Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.

hands only logo

The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ


15th July, 2016

Dear Mr Howell,

I was clearly accepted on the register earlier this year. You cannot just change your mind and do what you want.

Please let me know where you would like your complaints to be heard, either Privy Council or GCC?

Yours sincerely,

Howard Lamb


Dear Patient,

Please see the e-mails below.  The BCA have been involved for 4 years.  I am stunned by their response.  The cover-up is bigger than I thought.

Howard Lamb

From: Satjit Singh [] Sent: 13 July 2016 09:03 To: Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Subject: RE: Child X

Dear Howard

Thank you for your email. Could you please let me know what your case with the GCC is, that you wish your professional indemnity insurance to cover. I will then check the policy and revert.


Satjit Singh
Chief Executive

Direct Fax: 0118 958 8946

Main Tel: 0118 950 5950
59 Castle Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7SN

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From: Lamb Chiropractic Clinic [] Sent: 11 July 2016 10:21 To: Satjit Singh Subject: FW: Child X

Dear Satjit,

Please find attached my last communication to the solicitor of Child X’s mother regarding the Ombudsman.  It is self-explanatory.  I presume that my case with the GCC will be covered by my indemnity insurance.

Kind regards,


From: Lamb Chiropractic Clinic [] Sent: 08 July 2016 11:48 To: ‘Tracey Allen’ Subject: Child X

Dear Tracey,

Please send 2 letters for Child X’s mother.

1). To the Ombudsman asking what they have done regarding my information supplied about potential child abuse and negligence by the Council for the record.

2). To retrieve the Psychologist’s notes (Dr Kenny) and all the other confidential information that they have lost.

Child X’s mother can provide all the right information about who to write to.

Obviously the Council will only accept a psychologist’s diagnosis as seen in the Ombudsman’s Report.  Dr Kenny diagnosed Child X as high functioning autistic with secondary ADHD.  Surprise, surprise, these important notes and lots of other confidential information seems to have gone missing, and are months and months overdue.  Please do not pull your punches in your communications.

Kind regards,



Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.

hands only logo

The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ


12th July, 2016

Dear Mr Howell,

Thank you for your letter of 6th July informing me that my name has been removed from the Chiropractic Register (Reg. No. 00024), in our 80th year as a family. Over 1 million patient treatments with one blemish, a fraudulent claim that failed, you were fully informed and did nothing. I have put this matter in the hands of the BCA and the rest of the profession.

Your appeal system seems flawed. A 3-person panel: one from your staff, a GP who probably hates chiropractors, and a musculo-skeletal chiropractor who is anti-neurological chiropractic. All hand-picked by you or your staff I presume.

I have not had any response from you about my letters of complaint, criminal negligence, complicity to child abuse, and several breeches of law. I wonder why?

Unfortunately I am having to inform my 18,000 patients that my name has been removed from the register, and why I cannot call myself a chiropractor any longer. I believe that press, radio, and internet will get the message to them quickest.

Yours Sincerely,

Howard Lamb

Dear Tracey,

I spent time with Lewis and talked to Sarah-Jane, both of whom seem not to want to accept the Ombudsman’s ruling or compensation from the Council.  When you receive their confirmation of this, please send it to the Ombudsman.  Obviously they need to find out what has been done regarding child abuse and criminal negligence first.

Kind regards,



Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.

hands only logo

The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ



                                                                                                             7th October, 2014

Dear Jamie,

Thank you for your letter dated 2nd October regarding CPD points. I believe that the consultations within the profession, regarding ‘the Chiropractic Act’ are valid for CPD points. How then is it possible that my research into the profession not developing properly since the original formation of the GCC and their protocols and procedures is not valid for the forum on ‘Said Act’.

For instance:

A test case in the courts regarding notes and note-taking came to the conclusion that they are the personal property of the practitioner, and as such cannot be the basis of prosecution. Yet the GCC are still prosecuting chiropractors and influencing subsequent legal proceedings, ie Mal-administration GCC – negligence in court.

No proper right of appeal or suitable independent complaints procedure against the GCC.   This would seem to be a possible breach of human rights.

No interest in the disabilities legislation. This is probably also against the law and human rights, and is all covered in my research.

I have within the last few weeks informed the GCC about child abuse (they have known about it for 2 years) and the potential criminal acts of an ambulance chaser trying to defraud an insurance company. My next year’s CPD will be partially based on all the notes/documents/

e-mails etc that I have drawn back to find out if the GCC fulfilled their legal requirements, which are standard across the board, when informing a professional body of such acts, especially after ‘Baby P’ and a host of other cases which showed governing bodies and others tended to stick their heads in the sand. Not a great defensive position.

As it would seem that I will not be able to call myself a chiropractor soon, it will be the end of an era, ie a family history since 1936 and an unblemished record of over one million patient treatments as a family practice. I will have to start to explain to my patients why I will not be insured, and why I can’t call myself what I am a world’s expert in.

I have also found out in my learning cycle that if the GCC cannot stand up for a chiropractic patient or diagnosis, that you as a practitioner have no credibility with any other professional (including the GCC) as seen in the Child X and ambulance chasers cases.

I believe that much of this is not covered by the new Chiropractic Act, so I have also leaned in my cycle that the GCC are wall-papering over cracks, and in time will harm the profession further by not correcting mistakes. Tick box, job done.

I have handed this matter over to my association (BCA, MCA, UCA, and Royal College of Chiropractors) with this letter and will be sending authority for them to draw back all relevant documentation on both the child abuse and fraud cases. I will also ask them to find out what has been done and who has been contacted for my case study for the Court of Human Rights and other litigations.

Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely,

Howard Lamb

Posted in CPD.

Lamb Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
Howard Lamb D.C.

hands only logo

The Surgery, 48 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5NQ


17th June, 2016

Dear Mr Howell,

I believe that Jamie has my CPD retention form and my 3 letters of complaint which have not been dealt with in your absence. Clearly they show that my CPD is correct, and the information we discussed in correspondence regarding my networking at the ECU, BCA and UCA conferences gave me the information needed to formulate them. Where it says in the Chiropractic Act that you have discretion on how to deal with the law, you and your predecessor have taken it that it means discretion on whether you complied or not to the legislation, which seems to be where the problems have emanated. Law is law, you cannot pick and choose.

Reading back through my correspondence to you, your non-compliance to the Chiropractic Act has had far-reaching effects, particularly over your duty of care for chiropractic patients, or lack of should I say. This is one of the major reasons for the GCC’s existence. If you had complied with the law I am sure that we would not be in this situation today.

Even at this late stage you can comply but this is up to you to decide, or you may feel that a regulator is too big to fail, and continue with your current course where there will be consequences for your actions whether I am still in the profession or not. After all, my father treated my spectrum autism so I am certainly a chiropractic patient of long-standing and as such will still have a voice.

Yours Sincerely,

Howard Lamb