or so then no one at fault. Special needs underfunded, says minister, oops in press also.

Howard Lamb

28th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

Both fish well into the 30s. Not what I’m after. Minimum is a mid-forty. 50-mile-an-hour winds and then a thunderstorm, which has a serious weather warning in place mid-afternoon tomorrow, so early start and a late, long lunch ✅

A bit tatty but grateful.

Howard Lamb

27th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Don’t diagnose; then we can balance the books. They were doing that 13 years ago; how much worse is it now? Guardian article – Hard-up English councils ration access to special needs tests

Add non-diagnosis for spectrum kids, and it’s a real mess. It’s clear that the quality of members of Parliament has dropped through the floor since joining the EU, and they’re not capable of governing since Brexit. BBC article – Public satisfaction with NHS at lowest ever level, survey shows

Text to a friend:
With the EU making laws, etc., what was the point of Parliament? Lots of showboating and bugger all else. Then, ministers after Brexit had to take back control. Didn’t go well. Constant changes of PMs and the Cabinet area have the civil service not knowing if the new, new, etc., minister actually knew anything about his job. Ministers have a strategic plan in place, so bully everyone to follow it whether it’s correct or not. What a mess. Blair has a lot to answer for; why is he head garter off not covering up his gov’s mistakes?

Without diagnosis, these children are mentally/physically abused and brainwashed to achieve normality. If you are spectrum, you can never be ‘normal,’ but normal for your part of the spectrum. ✅

Against UN and EU rights and the reason for my contact with The Hague definitely crimes against humanity.

Imprison, often far away from home, often without conviction or diagnosis, some sexually abused. There’s a couple more reasons. Responsible for multiple suicides, they say murder in their paperwork. By putting someone at risk knowing what they were doing is murder as I see it. 🤔

Sorry for the absence but have been busy. ✅

What is the gov’s strategic plan?

When you want more rich people who avoid tax and bend all the rules, as the ethos of capitalism is in the front seat and driving, you don’t give a toss about anyone else but your own self-interest. Simple maths: if loads of people earn much, much more than before, there is far, far less money left for those with needs. ✅

508k millionaires in 2012. 280,000k in 2023. Cons have been very successful in making 10% richer. More children in poverty than ever before. How can that be democratic?

2 million 8 hundred thousand. Missed a nought. Learnt that one from gov forecasts. 😂

Leave me alone; I’m on holiday. Don’t rely on me; check it out. How many millionaires are there now, and any other year you want? House price inflation in the south created many. The poor are poorer, and the rich are richer. All the figures are out there for everything; ask the right question, you should get the right answer. How much does the gov corrupt information? Your guess is as good as mine, but spin is everywhere.

Howard Lamb

22nd March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What’s happening to the NHS?

Very interesting. The docs stood up for themselves, good job too. Long overdue.

The government feels betrayed by those who broke ranks.

The government is full of vindictive bastards. Look what they did to the miners and their communities.

So, we don’t need those expensive doctors. Push some of their work onto the pharmacy. The pharmacists don’t get paid extra, and if they mess up because they are not doctors, they get sued. The company charges the NHS.

Physiotherapists run all musculoskeletal injuries, but no one is there to oversee or chip in with diagnostics, relying on exercise alone to solve problems. Our family has treated over 90,000 people who have paid. Why would they if physio had all the answers? Just take the drugs and do the exercise. It will degenerate further because we can’t resolve it. Surgery may help with pain management but can’t restore full function and mechanical balance.

The practice nurses have expanded roles, and doctor assistants should be like classroom ones who help out and tidy up, but now they’re making medical judgments without a doctorate. More malpractice. Won’t be long before you can use a machine in Tesco that will diagnose and offer pills. That will teach those rebellious doctors.

What an absolute shambles.

The stories I’m getting back from patients are frightening.

Can’t see a doctor, assistant checked everything but what she had come in for. “Prob arthritis.” If he had bothered to read some of her notes, he would have seen she had been under a specialist. The patient contacted him and got an appointment to see him. Turned out to be something else entirely. Wanted to give anti-inflammatory drugs and had not seen she was on blood thinner. But gave a thorough examination. So did I in my first year of chiropractic education.

Private med: Had a post-COVID patient with AF. £22k for an ablation that did not work. Half-hour of theatre time, an hour tops. Costs the NHS a fraction of that. Same doctor but can bleed insurance. Well mate, complicated op, special price for you 🤔

Howard Lamb

21st March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. Guardian article – UK politics: government likely to have to ‘pay some Waspi compensation in election year’ – as it happened

Text to a friend:
After clinic this Saturday, I’m off fishing for monsters in Spain. Away for two weeks. Last proper holiday was a week in March last year. I will keep the pressure up whilst away, and if the fish don’t play, I can open more cans of worms.

I need to compile several letters; some will go whilst I’m away as the clinic is still open. I can catch up with my Euro mates to see how they are getting on.

Do I feel any sorrow for the harm I’m inflicting on the powers that be?


At some stage, they would have had some bright people to check what I’ve said out!

If the truth was found, the government was told and did not act when they had the opportunity. All they did was ignore it and opt for damage limitation. In the process, aiding and abetting then perverting justice to cover it up. How many more children’s lives have been and are still being damaged due to a political doctrine? Capitalism: take as much as you can and give the minimum back. Not conservative at all 😳

Action for Children article – How poverty affects children’s mental health

Howard Lamb

20th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. Guardian article – Government has brought adult social care in England ‘to its knees’, MPs say

Howard Lamb

18th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Waiting list for diagnosis doubled (172k), over a quarter take longer than 4 years. Not good enough. Shropshire Star article – Those with suspected autism face ‘knock-on effects’ amid lengthy wait times

Daily Mail article – NHS waiting lists for autism assessments hit record high after a ‘seismic’ increase in awareness of the condition

Even if they were diagnosed early, there are no staff or facilities for them. So, all are at risk from the system before and after diagnosis.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when you think of the generations that have gone before. If you corrupt the system so people are not diagnosed and jammed through a system that tries to normalize them only, this is what you get. You have to ask why this was done to them and who is responsible, otherwise, they will not change the system. ✅

Why have they stuck to their guns?

They would have to admit mistakes were made and it was covered up, perverting justice, aiding and abetting child abuse, and a huge abuse of power. Tends to explain why I don’t get responses from prime ministers. 🤔

These are old figures, about 1 in 40 and many more girls than previously thought. That over doubles the figures. 🤔

How can it have gone on for so long without detection? Well, if it’s poor parenting and a naughty child, why would you investigate? Saved billions.

Girls mask their traits better than boys so harder to detect. ✅

Text to a friend:
Why are the gov ignoring the elephant in the room of autism? Good question, I don’t think they are. Instead of looking for truth, they will be looking at how best to defend their position. Someone will have or are looking into it, but the way they work, it will have limited scope and lots of missing information. So you get, we have looked at it and there has been no wrongdoing, move on.

If you think of the tens of billions it will cost to sort out without compensation and the fact they have pissed all our money up the wall, it could bankrupt the UK. Let’s all leave Parliament then it’s someone else’s problem. To save the nation we should bang them all up and educate. Early diagnosis and happy children would save billions. Then, as taxpayers, they can contribute back and not be a drain on the system forever. Job done.

Back in 2012, autism was 1 in over 170. 1 in 40 prob not low enough. 1 in 20 with spectrum traits.

It would seem that the gov legal eagles are world experts in covering up. How else is this possible? ✅

Does a short sharp shock help spectrum kids?

Behave, pushes them deeper into their shells and makes them not want to be there or around the people who restrained them. On constant fright and flight mode and don’t learn how to relax. Then emotionally crash so get restrained again. Child X’s history shows multiple assaults. ✅

Watched a bit of the Spencer (Diana’s brother) interview recanting and sexual assault at boarding school. Having been caned lots, I had great sympathy.

I’m sure in 40 years others will be reviewing how 15 to 20 mins of restraint affected them. Killed the black bloke who mattered after all.

You could not write it. Ban canning as against the child’s human rights. Restrain them instead, so keep the ban on human rights but don’t leave physical scars just mental ones but the carers are safe, thank God. 😱

Yeah, I saw that, poor old MPs leave Parliament and can’t get a job. If they do not have skill sets to find employment. How did they get into Parliament? 🤔

In research found kids as young as 5 with fractured and broken bones after restraint. Incompetent carers who do not know how to restrain properly, I expect. Well, often you only get a couple of hours of training what do you expect.

It’s all out there. Just put the precise question into a search engine or two and bob’s your uncle. A ton of relevant information pops up. ✅

Adults restraining a wild child of five. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, Child X had to put up with being dragged about, yelled at, and forced to sit in silence on his own after being severely traumatized, took his mum a year to get him out of his shell but not completely. Had a hatred for school. Not helped by severe bullying where the mother had to get press and local MP on board to help his plight.

All in my first three letters: one to MP, one to the GCC, and one to the tribunal. Back in 2012. Up at the beginning of the site.

Was not diagnosed so just naughty, bad mother.

The mother has fought nonstop for her child and been relentless in trying to keep him stable to settle into a semi-normal life and on her own. It’s nearly killed her, she works and not on benefits owns rent and council tax, etc. Some bad mother, her daughter doing well, taxpayer and mortgage, two jobs to pay for it. ✅

Absolutely no wrongdoing though.

Re stats on numbers. Switzerland had, I think, 1 in 65. They were miles above all of Europe for numbers, with understanding and research I found Europe, in general, did not diagnose unless obvious, so far fewer numbers. I had to assume that was because they had a limited Celt gene pool and more funds for diagnosis, as Switzerland was one of the richest, originally.

I now know it’s common and commonly missed in multiple ethnic pools. The pools are mixing. Different peoples have different traits even in the same county let alone country. So cases are becoming more complex. Father with a foot in one pool the mother, both feet in another. So autism is here to stay and will expand with each new generation.

Gene test at birth and fast track to people who know what they are doing. Educate the parents into correct handling and understanding. Teachers, etc then they will shine and take us to another level. ✅

With normals, their autopilot switches everything on and works normally.

With autism, the child is not so lucky, not everything switches on. Has not got full access to the brain. So they have to learn how to switch on stuff they don’t know they are missing. Hence “I Saw The Light,” light bulb moment as something shifts into place and we get it. That’s why early work helps each transition so all the lights are on before the hormonal teen years.

Switching the brain on and removing emotional blocks, mother and I have explored multiple techniques over the past decade. We have learned much and ongoing because no two will be the same.

Howard Lamb

17th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

On average, ministers have the job for eight months, if lucky, so the cover-up starts with them. Guardian article – NHS ombudsman warns hospitals are cynically burying evidence of poor care

You have to ask what training they get, and if it’s so good, why the high turnover.

With 14 Secretaries of State leaving, or those in charge of the ministries, you have to ask why. Why have the children not been protected, as they know what they have done. Why are teachers, etc., not being educated about autism and how best to handle spectrum kids.

How do you get justice? 🤔 Historic child abuse is criminal, and whether you are in or have left Parliament, the law of the land is for everyone, including prime ministers. ✅

Howard Lamb

15th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

It makes me wonder what would have happened with an early diagnosis and the correct care for his special needs. Otherwise, just naughty, so bang him up for 50 years. 😡 Guardian article – Vulnerable man pleads with UK government to block extradition to US

Extremist government at it again. If you have different values and philosophies than us in the main parties, you’re banned. ✅ A very dangerous step in the wrong direction. Ask the IRA.

My mum used to say, “If you don’t let it in the front door, it has a nasty habit of coming in through the back door.” Deal with issues; don’t deflect and defer because then you get a mountain from a molehill. Ask Mohamed.

You can see what the government is up to. 80% of a high turnout by-election voted for two independent candidates and a threat to the two-party system. You’re a member of Greenpeace who sank a boat donkey’s years ago, so you can’t stand, or worse.

Watching Farage last night, there was a conversation regarding the countryside marches back in the day. Me, being an active smallholder (farm), went. Hadn’t walked that far in years. 😂 No litter or trouble, with polite chants. I remember talking to a nice policewoman on horseback about why her horse was biased to the left and offered helpful advice that she seemed very grateful for. Did any of it help? No. They got rid of fox control and banned the hunt, and wildlife has been decimated. Water and toxin pollution of land widespread. No wildlife, land not good for anything, so build more houses on it. The March was great fun. Over two hundred came from my area, and many were patients. Happy days.

One old boy said, if you don’t control the fox numbers, they will decimate the food chain. He said in nature, wolves would cull the deer and foxes and eat townies who strayed past the suburbs. 😂😂

Re: banged up for 50 years. It could only happen to a spectrum child who thought he was being helpful to his new mates on the net.

Howard Lamb

14th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

To pass an Ofsted inspection, kids are dumped out of school without any intervention for their special needs. Just wrong. Guardian article – Students suspended even for short spells fare worse at GCSEs, study finds

Text to a friend:
Article after article. Each showing the plight of these children, yet the government does not want to answer for their abusive system. Yet thousands suffer through ignorance and cost-cutting. The government knows what they have done and are still doing by removing human rights and blaming the child. Yet, they think they are above the law. They are not, but when they abuse power, how can you get justice? 🤔

I had to laugh. Kate doctored a picture, and the fallout rumbles on in the press. The government involved with child abuse and not a word. How does that work? Free press, I hardly think so.

Well, if the press and media in general have produced lots of programs and articles, they know what has gone on, yet they do not want to touch the corruption at its center. That’s aiding and abetting the crime.

The government is trying to get more people back to work. How can tens of thousands do that when they are home educating their children because the schools are not fit for purpose? 🤔

Howard Lamb

13th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. Guardian article – ‘Children are being failed’: why more English parents are home educating

At least her child had a diagnosis, which is more than many. Just naughty with poor parenting ✅

Home schooling is not something you do on a whim. It’s time-consuming and takes years. The mother in this case had to protect her child from a system that is geared for the norm only.

Text to a friend:
What do I think is happening behind the scenes? May did not respond to a whistleblower and is now leaving Parliament; they hope that will do the job. Well, she has left now, “this did not happen on my watch so move on.” Lawyers in a flap to cover arse and gov doing its normal deflect and defer by not communicating. Ignore it for long enough and he will go away.

After all, I have not had any form of response from the gov and the police. How can that not be a cover-up?

What is the point of the whistleblower laws if nobody follows them, let alone transparency, equal opportunities, and disability laws? Just remove children’s human rights and get on with the abuse. Just naughty after all.

No point diagnosing them as we know it’s poor parenting. How is this possible in a democracy?

Can’t afford to diagnose because we have no budget for those who have been diagnosed, let alone the thousands (tens of) that haven’t 😡😡

Am I sure that’s what they are doing? Always look at history. Liverpool fans, blood scandal, Savile, and a multitude of other abuse scandals. Illegal war, long list that has not seen proper justice, some for over 40 years. Drag it out and get away with it is their motto. ✅

Con MP went to jail for perverting justice for getting his wife to take points on her licence and lied about it. How long should you get for covering up child abuse by the system gov’s have put in place? 🤔

Howard Lamb

12th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

I wonder why 🤔 Guardian article – Bereaved families continue to wait for Essex mental health inquiry

Probably because that is only one county. What are the figures for the rest of the country?

Always follow the money. The government is bankrupt and can’t afford to pay compensation. Post office, bloods, tower, etc. How many adults from childhood got trashed by the system? Blamed after physical and mental abuse. Just put it on hold and hope it goes away 😡.

How far will they go to protect their reputations? Well, how many laws have they potentially broken and covered up? And the kids still suffer.

Government lawyers must have told the government they have broken the law, over Child X (criminal), so why has this not come to a righteous conclusion?

Who is responsible? All of them. All turned a blind eye.

Howard Lamb

11th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

One school in 33 different areas is a drop in the ocean in comparison to what is needed, and they can’t even do that. You have to ask what trauma the kids are going through whilst they wait for a place. Guardian article – ‘It’s an absolute mess’: building work seriously delayed on 33 new special schools in England

In the UK, there are only 1,500 special needs schools. London has 32 boroughs. There are 1.5 million kids with special needs, according to government figures, so 33 schools would mean one school per borough for London. 🤔 Each school has limited places. Add all those not diagnosed, and it is an absolute mess. ✅

Crufts had a nice 20-minute segment on dogs to help autistic children, and they definitely do. But, you can’t take them to school with you. Special needs schools have very limited places, so if you multiply the average number of pupils per needs school by 1,500, you are very short of placements for the 1.5 million and counting number of kids. The rest are either not in education or forced to normalize. The parents who are protecting their kids by not sending them to school could go to jail. What a mess.

That would be a thousand kids per needs school. 🤔🤔🤔 Well, that doesn’t happen.

Always in the paperwork. PR versus reality. Government Education Statistic Service – Academic year 2022/23 Special educational needs in England

SEND would say they are doing a great job considering the complex needs and no money. You have to ask how they allowed it to happen in the first place. In their charter, if they bothered to read it. 😡

I’ve tried to stay out of Gaza. Hate crime on the increase. When you have large Jewish and Arab communities and their homelands are at war, you would not expect the figures to go down. Marchers have not rioted and in general have been well-behaved. So why did the PM hold a press conference outside Downing Street? 🤔

That’s completely possible. Black Lives Matter, and they do. Marches probably did more damage than the Save Gaza ones. 🤔

I would go on that march. The United Semites, let’s rethink the Holy Land, where God’s roots are. ✅

Semiteland, just like the UK and occasionally Eire. 👍

Howard Lamb

10th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Perverting justice is definitely a criminal act—straight to jail. Do not pass go, etc. I expect that’s why the government has been a bit slow in contacting me or turning themselves in. 🤔

🤔Bell Lamb & Joynson (Solicitors Blog) – The Key Differences Between Criminal And Civil Law

Well, when you use PR rather than truth and people suffer, and you cover it up, how is that not perverting justice?

How many people has it taken to cover it up? Who knows if the police do not investigate. 🤔

Howard Lamb

9th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Stress is the major killer. Long-term fight and flight. Hippocampus and other routing centres damaged, leading to disruption in neural control affecting all tissues, organs, and bones.

Everything is stress. Need to earn more, need to look after my health better, will the bailiffs really come around, is my job secure, are the kids safe? What has the internet done to my teen? You could go on for ages, but it’s quicker than getting a health appointment. Worrying about death speeds your demise.

Why is life so complex now when computers and robots were supposed to be the answer? 🤔 Who is actually in control? 🤔

Sort Parliament out, no PR, just truth. No covering up, big defo. Once Parliament does what it’s meant to, the civil service will have to do the same. Then the rules and regulations will have to be followed, and society can then join in. Summed up in two words: Truth. Justice. Job done. 🙈

Howard Lamb

8th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. Independent article – Revealed: Scandal of 1,374 hospital sex attacks – and just 26 charges

Text to a friend:
You have been sectioned and then are raped or mentally or physically abused , this cannot help your state of mental health. You have to ask why the police have turned a blind eye?

Prob because nutters don’t make good witnesses and the CPs don’t want to fail in prosecutions so don’t bother.
Check out Sky News on the subject as well.

Someone should ask the Health Minister how this has been possible. I would write but as a naughty boy, who listens.

Could also ask why autistic/ADHD kids are put at risk without diagnosis or facilities and trained staff over decades? 🤔

This could never happen again after Saville and has.

Imagine, you are self-harming because you were sexually abused, sectioned where you were also sexually abused. How do you get over that? Prob drugged and restrained for your own safety. 😡

I bet. Late night and a supper stressy week. 💋

Another leaving the sinking ship. She was told about child abuse and did nothing. Children are clearly not next to her heart. BBC article – Theresa May: Conservative ex-PM to stand down at next election

Text to a friend:
End of days.

Time for justice and injustice solved. Then we can move into the new era. Child X case was in 2012. Maybe the beginning of the end of cycle.
It’s up to us, as have free will, to make the choice.
Which will it be, capitalist and end the planet as we have known it or redemption and a righteous path in all its forms to protect life not profit. An era of truth, not motivated by greed or lust for power and position, as we have now.

Air polluted, water polluted, ground over cropped and no goodness left. More people sick and disabled than ever before. 🤔 I wonder why.

PS Sectioned, think of a pie chart. Multiple segments all different in needs and conditions. Psychopaths (outside of Parliament)

Multiple personalities, are two sections. Post traumatic behavioural patterns in another. The problem is they are mixed together, young, old, male, female from scared to psycho.

Run my nurses who can only drug or restrain.

What could possibly go wrong?

Howard Lamb

7th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not safe and at risk—can’t be right, surely. Abused through non-diagnosis at school, given mental health issues, and sectioned or put in prison. Not a pretty story. Guardian article – NHS England mental health trusts record 26,000 sexual abuse incidents

No wonder the government has kept silent and does not want to respond to me. They know what they did and what they have done since, yet not any form of correct response to complaint. How can you get justice for autism when those in control don’t want to take responsibility? 🤔

Abuse of power, removing human rights to protect the child, covering it up, aiding and abetting the crime, and silence is seen as guilt. After seeing the evidence and witnessing it in action, what other conclusions could there be?

Duty of care? 🤔 Or not.

More PR BS. Didn’t read much past promoting wellbeing. I expect they can’t say the system does not work and we have no funds. 🙈 Government Statutory guidance – Care and support statutory guidance

Howard Lamb

5th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
A few years back, the government lost a case over these children having their human rights removed, with over 2,000 held without charge or diagnosis. I thought the case would break then, as a criminal act, not just breaking the law. How wrong was I. As nothing was done, how can you say there has been no cover-up? 🤔 All up on site at the time. ✅

Royal College of Psychiatrists article – Thousands of people with a mental disorder sent to prison when they need treatment


NHS data – Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures – 2020-21

Mind article – Mind responds to Mental Health Act Annual Statistics

They wanted to section Child X due to severe behaviour problems, yet did not want to accept his diagnosis. Only £35k a year to lock him up and on someone else’s budget. Hence the tribunal, which was censured by the council for supplying incorrect information and trying to pervert justice. All in the paperwork.

Sectioning means drugged and restrained. Not much help for mental health, but a box has been ticked.

Howard Lamb

4th March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Logically, someone must be investigating. Yet, the ministries responsible will not want the truth to come out. According to our paid experts, we are doing a really good job under tough circumstances ✅. Yet, common law has been breached. A long waiting list for diagnosis and no trained staff or facilities if diagnosed. This leaves these children in an unsafe/vulnerable position and forced to normalise.

I talked with a family member of an adult male earlier who went through a short, sharp shock and was threatened with some form of electrotherapy to normalize his naughtiness. He still has panic attacks decades later. Political doctrine should never be above diagnosis but has been for 4 decades. Definitely time for a change. Probably it’s the legal people looking into it who allowed it to happen in the first place. No conflict of interest there then. Should be criminally investigated by untouchables and we might get justice for autism ✅.

I would firstly find out who said removing human rights was the right way to handle autism. If you have no rights, who would listen to your complaint? If a complaint is made, it’s dragged out forever and channelled into civil litigation for years, then a settlement on the courtroom steps and nothing changes because they did not lose the case.

Trojan five did the same but Gove had them down as radicalizing children, yet their stats were well above the norm. Guardian article – ‘Parents didn’t want their kids to be here’: inside the troubled London school that stopped excluding pupils and restored calm

How can removing human rights from children not be criminal? Government Your rights and the law – Human Rights: The UK’s international human rights obligations

Text to a friend:
How’s my open letter to the press going? I’m in the trim-down stage. I’ll give you a paragraph. It may not end up in the finished article.

The government seems to run on pure assumption. They assume they have the right to abuse power, perverting justice, whilst aiding and abetting the crime. They have had to cover it up so corrupted the system so no complaint gets a fair hearing. Definitely not in any of the charters I have seen. Mainly, they cover working for the greater good to do their best for the people. Most certainly not against them. Probably have to pep it up a bit as the press loves sensations 😂😂😱.

Was only going to ask them if they would ask the government why they have not answered the whistle. Then got a bit distracted 😂.

Sounds like treason to you. That’s down to the prosecution, not me, just the expert and witness 😂. Turf accountant would give very long odds as they have got away with it for probably centuries.

Howard Lamb

3rd March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What a week. All scandal payouts being put back to after the elections, so it becomes someone else’s problem, or so they’re trying.

Inquiries are taking years. Rivers are a breeding ground for disease as they’re so polluted, with billions needed to fix them, upwards of 40, I expect. Potholes need 14 to 20 billion. Multiple buildings need rebuilding due to concrete issues, poor management, and shortsightedness, costing about 50 billion for schools, NHS, etc. More water is wanted, putting higher pressure on ancient infrastructure, and pipes are bursting all over the place, needing 20 billion. Child/adult mental care will add another 50 billion. I’m sure Hunty has it sorted in the budget.

Galloway came up with a miracle, and when 80% of a high turnout rejects the normal parties, Sir K and Rishi have some real problems. Reform, run by dipsticks and bigots from what I’ve seen so far, is not credible.

As for my Child X case study, the government must know by now that they are not above common law, which must have been a shock. They thought they would be covered by acts, but no. Oops.

Should be an interesting week ahead.

Howard Lamb

1st March, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The Office of National Statistics says that only 12% of people trust our political parties. To be fair, I’m surprised it’s that high.

We had the police turning a blind eye to parties when they were fining everyone else. Police turned a blind eye in Scotland and Rochdale over rape and murder. Got what they deserve as naughty and sex workers, not humans. They have turned a blind eye to my complaints over child abuse. You have to ask why.

Silly me, I’m vexatious of course, not a 40+ year professional with a clean record. Cover up after cover up. Inquiry after inquiry and no charges or prosecution. How can that not have perverted justice 🤔

If human, you should have rights. I forgot they removed human rights so they can restrain kids from the age of 5 and break bones because they are naughty. Don’t diagnose because it costs them money they have not budgeted for and twist the system so they could get away with it. How’s that not aiding and abetting 🤔

Sunak moaning about the police. The vast majority doing a difficult job whilst their bosses are covering their own backsides. I have not worked out the percentage per head of police vs politicians who have the most corruption, but we have had a never-ending supply of by-elections, so my vote is politicians.

If all I have blogged is not true, I would have followed the line of John the Baptist long ago. As a witness to what they did to Child X and other X Children, why have I been ignored as a whistleblower. Another good question ✅

I wonder as well. How much compensation do all gov departments pay out per year in compensation. Mainly done through lengthy legal proceedings, how much does that cost? Lawyers haggle whilst on the clock, those who are seeking damage get swindled after years to get there. If you go to court and lose, you would be liable for cost. Here, have three and six and duck off.

Old money, that is just over ten p in modern terms. Just saying 😂😂😂

If it’s settled out of court, there is no justice, and things don’t get exposed, so no change needed. ✅

Would I take a settlement for the family? Yes. They have had enough, and financial security and no stress would allow them to heal.

Could only be based on terms.

But they would still have to deal with me. 🙈

To cut high legal bills, the gov should claim legal aid only. That would level things up ✅

How do you take the lawyers out of the equation?

Go back in time for the answer. Each injury was costed, a black eye, a groat, loss of limb, etc.; each crime had a financial tag. People with relevant technical skill sets post mortem to find the truth. Simples.

Could not have said it better. Guardian article – Fourteen years of Tory economics – ‘major mistakes’ and ‘crisis after crisis’

Howard Lamb

29th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
After the blood scandal, not paying up and waiting for more to die so the payout is less. Please read the article I found this morning where nobody has ever been charged. The second article is a complaints to Cabinet Office, where if deemed to be persistent and/or vexatious, can be ignored. Makes me wonder how many more complaints have been ignored because it does not suit the gov 🤔

Government Cabinet Office – Complaints Procedure

Guardian article – Victims and families call for prosecutions as contaminated blood inquiry nears end

More breaches of protocols and procedures, they had 20 days to comply and never did. Re complaint to the Cabinet Office, that is.

Big loophole, if they don’t like what you say, you are labelled and not listened to.

Same game plan with the COVID inquiry as the bloods. Not here to blame or prosecute but drag it out so no one gets done.

Could you imagine if they were blamed and prosecuted, we would be having by-elections daily 😂✅

Text to a friend:
How many inquiries have there been? Lots of recommendations, yet very few implemented. Take Baby P, Chilcot, and a tear from Blair. Independent, with no power to do anything. Then the system takes back control, does a little bit, then goes back to stereotypical function. Took all day to tick a box; things are back to normal.

Unless you have the power to make them take responsibility, they will not. An honour system run by dishonourable people. That’s why we cannot get justice. 🤔✅

Howard Lamb

28th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Still no news, well what did you expect?

You have to wonder what advice the government’s legal department has been giving over the past ten years. I expect it’s something like, “Do not respond and it will go away in time.”

Paid for by the taxpayers, to continue the abuse and save the government’s reputation.

It does not matter who gets voted in as they all have responsibility from Thatcher and the short sharp shock through Labour, Labour/Libs, Lib/Cons, and the Cons from Lord Cameron to Sunak.

How many have been labelled as naughty rather than receiving a correct diagnosis and forced to normalise when, being on the spectrum, they are not capable.

How do you get justice when the government is protected and the children have their human rights removed?

When I first took on Child X, I knew that something was wrong. Councils could avoid the correct protocols and procedures, but I had no clue how deep it went. I do now, and it’s just criminal.

Of course, they know they are in the wrong, but it’s gone too far to put their hands up. So again, how do you get justice?

All they do is change personnel and prep the new ones to follow the party line. Or perverting justice 🤔

The department:
“We have to do something.”

“It’s in the hands of the lawyers, so leave it alone.” ✅

Howard Lamb

26th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Good question, what happens if the honour system fails? The PM remains the ultimate judge of whether he or a minister has broken the code. So, the crime boss can judge himself 🤔. The king cannot get involved in politics and has not fired a PM since 1837, I believe. That leaves the 12 independent law lords to stand for justice. Clearly, it’s not going well for them, as the kids are still suffering. A real mess ✅.

Wikipedia page – Judicial functions of the House of Lords

What do I think is happening?

The people at the top will not touch it with a nine-foot barge pole, as it’s far too dangerous for their reputation. So, they’re trapped with the lower-level minions who cannot make decisions and can only deflect and defer to follow the party line.

The police are unwilling to go against the gov, and the law lords have been kept out of the equation, so can’t act. 🤔🤔🤔 Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Just not sure which way works the best for the families and kids. The gov is bankrupt, so there’s no money to solve the problems they created in the care system. So much better to ignore and hope it goes away. 😂😂😂 No chance.

The judge at the tribunal said the mother could come back for a judicial review, that might help with the law lords as historic child abuse has no time limit.

Animals, birds, and insects on the decline. Well, drinking toxic water can’t help. Guardian article – British and Irish rivers in desperate state from pollution, report reveals

Water and air pollution could kill off COVID, etc.?

Same sort of thinking as don’t touch anything as COVID is an airborne virus and will travel right up your nose to infect you.

Howard Lamb

24th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Please read my latest letter to the Prime Minister

23rd February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
Letter to PM sent, registered, so no chance it does not get there tomorrow. Copy sent to IOPC and The Hague. 

Possibly send the last two letters to the press if no response. Maybe if they asked why they have not responded, we might get somewhere. 

Probably being blocked as naughty therapist trying to cause those nice monsters unneeded problems when they can’t cope with their normal workload as incompetent. 

Well, look at the state of everything, how can they possibly say they are competent ✅

I’ve made the letter brief, under 20 lines, and in simple plain English, just to make sure there is no confusion as to what has been said. I have not said much that is new, mostly covered in a previous letter to May, through to Sunak’s cabinet office and attorney generals.

Silence is not golden but consent 😂😂😂

Consent in the tacit form is an admittance of guilt. As an innocent would argue the case in court.

I forgot. They remove your human rights if you are on the spectrum/ADHD if you’re naughty ✅

What’s the answer?

I’m a clinician. If you have cancer, you must remove every cancer cell or neutralize them. Otherwise, your patient will relapse.

What’s the difference?

If the government can create doubt, you can’t win. My letter leaves no doubt. Well, I have a small copse worth of paperwork to back me up and the mother and child who went through the trauma. ✅
Howard Lamb

22nd February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Top-up letter to the PM done, will probably be there in a couple of days, then it will go up. Not the time to pull punches ✅.

What a week. Parliament melts down, and I have no clue as to why. Unless it was smoke and mirrors to save face and not be decisive on Gaza.

A patient told me he heard that Starmer protected a gay friend in his book. More vote-catching more than need to know.

Post office delays payment. “Oh yes, they did, oh no, they don’t,” repeat.

Test out nuke capabilities and fail.

Sky News full of mental health patient abuse, physically, sexually, and mentally abused in the thousands. Saved people for not doing what they wanted them to do even when independent.

What a shambles and getting worse.

Howard Lamb

21st February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:

The end of days. The messianic age or the world to come. The resurrection of the righteous. Rather than always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

Terrible times in the last days, having a form of godliness but denying its power, have nothing to do with them.

Sounds about right. The end of the false god of capitalism where profit rules. Just saying 🤔

Wow, it failed in 2016 as well. At 17 million a pop, I expect it should work. Total scandal as it’s our main national defence. BBC News article – Trident missile test fails for second time in a row 

The only way to see if it works is by firing it? Probably just a bug in the system. I wonder if America’s work.

No, I don’t think it’s aliens stopping us from obliterating the planet. If hacked, definitely terrestrial, not extra.

You have to ask what else they are covering up or perverting justice before the next election 🤔 Guardian article – More than 30 MPs sign motion of no confidence in Commons speaker – UK politics live


The year of the dragon. Merlin unleashed the red dragon according to mythology, as also in the Bible for end of days. Mmmmm!

America probably has a kill switch so missiles can’t be used against them. Someone else may have found the back door. Bet there is one hell of a flap going on in Whitehall 😂😂

Or has AI taken control, even scarier.

Howard Lamb

20th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

How independent are you if you are sacked for not being on board with the gov? 🤔 Guardian article – Home secretary sacks borders watchdog via Zoom after clash

Howard Lamb

19th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not an American citizen, so how does this work? BBC news article – Julian Assange: Who is he and what secrets did Wikileaks reveal?

Only American citizens have to adhere to American law. He did not spy; he just blew the whistle, and rightly so. America was caught killing innocent people and covering it up. None of the press who covered it are being prosecuted 🤔. Manning, Snowden, and Assange were recognized for publishing the truth ✅.

It all happened at the beginning of my child’s case study, so I knew what I was up against as a whistleblower and stayed within protocols and procedures to be protected. I could have just published everything 🤔.

Thinking about it, I still can 😂😂.

Wikipedia page – Julian Assange

It’s a shame he can’t leak what is happening in Gaza.

The press were full of “freedom of the press” when it came to Simon Singh’s attempted crucifixion of my profession for being wrong but had the right to be so. Yet Assange has no protection. You have to ask why 🤔.

Not just two sets of rules from the government, are the press willing to aid and abet or being forced?

Either way, there’s not much freedom, as Assange has found out. Trumped-up charges so America could extradite him. He fled to the London embassy rather than to Russia with Snowden. Forced out and has been in supermax ever since. His crime was having sex without a condom. According to Swedish law, in Britain, there would be millions due for a stretch. Probably would have got a small fine. No pregnancy or disease.

What a world we live in.

Question: Why have you been banged up for so long? I had unprotected sex and didn’t want to be waterboarded by the Yanks. Military justice, not common law.

Howard Lamb

18th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
I’ve had to be careful whistleblowing. Look what they did to Assange. No condom, so life in max security. Need I say more?

Luckily, at my age, I don’t do sex. Who would have thought that could save the quality of life 😂😂😂😂

Who has time for sex when you are obsessed with your quest. I have to make a difference; otherwise, it will not change. Too big to fail but can’t show responsibility when it does. Cover up, move on. Vote for us!

One thing’s for sure, I’ll take it beyond the grave and duel between the realms. However, my early retirement from battle would not be through natural causes. Just saying ✅

What was Assange’s crime? Embarrassing the gov over trumped-up charges to extradite him to America. Took refuge from the stitch-up in an embassy, then forced to give up and waiting to be sent to America to face a kangaroo court. Ironic.

Political justice and retribution, nothing to do with law and order.

I’ve tried to keep out of Gaza, shame Israel didn’t do the same. Biblical burnt earth policy. They will not stop until nothing’s left standing. Millions of refugees heading our way. Good business for them, buy real estate real cheap and new build Israeli homes. The world picks up the tab. Just wrong at so many levels 😡

America, no worries Ukraine, we have your back.

Sorry, not funding new ammo or weapons. Publicly telling Putin their ammo’s nearly gone 🤔 I wonder what happens next.

What would I do in Gaza? Same as we did in most of the UK. Try working together but don’t make the same mistakes as we did ✅

A protection pact, come to each other’s defence. That would be a big first step.

Well, the whole world could sign up. End of war on a global scale, then mediate on local matters, job done ✅

Yep, probably more racism in Britain than ever before if you take Franco out of the equation. Hung monkey up north thinking it was a frog 😂😂 White people are fed up with being called racist in the country of their forefathers by guests who seem to exploit the system to their benefit, whilst long-time taxpayers cannot afford to retire and spend months for cancer diagnosis.

Can’t see a problem there, can you?

Muslims will not be happy until St. George converts back to Mohammed. The South and Midlands have become the new Ceylon. City centres in my youth; it was rare to see a face of colour. Last time I was in the smoke, it had totally reversed.

House prices high, income low as a service economy, fries rather than silicon.

Cost of living, no care, borders not secure, and police have passed crime onto the insurance industry, so our insurance is going up.

Then you are a racist for being white because an offshore capitalist sold a distant relative into slavery. Legally in those days. Ironic because in 1772 it became illegal in the UK. If rolled out to the colonies, it would have cost the capitalists fortunes. 1774 America rebels over tea tax, picked by slaves no doubt. To avoid the law and keep slavery. Not the way Mel portrayed it, or Braveheart for that matter, but why allow the truth to get in the way of a ripping yarn ✅

Four nations united to form the UK, the largest empire ever. Imagine what could be achieved if the world pulls together. 🤔🤔🤔 Protect each other, and we protect all.

Sounds like the start of a plan. 😂🤔✅

Howard Lamb

17th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Talked with a patient this week about getting the best price for books and films. He reckons a podcast on the GCC/BCA involvement would be interesting. Story from a child’s side—short and punchy.

I said it’s probably better to do the nonverbal, high-functioning six-year-old with ADHD, who is about to be traumatically distressed by the new head, Heather, before she kicks him out and leaves him in a semi-catatonic state, to make sure she passed her Ofsted. 🤔🤔

Why regulation and association? He felt, after the post office scandal, there was a ready-made market.

There are millions of undiagnosed adults who went through hellish childhoods.

Hard choice. My one would do far more damage. More normals on board. 🤔🤔 Could start with him on the streets at 17, when the tribunal said he must be cared for, and he was stitched up by the SS and education, and treated his naughtiness as thickness, and was refused housing by the council.

At the tribunal, the council got done for falsifying paperwork and had to concede the case.

Got me thinking now. Two days off and plenty of time to think.

Howard Lamb

16th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Where do I stand at the moment?

Not sure. No show from police or prime minister/office/etc. The system is still controlling the situation. They can only do that by breaking codes of practice and law. If the system has been corrupted and is self-regulating, what chance do these children have? Better off trashing kids rather than those in power’s reputation. I’ll have to top up my letter to the prime minister and police next week and cc it to The Hague.

It’s clear that those who want to make a change in the system can’t. Knowing about it and not doing anything is still perverting justice.

That’s smoke and mirrors for you. I’m guilty until I prove I’m innocent. They are innocent until proven guilty, but as nobody is investigating, they think they are in the clear ✅.

Shows that 978 out of every thousand black people are honest. Government Crime Justice and Law – Ethnicity facts and figures

If you translate that to members of Parliament who have had to leave under a cloud, figures for the House of Commons are by far the worst of all ethnics.

Not much honour there for an honour system then.

Guilty and have to prove innocence.

Viewed as naughty because I will not toe the line.

Innocent till proven guilty. Well, if the Met/IOPC don’t want to know, who will investigate? 🤔

Two sets of rules and protected against prosecution. That’s parliamentary democracy for you.

Ha ha. Well past being able to be normal. Spectrum rules 😂😂

Howard Lamb

14th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Of course, he was being a racist and an arsehole for nearly causing a crash. Just blame someone else rather than take responsibility. The assumption of racism is racist when not true. Probably a Tory. We can do what we want in government, and there is nothing you can do about it because we work a twisted system so you have no voice. With that example to look up to, what do you expect? PS: did not mention colour at any stage ✅.

For sure. The more you are told you’re a racist when you are not, makes you negative to that colour’s attitude. Vicious cycle. Then bloggers can make some cash.

Of course, there are racists, but that is not just a white thing. Indians do not speak highly of Muslims, Muslims hate anyone who is not Muslim. American Africans do not like Caribbean Africans. Long list. Humans cannot help themselves. You are not from our tribe, so must be a monster with 3 nipples and 6 toes 😂😂. Well, you have to laugh, or you would cry 👍.

Monkey chants at footie started when the fans worked out it could put opposition players off their game and help their team, banter to begin but blown up by fanning the fire of racism. Don’t get me wrong, the Windrush generation and kids got a rough deal. I blame the unions who were protecting white men’s jobs.

Think about it. Where were the unions whilst discrimination and racism were rife 🤔?

Union members, after all. Labour 🤔? Anti-Jew and Muslim, did not help the Windrush crew. Low women’s pay. Like a gentlemen’s club for Alf Garnett clones 😂😂😂.

Howard Lamb

13th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend: 
I don’t have to prove the whole system is twisted after all. Just the Child X case, ten years of whistleblowing and it’s still been covered up. How can that not have perverted justice? 🤔
How do you get justice when it’s being perverted?

Text to a friend:
What a world we live in. Women used to have grit or balls, now they only have a penis. Lots of men with vaginas so you don’t need the c word anymore.

No really fed up. Had a car chat with another driver who turned out to be a man with a v.

He was of Colour and used his race hate card. I explained there were many white people I hate because they had been arseholes.

And that’s not racist. So, all Colours have arseholes and should be treated like one.

Then shot off, great big angry bloke.

Inappropriate, of course it was because he had pissed me off big time. It’s called an insult for being an arsehole. He is a bloke, no more no less.

No special treatment because his roots sold his family into slavery centuries ago.

To get UK freedom from slavery took centuries romans, Dane’s, Vikings, Normans, then centuries of suppression. 

Don’t care be happy, live in peace and harmony and don’t call me a racist. Please. 😂

A rant always helps maybe we should sue Scandinavia for slavery 1300 years ago. Move on.

Howard Lamb

12th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Still no news. The PM and office have had two weeks for a first response and have failed to do so again. They have failed to answer all questions or supply the paperwork I’ve asked for, explained why they have broken law after law, and covered up mental and physical abuse of children with special needs, and are still doing so.

I can’t do much this week as staff are on holidays for half term, and I’m doing a 6-day week in the clinic. But I will top up when I can.

It’s really annoying as all those blocking me are on wages to do so, and I’m running a large clinic and handling it in my spare time. It makes me ask how much has blocking me cost the taxpayer in management time to cover up their mess 🤔.

Don’t forget the legal fees. That alone is probably a small fortune. How much management time across the board in all departments is being used to make sure the cover-up holds up? It’s a national disgrace 👍.

Being paid to pervert justice, that’s not how democracy is meant to work 😡.

You would think the gov would know that. Wikipedia page – Perverting the course of justice

Well the IOPC should for defo. Make you wonder why there has been no contact. 🤔

Howard Lamb

11th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

What a mess. Dumped out of schools to protect Ofsted ratings, then unable to secure a placement due to Ofsted. Guardian article – Care homes in England reject vulnerable children to protect Ofsted ratings

On paper, it looks bad, but that does not convey the story from the children’s side—square pegs in round holes. Mentally and physically abused, their lives ruined before they have really started. “Just naughty, so a short sharp shock will sort them out. Vote Tory.”

All you have to do is remove their human rights, then blame them and their families to get away with it.

Ofsted? Don’t even go there. Bully and blame to meet the strategic plan, but throw the baby out with the bathwater to achieve it. How can you do the best for these kids when you’re only ticking boxes? 😡

You have to ask, who wrote the strategic plan and then implemented it, which led to decades of abuse? 🤔

Then, who has been involved in covering it up? 👍

This could not have happened by chance alone. Far too complexly interwoven. Everyone then has a job to do and ticks their box. “Not my responsibility as I have no box to tick.” Then it’s the blind leading the blind, who lose their jobs if the box is not ticked. If complaints are not allowed, they can write what they want to achieve it, and nobody questions it as long as the box is ticked. ✅

Howard Lamb

10th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just Rochdale then 🤔 Guardian article – Met officers dissuaded children from making sexual abuse claims, report finds

Not just me then. BBC article – Bath surgeon sacked after raising safety concerns

That clear enough, why does it not happen. nidirect article – Blowing the whistle on workplace wrongdoing

Prob because it’s not in the Gov ‘s interest to be seen abusing children with special needs. 🤔

Safer at home, normalised at school. 🤔 Sky News article – Thousands of children are being forced to learn outside of the recognised school system

Howard Lamb

8th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Still no news. Well, what could they say that would not drop them in the mire? Personally, I would restrain all those in charge for 10 to 15 minutes and see what it does to their mental health. I bet they would be crying like babies after a few minutes, but you have to get the message over for your short, sharp shock.

The damage done to an autistic child having a meltdown is huge and long term, but it’s okay because you are protecting them and staff from being hurt. What a crock that is.

Talk them down, walk them around. Do not confront; engage with the child. I forgot it’s cheaper to just restrain rather than train your staff. Just scummy, naughty kids, so who cares.

When carers are paid minimum wage and trained only in restraint, you get the system we have.

Gordon sold the gold and oversaw the banks’ meltdown, which caused half the problem… no mention of that, I see. Guardian article – Gordon Brown slams ‘obscene’ levels of destitution in the UK

Howard Lamb

7th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

More cock ups and avoidance of responsibility. BBC article – Mesh and sodium valproate scandal victims need payouts soon, report says

No insurance means the problem likely comes out of the NHS budget, necessitating more cuts to find the money 🤔.

Child X experienced the same issue after the tribunal: the cost of his placement was taken from the social services and education budget. By failing his placement, they saved potentially a million pounds. On the street at 17, not looked after until 25. Just a naughty boy, after all.

Maybe, instead of trying to bribe voters to remain in power, they could use the money to settle all the debts from various scandals. Any remaining funds could be placed in a separate account and hedge-funded, ensuring there’s always money in the kitty to pay for the next mishaps 🤔.

One has to question why America was not sued for the contaminated blood scandal or the drug company for the epilepsy medication or surgical mesh. These products had to be approved, after all.

Probably, the negligence would have been exposed, so it was better to cover it up and make the voters suffer. They have to protect their reputations at all costs.

Always in the history. Guardian article – Infected blood scandal: government knew of contaminated plasma ‘long before it admitted it’

Finally, a job Rishi can do: manage a mishap hedge fund. He definitely has the experience. The government, not so much.

The Tories introduced the short, sharp shock treatment for kids from 1979 to 1990, which was expanded under Labour and continues today. Just restrain the naughty little troublemakers; that will teach them ✅. Always in history.

Howard Lamb

6th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
You have to ask why they broke the whistleblower act to ignore me for over ten years if innocent from my charges. 

They have collective responsibility, and many have received letters. PM’s,  Cabinet Office, Attorney Generals, Chairs and Regulators. Police.

How can they possibly say there was no cover up. A cover up that clearly has perverted justice and further abuse of these children through avoidance of the problem.

Again who has the power to find the truth and act.

Not just me then, ✅ The Comet article – Herts: MPs discuss damning Ofsted report on SEND provision

Richi says Kings cancer was caught early. Makes all the difference.

Must be helpful for the 10’s of thousands on long waiting lists for diagnosis 😡

Code is clear about breaking the law. Or is it one of those shams that just look good on paper? Guardian article – Ministerial code completely inadequate, civil servants’ unions tell MPs

Howard Lamb

5th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

If something does not work, there is usually a good reason.

When the system protects itself from the people it has a duty of care for, there has to be a reason. Until the people responsible are held accountable for their actions, nothing will ever change, and the system will continue to grind down spectrum kids who then are never capable of reaching their potential. Instead, they are poorly educated and traumatically stressed. I’ve seen multiple cases over the decades, not just with Child X.

“Too big to fail” means we will keep bodging things up so the truth is never found, and the costs are never paid. Definitely time for a change.

Smoke and mirrors rule. A cynic may say that by bombing Arab states, it keeps the attention away from the home front. For example, the pension age will have to rise to over seventy because of the shortfall in the pension budget, even though 50% will be disabled and unable to work. We might be living longer, but it’s medication keeping people alive. So, why are so many not making it to old age?

Always more questions than answers.

Once you answer all the questions, you come to the conclusion that the system does not communicate except for covering its own back. Not integrated but separate parts shunning responsibility, leaving the system bankrupt and not functioning. We can all see it but are powerless to change it. Before the next election, we need solutions, not party political bullshite ✅

You work it out. Millions of Palestinians are homeless, with an aging population of invalids. Nothing left in the pension budget. Up net migration to cover the cost. New build regulations are slowing down house builds, with labor and materials inflated and a stagnant housing market. All drawing benefit and housing, causing financial trauma to multiple budgets. No money for schools and hospitals because we are overburdened with debt. The incompetence would make you cry if you weren’t so angry.

Howard Lamb

4th February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Truth will out!

Or will it? 🤔

I am the witness; it’s up to the powers that be to investigate.

Just a whistleblower, after all. ✅

What happens when the investigators are the ones who should be investigated for the cover-up? 🤔

I think we are about to see. 😂

Why am I considered a world expert?

Much of how we treat patients was developed at our clinic. Over eighty years and tens of thousands of patients, all from word of mouth. That makes me the only expert, not just in the world. 😂

It’s based on hours in an area of expertise.

How many hours do you have to do to become a world’s expert in an area of expertise?

Look it up yourself; even God had a day off on Sunday. Phone off. 💋

With your record, why did the GCC and BCA not act?


What I do does not work, so everyone should crack and crunch like them.

So my rights were taken away, and I was removed from the register.

Family practice. From the cradle to the grave. Multiple areas of expertise, as each year class has different problems with different plans. Each individual is unique, so is their condition.

We work from the book that needs to be written, not stuff from our distant past.

How could they say toggle works when they have been saying it doesn’t? 🤔🤔

I would have written the book years ago but got distracted. 😂😂

That’s autism for you. ✅

Howard Lamb

3rd February, 2024

Dear Patient,

End of a busy week. The government and the IOPC have two weeks to respond, although I expect they will not, again. To be fair, what could they say? I have all the paperwork going back to Child X’s birth, literally. In fact, I have virtually everything from the council, schools, placements, psychologists (the drug type), and social services. All the tribunal documents show the child was put at risk and the council falsified evidence. Through placement and its failure, and why. The next placement and its failure, and why. I fought to get a roof over his head, even though the tribunal said the council should be looking after him until 25, but he was on the streets by 18 and earlier, while the placement was still charging.

It doesn’t stop there. I have the mother’s battles and the ombudsman’s, solicitors’ stuff, plural. All my letters and research. I don’t accuse the government of child abuse on a whim, but on solid evidence. Always more questions than answers. No independent investigation, despite my requests in letters to PMs and others. Long list. Why did the GCC not act after the Baby P case and the changes that should have taken place from the recommendations? They are there to protect chiropractic patients and advance the profession. Why did they remove me from the chiropractic register, threatening my ability to care for my patients, only to have to put me back on appeal with exactly the same paperwork? It just goes on forever.

How can anyone say they did not damage Child X and then cover it up? Or perverting justice, which is usually a prison sentence. “Hands up, we are guilty as charged, let’s all go to jail.” Hardly likely 😂😂.

What’s the answer? 🤔 A solid case study from a 40-year experience doctor of consultant status and world expert in several areas. Not a naughty therapist who will not go away. PS: not an independent investigation with hidden strings for government control. “Untouchables” would be nice. Conspiracies have been around for hundreds of years, so they invented most of the dirty tricks in the book ✅.

You have to remember, not just the child’s mentor but the adult needed when talking to the council, social services, teachers, solicitors, police, etc., on multiple occasions, so I have seen the system function from the child’s perspective as he was my patient. That was the bit that pushed me too far. Having seen how the system had and was treating him, after my period of observation and engaging with him, with full understanding of him and his diagnosis, I financed the tribunal to get him the help and stability he so desperately needed. Then, to have Social Services countermand the court, doing him more damage. As the GCC had not backed my doctorate and ability to diagnose, I, as a “naughty therapist,” had no voice. All I could do was watch the train crash that followed and could only help pick up the pieces afterward. The child was in a mess and trusted nobody. He had been told how his manipulative mother had just dumped him because she did not care 😡😡😡.

Definitely why they don’t want to see the paperwork 😂. It’s not hard. These are your protocols and procedures for what you should do, then the reality of what was done ✅.

Howard Lamb

2nd February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Why have none of the political parties acted? Good question. Over the past two decades or more, they have all been involved in the cover-up. Probably did not help. They do not want it to break during the run-up to the election, far too many unanswerable questions. Yet, by breaching the law to contain their dirty little secrets, they have perverted justice. You work it out. It makes all the other scandals look minor in comparison.

Creating a system that has abused countless thousands of kids. Vote for us ✅. They only have one game plan. As seen in other scandals, deflect, defer, and lie to save reputation. 🤔

Sturgeon and Boris deleting WhatsApp messages by mistake? Really? When you label and blame the victim to continue the abuse, remove human rights, cut budgets in real terms, then deflect, defer, and manipulate the weight of the system to cover up what they have done. Probably not going in the manifesto. Clueless and needs to do CPD. If it were only naughty and poor parents, why would they need to know more? 🤔

Howard Lamb

1st February, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just me then. The Sun article – YOU’RE DESTROYING POTENTIAL’ Music legend slams ‘pill-pushing’ parents claiming his ADHD helped make him a star

Don’t suppress and try to normalize. Unlock the potential.

Why don’t they do that?

Well, you would have to retrain teachers, administrators, the social services, the care industry, Whitehall, and Parliament.

Not much chance really, as they haven’t got a clue. It’s much easier just to blame the child and mother. Long list.

I would start with those at the top, then heads of councils and their departments, GPs, and NHS management. 40+ hours of CPD would be a start. If they’re clueless, who would put it all together? Good question. 😂😂

It would save billions in the long run in benefits and create taxpayers. I’m not on benefits and am a large taxpayer. My potential was unlocked. 🤔

Why are they so set in their ways? Simple.

If you break the law, you go to jail. Or not, if you have the power to ignore, deflect, and defer. 😡

What should they do with the letters received? Contact me.

There’s the rub because they would have to admit wrongdoing. Catch 22.

I believe in one letter to May on-site I covered CPD, so nothing new but no action in over 6 years.

When you force children to be normal when they have a diagnosable condition which means they can’t be normal, the potential damage done to the child is enormous. How can that not be abuse?

Just remove their human rights so they can be restrained. ✅

Howard Lamb

31st January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No news yet. 

The acting chair of the IOPC has a conflict of interest, having not acted within the law, as do the Cabinet/PM’s offices for covering up. 

So, who will be able to get justice for those with special needs abused by a system that is incapable of care? 

Mental health abuse scandal, what chance of justice? 

She/he is a nutter so you can’t trust what they say, from the NHS barristers.

If you can’t deal with life, how can you stand your CORNER? 🤔.
Howard Lamb

30th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

See below my correspondence to IOPC:

Dear IOPC,

Please find attached letters relating to my ongoing case of child abuse, in which I am a whistle-blower and as a witness, please could you explain why I have not been contacted as the law requires.

GCC 1st January 2012

GCC The Chair 19th March 2018

Prime Minister 26th March 2018

Prime Minister 25th January 2024

Yours Sincerely,

Howard Lamb

Text to a friend:
Just read the Independent/Sky exposure of 20,000 cases of abuse not dealt with by the NHS. If you have mental health issues you need to be in a safe place. Only one in 5 cases will be reported but as a nutter the staff are always right, as I have seen with Child X. 

The damage done to people long term from rape is enormous especially if you were not in a good place to start.


Yep, Saville all over again. 

But seemingly on an industrial scale this time.

Can never happen again, said the politicians who have collective responsibility.

Howard Lamb

29th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
You have to ask why the Prime Minister is in breach of the whistleblower, transparency, equal opportunities, disability laws, and a few others. 

There has to be a cover-up at the highest level. What other reason can there be? 🤔 If you cover up the abuse of children by the system you control, you have to take responsibility for your actions.

The system of honour has been dishonoured. Who has the power to sort this mess out?

You have to ask who was responsible for taking away vulnerable children’s human rights so they could fit the system. 🤔 Always more questions than answers.

Hot off the net: 7 things to consider when whistleblowing:

  1. Make sure you have a valid case ✅
  2. Only report the right kind of concerns ✅
  3. Check the approved channels ✅
  4. Remember you’re a witness and not an investigator, others should do the investigation ✅ (No evidence they have investigated 🤔)
  5. Escalate concerns to others if needed, CEO, police, regulator ✅
  6. Remember the law is there to protect you ✖️
  7. Consider the moral and financial implications ✅

Paying whistleblowers could also speed up uncovering wrongdoing more quickly.


Sunak CEO, Sir Mark police, Howell regulator of the profession that child X was and is a patient of. Ticked all the correct boxes and nothing 😱

How can it be said there is no cover-up of child abuse? All happened under May, Boris, Truss, and Sunak. 🤔

They were all told and did not follow the correct protocols and procedures. If not guilty, one would have to ask why. 🤔

Howard Lamb

28th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
That’s the worst thing: waiting.

Will they respond correctly, as clearly written in law, regarding what should and should not have happened? Or will they ignore, deflect, and deter as they have done for the past eleven and a half years?

My letter is exactly the same as the one I posted earlier this week. The three letters, out of over fifty, cover my first letter to the regulator in 2012, and one each to the chair of the GCC and Mrs. May six years later, headed by the Prime Minister (Sunak), which you have seen. The two letters from 2018 both cover my whistleblowing, yet they did not follow the legal route.

You have to ask why.

Everything up on the site is true—an unbelievable story, but the truth often is. It is possible that areas of the site need upgrading since more information has come to light, but I stand by everything I’ve written. It will make a great book. I’ll be open to offers by Wednesday. Two days to ping around Number Ten and Whitehall and all those protective of the government and not the people. Solicitors only do what they are hired to do, after all.

If the government does not want the truth to come out, they procrastinate for 20 plus years or, like Saville, after his departure to hell—with a bit of luck and crossed fingers there is such a place.

Liverpool supporters were just dismissed as “pissed scum”, some scummy person set fire to the tower, not our fault. “If you have AIDS, you should not have anal sex or blood scandal.” Scummy girls just begging for it in Rochdale, and Parliament did not want to cause racial problems. How many? An illegal war whitewash for Blair. Tongue up America’s rear and looking after number one. Millions earned covering up his own mess.

On and on.

In the courts of justice, procrastination to pervert justice is a serious crime. Protecting those who knew and acted against the people time and time again. Not very democratic.

I’ve looked at all angles. What possible excuse was there to pervert justice and not let the truth be told?

How long do you think it took the police to work out that they should have delayed the kick-off but it was on the telly, so they got lots of pictures of their poor management instead? Same day, I expect. You can’t prove a cover-up, but there clearly was one.

Yeah, it can all go in the book, but it will end up the size of several “War and Peace’s. Semi-retired now, so I have plenty of time on my hands. Stop it. Lots of rockstars who had a ball are still touring in their late seventies and eighties, yet top footballers are dying in their late sixties to mid-seventies. Both groups are rich, which helps. One did lots of running about but died younger. Are we just getting fit for capitalism and dying young? Rockstars have also pushed physical boundaries. Take lots of drugs if you want to get old. That’s exactly what the NHS does, but there’s no point to life if there’s no quality. They could and should have done better. Visited old clients and treated them on maintenance. 104 was my oldest. So, I have seen from the inside where they need to improve.

I know, who listens to a naughty therapist? Sir Mick Jagger, 80 and still trying to pop a baby out. Legend. Stop it. Klopp’s off. More tears than when wheel locking nuts were brought in.

I warmed to Klopp. Top, top man. And German, bloody hell. I hope he recharges his batteries and does the business in Europe, and not ping pong around like the once special one. German. My generation was reliving the Battle of Britain during the late fifties in our playgrounds. Tends to bias you a bit.

That’s an interesting thought. It’s crossed my mind a few times.

If everyone prayed that Saville’s life force goes to hell, will that create a new reality so it can happen? Somewhere in the multiverse or a new dimension. Why didn’t I take the actions I threatened the GCC chair and regulator with? They would get a maladministration at worst and nothing would change. A judicial review at this stage could take it off the boil and limit my control and focus. Mother has won several cases with the ombudsman. It was illegal. Have 25 quid, next.

On two cases, all work was done and ready for judicial review after a month of dealing with the council over their legal responsibility. The council found a flat for the child, and the other case is ongoing.

Howard Lamb

26th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Letter done. Three more attached.

Will be posted tomorrow. I’ll have them put up early next week. 

Could not find one of the letters I wanted to send so used one of the early ones to the regulator. The other two are six years later and the one to Sunak is 6 years after that. 

Shows how long they have avoided the whistleblower act. 🤔
Howard Lamb


24th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Sorting through my catalogue of hard copy letters to send with my letter to the PM, just to show they were told I am a whistleblower, so there is no confusion. Will be sent once I’ve attached the right ones. ✅ 

One to GCC regulator, one to chair of GCC, and one to a PM should do it. Yes, I will cc in police complaints people and The Hague. What happens if they do not do the right thing?

Three books and three films up for sale, I would have thought. Well, while the top brass has been covering up, kids are still being put through the grinder. Nothing new, as their titles (potentially) are up in the archives.

I’ll choose the letters that were responded to so they can’t say they never got them. 😂 

No, I will not put the responses up as clearly not their legal requirement. They can be saved for another time and not prejudice any proceedings.

Howard Lamb

23rd January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Just scroungers who got what they deserved. Vote tory. Guardian article – Escaping poverty has become much harder in past two decades, report says

Howard Lamb

22nd January, 2024

Dear Patient,

interesting read but pure fiction. They have broken many parts of the code to cover up their actions causing children with special needs to be abused by the system the system they put in place and controlled.

They have collective responsibility ,the code says so. ✅ Government publication – Guidance Ministerial Code Updated 22 December 2022

When power is abused at will, what chance is there for true justice.

Deflect and defer is the name of the game. 

Take the post office. Owned and run by the gov.

Horizon at department or work and pensions.

Beating down benefit fraud.

I hate to think how badly poor people have and are being treated.

If ministers have been misled and have misled Parliament code says they should speak up. 

Yet nothing. ✅

Now there is a surprise. It’s what the Trojan 5 were doing to radicalise stat results. 🤔 Guardian article – Therapy project yields ‘dramatic’ rise in Sats results at London school

Oops, the truth will out. Guardian article – Teachers in England left to support at-risk children after social services cuts

Dear Prime Minister,

As a whistleblower exposing the systemic abuse, including non or incorrect diagnosis, of children with special needs, I must point out that neither you nor your predecessors have complied with the Whistleblower Act. Consequently, you are in breach of the law and your code of conduct. No action has been taken to protect, transparently investigate wrongdoing in your departments, or implement any corrective measures. Instead, you have chosen to ignore and cover up, using deflect and defer tactics. I urge you to subject yourself to investigation as per your own code.

Yours sincerely,

P.S. If this information is concealed by the Cabinet Office, remember that you are still collectively responsible.

Concerning Rwanda and the House of Lords, the bill should never pass. Time will reveal whether the Lords are influenced by vested interests. Just because you disagree with the High Court’s decision doesn’t give you the right to manipulate the law to suit your agenda.

What can we expect from a hedge fund expert? Earning significant amounts by exploiting the system for monetary gain. Always follow the money. The allocation of 400 million to Rwanda, with reluctance to consider reclaiming most of it, raises suspicions. Something doesn’t add up. Only a few hundred to be sent? Ducks are definitely not in a line.

Roland Ray Look-alike Contestant. A bit harsh

Howard Lamb

21st January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Exactly. By having their own drug therapist at consultant status, their GPs are taken out of the equation as they cannot question consultants. 

Yet, Child X was not correctly diagnosed by the NHS until his placement failed, and he had no home of his own, spending time on the sofa and street. Mother had to fight tooth and nail, and I had to write a strong letter to the GP to get things moving for diagnosis. 

All in the paperwork the government and police don’t want to read 🤔

I sat in with the child and consultant. He ignored the child and talked to the mother only. I was translating what he was saying into a format the child understood, and we were both asked to leave while he sorted the prescription changes the mother wanted. 

All up on site in dribs and drabs. The best therapy is always to get it off your chest and lower stress levels. 

Thank you for helping me do so 🤔😂😂😂

The mother, with my support, was lowering dosages before taking him off drugs totally. Melatonin being the exception, but once sleep pattern settled, he came off that. 

The placements only read the council side and did not listen to the mother, to whom the judge gave full control. SS took the cheap option and continues to have him treated for normal and naughty, just a bit thick. 

How do I see the map of this country? Definitely Celtic north, west coast and countries, southern to the Isle of Wight. London and Home Counties, a capitalist, multicultural hell hole who pray for money and not the good of mankind. 

I don’t think I have to expand on it 😂😂

Well, Northumbria down to Fens, thinking about it, the tail is wagging the dog. A British Isles party. Someone who gives a shite about the majority, not the selected few. 

Let’s face it of those I had written to, the blog must have really helped them out, probably why they haven’t asked for my paperwork. 

It’s impossible that they are not aware of the site, after all. 

AI everywhere. Hence, abuse of power, perverting justice equals child abuse. 


😂😂😂 Where next? Falklands, Silly Isles, Outer Hebrides rather than Rwanda. 

Missing the point, if you keep blowing up civilizations and allow cutthroats in, you will not stop migrants. 

First rule for doctors, diagnose then treat. 

With peace and rebuild, the migrants will stop as building back their own nations. 

My diagnosis. 

UN needs to sort it out or do we need something that actually works 🤔

All on the political agenda. EU manpower shortage so need migrants. Aging population and shortfall in pension funds. 

America all Templar and manipulating global prices. China fed up at having the piss taken out of. 

Russia lost the plot. Iran v Pakistan v India interesting flashpoint. Two nuke nations. 🤔🤔🤔

Let’s HOPE it turns out better than expected by AI and algorithms with no humane oversight 😂

Howard Lamb

19th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Horizon was faulty from day one and not sorted out properly over two decades. If Horizon is used throughout government departments and is faulty, you can understand the cover-up. 

Work and pensions: how many false fraud convictions or abuses by the system, as the people had no voice. Who is checking out all the other systems in use, and are they independent? This is just as important; otherwise, more cover-ups will take place. 

As you have seen with my child x case study, the police cannot be trusted to do their job when the government is involved. I am still waiting for their first response over child abuse after a year and have not received any paperwork I have requested, let alone standard procedure for complaint. 

So, when the government is involved in the abuse of power and perverting justice, with the Met in their pocket, they are working against the people or potentially committing treason. What a mess! It would seem how they handled the post office fraud is standard procedure across the board. 

Who is capable of getting justice for those who are vulnerable and in need? 🤔

Reading up on treason: Lord Haw Haw from the Second World War was the last prosecution for his anti-British propaganda or working against the people. Interesting 🤔

If being prosecuted for a criminal act, you should not be allowed to use the power of the state to protect yourself, surely? 🤔

Clearly, from the post office to NHS diagnosis, social care, education, and councils with their SS, this is what has been done to cover up the top brasses’ arses and work against the people. Just removing human rights from children in need should have been enough 🤬😱

Simples. If you don’t have human rights, you do not have access to justice.

Exactly. If the police are not independent, who is going to investigate?

In black and white. Parliament Publications – Youth detention: solitary confinement and restraint

Rather, white is black and black is white like we have now. 

Why am I so anti-social services? Well, I’ve seen how they work at ground level. The SS involved with child x had no medical training, did not understand how autism/ADHD/post-traumatic stress/dyslexia affected the child, and only saw his bad behavior because of his frustration at nobody listening to him. One said just increase his medication: an adult drug that affects the development of the juvenile brain. In a different era, I would have slapped him and shot him at dawn. Heaven help me from inappropriate actions 😂😂😂

The only reason Parliament banned dueling was to stop themselves from being shot or drilled through with a sword. 🤔🤔

Not just me then. The Challenging Behavioural Foundation article – NHS Digital shows high levels of restrictive practices being used in inpatient units

If you can’t defend yourself, like these children, how can you fight for justice? Why should they have to if the system worked? 

Who corrupted the system so they have no voice? Who is responsible for the damage done to them? Nobody because they have no rights and can be restrained at will by people with no understanding of the child or what they have been put through: just naughty, we will show them it’s not allowed ✅

Child melted down, so we restrained him/her to protect them and staff/others but damaged the child further 😡

How can you make this stuff up? I’ve seen it and chronicled as much as I could, have all relevant paperwork from all involved yet the police have not asked for it and refused to interact. The council psychologist was not one of the proper ones who get to the bottom of their patients’ problems but one of those that just drug. Council would not listen to me, Ed psychologist working from the child’s paediatrician notes, because we did not work for the council. Total stitch-up.

Howard Lamb

17th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Here we go again. Big Issue article – DWP falsely accuses single mum of owing £12,000 – when they actually owe her money 

The big issue article is not a one off, never to be repeated situation.

But who listens to scroungers who get what they deserve.

There has to be a fault in the software for it to have happened at all.

Letter to PM on a slow burn at moment as a can’t take Tourette’s out of the drafts, but I’m sure it will come. ✅😂

Howard Lamb

16th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Not just UK then. Dawn article – Autism care

Even if all our kids were diagnosed, there are nowhere near enough trained staff or facilities for them. So, label them as naughty to fill the void.

I cannot believe the parallels between the post office scandal and non-diagnosis of autistic children. Started under Labour and covered up by the Tories. At least the posties were capable of fighting their corner, but even then, it’s taken decades.

It’s hard enough to get them to clean their teeth, let alone turn up for stressful meetings with police, lawyers, and courts.

When forced, their behaviour is normally poor, as in fight and flight mode, and they just want to escape. ✅

The SS are not trained health professionals, so only see bad behaviour, not the underlying causes. So, write what they see and no understanding of reasons. ✅

Same with teachers who are trained to give normal education to normal children. What a mess.

By not understanding the children and handling them like the norm, the SS and teachers are creating the problems for those with special needs, then blaming them for their problems. Bad behaviour is normal when you try and bang a round peg into a square hole. ✅

I would know, as I have been there in my own childhood. 🤔

Howard Lamb

15th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Cameron can’t remember about the post office. Others could not remember much about COVID. Yep, it’s a worry that so many have a loss of memory and they still hold important roles in the government. Political dementia. 😂😂😂 Our legal team has told them not to say anything. 🤔

Do you remember twisting the system to adversely affect children with special needs? No, that does not ring a bell. May gave the honor as told she was sorting it out. An honor for the cover-up. It stinks to high heaven.”

That explains a lot. Benefits and Works news – Post Office Horizon software originally aimed at claimants

Government Press Release – Landmark moment for scientists, researchers and businesses as UK association to £80 billion Horizon research programme officially sealed

Well, you have to ask how many benefit frauds are correct, as faulty software may have perverted justice. How many other systems have been corrupted? 🤔 You have to ask how many dole cheats are just more potential victims of crime and given a criminal record just to make their lives worse.

We will teach you for being bad parents with naughty kids. Vote Tory! ✅ Don’t get me on Sir K. Honour for cover-up. Saville and posties have nothing to do with me; I only ran CPS. 😂😂😂😂

Yep, Lib, Lab, and Con leaders, or the three wise monkeys: see, hear, and don’t speak evil. It’s not as if the UK does not have good software people. So, who facilitated Fujitsu and what did they get out of it? I expect Blair has political dementia on the subject. ✅ Some of Sir K’s cock-ups at CPS: Saville, Rochdale abuse scandal, case dropped, operation Midlands, undercover police scandal, 30% budget cut, and loss of expensive quality litigants. No previous history in prosecution. Defo good for the knighthood.

CPs dropping case prob didn’t help. BBC article – Police left children at mercy of grooming gangs in Rochdale, review finds

As for memory, it should all be down in Cabinet notes taken at the time and on the record, or have they gone missing as well? ✅ Probably just forgotten about them. It’s the government, for God’s sake. Everything in triplicate. ✅ With their political memory, you can understand why. 😂😂

Howard Lamb

14th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
What do I say to the Prime Minister that I have not already said?

I’ll probably attach my complaint letter to the GCC, upon site, where I explain that those at the bottom lie to those above, who lie to those above them, until the minister has all his boxes ticked and everything is tickety-boo. Just like at the post office. Just hateful people trying to damage the government. ✅

While they have been covering everything up, several more generations have been and are being abused by the corrupted system and often being damaged beyond repair. Just naughty, not spectrum, poor mothers, etc., job done, tick, more money saved.

You just knew Cameron, who bombed Syria, Libya, etc., was going to war again; he has a history. Another illegal strike, bypassing Parliament. But it has deflected the press from the post office scandal. Let’s kill some Muslims to take the pressure off at home. 😱😱😱 It was the timing of the strikes. Why not wait a few days to attack after it’s been bounced around Westminster. Could have put marines on each boat in the danger zone. Thousands in the area, after all. It’s not as if British-flagged ships have been involved, Norwegian ship 2 days ago. Well, Iran needs to be decimated, so America has a clean sweep in the area as part of their global control. Text TAF. The post office is the iceberg that did for the Titanic. The band has stopped playing, and the politicians have taken over the lifeboats. A reasonable analogy.

These people are not moral but politicians, wanting their place in history and the loot that goes with it. No matter how twisted and/or incompetent they are. They believe they hold no responsibility and, more importantly, are above the law, so not prosecutable. Hence their tight control and no achievable complaint procedure outside the courts. Abused people whose life choice is vagrancy are a bit mismatched with unlimited legal support for the government with taxpayers’ money as legal aid.

I come from the other side of the spectrum and dealt with the child and family to see what was going on in real-time as it happened. Not a minister ticking boxes that only lies could achieve so the strategic plan could work. Misinformation is the norm and has become standard procedure.

Howard Lamb

13th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Of course. If you have people behind closed doors (privy and secret bits), deciding how things will go and control the end product/outcome, rather than law and prosecution, you can’t be living in a democracy. 👍 But this is what happens. Who got prosecuted for anything over Baby P? Fudge, fudge, fudge. No questions to answer. Then recommendations ignored. Nothing changes.

I had to laugh over the Postman Pat scandal. Ministers did not respond because they thought the posties were just having a go at them, after all. All their boxes were ticked, so what could possibly go wrong 😂😂😂😂. Stop it. Postman Pat committed suicide while doing time for a crime he did not commit. No, I am sure that was never an episode.

In 1922, the “Committed” came into existence to improve standards and stop the buying of honours and PMs. Seems to have gone backward in the last 100 years, defo not a change for the better. The power is there to protect the people, not cover the brasses’ arses. Brass is another name for a prostitute who would do anything for money. Just to be clear, so there is no confusion, top brasses are like horse brasses, decorative and cost a small fortune. Not that different, really 😂😂😂.

Antique proper brasses, not the puny shite you get nowadays. Just like the lower house ✅. Why were they called brasses? Small change money was known as brass. So it’s what you get for pennies rather than pounds. Sounds about right, but I’m sure there are plenty of folk law stories with different explanations. If the cap fits, wear it. Stop it. Where there’s muck, there’s brass. 😂😂😂. Agreed. Solicitors cost brass.

They did not have a good week. A couple of weeks back, a solicitor had to lie for their client over PPE profit. This week it was every dirty trick in the book to protect their clients over their corrupted software and management. Politics is a dirty business. But should not be and working for all, not self. Baby P, if they had implemented the recommendations, the GCC would have had to act ✅

Howard Lamb

12th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
No, I have had nothing back from the police. No paperwork or asking for evidence. No details of what’s happening due to activating their complaints procedures. No explanation of breach of protocols and codes.

How can it be said there is no cover-up when the police are perverting justice to protect the government over wholesale child abuse to save money and damage the people they have a duty of care for?

I have seen the effect firsthand. Written to three prime ministers, Cabinet Office, Attorney Generals, regulatory bodies, asking for their paperwork and details of their complaints procedures and have not received anything.

Abuse of power and perverting justice seems to be their norm. Yet, kids are suffering as we speak. You cannot understand my anger.

The PM is overdue a top-up letter, which I will put together over the next few days. Serial offenders: Bloods, Liverpool fans, cladding, Saville, etc. If the government does not want to admit wrongdoing, it gets covered up. Just criminal.

How do they get away with it? Firstly, you need the police in your pocket. Then you use the weight and unlimited finance to damage and delay any case. 😢 Just wrong. It needs a proper criminal investigation by untouchables, and people need to go to jail. Two sets of rules have to stop. One rule for all the people, not one for us and one for them. No PM has ever gone to jail. Well overdue 😂😂 Stop it.

Look at Teflon Tony. Years after the illegal war, a crocodile tear and a heartfelt sorry. After earning millions off the back of his deceit. He may actually have a heart, but being responsible for such a mess in the Middle East and millions affected or dead, he has no feelings, all about self. Position and power.

Why are the police not involved with miscarriage of justice at the post office? Rather than a lesson learned by inquiry and nothing done to balance the scales of justice 🤔 Look at the Child X case. Put at risk and abused by the system, then the system covers it up and does not investigate.

Basically, the criminals run the court. Hence, justice for autism.

Howard Lamb

10th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
It never ceases to amaze me the lengths they go to, to protect their position.

For example, a million people have died prematurely due to poverty in the last decade. So the ones who were detailing the premature deaths just lump them all together, job done. Both articles in MSM this week. Like the post scandal. Even though the government owns the postal service, on behalf of the people, they have distanced themselves, so they have no responsibility. The minister in charge of the post office had to know back when the fault in the software was found, yet they continued to prosecute more people, same with the blood scandal. Knew the blood was dodgy but still put it into patients for several years.

This has to stop.

They know what they have done to the children but still put them at risk. Normal till diagnosed, so just sucked in as the surgeon general does/did not want them diagnosed until six. A three-year-old being handled wrongly causes the basic problems the children experience at six when entering normal school for normal kids.

I’ve thought long and hard to understand the logic. Civil servants hiding stuff so they don’t get bullied 🤔 Too many yes men/women/any gender. So that’s not an option. So it must be the government and PM’s/cabinet office/privy council who make sure it stays buried and does not tarnish reputation. Nine hundred families’ lives suffer, but it’s okay because she voluntarily gave back her honour. 🤬

I had to laugh; the ONS article seemed to suggest that living on the street to cut normal age by half was due to a lifestyle choice. So, no need to highlight it.

Exactly. If you know mistakes have happened and you cover it up, trying to ignore the problem, you have perverted justice. Ask any judge.

If you give contaminated blood and know, that’s attempted manslaughter; then perverted justice to get away with the crime. The same goes for the posties. They knew innocent people were going to jail and then covered it up; it could not have happened if they had not covered the top brasses’ arses.

It’s impossible to be just a rogue at work or Dr. Shipman. May he toast in hell forever. Either the system is not fit for purpose and it’s incompetently run, or the gov/privy council has iron fist control to keep the sheep at bay while getting away with blue murder. Probably a fairly even split 🤔

Why the top brasses? Over such huge issues, the gov would have to take advice from legal, etc., via the privy council. Any delay in justice or stopping the transfer of bad blood is down to their actions or lack of.

So, they protect themselves by abusing power and use the weight of the state to stop complaints and admission of wrongdoing.

Howard Lamb

9th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
The Department of Business and Trade are the 100% shareholders in the post office. They have been incompetent at best and perverted justice in the process. It’s 2024, and the software problem was known about in 2010. 

The cover-up will run deep, but the return of an honour and scapegoat is the best they will want to do. This had to be discussed at the cabinet level. The blood scandal is the same. The Covid inquiry has been dragging on for years. Liverpool fans, numerous abuse scandals, a long, long list of things put on the back burner, and not handled within correct time schedules for such matters. Whitewashed so all responsible get away with a lot. It needs to change.

Look at autism—won a tribunal that shows the council repeatedly put a child at risk, and instead of a hand up, gov, fair cop. They ruined his placement and blamed the mother 🤬.

In 2012 was the tribunal, 2010 was when I took him on as a patient.

Howard Lamb

8th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Post office scandal: Covered up, and 900 caught for fraud. Thousands stressed out.

I saw firsthand, having postmasters as patients at the time. Reputations gone, and communities turned against them.

Of course, they need compensation. Government nearly bankrupt, and the post office making a loss. So, where does the money come from? Asset strip all those involved, maybe. Walk of shame ✔️

If they cover up wrongdoing, how is the system ever going to change for the better? They asset-strip criminals, so what’s the difference?

I would do the same for all those who have and are covering up child abuse on a commercial scale through wrong and non-diagnosis ✔️

You could start with New Labour: Blair and his millions earned after going to war illegally. His assets and his cabinets, and all those who kept the secret.

Yep, bankrupt them, and many would end up like Boris Becker. Banged up for hiding assets 😂😂

I expect that’s where the million-signature petition should go 👍Government guidance – Having honours taken away (forfeiture)

Sky article – Disgraced public figures who have been stripped of their honours


Post office knew about the software problem but kept on prosecuting. Just like the kids with special needs. The government has known but done nothing to stop the misery. They feel so protected they can cover up and have no risk to themselves. It needs to stop.

900 postmasters are just the tip of the iceberg when you think that over a million spectrum kids have been badly affected over the decades. Justice will help bring closure from the trauma imposed on them for not complying with the norm.

All government departments are the same. If you cock up, cover it up because the government does not want to be seen in a bad light ✔️

Behave. It’s impossible to muzzle the police and oversight committees from the outside. Perverting justice is a crime. The cover-up has to be thorough so it will be widespread and up to those in control at the Privy Council and beyond. Parliament, lords, judiciary, for instance.

So how do you get justice when the system is full of people with criminal intent to pervert justice 🤔

To be fair: Happened under Labour then covered up under the Cons. Take your pick, right time frame for the posties and the naughty kids. I wonder what that human rights lawyer Sir K has to say about it 😂

Walk of shame. Not as depicted in Game of Thrones. Modern-day version of internet decimation of reputation then asset revival works. Karma. All done while earning money and position. It’s, therefore, right that all should go for the guilty 👍

I believe that here in front of the forfeits committee has worked in the NHS and other departments. Shouldn’t they check for other major cock-ups? After all, look at the state of the NHS 😂😂

Yes, people who run budgets for the gov. No expertise as just following the gov line ✔️ And you wonder where it’s all gone wrong. Get rid of all those experts from the Environment Agency and their mates at the water companies promised not to pollute.

Let’s build shed loads of concrete buildings to last for 50 years.

60 years later, how did that happen.

All bodged then covered up.

King Charles was ridiculed for his carbuncles if I remember.

Fewer people paid benefits? Or if you are naughty, you don’t get anything.

Defo no care for society. Guardian article – Health inequalities ‘caused 1m early deaths in England in last decade’

Howard Lamb

7th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why did the unions not stand up for their members?

It goes back to the 3-day week and the miners who were fighting for their jobs and communities, but the government saw it as being held to ransom by some communist individuals.

Unions and the people have moved on or had to move due to a lack of jobs. This marked the start of the decline, creating a north-south divide. The government doesn’t forget, ensuring it can’t happen again by controlling the system for totalitarian purposes. 9/11 exacerbated this by eroding privacy. Now they can monitor you in your homes and discredit you from afar. Banks also have the power to close accounts based on uncontested information.

Does that help? 💋

Algorithms rule. ✅

I would like to see both blue and white-collar unions unite. Young doctors endure heavy debt, around £80k, to get their degree, then are treated and worked like ‘C’ word for £14 an hour.

Meanwhile, part-time consultants in the private sector earn 3 to 4 hundred an hour, explaining why medical insurance costs have skyrocketed.

The 3-day week and Blair’s policies have heavily favoured certain individuals in the workforce.

A TV is so smart it can mimic MI5’s rhythm. 😂

Smart computers and phones, anything on the internet, alarm systems, etc.—who decides and on what grounds can GCHQ do all this? How can one contest any information used against them? 🤔

Persons of interest come to mind.

Regarding the security of the nation, they bypass normal protocols to do what they want, leading to incompetence and bringing the country to its knees.

There’s effluence everywhere, not just cream that floats to the top—scum, grease, and ‘poo with good fibre’ 😂

Who’s looking after the innocent? That’s the question of the day. More importantly, who is prioritizing self-interest over the nation’s well-being?

Read up on treason 😂😂

PS: Who will blow the whistle after Assange and the other person living in Russia? Their lives were trashed. Assange exposed America’s actions, shooting at anything that moved, showcasing the true face of the USA.

Regarding America, a program showed rednecks shooting a skunk with a fifty-caliber round. Much like in mission control, without due process, only a derogatory term was used, showing a disregard for life. Yet, Assange is the one facing consequences 🤔

Let’s not dive into how ‘woke’ culture has eroded our ability to complain.

I think you’re being inappropriate; we do not abuse children. Goodbye.

A good point. Why would we pay doctors more when the nation’s health is critical?

No unions were acting within the law and their rights.

Control, increased powers, and democracy on the decline due to totalitarian/capitalist intervention. How else can you explain Thatcher’s balanced books against our trillions in national debt?

Howard Lamb

6th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Oops. BBC news article – Nicola Sturgeon warns flagship care plan may not be meeting goals

Shame they are not covering the children, just protecting staff from the system. Guardian article – Ofsted school inspections to restart on 22 January after mental health training

Howard Lamb

4th January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Assumption is the mother of all cluster f’s.

I assumed that the system cared; that someone or some department was there to do the right thing. The truth is that if it’s not covered by a box, it never gets ticked. Everyone is limited to what their capabilities are, and the assumption is that it’s someone else’s responsibility. If you have no diagnosis, the only box to tick is ‘normal.’ Spectrum kids have to conform to the norm when they are normal for spectrum traits only. What could possibly go wrong and did 🤬?

To be fair, many have stood up over the years to make change. They usually have to reapply for their own job and not get it, or stuff put on their record—troublemaker, etc. Totally stitched-up system. It could not have just happened. It’s well thought through and comprehensive. So the question has to be: Who put the spanner in the works for our disabled kids? Maybe the police will tell me when they finally get back to me 😂😂😂😂😂.

Take the GCC (General Chiropractic Council): A chiropractic patient, part of a larger case study, over my free clinic for a combination of brain malfunctions.

The GCC is set up to protect patients, referred me to the police. ✅ Police have had over a year and not contacted me. Both linked via the Privy Council. What could possibly have happened behind closed doors?

Of course, the GCC knew. They passed it for CPD (Continuing Professional Development), up on-site somewhere with my failed one where I was removed from the register, then accepted on appeal without change. I wonder what happened there then. Can’t see the major general going rogue. Good soldiers carry out their orders.

All they had to do was stand by my right to diagnose, re-charter. I would have done the rest, but as a ‘naughty’ therapist, I had no capability as seen as an idiot. Not consulted with specialist capability through diagnosing and helping trait symptoms. Developed over most of my 30 years, at that time, in practice.

Why didn’t they? 🤔

Howard Lamb

3rd January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Yes, it’s a lot to take in in one hit.

In their defence, they truly believe they are just naughty because they have crap parents.

Living in ivory towers and told they are just lazy scroungers, it’s not a surprise they have been so cruel to disabled children.

I, on the other hand, went through the war zone caused by non-diagnosis and traumatic stress, or family life when the state’s system has been twisted against them.

I’ve seen how middle-class social workers act with these crop families; when all they need is help, believe me, they are not helpful. Covering **up** at the family’s expense.

When you have no credibility, you get nothing but grief.

Howard Lamb

1st January, 2024

Dear Patient,

Long read. All paperwork and not adhered to. No finance so no diagnosis and then they are normal and don’t need send. 

Job done. ✅ Special Educational Needs – Code of Practice

All sounds great, but just not happening. When you can blame others (crap parents), you can save a fortune. Short term, that is. Non-educated and mainly illiterate, with issues (mental health due to the abusive system), on benefits for life. Filling expensive homes, prisons, and special hospitals. High suicide rate and no hope because it was their parents’ fault. Makes my blood boil.

Schools and SS do not have medical training and cannot diagnose. Until the child is diagnosed, they are normal and not sent. Simple scam but very damaging to those who need special care.

You look back at the justice site. Child X was put at risk by the council; he was then mentally and physically abused. Was not diagnosed by the NHS until 19. Councils only accept their own people’s diagnosis (the pill pushers who just medicate so the child can be mood-altered not helped long term) or NHS if they have to. System stitched up to come in on budget ✅.

Sunak was chancellor. Has to know. As did all the previous from New Labour onwards. How many Manikins in Whitehall were made to work against the people and got their knighthoods for the favor. As came out over the New Year’s honors. If you don’t do what the gov says you lose your job and are blackballed (ostracized). End of career ✅.

Howard Lamb

31st December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Classic.  Nothing to do with crap education and non-diagnosis then. Guardian article – Tory MP says most struggling children in his area are ‘products of crap parents’

I talked to education that causes the children problems by forcing normality on them, with no diagnosis, and social services who have no medical training, so it must be true 🤬.

Just one of dozens on the internet. All say the same, early diagnosis is important. If not diagnosed and normalised does a lot of damage. It’s ok because they just blame the mother.

Autism Research Institute article – Study indicates that early diagnosis can significantly benefit children with autism 

Poverty, single parents, non-diagnosis don’t help, but the mental damage done by trying to normalize through brainwashing will stay with them forever.

It will cost tens of billions to change. Why bother when it’s just crap parents?

So angry as I have been in the trenches with them and gone through it myself.

I entered chiropractic as a mature student. I was 24 because of the damage education did to me.

I was lucky to have a stable family and above the poverty line.

Text to a friend:

I’m still spitting feathers. Ignorance is bliss.

Let’s face it, if a fifteen-year-old naughty boy can be locked away in solitary for months, how can you say the system is not the problem?

The single mother of Child X has 2 children, one sailed through education and is in full-time employment and has a mortgage.

No police record and a solid citizen.

The other was non-diagnosed and trashed by the system.

All in the mother’s paperwork the police don’t seem to want to look at.

Definitely smell a rat or two 🤔.

Why the difference? Passed down the father’s line. The first child was a girl.

The son got traumatized at school, dumped out to protect themselves from Ofsted. Then a history of abuse by education until we won a tribunal. Even then he was not safe as they treated him for being naughty not autistic and saved money by trashing his placement.

Finally diagnosed by the NHS at 19.

He did not stand a chance.

All in the paperwork the gov or police don’t want to see.

Maybe if all the crap mothers come together in the MP’s constituency they could have him deselected for the next election.

Their democratic right, even though basic human rights have been removed from their children ✅.

That might help. Guardian article – Fear of Tory grassroots rebellion as MPs are booted out for next election

House of Commons Library – Research Briefing Recall Elections

Well, Ed and SS don’t say they are normalizing children without diagnosis and funding for anything else. So the MP assumes they are right and it’s just crap parents.

So the myth goes on and on.

The councils who are responsible are even more protective of the system because they know the crimes against humanity they have inflicted on those who needed care for their special needs.

Easier to call them money scrounging scum and break even more human rights ✅.

Yes, there are crap parents who love their children but can’t cope well on their own, below the poverty line, and no physical help to change things for their families.

How does the council help?

They try and get rid of them as troublemakers. Make them jump through hoops and waste vast amounts of the mother’s time which could be used to look after her family.

I have access to vast amounts of paperwork over a 10+ year battle the mother has had over housing.

In hands of solicitors over one part so can’t say much!

From my experience of this and other cases, I would say the council runs a black book of names of people who have upset the council and are on the slow train to nowhere when it comes to council actions.

Why has it gone on for so long? Who listens to a bad mother?

System stitched up and human rights removed.

No chance. Job done ✅. No need to investigate ✅.

The problem is that nobody wants to take the bull by the horns and sort this travesty out.

Why? Because reputations from careers through teachers, SS, councils, Whitehall, Westminster, and gov would be trashed.

Why bother when there are only a million plus undiagnosed in the UK and tens of thousands entering the system undiagnosed each year.

Probably more than a walk of shame for those at the top who have tried to cover it up 🤬.

As you can see on-site, I have personal experience of a slow train to nowhere.

I hope that with my guidance through the dark gov swamp, we can now see light and if we all pull in the correct direction, we can change our world.

Parliament is a great place to start if needs be one brick at a time.

Nice and privy councils linked globally. Change our gov’s way of doing business and we change it all.

Happy new year even if 10 days late 😂😂.

Howard Lamb

29th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Money is always needed. Take care of your personal finances (COP). If the oil producers’ GNP is based on oil, they cannot survive without those monies. It won’t happen without a compensation package the world can’t afford.

If money had no intrinsic value, the world could print all it needs and pay for necessary changes.

Money pays for everything, and everyone is trying to earn some, while the few have filled their boots, operating solely as business capitalists. No debt, a new way where money is not the root of all evil, a false god. Definitely in the big ten as a no-no.

What will the new year bring for me? A long list of to-dos: about 20 orders, several letters. Business as usual, I expect. No quarter asked 👍

Perfect 😂😂

It would be nice if the planet and humanity profit for a change. ✅


Howard Lamb


26th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
One of the major roles of Parliament is to check, scrutinize, and challenge the government’s work through debate, committees, and questioning ministers.

Clearly, it has failed in its roles and functions when human rights are removed, court cases are lost, and nothing changes.

Control and save money rather than diagnose and treat correctly.

An election will not solve the problem, as it’s Parliament that has caused its own downfall and does not want to deal with the damage done to save their reputations. After all, as seen on site, they have been told.

Getting back to the real world, I’ll be in the clinic tomorrow for the rest of the week, New Year’s Day off, then back to normal. Healthcare does not get a holiday.

When a young doctor is paid less than it costs for an agency career, you can see why they have the hump. 🤔

Just googled it, home care is around £25 an hour, nearly twice what a junior doctor gets. 🤔

Well, Sir K didn’t prosecute when in charge of the CPs, so will not rock the boat when it comes to non-prosecuted child abuse. Can’t prove rape, so just get on with it, Saville, no evidence, etc.

Howard Lamb

23rd December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Well, who knew. Britannica Ethical Issues seven deadly sins

Howard Lamb

22nd December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
At Christmas, you can’t help but think of the promised land. Stick to the Ten Commandments, and you can’t go wrong.


What did they do? They weaponized religion and have been at war over the promised land ever since. Sort of missed the point. 

Be nice, stick to the Ten, and stop being a greedy bastard. Then the world, people, and environment will flourish again.

I bet Charles III would love to make political comments as the leader of the faiths, but can’t because it might be deemed as political. Nicely and royally stitched up. 🤔

Really, I wonder. Will be checking to see if he is uncomfortable or gives off tells during his speech. Britain needs a king to stand up to Parliament. Royalist and parliamentary wars again, revenge for the loss of a previous Charles. 🤔

If the Crown services are under government control but run by people who have been honored and have to live by the code, something has to give.

Merry Christmas, and thanks to all my patients for their help and support over a very long 12 months. 💋

Text to a friend:
Could catch on. How many deadly sins have parliamentarians enjoyed running into Christmas? 😂😂😂

And who is suspected of breaking the most? A parlour game for Boxing Day after the footie and before the highlights. 🤔

Made in God’s image, not physical, but a unique life force with choice and the ability to make decisions. All life force messages will be in the cosmic cloud. We are a part of God. Says so in the Bible. I was only 6 at the time, so not 100% 😱, but it rings true. That little theory will keep me busy over the Merry Christmas break. 😂😂

Howard Lamb

21st December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Why have I had to go to these lengths to get justice?

Good question.

If you only have the one play book which centres on control, never admit you are wrong, lie through you back teeth whilst smiling, cover up or loose in the system, complaints, manipulate the media to cover arse.

It would explain the length of time.

They can’t do anything else because if the truth come out, they would have to do the walk of shame.

Not naked, just verbally abused by those who were not treated justly due to self-preservation on their behalf.

Howard Lamb

21st December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Please read the latest communication from IOPC dated 11th October 2023 and my chase up letter sent 21st December 2023

Howard Lamb

19th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
If you don’t prosecute those who have abused, the abuse will not stop.

My top up letter to the Met about complaint, which has gone nowhere in a year will go up on Thursday. The old new year.

Howard Lamb

18th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Seven years to get justice. But nobody charged. This case is just the tip of the iceberg. Guardian article – Boy kept in solitary confinement wins £31,500 payout

Howard Lamb

16th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
How much do I blame NICE for the state of the nation’s health? Well, docs can only work within their NICE protocols. The worrying thing is their influence is worldwide.

If they don’t say use a UVB for vitamin D depletion or a SAD bulb for depression, both for those with both, or natural anti-inflammatories for an inflamed heart and pericardial sac, docs don’t prescribe. 🤔

Only pharmaceutical treatment to suppress conditions, not solve. Nice profit. 🤔

Where does WHO stand? At the top and only listen to the drug companies. Nothing can be done for COVID until we have a vaccine. Yet by cleaning the air in my clinic of the virus, allowing us to work safely and not infect our patients. Obviously disinfect surfaces, etc. as well. 👍

Piers said he did not hack himself and never did. Yet hacking was rife at the Mirror when he was in charge, so the judge said. He arrived the year before it started. 🤔 Three wise monkey syndrome. Or plausible deniability as all the paperwork disappeared.

How can you be in charge for a decade and not know how your staff get their stories? I expect a blind eye was turned to keep and improve turnover. Of course, he would not say at the Milly inquiry. 🤔 Wouldn’t you say, Piers? 😂😂

The question has to be, in what year did he realize hacking was becoming a problem, and what did he do about it? 🤔

P.S. Leave gender choice and education till puberty. And allow the child some freedom from the norm and acceptance from their peers. Just a thought. 🤔

Howard Lamb

12th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Flow Neuro Science – Treat depression, without the side effects of drugs

Vit d. Diet, supplements. UV/SAD light. And get out into the sun when available. National Library of Medicine – Treatment of vitamin D deficiency with UV light in patients with malabsorption syndromes: a case series

The problem with diet and supplements is many people with IBS do not absorb it through the intestine. So sunshine and bulbs will help.

I noticed vit d sufficiency in my ethnic clients prob 20 years ago. But have been banging my head against a brick wall.

The darker the skin pigment the more sun you need for vit d. Not rocket science.

Howard Lamb

11th December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Guardian article – Holyrood passes revised bill on children’s rights after UK challenge

Text to a friend:
UNCRC, passed by Scottish Parliament unanimously, three years late after being blocked by Westminster. UK signed up years ago but have not implemented. You have to ask why. Best guess: money and protection for all those in the system who are routinely abusing kids with special needs through wrong and non-diagnosis.

Instead of blaming them for being naughty and making them comply with normality, having had their human rights removed so they can be restrained and mentally abused. They will have to be treated with respect because they have rights.

New ways of thinking, retraining staff. Early diagnosis, long list. All costs money, historic child abuse would have to come into play.

So let’s protect the gov and abuse children instead. Then cover it up.

Boris at the inquiry. They were not really parties. All the staff at No. 10 were working really hard on lockdown but did not understand the rules they had made. OMG. I didn’t twig how bad it was going to be 😁 Yet we had pictures of China disinfecting everything and horror stories coming out of Italy and Spain. Being British, I expect they assumed the virus would not dare cross the channel and busy on Brexit anyway. What a crock.

Can’t wait to hear the spin the PM uses as he was advising against lockdown due to imminent collapse of the bond market. You can’t expect truth when reputations are at risk.

One in four had an allergic reaction to the original vaccines, in the news last week. Fatal for some. Gov having to pay compensation not the drug companies. If I were in control, I would sue the drug companies for misleading results from limited trials and claw back some of the billions they made in profit.

They must know by now why so many people have long COVID and what caused it. I’ve had several patients with swelling of the heart after the virus. Cardiologists put them on beta blockers and blood thinners to protect the heart. They do not prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to solve the problem as could cause a bleed. Turmeric and Boswellia both good natural anti-inflammatory drugs with no history of causing bleeds. Not licensed by the drug companies so not prescribed. Heaven help us. I have recommended Cut Cumin Ultra from Lamberts, Boswellia Rein Extract from Solgar, Coenzyme Q10 again Lamberts, and a Magnesium 375 from Lamberts. A Q10 daily, magnesium every other day and alternate the two inflam supplements. Check with a good health food supplier if comparable with other medication. Had good results so far. If inflammation is the trigger to AF, unless you control it, it will keep triggering the AF, a vicious cycle. I also work on the chest muscles, pecs, costars, intercostals which often in partial spasm due to the coughing. This causes restricted movement and resistance, probably partially responsible for the problem. Well, cardiologists don’t do musculoskeletal/neurology and orthopaedics and neurology don’t do cardiac.🤔🤔🤔

Why alternate, to minimize any risk of a bleed. I’m still researching but have seen no evidence why they should not be used. However, if an NHS consultant recommends and something goes wrong they can be struck off. Drug companies have the NHS stitched up so the patient has to take the responsibility. Spices and resins cannot be monopolized by big pharma. So nutritional support is pooh-poohed and not used, where is the profit if people can get better by themselves 😡 A can of worms, too little salt causes heart to flutter. Too much potassium makes heart flutter, some medication for BP have potassium. And nobody wants heart problems so don’t take salt. Salt RDA is 2 to 4 grams a day depending on the person’s size. AF is affecting 1 in 4 of the adult population. Prolonged stress will cause heart flutter. Beta-blockers and rat poison. Cardioversion and ablation do not get rid of the triggers so always come back 😢 Ironic. Prepare your organic food and don’t add enough salt and your heart flutters, bread, pre-made foods are stuffed full of salt and that can cause problems as you are overdosing. That’s why we have RDAs.

If AF persists add good quality fish/krill oil, arnica, and a smidge of B12. Do light mobility exercise and try relaxation techniques/meditation to bring heart rate and blood pressure down. Diet, swap red meats for oily fish, chicken, and pork. Take out bread and add tomatoes. Google anti-inflammatory diet. Then if needs be look at cardioversion/ablation. Ps worry about AF makes your heart flutter 👍😂 Let’s face it, if you don’t resolve what triggers your AF. You are on expensive drugs for life, pacemaker, etc. Good repeat business for big pharma and cardiologists. Warfarin (rat poison). I have had the same woolly thinking from orthopedics for 40 years, you have done the drugs and the 4 exercises from physio and got worse so you need an opp. Only answer. If you don’t solve the trigger, of course, it will get worse. Literally thousands of patients over the past 80 years have avoided the knife as we rebalance and stabilize the triggers. Derrr Naughty therapist after all so who listens 😡

On a roll

Vitamin D deficiency time of year aggravated by global warming. Wet and cloudy SW weather. No sun for days at a time. Not frost and blue skies from the north. Sunshine triggers vitamin D production in our body. Buy an S.A.D. light bulb and make sure you get at least 20 mins a day, shine light on your forehead should do it. If skin darker than white, skin pigment blocking sun effect so longer needed. People take supplements instead. If you watch how it’s extracted from fish skin you would never take it. Bulb cheap and effective. Developed in areas where it’s 24 hrs of darkness. Depressed, a bottle of Jack and a shotgun did not go well for many, so the light bulb (white light) was developed. Don’t make it more complicated than it is, if you do breakfast in the kitchen have the bulb there, if you sit in the lounge have it there. My alarm clock is sad, light comes on gradually and then the alarm tells me my morning cuppa is ready. Posh, eh Re orthopedics. When GPs come to me rather than the knife, you have to ask why 🤔 Don’t start me off, low vit D = depression. Jan blues start in October due to global warming. Mental health issue, go and see a therapist and trace it back to your childhood. Prefer a sad light bulb myself.


If you slap foundation and god knows what else on your face you block out the sun and wonder why depressed. But I look great. 😂😂😂

Howard Lamb

2nd December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Text to a friend:
Last blog for a while, but I will stay focused! 👍😂

Sunak and Boris on COVID should be of interest. Doc death vs. the not so honourable member for Uxbridge.

We made mistakes and have learnt lessons. Can we go now, please? 🤔😳

We have people losing thousands of immigrants and had no clue about the figures. Incompetence at best.

If ministers are clueless, forcing the civil service to do stuff they know will hurt the country, they go all ‘Yes, Prime Minister,’ and nothing happens.

The strategic plans are unworkable, but the government forces round pegs into square holes due to lack of understanding or intellectual capacity. Bullying and self-protection become the norm, abusing power and greed can then flourish because they become so protected they are literally untouchable.

World leaders in shambles in 100 years.

Just one or two to let you ponder on while absent. 👍✌️

PS: Hedge funders are risk-takers with other people’s money/lives in this case.

PPS: A hedge funder and a character voted in for Brexit, hit by a pandemic without preparation. Wrong people doing the wrong job. It was the lies to manipulate and control: ring fences, world-beating track and trace. Go and eat out to save the restaurant/takeaway industry. Long list: no disinfection of trains, borders open. That’s okay, but you can’t pop round to the mistress for some therapeutic exercise. Ferguson style and was crucified for telling the truth 🤔🤔

Howard Lamb

1st December, 2023

Dear Patient,

Guardian article – England’s only three swimming rivers given ‘poor’ water quality status

Guardian article – ‘Forever chemical’ in English tap water samples carcinogenic, WHO rules

Air pollution, water pollution in the water table, food chain polluted. People will die, but good for the economy and the capitalists. Clear that lockdown was far too late in all of them to protect capitalist profit, yet we have 14 million below the poverty line. Where did it all go so wrong? New Labour ✅

I’m having a week or so off blogging. This will allow me to sort and send some overdue letters.

To do a BBC, I’ve tried to look at both sides. I’m yet to find an area the gov has excelled in except self-preservation and protection of the system and their reputation.

Royal racists

What a crock! Families discuss genetic possibilities. How is that racist 🤔?

Genetic possibilities ranged from white to black with or without ginger hair.

You’re telling me no one was or should be curious. Wow.

Racism is hate, not curiosity.

Howard Lamb